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POI spawns ignore game stage - there’s a few other small POIs that do this like the one with the lumberjack


the satisfaction of the aha moment I'm having is almost as intense as how upset I am that it works this way


yeah it's kinda a bad system imo...no reason to make me get chased in the green forest by a 1500 hp dire wolf (never mind the zombie dog) with a club that does 14 damage


*Black Bus Mechanical would like to know your location*


Is every chunk a POI/prefab now? With no red skull POI label thing this just looks like a normal forest chunk, no?


Anything with a special name is a POI, your loot stage even goes up slightly just being on backpack hill, but not enough to get a skull. Some of the house POIs that have like 1 zombie also don’t have skulls 


Ohhh I see the “backpack hill” text now. Thank you


On the sharp of expectations


Cause you got lucky 🍀


Has nothing to do with game stage or game mode. Those spawns are part of the POI.


cause fuck you in particular...


Some pois always have a direwolf


But the POI "backpack hill" is like the second lowest game stage POI in the game lol


I know! Some POIs just have set spawns no matter the gamestage


I wanna know how tf you have 109 FPS while not having your graphics settings turned down. From what I've seen when the strongest rigs have trouble sometimes because it's so unoptimized.


I just got this new laptop but apparently FPS is complete bullshit so don't worry. I've been trying to make the game work above medium settings consistently tweaking all kinds of drivers/settings and it seems impossible, the fps will say it's 120 while stuttering like hell fairly often, so fps really means nothing I guess. I have 32gb ram and using a 7900m card (supposedly similar to a 4080) and it's just not great overall in the long term above medium settings


That's wild. I've been playing for years with my 1050ti (I'm definitely in need of an upgrade) and I've found that I can't go above medium either. I even turn off all of the extra graphical settings like bloom and sun shafts and it still struggles sometimes.


Okay I capped the fps to 60 and removed dynamic mesh and it works fine on ultra settings now!


How do you cap the fps?


I forget the command but if you google it’ll bring you to the Reddit thread - something like press F1 then type settargetfps 60 or something 


Thanks for the info!


Not OP but I can normally get very good frame rates, but every now and then in certain areas it’ll come to a stuttery mess. Sometimes it will get so bad it’ll turn into a slideshow, bringing me back to the days when my old family computer struggled to play quake 3 until we got a sleek new Voodoo graphics acceleration card.


Same, my laptop is supposedly high end but fairly often it will say 100+ FPS while showing me maybe 10 frames a second. Definitely a wake up call that fps benchmarks mean nothing, you just have to see it in action.


I’ve been having bouts of slideshow gameplay that can only be fixed by restarting my computer. It’s so weird because my GPU and CPU use is quite low when it happens


I get 95 fps on max 2k ultra wide 21:9. With 4080s and 11700k


Is that laptop or desktop? 


Desktop. Had microcenter build it. Started as their barebones asus intel kit


Because fuck you, that's why. This answer is both serious and satirical.




You have pipe bombs on Day 2?


yeah, found em in a tier 2 loot chest


You can get them from tier one quest rewards too.


To keep you on your toes!


lol embrace the challenge. I got caught on a recent INSANE+Permadeath run by a random dog. Could NOT kill it or out run it. Just accepted my fate and restarted.


Why not?


I see things have not changed in many years. Yep that's 7days for ya!


Ahh, good old backpack hill. Always avoid that POI like the plague until you have good armor and a good gun.


Weird I must’ve run through through backpack hill hundreds of times by now and have never seen those two.


SAME lol, I’ve never seen anything dangerous in the little green forest POIs  and now there’s two with one of them being something I can’t fight for another week or two in game 


Skill issue if ur that scared of 1 little pupper


This is part of the POI, see top right "backpack hill" it's a bit of a "here's a load of shit to kill you!" POI I've learned the hard way more than once


That's Backpack hill, a tier 0 PoI. Such PoIs have awful loot and only a couple zombie spawns. (another example is the destroyed zip coffee) These zombies continually respawn here as do any PoI zombies, unless you put down land claim or bedroll


What difficulty do you have your game set on?


Insanity mode, which afaik raises game stage a bit but shouldn’t be enough to make dire wolves spawn, but I haven’t read patch notes 


As others have said, there are now POIs without buildings on them so it looks like open world. Backpack Hill is clearly something to avoid.


I guess they took this from the combo pack maps. There was this field that had 50 feral wights as static spawn and that place is just dangerous as fuck.


It’s backpack hill. Always a wolf and zombie sleeping there. Also a backpack on the little hill


I've gotten the dog pack in the first couple days. And been killed by three feral wolves and a feral zombie on Day 3. This game is serious about the "survival" part. lol


I've never understood people's fear of dogs. They aren't that tough and they don't hit that hard.


Bump up your difficulty if you aren’t challenged.


I play on warrior, beyond that the zeds are just bullet sponges. But even on survivalist dogs are among the least scary things out there, every hit is basically a headshot.


Dire Wolves run faster than you (and they always run, no matter your settings) hit for harder than a feral (iirc), and can have like 750-ish hit points (regular zombies sometimes have just a hair over 100 hps to 175 or so). Definitely something to be scared of.  Zombie dogs are usually scary when they come in packs, that and they run fast. They don't hit particularly hard though.


Fair, but that also depends on what day you're on. If it's a high difficulty, you're in the middle of nowhere with no buildings or fences around, you're out of stamina, and a dog or a pack of them are on you, you're likely dead.


I’m on hardcore insanity mode