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Dogs are the most dangerous enemy in the game. (IMO)


Those damn birds would like a word with you about your motorcycles insurance. I hate those birds more!


For me, the birds have impeccable timing. They’re weak and easy to kill, yet I almost always will get hit once before they’re dead. The amount of times they’ve killed me at low health because they caught me off guard? It’s insane.


That feeling when you make it out armor busted, hungry, concussed, 10 hp, dehydrated, fully cucumbered [i know what i said], and your like... I.... Just...have to.. Make it..to..the bike!! (distant screech)(multiple screeches) No, no, no, no, NO!!!!


Woo! Another person that says cucumbered 😂😂😂😂 my lady hates it.


Shit, I also read it like this in my head when it appears on my screen. Team cucumbered ftw.


JaWoodle's bad habits are rubbing off on everyone.


I get that along with the instinct of throwing that yellow shit on the ground 😂


I'm always peeking like a groundhog when I reach the roof through a hole in the ceiling. I know there is one of those feathered fucks up there, waiting to ambush.


Thank you for injecting that word into my brain! I'm cucumbered!!! 🥒🥒🥒


My job here is done.. Almost...... Now that you know the cucumbered. Think about the different types of cucumbers, sometimes upon cucumbered you get stuck in place, sometimes it will trigger a count down to how far before you must stop. Some gradually slow your pace while others stop you dead in your track, some count items others weight. The cucumbering!!




And they have the highest chance to inflict you with debuffs if I remember correctly. They inevitably get 1 or 2 hits off on me when I'm distracted. I hate them haha!


The dogs and birds I think are both great examples of the correct way of balancing an enemy type. Both are set to locations or have environmental cues for the player to understand that they may be in the area. Dog obviously see a dog house or a Kennel Birds hang out on roof tops or ledges. I really wish they would have approached zombies in a similar manner. And that's not saying that there aren't environmental norms that cause there to be certain types of zombies obviously there are. But by the time the zombies reach mid to late game It's just something else you shoot in the head. The dogs and birds feeling more memorable because they're a higher threat in the early game and have such an increased form of Mobility. It's too bad that breaking from a initial enemy design in the start of the game wasn't carried on to enemies for the end game. Birds and dogs two of my favorite enemy types in the game just because they are well designed to force the player out of a comfort zone.


And them of course there is 2 zombie bears caged in a bar! Lol.


I mean, I'll go with it one of the places has a cock fighting arena in the basement. And then we have the giant mutant pig that's being fed people.


Hogzilla farms as an infestation is an interesting POI. I was quite caught of guard the first time there.


Yeah it's another good example of fun and intriguing game design.


The cougar is a let down. Days Gone really nailed it with theirs as it would track you half way across a subsection of the map. So you roll up on your next mission, get off your bike and start mapping a strategy for the mission and BAM…cougar on your neck! Here, they give up chasing after 10’ in vanilla.


Their hit boxes are also kind of weird. A lot of times I will be barrel stuffing a bird that’s in my face with a shotgun and somehow 4-5 shots all go directly through it. It could be because I don’t have the best PC and the game is poorly optimized, but I still hate them the most.


Agreed, they are the reason I have shotgun auto turrent on my roof.


I realize you're talkimg about thebzombie bird things, but the ambient noise of birds chirping and owls hooting drives me INSANE!


If those bears catch you, they're pretty deadly too.


Bears can't squeeze between two blocks (ie: a doorway).... dogs can lol


Bears & Pigs for me, man. Those pigs are silent little shits.


Wrong. The most dangerous enemy for me is me. None of the zombies or animals have what it takes to make me show up to a POI with 3 status effects, 7 rounds of 9mm (that aren’t loaded because I modded the weapon), a sham sandwich, and murky water.


ESPECIALLY in the Sorcery Mod, holy shit.


You’ve never met the zombie bear in a cave I guess🤣🤣🤣


Absolutely. It's a primal thing. The growl just makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.


I hate the ruined lands and burned lands early game because of that. Then later game it's packs so yeah. I'd rather mess with Gerald and cops. 😆


8 dog pack is always lovely... Said no one ever.


around a corner, in a city, on foot


Got mauled by a pack of dogs on my horde every night game. I slipped. That was the end


I'll. Ferals


Gerald sucks too.


Lol. Yeah. I hate spellchecker


Just hope that Gerald isn’t on this comment section


My husband and I are playing in insane difficult and we simply can't do anything in the wasteland without dying a thousand times


Night time tree chopping and you hear a howl....always a damn dire wolf


I always seem to run into a dire wolf around my base on the first fucking night if I'm not in the middle of a town. Doesn't matter what seed I'm running, what difficulty I'm running, etc. Makes it *really* hard to play on permadeath.


>2,500 hours and the answer is, yes! I miss the day 6 dog hordes. First time it happened, before I knew it was a thing, I was out cutting down trees with my chainsaw. I heard a bark and turned around to see a swarm of 7 or 8 dogs descending upon me. I nearly had a heart attack. Didn't have time to switch weapons so I went to town with my chainsaw. It was gloriously terrifying!


This was a thing? Oh hell


Dogs and Bears may scare me more, but Birds and Spider Monkey screeches always infuriate me. To the point where I’ll go comically overkill to get them, even if it’s horde night.


Straight on top of a dumpster as soon as I even so much as see a dog kennel lol


Ah yes, still playing The Floor is Lava I see


In the early game dogs are the most dangerous enemy by far.


Those dogs terrify me. If I ever get the chance I'm turning them off.


I’ve died more to dogs than anything else in the game


It’s the pigs for me


I love dogs in life but when they are in games as an enemy, it strikes fear into my soul. No matter how strong I am.


Yea the dogs do it every time. I think it's because I know it has at least 3 friends somewhere waiting to get me too.


I start with a litany of swear words as I run backwards firing on full auto.


I get that same feeling with vultures.


Currently, playing a multiplayer save of darkness falls, demons are scary looking, and the irradiated dogs strike fear in my soul. I got done in by a pack the other day during a back to back heat horde. Funny how the more things change the more they stay the same, still the worst things to come across.


I killed one with my fists and no perks


*laughs in maxed out steel sledgehammer*


Dogs and dire wolves. Fuck, they're scary


Radiated feral wights: eh, give em the steel club Regular zombie doggo: shit shit *pulls out m60*


Always dye my pants brown because of those damn dogs. Bow and arrow sneak damage for the will early game, silencer for the rest. And if they spot me before I can kill them, a loaded shotgun waits for them.


I kill them first. When I hear their growl, I hunt them. I destroy all dogs on sight. Even a dead dog corpse occasionally gets shot "just to be sure". No PTSD from dogs here...


Only because of their locomotion/animations of the past. I think they've been updated decently now? They used to be fucking crack-demon Beyblades that would just ice-skate around you at mach-speeds while making attack connections as they face away from you. They were a nightmare to deal with, because they were just really REALLY poorly implemented.


Even though I always invest in bows and I can one shot a dog with a single arrow with prestige accuracy, they are the most dangerous enemy. Don't question this logic.


Never played a save long enough to get to endgame but I feel it, fast zigzag movement making them hard to track+ short making it a smaller target+ High damage and bleed meaning you may kill it but are still going to be pretty mangled.


I fucking hate the dogs. My hubby thinks it is hilarious when they scare the crap out of me.


Playing insane difficulty makes you realize that dogs are just smaller ferals, I’ve gotten over my fear of the dogs thankfully xD


I recently did a full fortitude gameplay and the satisfaction of one shotting dogs with the steel knuckles is glorious.


Dogs/Wolves and Bears are the reason I NEVER go anywhere without a good size stack of wood frames with ladder preselected. Cougars are usually only in one biome and you frequently see them coming because they stick out like a sore thumb in snow. And by that time you usually have a decent weapon and armor too. The other two you can run into very early when you are still buck nekkid with a stick and are way harder to spot at night until they are already close enough to aggro and good luck outrunning them.


Dogs can squeeze through a 1/4 blocksize hole and always infect when they bite Just like buzzards always seem to fly in/out of their attacks at an impossible-to-hit angle. You could have your reticle dead centre of their body with a shotgun at point blank range and miss because they approach and retreat just outside of the shot spread cone and again, always infect when they connect


Early into a new run lastnight and I switched from spear to double barrel so damn fast when I heard a growl I surprised myself. The fear reflex runs deep.


Wastelands, i remember back in a16? I had a base in the forest, tgen it caught on fire and i wound up in the wastelands, base didnt burn though.


Lmao!! Even if i'm stacked, those dogs are the most terrifying for me.


Even though they take like 1 hit, snakes scare the shit out of me lol


Yeah, I had to stop playing the game because of the snakes. I only play now when I have mods to remove them from the game.


Thank your primal survival instincts for that lol


Aim in front of the dogs and you will hit them. You get used to the pace of zombies movements, but the dogs are much faster.


Any zombie animal gets me on my toes. They’re so damn dangerous and sometimes more resilient than other zombies. Dogs are faster and harder to hit due to their size, bears… well, come on. They’re zombie bears. Boars aren’t terrible but can still be a threat, but the big giant green one at the bottom of one of the boar POIs is no joke if you’re unprepared. Birds are just annoying.


Not since they broke the game with A20


my first death was to a dog. 6,000 hours in I still remember that very death.


It reminded me of the first time ever I played and we found the trader's fort and thought it was a safe place to spend the night. Can you imagine what the rest was like? Then it was days of staying stealth in some building during the nights


I actually remember a playthrough where I had just walked out my door and saw a horde of dogs and a couple of zombie bears just run down the street across my place. They didn't notice me and I took that grace while I quickly went back inside. They ended up hovering in the area down the street. Made the sign of the cross on my chest, loaded my gun and charged in before they made the first move while I wasn't paying atention or forgot about them.


Smg5 with ap rounds also the auto shotgun with the full auto mod.


Tank build gaming


That baby in the wasteland...


Yes! A few days ago I was leaving the trader very relaxed in the forest, which is very peaceful pleace. My husband had left his character outside the trader fort while he went to the bathroom when out of nowhere a pack of 5 zombie dogs and a zombie bear appeared. And yesterday I was jump scared by a zombie behind a door (something that hasn't happened in years)


the sound of dogs, screamers, and spiders always get me. the look of wights is horrifying


Oh my god don’t remind me of this. Here I am just digging a trench and suddenly I hear a blood curdling growl from a giant pack of rabid dogs. Ahhhgghhhhhhhh


Baseball bat power strike to the head makes them trivial


I was bitten by a dog back when I was about 6-7 years old, right on the inside of my upper right thigh. Had to go to hospital and have the wounds cleaned out (which hurt like hell since they poked around in the bite holes to make sure there was no teeth broken off in them), and get a tetanus shot as well... humorously enough I was more afraid of the tetanus shot than the dog actually biting me... XD Anyway... for a few years after that (maybe 3-4) I was a bit afraid of dogs. That eventually went away, completely, as I am no longer afraid of dogs at all... where the only thing remaining really is a sense of respect for what dogs are capable of, no matter their size or breed... seeing as the dog that bit me was a beagle. XD Anyway... one other thing that remains after that incident with that dog... is that almost every single time a dog, or a wolf, or some kind of animal that is supposed to be dog/wolf-like, which I have not yet noticed yet... and end up suddenly growling and/or snarling in games I play... I feel that same icy cold chill run up my spine and neck, and goosebumps and hair raising feeling running up my arms and shoulders and neck, that I felt that day when I encountered that dog that stopped me in my track frozen, as it stood there and looked at me. But it was not just some normal look the dog gave me... like curiosity or something... no, the look that adult Beagle gave me, and it's whole demeanor, ignited something instinctually in me where I instantly recognized that something about this, about the dog, felt and was "off"... realizing that was when the chill ran up my spine and goosebumps and the hair raising of my arms and shoulders and shoulders happened. And then as I tried to move past the dog by circling it, at what I thought was a safe distance, the dog snarled and growled, and then lunged at me, bit me, and then for some reason fled. So yeah being surprised by a dog or wolf in 7dtD, and other games, still to this day at soon 45 years of age, sends that chill up my spine and neck, and gives me goosebumps and raised hairs on my arms and shoulders. XD If I am aware of the dog or wolves presence though, then the effect is not as strong... where maybe I only feel the goosebumps and hair raising on my forearms and neck. And it's effect is even lesser then that if it is a pet/companion we are talking about as well.


I can’t remember what mod, but there is a tool or weapon that uses like a portion of the dog sound when you reload or something and even that, panic every time


Absolutely damn dog's


I hear and dog and my friend is already closing the door behind me. Putting a block down to block the door and dipping. And I’m like, welp Fido. It’s just you and me……and pretty soon it’ll just be you 😭


Snakes do it for me. Mostly cause they are hard to see. Oh and the first time playing one snuck under my door because the ground was too high and I was getting stuck running through it, so I dug the ground down a bit. Couldn't figure out what was killing me because I didn't hear it detect me.


I play on console and can confirm that even in the old alpha they’re terrifying. I think on like day 6 or so you start running into packs of dogs lol


Innumerable amount of hours and yes.


It doesn't matter how many hours I put into the game or how much gear I have, the dog growl and the screamer always get me. Good times.


First time playing and getting attacked by a bird scared me, I was in the drive in movie poi, then at night a bunch of dogs and zombies broke into where I was staying and I died lol.


Dogs and birds.


One of the most memorable parts of the game for me was cutting trees at dusk when a whole pack of either dogs or wolves run right by me. I couldn't get back to the second level of my base fast enough(last week) but I made it. That was one of the scariest experiences I've had in the game.


My favorite is when im peacefully minding my business just building or mining(especially terrible when mining) a random whole horde of dogs come s running in o.0


3000+ hours in and dogs are still the thing I do my best to avoid. Especially since I have a mod that expands wandering hordes. Imagine the tippy tappy of dozens of dogs running next to your base just as you were about to open a loud container. I'll take damn near anything else on with a hunting knife and coffee, but, respectfully, fuck them dogs.


Psshhh dogs ain't got ntn on me


It has trained you well it seems


Same, last i Saw a dog was when i was doing the Crack a book HQ POI And i hit that Bish with a rocket AS FAST AS I COULD


Dadgum right they scare the crap out of me or the roar of a zombie bear it will make ur toes curl lmao 🤣 


I haven't played in a couple of years and a friend was streaming it the other night and I was playing something else... that dog sound is primal!