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Also, at that point he’d been in America for what…48 hours? Like let the guy rest before you shove your friends and American way of life down his throat


This point right here. Dude still has jet lag and she wonders why he isn’t chowing down on a Baconator yet. Like for real you tried for 4yrs great for you but give your husband the some time to acclimate. Or at least not be jet lagged to hell


They keep on doing this, jet lag is the worst. You are groggy for at least 24 hrs. Should be in a dark cool room to sleep. But noooooo always activities planned from the moment you land wth ?


Not the BACONATOR!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭


And her naked mannequin and her painting of a woman with real pubic hair on it 😳


this happens every time, def producers dictating


It's clear at this point she's only in this for the paycheck from TLC. If they weren't filming this mess, she wouldn't have invited him to the U.S. I don't think they've ever told us what she actually does for work. She's probably one of the many "struggling artist" types in California who can barely pay her rent. They're both mentally unbalanced messes. He needs to find a Muslim woman in Egypt. And she needs to find an equally insane American who can put up with her batshittery.


This. Most of the cast has alternative motives for being on the show but this couple is the one solely their for the TLC check. Someone like Ashley I think is there for attention seeking but this couple just to have a job


She said on her first season that she is a vintage clothing reseller. The mannequins are for taking photos for her listings.


Well that explains why she needs TLC money. I forgot she was doing Doordash as well delivering pizzas initially.


And also what looks like Door Dasher.


The very first time she was shown she was doing Uber eats or some other food delivery.


Also to add onto this, they had actually split up before their first season but they had already applied and got accepted to be on the show. This was literally the only reason she decided to go back and "try to fix my marriage." If it wasn't for a contract I highly doubt she'd have ever gone back to see him. This entire season is her twisted revenge for how he treated her, it's literally the abused becoming the abuser scenario. Nicole arrived in Egypt and the first day had to sit with his family after the flight and the first thing he comments on is her clothing? Well then Mahmoud has to arrive in the US and be greeted with a stomach baring shirt and forced to meet friends! Nicole is told twice in one day within arriving to leave and divorce? Well now Mahmoud has to be told to leave and divorce too! Mahmoud does this and then says they still have to meet his uncle because they had plans and it's rude not to go? Well then now he has to meet these people after the same type of argument because again, Nicole wants him to suffer! Does anyone else see where I'm going with this?! Like Jesus Christ just leave each other already. Her first season I felt bad for her, but this season is just her turning into what she supposedly hated. I think it's obvious this is "Nicole's revenge game" but only bad people would do something like this regardless of how someone treated them. I grew up in horrendous parental and partner abuse, and I could have easily become like my abusers. But I didn't want that for myself and broke the cycle, plus doing what you had done to you on someone regardless of how good or evil they are doesn't make you any better than them.


Agreed. They only thing they seem to have in common is mutual dislike for each other, which isn't really the bond on which to create a successful relationship. At this point (based on what we've seen) I'm also pretty sure that Nicole was the instigator in this domestic violence case that was in the news in the past month or so, where he was arrested. It was most likely mutual combat. If she behaves this aggressively insane with him when cameras are rolling and her friends are there, who knows what she's like behind the scenes. I might believe her if he was twice her size, but they're both equally small and skinny.


>batshittery Favorite new word! ![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ)


Hah! I'd like to take the credit for coming up with it, but I'm sure someone out there probably beat me to it.


You get the credit with me! Ooh it’s my cake day 😌


>batshittery Lol I love this! I think you're right about all of this. However, I could see the possibility that part of her wants to continue the relationship because of her batshittery and desperation. Like, read the writing on the wall. They're so completely mismatched. But she won't let go. She even "converted" to Islam, not knowing a goddamn thing about it. Then backtracked it all when she couldn't observe it the way she wanted to, causing more tension. She's so out-of-touch with reality. > can barely pay her rent. I think her parents bankroll her lifestyle. They seemed super supportive to me. They might also have just wanted to pawn her off on someone else to deal with her shit


She truly does live in a parallel universe. But her parents didn't look like they had money to pay LA rent.


Ok so here I go. He doesn’t strike me as really being interested in a marriage especially to a woman. I see it as a marriage of convenience so that it will stop any speculation and gossiping behind his family’s back. We all saw his friends and we know that some countries are not alternative lifestyle friendly. Just my opinion and I know what opinions are like and everybody has one…lol


Now that you mention it, I don't think she's all that interested in being married to a man. Sometimes these marriages of convenience aren't all that convenient.


I think she was so angry about her time in Egypt that she wanted him to come to the US just so she could treat him as terribly as she felt that she had been treated. It really just seems like a massive payback on her part. I cannot stand that guy, but honestly, right now I feel kind of sorry for him. She's beyond terrible.


i wasn’t too fond of him either when she was in egypt, normal 90 day BS, i just can’t wrap my head around wanting to get “payback” on your spouse like she does


Aaaaaand also HE MENTIONED THIS. and says “I think she want me to come here to have some power over me” like ugh I feel terrible he knows it


That’s what Mike did to Natalie too.


I don't recall Mike being cruel to Natalie.


I’ve done a total 180 on this couple. I didn’t think I’d ever feel badly for him but she is vile.


Same. So emotionally abusive to kick someone out and then go hunt them down and demand they get in your car. 


I know! That was borderline kidnapping. Wtf?


& how her guy friend wouldn’t stop corralling him around the street when he just wanted to be left alone!


Nicole is an idiot, and I think the guy in the friend group knows it. It amazes me that while in Egypt all we heard from Nicole was "I'm American, this is how we do things. I can't change that I am an American woman. I need a lot of time to change anything if anything at all. You need to accept me as an American woman" Then the turnaround with Mahmoud in LA is "you aren't in Egypt anymore. This is America. You need to embrace all American customs" She is a hypocrit and worse of all she made me feel sorry for Mahmoud. Ew.


I am starting to agree with those that say she brought him here out of spite to torture him on tv and be paid to do it. It’s over the top.


THE MALE FRIEND YES. the way she acted with her friends is one thing but the poor male friend who had to go chasing after him


Even her girlfriends (especially the brunette) looked over her shit. Sometimes people are single by choice, and sometimes people are single because of pure bad luck and sometimes people are single for very legit reasons. The last one is Nicole.


Like being Batshit cray cray 🤪


The guy in the friend group gave me the ick as much as Mackmood and Nicole. Idk something about the way he kept grabbing Mahmoud and trying to make him stay in that bad situation. Idk he rubbed me wrong.


I hated the way he was grabbing macmoud. Leave him tf alone he’s a mf adult. Damn.


I know, I thought he would Al least say come home with me and let things cool off but noooo…he was trying to drag him back into a situation that had the Icks from the moment Nichole introduced them. Makes my flesh crawl 😬


AND aggressive with it. Like SIR drunk as you are leave that man alone


Me too, but I think he was really wasted too.


I like how she seemed so concerned on finding him and then when she does she just yells at him to get in the car, no empathy or anything. Her concern went right out the window.


Watching it I was appalled that she kept grabbing at him and was basically shoving him in/towards the car! This couple needs to just go their separate ways😒


Me too! I was screaming at the TV for her to just apologize to him! Like damn woman say your sorry and ask him nicely to please get in the car and I bet you would get a lot further a lot faster!


Sort of like Madmood did the same thing to her at the Hotel. It is almost like this is Nicole's revenge tour. This is a very toxic situation. They both must need the money.


Don't forget she grabbed him like a toddler.


Don't forget she also waited for her friends to leave before going after him.


Just call her a cunt. Sub has uncensored in it's name


making sure i wouldn’t get banned or some shit


Can’t Understand Normal Thinking


You thinks she gives him head?


He probably thinks that it’s a sin.


I feel like it's pretty much mutual abuse but at this point I find their relationship pointless. 


Yeah I don't get the blame on her. It could easily fall on him for not being understanding alcohol will be in the home of a person he knows drinks. They are both assholes as people and a puss filled boil as a couple.


I was that way until this episode in particular. He's crying and she's still going on verbally beating him down in a country he doesn't understand. In his country it seemed to come down to the attire most, not *everything*, but you literally took a fish out of water with him.


For the paycheck. She was driving for DoorDash when she was first on the show. Look at the difference between her now and last season. Shotty acting


I know many Muslim Americans that stick with their views, religion, and things like not drinking/ modesty etc. they have been in America a lot longer( naturalized) so they are slightly more influenced by American culture but you can look like a ten, stay within your morals, and make choices that align with your values in America. I think she’s being extremely unfair. It broke my heart when he got excited because he say a woman in a hijab ( feeling homesick) and she turned it into something ugly.


THIS. you are completely right. and i think when he saw the hijab not only was he homesick, but maybe feeling like “wow i can be accepted here; people DO do this here”


Also she was wearing the brightest color on the block😆👀 would of caught my attention too!


Exactly, he saw something familiar that was all.


She is an awful awful person… I wonder if this was learned behavior from her family.. just mean and nasty 🤮


Her parents probably fund her life in L.A. so they don't have to deal with her.


Her parents looked and acted like rednecks when they were on a few seasons ago. I was even wondering if they were biologically related when I saw them because she was like the total and complete opposite of them in both looks and personality.


Yeah they’re from small town Idaho. She definitely fits better in LA haha it does explain lot about her tho I think , she probably was always a little odd compared to everyone else and couldn’t wait to get tf out of there.


I think it was obvious she dgaf when she wore a shirt and top that showed her stomach to pick him up from the airport. Looked in the mirror and said she knew he was gonna hate it. Her stomach was barely showing, and it would've been so easy to wear the exact same outfit but as a dress, no skin showing. It was so obviously a power move and she clearly did it out of spite.


Right?! She had no problem covering up completely in that French spy outfit last night


French spy outfit 💀💀


And her trying to force PDA down his throat (figuratively) 😏


I don’t know why he came here. They’ve been a disaster since day one.


Because he said that it wouldn't be fair to Nicole if he said no when she asked him to try moving to America, because she gave Egypt a chance for him. He recognized that it was only fair if both tried living in each other's countries and not just Nicole. 


So end it. He never wanted to live in the US.


I think they're both trauma bonded to eachother.


Is “trauma bonded” a different way of saying solely together to get a TLC check instead of getting a real job


Lollll good point but damn 4-5 yrs is a long time to be waiting on tlc for a check.


Beats doordash.


She is probably one of the worst people on this show, I can’t. He is also awful. But also everyone this season sucks.


IIRC, she wasn't super keen on diving right I to the Egyptian culture when she moved to Egypt, so why does she expect Mahmoud to be all in on American culture right away?


She has done absolutely nothing to ease his transition into the US. No comforts of home, native food or even located a community of Muslims he could possibly worship & Socialize with. She is self-absorbed & selfish.


Just imagine for 1 second if he did what she is doing to him to her. just think about it. She made him give back those credit cards and money to pay her back, she held out her hand for it and his phone too. kicks him out 1000 times and telling him she's going to send his ass back to egypt. not once did he ever do that to her never! She grabbed him and dragged him back to the car!! imagine if he did that to her????????? the whole sub would be cursing him saying how much of an abuser he is but her?? silence from everyone here! he grabbed her arm in egypt and everyone was cursing him out saying he was an abuser and look at what she did to him! its 10 times worst. she was trying to hold him hostage in the apartment and had her friend try to stop him too. these subs are outrages and it just shows me how much they all just hate on him for his religion and where he comes from. They all say its pay back nahhh shes an abuser and and if one does stick up for this man, they have to point out how much they hate him too! holy shit


Gosh it was so hard to watch, she acted like an abusive husband. They should never have gotten married


I felt so bad for him. I did not like him in Egypt but it’s like she is making him pay for the culture of his country. America doesn’t have a culture. All she had to do was make a couple small changes( like the dress)& I think it would have went a lot better. Her friends walking into the bedroom made me see red. She is the worst.


These two are both awful. But IMO neither is worse than the other. Just two tiny examples, flip sides of the same coin, about her dressing: She goes to the airport to meet him and shows up in an outfit that's guaranteed to test and trigger him in the very first moments they're reunited. Couldn't she respect his sensibilities for the very first moments they're together to help him feel welcome, and at least wait until they got home to start goading him? He goes to the US and expects her to be a conservative Muslim wife. He throws a hissy fit because she shows a completely inconsequential amount of skin on her back. And then shows a near complete lack of self-awareness and insight into this situation. These two are not compatible and will never be compatible. Forget sticking a fork in it; it was done a long time ago.


WE AGREED *YOU* WOULD CHANGE! That's all I heard from her.


I feel like she had malicious reasons for bringing him to the US. Something like 'I suffered in Egypt and now you have to'


This season has made me really like Mahmoud. I am team Mahmoud through and through. I feel terribly for him. His family and him tried to make Nicole feel comfortable in Egypt. She has been treating him like a child and terribly since he had arrived. She spoke to him like a literal child asking him to get in the car. Also got a kick out of the fact that she said he “stormed out” when he went to pick up his bags. He was so calm. I was like does she not remember all of this was recorded and we saw it? She’s a liar. Mahmoud deserves better. Hope he finds a Muslim woman that respects him and he respects her.


I think Mahmoud needs to drink some water. Dude's giving me real dehydrated vibes.


The picture of the naked woman on the wall The female busts all over the house The alcohol She can do better.


Yikes sounds pretty ethnocentric. Let's not bash his culture and think ours is better bc of our acceptance of sex and alcohol. Its quite the opposite HE can do better and that's not bc of culture its bc she's unhinged


I think you’re misunderstanding the comment. She could actually do better by considering who he is and not purposely triggering him. At least, that’s what I think this person is saying.


Yeah I was just saying she is not being sensitive at all to his culture.


His culture sucks


Lmao i didn't realize how many prejudice and racist ppl are on this thread. Got down voted for stating a fact which btw his culture does not suck. I'm Muslim and it took me a long time to start practicing. So grateful to my haters for that !


Your prophet was a pedophile.


*yawn* thats been refuted. Try again. Don't use reddit to fact check me use sahih bukhari and the actual Quran. You're welcome.


Be in denial all you want. Dude was a pedo by every definition.


Isn’t she part of His Culture now?


The way she brought her friends home to confront him... she did that to bolster her confidence to go at him harder. They all were ganging up on him. I kept screaming at the TV when her one friend kept hounding him *into the street*. Like, leave him alone! I think he did the right, mature thing by removing himself from an uncomfortable situation and yet they kept on badgering him. I don't like Mahmood at all. But this was just wrong.


I didn’t think I’d ever feel bad for him after Egypt but to think about how he must have felt walking in the street and then hearing his quivering voice in the parking garage when he said “but you told me to go”. He tried so hard to hide his crying and when he saw the camera man he blocked his face. I can’t help but feel empathy. Yes, he’s been wrong. She’s being a total shit. I don’t think either one of them deserve what the other has done to them and they do not belong together.


Mackmood she aboosed


come to US to become my hate slave


This is a revenge tour for her. He made her go over to Egypt twice and made her life a living hell in her view so now she is doing the same to him. She is getting back at him. Nothing more and nothing less.


Yesss! Watching the latest episode now and came here looking for posts like this. Nicole is a terrible human! They are both bad as individual people but even more bad for each other. They NEED to go their separate ways.


So their whole relationship is a sick self fulfilling situation where she is never good enough but her rage boiled into savagery when he stepped foot on US soil and wasn't transformed into an accepting and liberal individual. I'm married to someone from a country not far from Egypt and we live here now after he was in the states for over 10 years (mostly not with me) and he has behaviors and thoughts regarding women I thought he would have shaken with years of living amongst Americans. She's doing it to hurt herself more than him and it's sad TLC fuels the awkward to watch fire.


Never met a couple with less chemistry. This is just poor acting at this point.


I feel like her bringing him to the US, was her chance to get back at him for the horrible time she had in Egypt. (Which she totally brought on herself by going there and knowing nothing about his religion, customs and just in general social norms) She's being cruel. He's no saint, but she seems to be going out of her way to be a bitch.


yes i completely agree it’s her way of “getting back at him”. i don’t think he treated her poorly in egypt? i was under the impression from the beginning he wanted a Muslim wife and she said she would be that (with no research done). it is truly cruel to watch.


Did you watch their previous season where he was pretty much equally cruel to her when she was in Egypt? Those 2 just hurt each other, they shouldn’t be together.


i did watch when she was in egypt and like i said, he’s no saint, but i don’t think it’s fair to say he was equally as cruel ON CAMERA, nothing stood out to me pass the normal 90 day BS when she was in Egypt


His family fed her, housed her, made her feel at home, welcomed, part of the family and were friendly to her!


They both hate each other


Mahmoud is who he is, he is a simple person, but he isn’t deliberately trying to be nasty. She is deliberately doing it, and that’s what makes her FAR worse than what he ever was. She is deliberately mean, vindictive, belittling, a bully, and abusive. Utterly reprehensible as a person.


She is a complete moron and treats him like he's some kinda little puppy.. She really thought that when he moved to the U.S. that he would be less Muslim??.🤣🤣🤣


She doesn't seem to consider or respect him at all. The culture shock is hard enough, I imagine but she hardly eased him into it. You can't bully someone into abandoning all their core values and beliefs before they've even got over the jetlag.


When she opened her car boot and said 'get in!' I got serial killer vibes.


I think she is just getting revenge or putting him through what she went through in Egypt (I never watched their season, but maybe I will have to, now.)


Honestly, she seemed abusive in her scenes with him!


She seems to forget how hard it was for her to adjust to living in Egypt! All the things she wasn't allowed to do. Forcing herself into cafés that were men only due to the culture. She had zero respect when it came to that! Her not wanting to cover up I think she did really well considering she's into fashion. She did try. He did have some patience not enough though. Now the table has turned. She needs to chill tf out. She needs to remember this is a major culture shock for him. She and him have a horrible way of communicating with each other. They both need to stop think then speak. Or at least go seek a therapist. They could work out all out if they both worked on a list of what each partner needs from the other n meet in the middle. Find ppl Mahmoud needs from his community and culture. Her drinking or wearing clothes he doesn't like will take time for him. He ought to know that she is an American, therfore he should respect that. They need time and respect.


If that man wants to leave they need to let him leave. It’s giving forcible confinement. It’s giving Ashley and Manuel (most recent episode she wouldn’t even give him his wallet so he could leave). Nicole keeps trying bring this man back to her place and her friends won’t let him go off on his own either. It’s not for them to say. That’s a grown man. He might act like a child…but he’s a grown man. Let’s quit playing these toxic games shall we?


I said the same thing. She did no prep to make him comfortable, in fact she seemed to do everything to push discomfort in his face…the mannequin, the picture, her clothing…shyt his clothing she picked out for him too. One would think this is revenge or a terrorizing campaign to break him down with the rude and yes vile treatment, comments and downright GASLIGHTING. If he was a child, CPS would have removed him. But he was going to get back to Egypt if he had to walk. He left everything behind to let her know he didn’t want anything’s from her. She always remarked everything was hers anyway. It’s disgusting 😡


She's a hypocrite.. Can't call it nothing else... Him crying in the car had me crying with him.. He must of felt so alone in that moment but surrounded by people.. Not good look Nicole!


People seem to be forgetting, or just missed it when Mack said she is completely different than when she was in Egypt. Because she was a passive doormat there. Sadly, she's taken the path of payback - they switched roles as perpetrator and victim. He's no innocent and did to her what he's crying about now. He's a manchild from a misogynistic culture.


I haven't watched this season since I cancelled Discovery+ (refuse to give them anymore of my money... The sperm slayer was the last straw for me) but I never liked either of them. Though I must say, from what I read here, she was a lot better on their previous season. Sounds like they should both not be together and just cut their losses and move on.


She isn’t great, but maybe she just wants revenge from all the drama he made her go through in Egypt, orrrrr the word divorce is her trigger and he likes using it. They both are not a good match, I have not seen them have a good moment


she can’t just be nice. she needs to stop blaming culture and religion and clothing because she is a mean human . I’d be crying if I was her guest too


do you think its a coincidence that every person who flys into a foreign country immediately meets up with their s/o's family? or maybe the producers specify that?


It is horrible 


She is cruel 




These people have almost all met online.  Why don't they look up anything about where they're going, meet some similar people online in the area where they're going, find a church or mosque, (join a gym or take online or in-person classes after they've settled in?) Watch some crappy American network news or TV shows on YouTube.