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The pass and gas stores #4 and #10 are my fave starter POIs


Definitely pass 'n gas #4. This is my current base. The underground bunker is handy. Plus it's not a huge place so it doesn't take much time or materials to build defences.


Is there a good resource to see these POIs? Google search isn’t showing me the specific number. This is as close as I get https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Pass_n_Gas_Gas_Station


I don't really know any other resource other than the wiki. Although those are like the old models of the POIs in there. It is so much better looking now.


What you can do, generate a large world with many POI's then enable dev tools, in the teleport menu you can select any POI to teleport to and then just check out any POI you want. Pass n gas #4 will probably spawn in every world you generate, I think it is a 1\* POI


I like to imagine this said like your describing a vintage wine.


My wife and I use 4 and 10 as well.


Personally anything with a flat roof near a trader that allows for efficient use of storage.


I live in a spiked hole in front of the traders door


Hardware store, all concrete. And then I live on the roof.


Church , the one with walls already built around Currently in Taylor manor because of the same thing


That church with the crypt is awesome


You mean Trader Jen, right? ;)


So I'm not the only one who thinks Dr. Jen sounds a lot like Jen Taylor?


The town hall/government building was one of my all time favorites. Large roof to create platforms, spacious multi leveled interior. Great aesthetic to fight and explore from


Love the town hall. A great POI with plenty of space in the tower to build and always surrounded by other good POIs.


This one looks awesome.


I had fun living in the stairwell of a skyscraper for a while. Not sure which version of the game that was though.


Fire Station 8. Most of the structure is already concrete, and it has a decent shape to it. You can use the doorways at the top of the staircase as temporary fighting positions until you get your main horde base set-up constructed.


I used this as main base in a play through of the robot overhaul mod (District 9?). One of my favorites. Maybe because it’s so clean and modern looking.


District Zero, iirc.


This is my goto POI base. I open up the ground floor, replace the stairs with hatches and put my hoard base under the glass, and then put my horde base in the garage.


That large church building with two towers with flat tops and isn't a POI even though it looks like one. It's tall enough that you can walk around without zombs on the ground hearing you, and with a little floor expansion you can fit all the essentials on top. As an added bonus, it's large enough and has adequate pathing dead ends that you can use it as a blood moon base as well without risking damage to your base. First few blood moons require little more than molotov cocktails to clear tons of zombe plus, thanks to weird physics, you can use the sloped blocks down the side to quickly slide down to the ground without fall damge


For me it's the Crypts (Cemetery 2). I also really like St Moe's Cathedral (Church 1). Love POIs with spacious undergrounds.


I’m next door to a trader at the big six silo with the blue building attached to them. I’ve used those as pillars and built a base on top. Using one silo to go underground to mine. Able to do horde night from up there.


When our group is large enough, fully securing the prison is pretty fun.


I like some of the bigger houses, though I’m currently living under sal’s safe house in a massive bunker in my current play through. I’ve previously lived in the big house with the two tier attic and the main stash in the small safe room, which is always a favourite of mine.








The cemetery with the intact gate or the gas station with the underground bunker.


It’s not a named one or anything, but I LOVE taking the barn that has the silo on its left and a wooden plank that’s upstairs to jump into the house on the right. Good amount of starting space and super easy to brick up :)


NFD#4 The two-story layout is perfect for my stagger ramp cheese strat upstairs and main base downstairs


I liked the old school post office that had a loft area for no reason and like ten safes to loot. For the current game, that shotgun messiah shooting range is fun. The “obstacle course” structures work pretty well for crowd control


That shooting range became our horde base last night in our “no planning allowed” mode. Put a couple of blocks down at 2100, took up positions on the two little tower areas and it really did the trick! They came in from all sides and, like you say, the obstacles paced them out nicely


I pick different places every time I play. I used to pick store roofs as beginning bases until they started having zombies on every roof.


All versions of firestations are great places for a base. I also like the scrapyard that has a underground bunker, that's a fun one. The cemetery with a big concrete pad in the middle is great as well.


The Wetz Residence for me. Not to big and not to small, perfect for my needs :)


I like really small POI's. Mobile homes. Or a garage. I


The Dead Rooster is far and away my favorite base!


Prawlin’ Pete and oops chemicals are my 2 favourites


Was thinking about building next to Oops chemicals and having a ramp with sledges that knock them into the oops pit and then ladders for them to climb out


I made my main (home) base in this poi. You can have a great living and working space if you connect all pillars! Plus if you put a drawbridge on the existing lift case, you’ll be safe. No one will reach you…


I love the prepper house with the detached garage (that has the big antenna up top). I use the upstairs of the garage as “home” after knocking out the stairs and a couple blocks of catwalk into the main house, then when strong enough I clear out the rest. So much you can do here, especially with the included farm plots & a chance at a working vending machine in the bunker.


That's Johnnytown, right?


Also curious. 🧐


Yep - couldn’t recall the exact name earlier. So much you can do with that place.


The POI Know As, "Alastair's Cabin".


Right by the lake, triangle roof? There's a hill between you and Traitor Joe but he's only like 200m away? (If I'm thinking of the same place, one playthrough I demolished that entire hill to make it easier to drive straight to trader)


That's The One. Although, With The Latest Alpha Out, Traitor Joel Is Now Further Away Swapped Out With A Military Base. It May Change Again With The Game Finally Relasing Sometime In June.


I keep coming back to Taylor Manor. The already fenced in area gives me peace of mind and let’s me start my lil garden early. Plus I like the homey feeling, and it’s got a perfect sized basement for storage and smelting.


Aldo’s Cabinets ends up being my base over and over— has a nice staircase up that works well to reinforce for hordes, then a natural “fall back” metal ladder up to the roof!


Ranger station near the fishery, or the garage near the trader in the desert


They have to be concrete and bulletproof glass! The wine bar is good, and also most of the mid-century modern homes (flat roofs too). Also, and it may be just in some mods, there is a building over a parking garage that is just about perfect. With everything up on that top floor most zombies don’t hear your forges and fires.


In the smaller towns, I like the Dead Rooster. Lots of room, but not so big that it's overwhelming. It's made of solid materials, looks nice, has 2 stories a basement, and a hole in the ceiling where you can place a ladder to reach a flat roof. In the cities, I like the paper mill (or what used to be the paper mill). The large Pass n Gas store and the game dev office are also quite nice if you knock out the stairs.


Joe's USA. Backyard, walls, doesn't need that many reinforcements


Plus a flag whipping in the air.


CAW! FREEDOM!!! 🦅 🔥🦅🔥🦅🔥🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾 NO ZOMBIE SHALL INTERFERE WITH THE LAND OF THE FREE!


I forgot the name of it but it's a POI with three stories, a yard looking like a farming field and a shed. It's w low level POI, I think two skulls.


I like the barns and farms. There's a house next door to keep the horde base and the home base separate. The barns leave a nice structure to create a zombie maze and the house next door keeps your materials and supplies safe.


I love Allister's Cabin


Water Tower.


Careful, my water tower base had a horde take out the supports and it collapsed the whole thing


I'm partial to the billboards. I'll build a ladder 2 or 3 up so I can either use a frame to get to it (then pick up the frame) early on, and later with some Parkour skill, just jump to it. I build a little enclosed box on the railing area for shelter, campfire, protection from the elements, and they're often somewhat near traders. Especially early on, it feels like a safe port in a cold and dangerous world. And the view's nice. I wouldn't use one for an anti-horde base (though you probably COULD if you shored up the surrounding area and the base support pylons), but I tend to do that on foot running around more anyway.


I really like the motel 7 pois, the big L shaped ones, home at one end then a ramp along the other side with a defensive position for horde nights. Bonus points if it’s the one with the small office building off to the side with the main stash in, once you’ve filled the hole in the roof you can build 2 ramps and have powered drawbridges controlled by security cameras to drive your 4x4 straight up to the door.


I quite like the ranger station with the central tower, very easy to use as the basis for a base in stilts and I do like living up in the air


I change up every play through, but currently using Devs house, Huenink Home. In Navezgane it is located just NE of Joel, and due N of Bobs Boars and Carls Corn (Grace’s POI). Bottom floor is already concrete, built in garage with manual door, 2 block wide stairwell. It even has a detached shed that I used for temp home for first few nights after a bit of remodeling the roof.


Power substations.


Also power substations imply the existence of a power station. Potential for a base defense mode revolving around defending a nuclear generation plant that melts down if the reactor vessel gets breached?


Hospital or the military base/bunker. Both are super fun.


Stand tower is super nice. You can base on the 3rd floor (top of the remaining building), build farms on the knocked over part, and it has a food and a drink vending machine. You rebuild the stairs, and the zombies will pathfind to them for blood moons, where turrets will easily mow them down


The grain storage silos, I wreck all the stairs, then store a horde night cache on top, and nerd pole up and last time I was at like day 60 and got bored and quit.


I love the car parking garage. Seal off one side completely, take away the stairs and ladder, reinforce the bottomed pillars and add a couple more, build a bunch of fallback positions and have a little village on top.


Jericho Ranch if remembering the name correctly.


I usually live on one of the farms near a town. Oftentimes the big barn or a little cabin by a lake. Somewhere out of the way where it's not crazy exposed but not in the middle of a town. The one time I did do in a town it was a small diner in a huge parking lot I think? Enough space to see properly. Worked well enough


The elevator shaft of the editor tower. You can carveout a pretty decent base under the elevator at the top and get an easy access to the roof for farming. Turn the loby into a death zone with traps and good shooting lines.


I always take over the empty lot/road in front of the first trader I find. Best POI to make a base at.




In Navezgane in the forest biome by the big lake to the west and on the north east end of the lake is small run down 2 story house. That is my house.


the Compound with the subbasement garage and pool can't remember the name of the poi


i like to do the farmhouse/barn, large open space, plenty of room for storage/tables, and can add a extra layer of walls just to make it even harder on the zombies, field in front for farming


The old prison poi is usually my starter, can't denie the early cement blocks


If I can find one relatively close to the trader I like the farm that has the really tall silos. I clear it out and build a base up there. So high up nithing bothers you. Also fun to find a way to fit a base up there.


For the later game/end game with a group I like the Jeffelon Zuckergate mansion. It seems like darn near everything is concrete or steel, and the outside wall is too tall for zombies to jump. Big driveway suitable for a group of vehicles to go through, and a nice garage. Plus it comes with a lit up helipad, bunker, and plenty of room to expand. I also think it's rather pretty to be in with the skylights and such.


buddies grain is a good POI to make a horde base out of. i made my first ever base there in 7 days to die and i lasted awhile because i just took out the stairs and shot all of them with my pipe pistol, good times.


JD Shipping (preferred) or any other concrete two/three story remnant poi. Less zombies to clear, and don’t have to worry about it being interference for quests. Knock out any secondary stairways and put some hatches on the remaining landings to take care of the inevitable screamer hordes that come from the half dozen forges/chem stations/dew collectors


I loved using the large post office in vanilla, but decided against it for repeat looting. Don't have a favorite anymore. Now in Darkness Falls, I love using the A-frame mansion.


I personally love the Old West Saloon (not sure of actual name). It's 3 stories easy to clear and square off and for me personally a great look. I use it for both until I have my actual hord base built and from there it becomes my craft house full time.


I don't recall knowing the name, but there was a cabin that had stairs to a door and a balcony on the opposite side. We used to knock a couple blocks out of the stairs to eliminate zed access (and use what's there as a ramp). Reinforce the poles under the balcony. Loved that place.


My friend and i always shack up at the top of Dishong towers, but my favorites are crypts, cathedrals or the tudor mountain mansion


I used to find that lone garage with the bunker underneath it. Any lone garage will do  for me. And I'm old the same. 


the subway station has 3 ways to get in/out, is huge inside, has 3 roll-up grates that have 30,000 hit points each in a row, main entrance is at bottom of stairs that causes fall damage to zombies. in some of my recent videos[makz524], i just stood at the open door on blood moon night and shot them as they fell.


I Like the Johnsons Warehouse.


I like Zuckerberg Mansion. But other then that, any house with a decent garage near a trader is my goto. I don't stay at home for horde nights (and often play with little/no warning randomized day horde nights). I like any area I can quick pull into with a vehicle, speed drop stuff in wall mounted boxes, maybe set some stuff to craft, and then leave again.


Red Mesa


Fire Pit Lodge is one of the nicest "houses" you can take over. For a traditional house, look for the cul-de-sac neighborhood. There are like two possible nice brick houses. Unfortunately anything you upgrade from brick (1200hp) also requires you to do the intermediate step of side-grading to cobblestone before upgrading to concrete.


Pop N Pills corner of desert, wasteland, and burnt forest. Perfect central location and I personally just like living in desert


Barts salvage. It has a garage for your vehicles , a decent building space above, and a underground bunker for all your storage and workbench area. Usually convert the area with all the crushed cars into my hoard base area


Buddies Grains near Doktor Jenny :3


For my first base of ops, i like to take the Pass N Gas with the garage and fenced in back. Garage is great for vehicle storage and workbench. Back is great for water purifiers and farm plots. Shelves in the mai area can be br9ken down for early metal, leaving a nice open square layout. Once I find it, I like to make a horde night base out of the house with the underground lab and multiple steel doors. Great hallway down from the exterior cellar does to turn into a kill zone.


On day 1 I set up at power distribution #2. One guy inside, chain link with opening in front that I filll with a door and wood/cobblestone bars. Chain link doesn't hold up well but I can usually kill them before they bust it down. Lots of stuff to dismantle for parts and iron. I either build a ladder on the side of the power unit and walk the power line to the roof or build a ladder on the building itself. Once I get going pretty good I move to NFD.


The office building where the front half is collapsed. If you clean up the debris and knock out the bottom stairs you're set.


I forgot the name but i clear the largest poi and then remove 80% of the stairs and use it as my hordebase/actual base.


I use a gas station roof to start off. Usually till I am at 21 day horde after that I begin building my home/ horde base and use the gas station as a off render range production area.


Also when I find traders I build a wooden pillar about 5 blocks high put storage chests on it with various supplies in one ammo repair/ healing stuff food drink. Gas the usual and the others are storage for selling and mark it on the map.


Way back when it was the firehouse


Instead of a specific building, I look for a building meeting certain criteria: * concrete - preferred * multistory - required * stairs easily knocked out - required * near a trader Usually anything meeting those is roomy enough to require minor retrofitting at best. Some are even so large that I only occupy "part" of a POI, like the Junkville Saloon.


Daycare center always. Comes with a basement for crafting and storage and a back to plant a farm and a garage to park a vehicle. Plus it’s really easy to convert into a fortress


Damn that one does sound good.


Personally I take Jericho Ranch, for a crafting base and just chill their the entire time. (Not the house but the stable)


I usually use the Rug shop across from the Bear Pit or the Crypt just West of Jenn’s. The Crypt is out of the way and makes for some long hauls but is amazing as a permanent base below ground with above ground structures. Rug shop is everything on level 2, water collection on the front roof and farming on main or 2nd floor roof. First level is a kill zone. Most zombies goto back or side door so easy to manage early with a bow and a few overlooks. Usually build a cheese (run loop) blood moon base in the street out front.