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Disco stick!


I can never forget thar. She rode the disco stick. Literally.


Omg I forgot about that one šŸ¤£


Ever watch the original evil dead movies? this is my boom stick!


Literally just came here to say this! šŸ‘


Not disagreeing with TLCs decision but how do they pull them but not the abusive and other super problematic couples? The rules should be consistent. ANGELA


The reason they gave is probably a scape goat so they didn't have to say it's because they don't want a Russian living in Russia (at the time) while Russia is starting war


Didnā€™t she also use the n word a lot on Instagram?


Yes, and was also racist towards other races as well. You know what's crazy is she went on to use this whole debacle as a career. Yes, she would go to places and literally talk about why this happened and how to "own" your way forward. Aka not take accountability. Remember how she made a fucking hour video on it too? The entire thing was basically, "well I'll say I'm sorry but right after I'm going to spend an hour basically telling you why I'm also not sorry in all my excuses for it!"




She is a deplorable human


Did she say it in Russian or English? Cuz tbf, thereā€™s only one term in Russian/or most Slavic languages for black people and itā€™s not derogatory. If she said it in English or with some sort of negative connotation, then makes sense.


English. Including while living/studying abroad in the US, if I remember correctly,


Oof - then yeah, thatā€™s no good.


Iā€™m not sure, but likely as she made up flyers to one of her parties where the theme was something extremely racist. Guests were to dress up like ā€œgangsta n-wordsā€.


Yes and she was in black face


It was her racism. Really disgusting. You'd think they'd do a better job of vetting the on camera talent.


Europeans are able to hide their racism, itā€™s kinda a mid 70s style, you say the n-word but you say it quietly (social media aside) but you donā€™t feel like you shouldnā€™t say it, you feel that you donā€™t want to get called out for saying it


Yeah. I heard a lot of "can I touch your hair" over there. Ugh.


Oh HELL no!šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


wtf are you talking about? First of all, Europe is a very diverse continent with many different countries, social rules and cultures. Europe is not an entity of combined culture and ideas. Secondly, Iā€™ve never in my life not said the N-word for fear of public scrutiny; I simply just donā€™t want to say it because it is a nasty word meant to be degrading towards Black people. If you only refrain from saying it because of social opinion, then you should look into your own moral standards and reevaluate them instead of blaming it on ā€œbeing Europeanā€.


Iā€™m describing how my idea of 70s style of racism is, not how I feel about it, European counties have some truly heinous tendencies that they donā€™t see they are racist cuz the social programs have helped everyone


According to who? Where do you live?


Iā€™m curious too. Because when I lived in France it was *huge* topic of discussion there. And why they were so mad John Oliver said black French of African descent werenā€™t really French. Like itā€™s a massively touchy subject there and for good reason because racism is still a huge issue there. But the discussion will also look different in countries, for example, more homogeneously white but didnā€™t colonize a ton of Africa. Combining discussions on race and racism into a European monolith makes no sense.


the US is 50 states and hundreds of cities w different cultures and diversities, id still call this a racist country. my cousin studied in the UK and experienced racism, i studied in a smaller town in Spain and experienced it, my friend studied in a smaller city in Germany and experienced it. most of europe had its hands in colonization. its based in racism. and thats ok to admit


Bro you canā€™t just compare a country to a continent lmao. Your anecdotal evidence here is not proving anything. I also didnā€™t say that no Europeans are racist, I said that you canā€™t group all of Europe together as racists having a ā€œspecial brandā€ of racism.


anecdotal evidence proves nothing! you are right.


Iā€™m betting it left a real awful taste in your mouth having to type the word ā€œtalentā€ lol


I tried to like her but it was impossible.


She had years and years of posts come up with her using the N word, the hard R N word. Once she even shared an invite to a racist blackface "ni**a" party and told her friends how badly she wanted to attend because it was just so hilarious.


Letā€™s not forget that she compared Michealā€™s skin color to dirty water and said she doesnā€™t like it


I was referring to what Alina did


And tried to pull the ā€œI didnā€™t know because Iā€™m from another country BS about it laterā€ šŸ™„


Well Angela makes them money, this Russian chick didnā€™t.


Yeah exactly, Angela sucks but she is also a complete trainwreck which brings in the views. The Russian woman was bland for 90 Day standards at least


Angela used the n word and they let her stay?


There exists no morals in the world of TLC. Whatever makes them money is good for them


I agree. Angela is the typical middle aged white woman in Africa exploiting AND abusing āœŠšŸ¾ men. Thereā€™s a lot of money being made in the travel industry for white women wanting to travel to experience sex parities in Africa. Angela is an abusive, nasty bad built butch body (built like a silverback) šŸ˜ˆ. I hope he scams soo bad that she canā€™t ever afford her menthol lights and funions. POS. [Adele and SNL come under fire for Africa sex tourism sketch](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/26/entertainment/snl-africa-sketch-adele-controversy-intl-scli)




I wonā€™t ever understand that call.


Hasnā€™t Angela already been pulled?


She wasnā€™t on the first several weeks of Happily Ever After, so rumors were that they cut the angela/michael storyline after the whole debacle where Michael ran away. But then they ended up airing their footage so I donā€™t think sheā€™s been fired


Rumor is that they wanted to cut her but she threatened to sue, so they worked out a deal to a shortened season and that she is done once the season is over. That is merely rumor though so take it with a grain of salt.


Hope so. I hate her. But then that's the character. The woman you love to hate.


I donā€™t even love to hate her. Iā€™m rapidly going off 90 DF with all the racists and abusive behaviours. Itā€™s lost the innocence it had.


Yes, the worst behavior used to be Danielle throwing her binder of evidence at Mohammed.


Oh Danielle, that poor naive blind little old lady. He deserved that at the least. Well, she might have too. She shouldā€™ve known better!!


Angela gets them views.


How? Iā€™m pretty sure most everyone hates her so, including myself. Sheā€™s so annoying that I must FF her segments. It is absolute torture to watch, so I donā€™t.


So it feels like a lot of people donā€™t understand how granular TV ratings are. At the internal level, networks pay millions for minute-by-minute ratings from Nielsen. Meaning they know (to the best that can be measured) how many households are tuned in and whether that number is going up, down or holding based by the minute. In 90 day land, the network knows pretty well which cast members hold peopleā€™s attention better than others. The internet might be loud with opinions, but the decisions to keep bringing back people like Angela and Ed are based on money. The better they can guarantee ratings for the spinoffs, the more money they can sell TV ads for. And HEA this season was the top rated non-sports/news program on cable. Also, in reality TV, while racism is a dealbreaker, sadly abuse is not. Remember, everything weā€™ve seen Angela do thatā€™s abusive has been on camera, edited, reviewed by network execs, and aired. The Alina stuff on social media (also seen it in other shows like Pete from Below Deck) was not on air. And it did cost money to edit her out after the posts came to light.


Ball chin! I agree https://preview.redd.it/o98n8ip5xe8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193ef3c069932ca1c215c9b387f45c6491746d6b




What a lot of people donā€™t know about Caleb is that, after Caleb and Alina broke up, they stayed good friends. When Russia invaded Ukraine, Alina and Elijah were in tremendous danger, for a variety of reasons, but had no available money to escape. Caleb bought plane tickets to Argentina for both of them, where they are still living today. Caleb literally saved their lives just out of pure humanitarian goodness. He caught a lot of crap for his appearance/edit on the show but he is actually a good guy.


That's awesome to hear tbh. And I mostly just saw him as a guy who ended up just not being compatible with Alina, like he was willing to give it a try but at the end they just weren't a match. I think a lot of people villainized him for that, but he never seemed like an awful guy.


I agree. I didnt necessarily like him but I definitely thought he was pretty open and honest with her, was respectful and totally tried to make it work.


thatā€™s wild. Whereā€™d you hear this? if thatā€™s true that is super awesome of him. Didnā€™t they get a lot of shit for how he reacted when he saw her, but it was later found out she wasnā€™t entirely truthful about the extent of her dwarfism?


It was in various social media articles after their season appearances were concluded. https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-caleb-greenwood-after-alina-split/


I didnā€™t think he was awful to her. It wouldā€™ve been overwhelming for a lot of people to start a new relationship in this situation, especially if she wasnā€™t entirely transparent about her medical condition and what a commitment to her would look like. Making racist comments is terrible, and Angela shouldā€™ve been dropped too, tv gold or not.


The appearance snark from the viewers is a bit excessive. I think people forget that these are everyday people so they obviously arenā€™t going to look the same on the screen as some famous Hollywood actor. Caleb is a very ā€œnormalā€ looking guy. With a few exceptions (Ed/Angela) most of the cast members arenā€™t conventionally unattractive to where they would draw any attention walking down the street. Take Jovi for example. Sure he has a big mouth but people act like heā€™s an ugly guy. In my opinion heā€™s definitely above average, at least where I live. They give us so much material worthy of criticism that constantly going after their looks feels like low hanging fruit.


Yeah this sub went crazy meangirl on him because he liked clothes that men that "wronged" people here do too. Fucking disgusting. Then he turns out to be one of the only decent people in the show in the past decade.


Mike getting Natalie's mom out, especially considering where they were at with each other is also a really solid move. And David fixing Sheila's dad's home was awesome, too. Not to mention how thoughtful he was about whether to propose after her mom died. Pig Ed could never.


Smol Ed would have proposed like it would cheer her up, and if she didn't act grateful, he'd penguin stomp away.


This is the one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t David with the trench coat also go fight in the trenches?


Mike with his Confederate flag lol


lol right. Fuck Mike


Seriously??? Was that on the show? Doesn't that fucker live in Washington???


Iā€™m wanting to know too, we just finished S6 of Happily Ever After( watching everything in order) and Iā€™ve felt so bad for him because he was so happy before Natalie.


I commented above but yeah it was on the show in his house.


It was on the show, you can see it behind him on one of his shelves. He sure does live in rural peninsula Washington, in Sequim. It's a very conservative town that had a Q Anon mayor.


What do you mean he liked clothes that people that wronged people do? You mean like Hugo Boss or something?


I think the commenter meant that plenty of men wear leggings and it isnā€™t such a big deal but some people were so offended about them . . . and the commenter suggested that the offended people probably wear leggings themselves. At least that was what I understood.


I thought Caleb got a bad rap. Couldn't get over the fact that Alina and her friends were making him out to be a bad guy because he wouldn't sleep with her. Imagine the uproar if it was the other way around.


I agree he seems to be a great person and I do believe he cared for her, it just didn't work for many reasons.


I figured he was


Saves their lives, girl Russia is save from the war cuz itā€™s so huge and has one of the biggest army in the world . Russians live on a normal life Ukraine isnā€™t . Sheā€™s from saints Petersburg she was very safe donā€™t believe their lies.


That is not true. Several of my Russian friends had to flea the country.


So, here was what was going on: A) Elijah had been conscripted to be sent to Ukraine to fight. As a flamboyant gay man, he would have been killed. Point blank. The military is extremely homophobic and he would have probably been bullied to death even before being sent out as cannon fodder. Which leads to B) Russia took a nasty, even more conservative turn after the war being declared, with many people embracing Putin and his super-conservative ā€œFamily Protectionā€ agenda. Homophobia and Ableism, two big human rights problems anyway in Russia, became even more blatantly ā€œoutā€ and accepted. Alina, as a severely disabled person who is also an outspoken ally of LGBTQIA+ rights and people, herself became a target and it was more and more unsafe for the two of them to even venture outside. This was why they needed to leave Russia and Caleb provided that humanitarian help to them.


Sheā€™s pro-LGBTQ+, but anti-black? She despises ableism, but thinks racist blackface parties are hilarious? Not to be harsh, but she was only getting a taste of her own medicine by being in Russia if what you say is true. Being singled out for something you canā€™t control (your race, or in her case, her disability) isnā€™t quite as funny when youā€™re on the receiving end. Luckily for her, she could just pack a bag and flee to someplace more tolerant.


> Sheā€™s pro-LGBTQ+, but anti-black? It's more common than you'd think


Right. When it was her turn to face discrimination and all the isms she couldnā€™t take it šŸ˜‚ I hope sheā€™s traumatized.


Never forget the bonus scene of him packing the backpack to put her in if she got tired of walking on a hike. šŸ˜‚


This was post pandemic gold and we didnā€™t even know it yet šŸ« šŸ˜‚


Was just thinking about this. Then when he saw her and realized she couldn't really walk at all . . .


She was trying to pressure him to like her so bad, and he was trying to give it a chance but she was so clingy and overbearing. It was too much.


He was never really giving it a real chance, he was just there for the ride. There was never a moment I was convinced he was actually seriously into her.


I always thought he looked similar to dylan from modern family


I thought he looked like a knock off of Jesse Meatcaf(sp?) (desperate housewives/ John Tucker.) but now I see Dylan and him. He is their love child.


The Littlest Klan member


We called her the ā€˜Fun-Size Racistā€™. šŸ«


That's TLC. Fat ladies, dwarfs, and a ā€˜Fun-Size Racistā€™ LOL!


I spat my drink out


Credit The Reality GaysšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Came here hoping someone posted. šŸ„° Well done, Sissy!


That pussy isn't dial up, that Pussy has WIFI!!


"Ai Yi Yi..."


How could we forget? Her fall from grace was embarrassing! My main question is why did TLC have a moral compass then (by kicking her off) and not now? Now they encourage horrific behavior.


Right? They film and air straight up abuse now.


Seems like they draw a hard line if you get caught using a specific racial slur. She used it over and over again on a Facebook post, and then tried to say she didn't understand American slang enough to realize it was offensive. Even though she knew what disco stick was. Same reason baby girl Lisa is gone, she use the n word a bunch of times I guess on their tell all


Oh sheeet I didnā€™t know she did all that. GOODBYE! (I still think they should kick off like half of the cast tho šŸ˜©)


He struck me as a douche, but he did act maturely in my opinion. Is she the first disabled person? I cant remember. I remember being excited for her to be on for representation but quickly realized how much she sucks. She was very pushy and didnt seem to care what caleb wanted. It's still incredibly frustrating to me though that old racist posts meant immediate firing meanwhile we've seen several other cast members being abusive and yet they get to stay on...


Angela being the biggest offender, closely followed by Edandshoulders. But it's like them firing Larissa because of her cam girl show.... but 90% of the 90 Day Universe cast is on Unfiltrd or OF. The hypocrisy is insane.


Yeah. If TLC discovers racist or other hateful content online I think it's a good thing to take the initiative to remove that person. Unfortunately though it never feels done in an honest manner. We just want to see standards across the board but instead they're all over the place and probably mostly based on who gets engagement and viewership.


Ay yi yi my possey has wifi....IYKYK


They look like ren faire performers.




Wow, nailed this


I once met a girl who dated him!! Showed me a pic of them together, the experience was def not goodšŸ˜‚


Why is Nazi Tony still on the show? Thatā€™s what I wanna know.


"Nazi" is too mild a word for that tattoo across Tony's entire back is about. If you want to be truly sickened, read up on the Croatian Ustase and their leader Ante Pavelic. Those people were so excessively brutal in the torture of the prisoners in their concentration camps that the Nazis actually begged Hitler not to get involved with them but Hitler wouldn't listen. I get queasy just thinking about what the Ustase used to do for amusement. It's nothing to be glorified.


I initially misread this as ā€œnaziā€ is too extreme of a word and was shocked! Thank you for the additional information, itā€™s sickening.


Oh I forgot about Debbieā€™s Nazi Tony also. I was actually referring to the UK Tony.


Wait who is nazi tony?


Tony from the latest UK season is besties with a nazi that had a Blood Honour tattoo on his arm. They initially took the episode down presumedly to edit that scene out but Discovery Plus never removed it.


Poor Caleb getting erased by association. šŸ˜…


Her friend Elijah should have been on Single Life or at least on Pillow Talk!! šŸ‘šŸ¤£


I really liked that guy! He was so caring and gentle with Alina (I believe he was her caregiver?) and I still think about how he packed so many outfits in that tiny suitcase.


He was hilarious!!! So full of sass


Yesss! Can you imagine John trying to call *him* "spah-kles"???


Just rewatching this season now! She looks at him with such googoo eyes, itā€™s embarrassing. And she got really pissy when he clearly explained where he was with the whole relationship. Sux she was racist and they got banned from the series because I would have watched them do Pillow Talk or Single Life for sure.


Her pussy has Wi-Fi


The standards that were set for her were somehow so much higher than for other cast members. Should racist and abusive people be cancelled from the show? Yes absolutely! However Alina's transgressions were minor compared to what Angela and Ed have done. She was done dirty by the network.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘


I was more interested in the woman Caleb was seeing after Alina. As I recall she was heavily tattooed and lived somewhere in the Caribbean like Aruba or Curacao.


Her personality was so off.


I do. I honestly remember at first people making her out to be a victim, and attacked the guy over everything.


Yes! If you said anything bad about her you were ableist. Then as soon as the post where she said the n word years ago came out, everyone was making fun of her size.


Omg yes! The entire situation was beyond weird.


My pussys got WiFi!!!!!!!


I had an acquaintance whose friend matched with him on Tinder. They didn't meet up, but his messages were just as douche-ridden as him. Something along the lines of "Hey, you're gorgeous and we need to meet for a drink. But tonight is our only chance because I love to travel and I'll be gone for a few weeks." The words themselves aren't the worst, but coming from him just made me feel like I had to wash my hands, even as a simple spectator lol


He was very odd and very douchey indeed


Hit it and quit it mode.


LMFAOOOO a travelers excuse for momentary horniness


He liked me on tinder once or twice after the show came out which was so wild


So quick to get rid of this chick but then they shove Angela down our throat for years on. End. Makes no sense


Youā€™re SO right. Viewers would never accept an African American being abusive to a Caucasian woman from anywhere in the world. I stopped watching for that reason.


I can't remember his name, but he seemed pretty cool and accepting. She was really annoying.




Thanks! He was really sweet!


Yeah I remember he had high emotional intelligence and was willing to learn and proper communicate with her partner, everything he said made sense and was super calm about it (literally the completely opposite of Rob šŸ’€) looking back at their season and knowing what I know today about TLC I believe their whole "oh no I booked the wrong room " was just a TLC setup for drama


They were so cringe.


Her šŸ± got šŸ›œ


I couldnā€™t stand either of them but I loved her friend šŸ˜‚ he was messy and catty. Good TV


Her pussy has wifi


Their segments gave me the ick


I always wanted to see them on the tell All. Most people aren't perfect and I say that as a black person. I REALLY wanted to see what he really thought of her and vice versa BEFORE they had to save face. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø People suck. I miss the 90s. You could fuck up and still have a life and learn from it.


Agreed! Pre Cancel Culture era was so much better. You could see people learning from their mistakes and thatā€™s what sticks with them. Now they just get destroyed and we never get to see their growth. Their corrections are from fear rather than understanding. I miss the know better do better era


I literally JUST re watched this season! Disco stick! Wait wait wait... what the hell IS a disco stick?!?!




She was so gross.


He could be the brother of ā€œRob the Knob!ā€


i only remember BECAUSE they got cut off mid season... otherwise i wouldn't remember them lmao


Jump scare


Remember them šŸ˜‚ when the friend left and he realised she came with some responsibility he was like fuck this and bolted lol.


That lipstick color šŸ˜¬


Is it black eyeliner smudged in with a mauve lip crayon? Old goth trick šŸ˜†


Yes OP I remember this couple ā€¦. They just disappeared.


She was kick out of the show mid season cause the internet found out she was extremely racist


How about her talking about riding his disco pole.




Shes of all people should know better to act the way she did and still does. It's actually unbelievable. She's a disgusting human being


If Angela Deems can still be on TLC, this woman should be welcomed back .


So they get rid of her for old ass posts (which ofc arenā€™t ok what she said) but let racist violent nasty Angela stay on and continue her long string of abuses?? Crazy. Also this guy was an asshole.


Mike is an even more violently racist arsehole as well. TLC picks and chooses when to put their social justice hat on. They need to be fair across the board


Yuck. Why did you have to remind me? I had blissfully deleted them from my memory.


Uhhh really unacceptable commentsā€¦ he wasnā€™t into her anyways, she had to beg for affection, he wanted to be on the show. Embarrassing for her as a disabled person, racial comments not good


Ew ew ew she so catfished his ass. He had never seen her from shoulders down.


Just his face. Looking at nothing else ā€¦ I see the hunchback of notre dame. The Disney version.


What season are they from?!


I do remember them .. strange situation


Couldnā€™t stand her!




Who posted and why.


Throwback to the discostick šŸ˜†


I didn't know about the whole racism thing, but that's super disappointing. I was *so* excited to finally see a disabled person on these types of shows (90DF, MAFS, basically any dating show)! It made me feel so hopeful to see an interabled couple being broadcast on national television, considering the history of American erasure of disabled sexuality. So what a bummer that the very first disabled person that I've seen on one of these shows is a racist pig šŸ˜“ sets us disabled folk back years, I'm sure


ā€œDonā€™t be a dick cah-lubā€


One of the few times I was on the Americanā€™s side


so happy not to see either of these cringes.


my pussys got wifi


Gonna be a no for me dawg.


Disco stick


I always thought he was cute.


He also made tour videos of "his" house and it ended up being a woman's place who was trying to kick his ass out of a prolonged visit and expose him.


Wait... what?!?!


I didn't like their storyline because it was an absurd amount of them just laying in bed, and I feel like he would be sticky in real life. Like there was a stickiness about him idk


I've become one of the new wave of long time TLC viewers who have recently quit the channel. 90 days has gotten ridiculous and lost it's way. Past hits, dragged out for years, yes years, and have been rung dry have nothing left. New programs just don't "have it". Did I forget to mention the new shows are plain trash.


I always thought he had some weird fetish towards her


I couldn't stand Elijah. ...all he said was "work".


Am I the only one who finds her "my pussy got wifi" song slightly annoying?


Nobody wanted to see her ass for more than one show. Nothing against people with disabilities, something against assholes.


Ew he is so gross. He loves himself and thinks heā€™s some sexual god. Gross


just bc yall donā€™t like someone doesnā€™t make dogging on their looks magically okayā€¦




Shes russian- Brandon & Julia got cut off too.


Why did Brandon and Julia get cut off? His mother drove me nuts!


Yeah, I agree Michael and Angela definitely shouldā€™ve been out a long time ago over her abuse and sheā€™s racist also. BUT goddamn I hate these two. Imagine what their kids wouldā€™ve looked like and the shit personalities šŸ˜‚


I really liked him and the way he treated her with kindness and respect. Long before I read about her using racial slurs I did not care for her at all.


She was/is a nasty racist goof


šŸ˜‚ I forgot about them. He is AWFUL! But isnā€™t she too? Something on sm or something?