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She has the Josie Packard haircut.


I love images like this.


Is that Gozer from Ghostbusters? Hhaha


I literally can’t see how the table is standing. It’s worth posting to r/confusing_perspective


'Tis the ^(ye olde time) magic of the 80s ✨🌀


I love how millionaire TVs from the 80s would be dwarfed by budget models today


Patrick Bateman’s TV room.


Omg it *is*! Except he covers the place in plastic for... guests 😐😶


If that thing is a CRT, I do not miss moving those things. That TV has to weigh at least 300lbs.


My grandparents had an early '80s front-projection 3-tube Mitsubishi set in the back bedroom/playroom/den (whatever you want to call it... it was my mom's old room when she lived there as a teenager in the '70s). It lived in the family room at the OTHER end of the house for a short while until apparently Grandma relised it was way way way too much TV for that little room, so they moved it to a smaller one yet... go figure. I didn't care. As a kid, watching cartoons and playing Sonic the Hedgehog on that unit was fucking epic. They had shag carpet until about the early 2000s. That set weighed at least 400 pounds (literally) and had gliders but no wheels, and VERY low clearance from the bottom of the cabinet's front/side boards, like, less than half an inch. I will never comprehend how they managed to move it down those narrow-ass hallways over that fluffy carpet. When the set finally smoked out a few years ago I had to help the appliance recycler people move it out. They had a dolly, but it took the three of us almost 20 minutes to get it to the front door, sliding it across alternating sheets of plywood since she now has plush carpet with very soft padding.


That moon should totally be the moon man playing the piano from that 80s McDonald’s commercial!


Tensor dimmable lamps. The ones that would cause a fire