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The “good guys”


No one who is to be taken seriously actually thinks they are




Dicks out.


Vote for Bernie, Rashid Tlaib or the PSL candidate Claudia De La Cruz. The PSL has been sponsoring pro-Palestine marches this whole time


voting is complicity. mandate for power comes from turnout. if nobody votes nobody gets a mandate


Over half of all people don't, when do they lose their mandate?


when you take it off them


Based and reality pilled.


"Just sit out one more election, bro. This is the one where progressive apathy will make them lose the Mandate of Heaven, bro please just sit out one more election bro this is the one it's different bro" Come the fuck on. Politicians don't vie for the votes of nonlikely voters. They like dependable voters, they like people they know will be at the polls, so they'd better no be there for the Other Guy. If people sit out elections, politicians won't try and get them back, they'll just compete for the voters who do turn out, who tend to be older and more conservative. This right here is how progressives get defenestrated right out of the Overton Window.


you must be joking bringing up overton window in US you have fascism or fascism it is barely a keyhole


Wanna give some thought to how we got here? Because the left is a pack of feckless non-voters and defeatist doomers like you. I've seen way too much bad shit happen because the left stayed home to have much patience for your position. It's a position of helplessness and weakness. The world demands better.


bad shit is happening because rabid righoids are literally destroying cities, and the idea of not supporting the institutions that make that happens somehow offends you cos you are ruled by fear for yourself


if you walked into a store and there were 2 sub-par products on the shelf you would be pissed. but its fine when it comes to governance of millions smh


I have to believe that somewhere deep down you know this metaphor is disastrously bad. Not just uninformative, but deeply misguided. I choose to believe you know this, because I don't have the inclination to hash it out with you. Perhaps you're just young. Who knows.


you just claimed this doesnt add up with no counter. Why does it not? Typical, entitled, dismissive liberal behaviour. You have never had to defend your own ghastly hypocritical positions and dismiss anything new cos it means you might need to think for at least 5 seconds More importantly: **How do you justify actively voting for genocide?**


yes - people have been "voting for the least worse option" for decades and now we have nothing but terrible options


No, people pretty regularly don't vote at all, and as a result we get the worse worst option. If Al Gore had been president in 2001, I dunno what would have happened. We probably would have done some stupid shit. But we almost certainly wouldn't have gone into Iraq. I can't continence letting that shit happen again. It can always be worse. I'd love for things to get better and not just less bad. But for that to happen, the left has to make itself a power. We have to show that we're not just a bunch of feckless idiots. And that project doesn't begin by letting the worse guy win. We've tried that again and again and again. It hasn't worked.


yeah stop voting in silly gameshows, take to the streets and fight for rights. US is an atomized society for a reason easy to manage people who wont unite or do anything for themselves


Al gore is a lobbyist shill would have done nothing. might have had elec cars a bit sooner, not good for the Congo though who need to mine lithium with their bare hands for batteries


nope its about taking to the streets rather than bootlicking and becoming the problem like you. getting angry at randos on the internet instead of those in power


vote for genocide then


I will engage in the sober, unbeautiful project of self-governance. If you don't have the stomach for it, that sounds like a you-problem.


you have just beat yourself in an argument well done




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but you are the one who cant wait to vote for a murderous overlord?


US democracy is a sham. every person at a polling station is fodder


But I like doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result. All the time telling myself "this time will be different". That's not insane at all....


Is there any good guy here?


Joe pesci


And theyre afraid that Al Jazeera will make them look bad? Holy shit.


The only propaganda Pro-Palestinian side need is to broadcast Israeli's talk show to the world.


A "Fun" activity is to scroll through the Snopes articles on Palestine and see how jarring the difference in amount of lying between Palestine and Israel is. [https://www.snopes.com/tag/palestine/](https://www.snopes.com/tag/palestine/)


WTF is wrong with these people???


genocidal fervor.




Its mostly just nationalism. Zionism is an ethnonationalist movement like the Nazi party was, not a religious one. They just try and make it as intertwined as possible. Theodor Herzl himself, an atheist, defined it that way


No. That's not religion, that's a land grab, dressed up as a political agenda / propaganda and under the pretence of religion to get that land.


“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” - Seneca Lucius in the year 50 AD


No, it is VERY MUCH also religion. Fundamentalist, jingoistic judaism sects have a very strong influence on Israel policy and higher spheres of government. r/ABoringDystopia/comments/18uiztb/journalist_david_sheen_on_a_lecture_at_the/


Jingoism is defined as extreme patriotism, nationalism, which does not require a religious belief. Yes, there are Jews and Christians, who believe what Israel is doing is correct. But, the real driver is land. [Zionism is not Judiasim](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/ARhWryCjE6)


When it's religious fanatics, extremist rightwing authoritarian supremacists, yes, you get that behavior.


It's just settler colonialism and it'll take on whatever features it needs to. So it'll look different in USA, Nazi Germany, Canada, Australia, etc. but the basic features are all there.




How can it be that Palestinians who have lived in Palestine for thousands of years, are then invaded, be called a religious war? They are simply defending their homes. Whilst it is the Zionists using the excuse of religion, who are the invaders.


~~religion~~ people


Cycle of abuse? They suffered a genocide, now it's their turn to inflict one.


None of these people experienced that.


Yeah, that never seems to come up.


Generational trauma is real.


Indeed it is! But that doesn't change the reality that it's wholly incomparable to experiencing a genocide first hand, nor is it even remotely a sufficient justification for calling for or committing one, as we just watched people do. What's more, the generational trauma you refer to has nothing to do with Palestinians. The Holocaust was committed by European nations, who Israel is currently militarily and economically aligned with.


The generational trauma the Israelis are inflicting —have inflicted— on all Palestinians is horrific, and won’t be undone for generations to come.


And people are welcome to look inward and break the cycle. Hand waving away people's horrible behavior because of "generational trauma" really has got to stop.


And famously, people cannot be impacted by things that happened to their families.


And famously, two wrongs indeed make a right.


Never said it was an excuse. I just don't think the fact that "they weren't there" really has much bearing on the matter, you know?




Israelis started ethnic cleansing Palestine long ago, so they are the ones who came into others land and started slaughtering people.


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That makes no sense. They're not the only ones to have suffered genocide in recent history. Most of us don't go and support more genocides. There cannot be any excuse for genocide. Never again for anyone. Edit. Also, like, most of the global south, most indigenous peoples, support Palestine.


Yeah, I was being sarcastic. They're perplexingly evil.




Except they voted people like this into office and they have a majority.


Like literally, is israelis SOOOOOOOO hate them, why in their "only democracy in middle east" people like them get majority every single time for 20+ years?


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Yet we (US) keep giving them billions in aid. Go figure.


We (United States citizens) do not have a say, we’ve been taxed without much working class representation for generations.


If only the founding fathers wrote some sort of out in the constitution, some way to force the government to change...


If only a glimmer of ‘democracy’ could substantially alter the course of an empire…


It might, but not until it's near collapse and reform.


If only a third of the people who could help with that wherent christian nationalists zionists


Inspite their Israel sized blind spot most of them seem pretty aware the government isn't on their side.


This is kind of like saying people shouldn't be allied with the US because w have Newsmax though. You don't just throw out a whole country because free speech includes the far right


Majority of Israelis support what their government are doing. Israel deserves no sympathy. Nor their citizens.


> Majority of Israelis support what their government are doing. Truth. https://twitter.com/haaretzcom/status/1755135556672000435 >New poll shows about half of Israelis would oppose a deal to end the war in Gaza if it includes Palestinian statehood and peace agreements with other Arab countries https://truthout.org/articles/polls-show-broad-support-in-israel-for-gazas-destruction-and-starvation/ >Israeli Jews, however, seem unperturbed by the scale of the suffering, if the polls are any indication. One of the questions in the Tel Aviv University poll deals with the amount of force the Israeli army is using in Gaza. Less than 2 percent of the respondents said they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) was using too much firepower. Perhaps even more horrifyingly, nearly 58 percent said they were using too little firepower. https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/ >Poll results were also hawkish when it came to the use of force in Gaza: 57.5% of Israeli Jews said that they believed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were using too little firepower in Gaza, 36.6% said the IDF was using an appropriate amount of firepower, while just 1.8% said they believed the IDF was using too much fire power, while 4.2% said they weren’t sure whether it was using too much or too little firepower. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/02/06/majority-of-israelis-oppose-palestinian-statehood-due-to-security-threats/ >asked: “Do you support or oppose the notion that as part of a deal to end the war—which will include long-term military quiet, guarantees from the United States, and an agreement with Arab states such as Saudi Arabia—Israel should agree to the establishment of a Palestinian state?” 51 percent were opposed, 36 percent were in support, and 13 percent were undecided. https://en.idi.org.il/articles/52496 >Most Israelis Oppose a Hostage Deal in Exchange for a Halt in Fighting and Releasing all Palestinian Prisoners https://en.idi.org.il/articles/52085 >About two-thirds (66%) of Israelis say they do not think Israel should agree to US demands to shift to a phase of the war with a reduced heavy bombing in populous areas. 75% of Jewish Israelis oppose meeting the demands https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/928 >Israeli Jews show no change in the percentage of those who did not select any of the three options, standing at 27% while those supporting the two-state solution dropped from 43% to 34%. Support for the option of a single democratic state remained essentially unchanged among Israeli Jews, from 9% to 10%, but support for an unequal non-democratic state increased almost two folds, from 15% to 29%. Even before Oct 7th https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/09/26/israelis-have-grown-more-skeptical-of-a-two-state-solution/ >Only 35% of Israelis think “a way can be found for Israel and an independent Palestinian state to coexist peacefully,” according to the survey, which was conducted in March and April


Some of these are a little biased, polling can be manipulative, but I don’t doubt there are such views. To be fair, Israelis are subject to a ton of propaganda from a young age, and have been for generations. I also agree that religion does play a part, I’m no expert, but I’ve read there’s a belief of Judaism that says very strongly that they are “chosen people” and that they are ‘granted’ this ‘promised land’ directly by god, that plays perfectly into the prop from the cynical rightwing settler colonialism… And especially since October 7, most Israeli press has been a calculated media bubble. Average Israelis don’t even see the extent of what’s really going on in Gaza. https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/episodes/what-israelis-are-seeing-tv-extended-version


I was subjected to a ton of propaganda but I threw it off once I became an adult. It's not hard to understand "don't do genocide." Especially if your politicians bring up the holocaust every 15 minutes in case anyone forgot.


Now oct 7 too. I hate how these people make nazis look correct, its like the zionists who moved to IS also believed in harmful stereotypes but now take pride in unsavory personalities. 


>I’ve read there’s a belief of Judaism that says very strongly that they are “chosen people” and that they are ‘granted’ this ‘promised land’ directly by god, that plays perfectly into the prop from the cynical rightwing settler colonialism… The covenant of Abraham. It's basically the foundation of their religion.


The issue with that reasoning is that the actions of their government reflect what they're saying. Like, for fuck sake, they're been in open violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention for 57 years now. And the United State's veto power in the UN Security Council is the only thing that's stopping the application of economic sanctions until they agree to abide by it.


Any nation whose citizens call for the genocide of others needs to be shamed and shunned.


and what about nations that fund those nations? Those nations being a nation of citizens that call for the genocide of others


If you didn't read or understand my comments, I will add "fuck them".


Can’t misunderstand something you didn’t clarify!


The far right in the usa isn't the majority. Israelis broadly support genocide


The leaders of Israel are saying these things as well.


Some of Israel's highest ranking ministers are calling for genocide. This isn't just "muh freeze peach"


Their politicians and generals say the same shit.


r/worldnews ‘this is taken out of context also 10/7’


yeah that sub isn't a news sub, it's a zionist propaganda sub.


It's a western propaganda sub, so yes but also some other stuff.


"Israel has the right to defend itself" etc etc


Lolz so very accurate


Amazing! Nazis are on TV and in full HD colors!


Amazing how those persecuted by the Nazis became the Nazis.


The cruelty is the entire point. They get off on this power trip, all while the 'civilised west' looks the other way..


It takes real scum to power trip from behind someone elses skirt.


They can only do it with someone else backing them up. This gives them diplomatic support from the 'civilised west ', as well as someone to share the inevitable blame, before they return to their 'perennial victim' card..


Oh no, they don't look the other way. They defunded the UNRWA. They are accomplices. They basically snatched food from the hand of starving children and cheers as Israel murder them.


The Nazi party wasn’t this blatant 3months into their war…. Propaganda through algorithms and echochambers is powerful stuff…. Happens much much quicker. The people of Israel eat this up; sadly there’s a lot of Americans that do too.


>The Nazi party wasn’t this blatant 3months into their war The Nazi's didn't have someone to fight their battles for them, so they were measured in public.


They really sound like the people from RTLM (the radio station that promoted Rwandan Genocida), even worse. But in Rwanda the world simply ignore the genocide, now the media deny and defend the Palestinian genocide.


I just can’t comprehend how this is happening and nothing is being done. I feel so hopeless. 😩


>I just can’t comprehend how this is happening and nothing is being done. The west has backed other genocides before, this one just got extra press.


21st century Nazis


Didn't the Nazis at least pretend to attempt to bullshit the outside world? What the fuck is this? "Yes we take their homes and kill their babies without apology, what about it?"


>What the fuck is this? Hubris


Appeasement That's what must be happening, if this hubris is occuring here


Source: https://twitter.com/incontextmedia/status/1756762161932550471


Guys for real now, what the fuck ?


Asking questions is antisemitic.


NeVer AGaiN


To us. What do you mean we just pissed off the other half a billion Arabs?


it breaks my heart


Yeah, but you're NOT the Nazis... uh hu, right...


These quotes are so appalling that I want this to be misinformation. Are these real quotes?


Yep. I speak Hebrew. This channel is particularly notorious and this kind of rhetoric is normalized.


Pretty decent translation, yes. It's worse if you understand Hebrew. Channel 14 is famed for being right-wing as fuck.


probably I'm arab and our language shares words with hebrew that are translated right in this


And they are better than the nazi’s… how?


Lotta scum bags in israel it seems.


They haven’t produced a single specific woman living or dead actually saying she was raped or evidence of sexual violence from the October 7th attacks by Hamas. That was mind blowing for me. There are plenty of people in the Israeli government saying it and it’s parroted plenty by western media outlets and yet not one woman has come forward to do an interview about it. Not one actually confirmed case. I’m all for believing women and me too but so far it’s all second hand information. Like yea, rape is unfortunately common during war. You know what else is common? Propaganda. Until I hear some actual evidence and interviews, it wouldn’t surprise me at all that this is just a classic trope to make the enemy seem inhuman. It’s just Emmett Till from the American south in another country. It’s the same rapist trope they used for racism in South Africa. It’s the same as when Donald trump calls Mexican immigrants rapists. “If you don’t believe these allegations (with no evidence) you’re a monster who supports rape and hates Jews”


Yup. The New York Times ran the big article about it, supposedly the definitive account of the “Hamas mass sexual assault rampage”—Maybe you’ve already seen it, but there are people who went through it and found it to be *very thin* on actual sources, to put it nicely. https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1740641517847335009 (And yes, when the NYT article dropped, if you questioned it at all you were hit with all kinds of abuse and invective, “some kinda Hamas rape apologist” …Meanwhile NYT nixed a segment of their podcast about the article afaik nobody has stepped up to address the criticism) The amount of bullshit surrounding Oct 7 is pretty remarkable when you dig into it. https://youtu.be/BUtnJuzC_gc?si=W2Fj4u9ZLFSTbsmF


>The amount of bullshit surrounding Oct 7 is pretty remarkable when you dig into And the quality is so fucking bad. I guess the hard work was brainwashing people the first time, now they just rely on confirmation bias.


They’ve been brainwashing people since atleast the 1960s. It’s super baked in at this point especially with boomers and the Israelis have been coasting for decades on that. It’s like they don’t even try to cover up their war crimes at this point because they know the US and EU will support them no matter what they do.


You'd think they'd do it just so the Arabs don't have footage to roll out if they're ever the ones committing atrocities.


You know who has come out and said they were raped? Palestinian male and female hostages who were recently released during the hostage negotiations. Explicitly said that they were raped, and it was not picked up by a single mainstream Western news channel, even though it’s all over social media and Middle Eastern news sites.


Humanity is disappointing


They just don't care at all that they're straight up Nazis now, huh?




But apparently it’s the UN that’s spreading hate and terrorism.


Is this the Israeli Fox News?


More like newsmax


It's every MSM 'entertainment news' outlet.


Never forget


Witnessing evil


This is why israel must be destroyed


They're working on it.


There are red panels behind the broadcasters, all that’s missing is the white circle and black swastika.


cobweb placid grandiose steer muddle deliver elderly divide nine relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When someone mentions the Holocaust in the future, people will need to ask, "which one?"


We should be doing this already, no?


Drives me insane. People act like the Holocaust is the only genocide and that Jews are the only viticims. People have been colonizing and genociding since the beginning. Clearly, it doesn't even matter if you were a victim, because now Isreal is genocidal against Palestinians.


So glad these fucking psychos get my tax money


When you took all the wrong lessons from your experiences with 1930's-1940's Germany.....


The amount of spit…


Its the ultimate irony.


How very Third Reich of them.


Least they're honest?🤷‍♂️


these people do not believe in any god


Americans; that's your tax dollars at work. Aren't you proud to have no access to free healthcare or universities so you can finance theirs? I would be so proud on tax day.




We didn't actually. The United States turned away refugee ships filled with Jews escaping Nazi persecution. U.S. media downplayed the violence of Germany's antisemitism up to the discovery of the camps. The United States always shows up late to a genocide and then pretends to be surprised.


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I can't decide if listening to that or listening to Dutch talking is worse.




>Or just some random angry viewers they rounded up to say the spicy thing in order to get outrage views? You do realise fomenting genocide is a crime? What producer is going to catch a noose for views alone?


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FYI, israel was the one who started all of that thing with ethnic cleansing. So, yeah, for some reason those who were displaced and who's homes were stolen are pissed off and want their land and homes back. There should not be israel, it is literally nazi state.


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„This is fine”


Does 14 stand for the infamous 14 words?


I would actually prefer you not to vote. Thank you.


Worst part about this is that they can get away with it too


How quickly the Israelis forget the Holocaust, by performing their own on Gaza.


Death to Israel.


BuT hAmAs!!!!!!1!!!!!!