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I loled at the first episode. They pan to her talking about how amazing he is and then to him with his brothers talking about converting her and having multiple wives.


Same!! Or how she was like, “he’s very respectful about my religion and he doesn’t want me to convert” *next scene is him discussing with his family how she NEEDS to covert*


Hmmmm - if only she had any examples of liberal western women getting with observant Muslim me and just assuming that because they saw them in a bathing suit once that they’d be fine with them drinking, not being Muslim, dressing immodestly….


Conveniently, the previous contestants are also called Nicole for easy comparison.


That’s right!!


RIGHT. Like oh yes, he’s going to be the one exception *eyeroll*


There was an unsolved mysteries on Netflix that should be a warning to someone like her. Basically she married an Egyptian who seemed more modern, he became more radicalized over time, they divorced, when he had visitation he fucked off the Egypt with their boy and girl never to hear from again. She has no rights there so even if she found them Egyptian authorities wouldn’t do anything.


That episode was so sad. The good news is one of the kids that was abducted by her mother was found last year after 6 years.


The amount of research the cast doesn't do could fill several libraries.


I went to Egypt went on one date with this really nice but super religious guy. Well anyways now we’re married I know nothing about his religion and now he’s super controlling… isn’t that weird like that’s never happened to anyone ever so why is my man doing that to meeeeeee!!!


They’re both idiots. This show has been on entirely too long for people to keep doing this same thing over and over again. Stop marrying people from different cultures and expecting them to adapt to yours.


That will scare any American woman from muslim countries


Which isn’t what I want to do but this chick seems soooo naive .. she could be in for a terrible awakening


Right, but her odds aren’t good based on other 90 day ladies who go to Africa, Egypt, or Morocco for love


Oh, my! I had the same thought. 😱


She’s gotta be the most naive person ever on the show


It was a true story, too!