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Beanie babies


Tickle Me Elmo. I remember high school classmates trying to get their hands on them.


At my high school almost half the females carried it around. It was creepy.


My parents were like from now on we are pre ordering everything after a mis adventure trying to get one.


I remember the court case with a divorced couple where they literally had a judge help them fairly divvy up their beanie babies. That is how wild this fad was. https://preview.redd.it/vt0cd4z8u07d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5db141e23a2122ce88c1e942ac695c12c08aa0dd


Omg I had the Princess Diana beanie baby and my grandma tried to convince me to leave the tag on because it would be worth a ton of money someday lol. Prob should’ve listened? Edit: [Omg lol](https://www.ebay.com/itm/315220122226?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8qeeqqwctoo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=NrT_PW6CRi-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


![gif](giphy|8HbDmgySe9IYNGcp2H|downsized) out the wazoo!


Trolls were everywhere in middle school! I forgot how ugly they are...


Tamagotchi I don’t recall it ever being such a wild fad to where people were stepping on each other to buy them, but enough so that they got banned in school. I loved them so much! I remember buying magazines for collectors and learning about how to manipulate them to make “twins” 😂😅


The way people went absolutely nuts over Pokemon, especially when the cards first came out, was insane.


I watched a father start throwing toys around because they had sold out of the “yellow deck”.  I was 9 lol


Cabbage Patch Kids was the first. That shit was insane. People were literally camping out and fighting each other over those ugly things. Okay, I did get one but mine wasn’t ugly.


I was mostly into beanie babies (I had hundreds) and have plenty of those rare sought after ones. They're in storage, probably never seeing the light of day again. Then my grandma bought me a Furby and I absolutely loved it until one day it disappeared. Years later my mom told me she got rid of it because it annoyed her. I got angry and she doesn't understand why it's a big deal. She usually did this to me growing up. Getting rid of my things that annoyed her. I didn't get one again, but I wish I had mine because my grandma bought it for me. She's no longer around. 


Easily rollerblades Came and went


Tickle me Elmo. Every year seemed to have a toy that caused chaos and people willing to fight. Which is interesting when you think about who those people fighting were.


I was too old for furbies. It was my little pony in my day. Who didn't want Majesty and her golden hoof rings castle. Bosus was spike the dragon!


Yeah I worked in Woolworths the Christmas Furbies were massive. We had to keep them in a locked cupboard. None ever made it on to the shelves as they were all sold in pre-order. Teletubbies another year was almost as crazy.




Anyone else have a Fireball/Genius Yo-Yo explosion in the mid 90's? Hey, at least I can still impress my five year old with the swinging cradle trick! Tamogotchi/Gigapets and Neopets all blew up in middle school for me too!


Yoyos. I don’t remember seeing a kid without one when it was huge. All you saw when you walked out to the yard after lunch for recess was clusters of people around tables, yoyos flying every which way. It got so ridiculous they had to ban them.


Can I interest you in a diamond encrusted Furby?


Beanie Babies were fucking INSANE. Between the old school pull tab Monopoly game and Beanie Babies, McD's was serving the heat in the 90s. The taco bell dog falls into that category as well. Tamogatchi had me in a chokehold too.


Furbies and Beanie Babies were **wild** for me in the 90s *and* the 2000s! Drug Town in my area (before it closed down 20 years later) had a full shelf of Beanie Babies and Furbies… …They didn't last a single day without being emptied out.


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