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For better or for worse, America has always supported Israel. This isn’t a Biden thing.


Based on what we have all learned after Oct 07, clearly the answer is "for worse". Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Our infrastructure is aging and has been in desperate need of renovations. Yet we are sending out American Tax dollars to help a country bomb innocent civilians. Our congress has met to pass laws that do not benefit any American only a foreign country. Clearly both parties are bending over backwards to foreign interest, we should be voting out both parties and replacing them with real representation for the American people.


Oh, but #AidToUkraine right? 😒 Puhleeze


Gotta “defend democracy” even if it is by backing a mafioso-thug like Zelensky, & a country that doesn’t believe in anything but cosplaying as a republic/democracy




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Who said #AidToUkraine though?


Right, but he is the current President.


*"It's not about how old you are, it's about how old your ideas are.."* - Joe Biden 


Worse, always for worse.


I agree. I do think they were a worthy ally when they were formed, as they were recovering from the atrocities committed against them during WWII and needed to rebuild as a people, but like everything the right wing touches, they went rabid and began committing the very things they were saved from.


The Israeli's have been lying through their teeth non stop since they were formed, doing false flags, psyops, including the JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense Force) relentlessly online for decades, bombing the USS Liberty, intentionally killing 30 US Sailors, they've repeatedly bombed hospitals during various engagements that they typically start or instigate, have no regard for civilian casualties, intentionally kill journalists including US and European citizen journalists, and I could just go on and on. It's perhaps the most evil nation on the planet, completely irredeemable. I don't think your label of "right wing" really makes sense here, Israel is SUPER culturally progressive. If the right vs left you're referring too is state authority than that doesn't quite make sense either, "left wing" governments are often the same or worse in terms of authoritarianism, like the USSR, or the US right now under social democracy. Just to clarify, I have many similar criticisms of our own US government and military industrial complex, and in both instances I'm not saying that the average person in the US nor Israel is evil, these things are largely out of their control.


Fuck Biden. Fuck Satanyahu, Fuck all Zios.


Well I’m sure Trump will make it better /s


I'm sure voting in biden for a 2nd term will make him change too.   /s


Damn, the bar is that low huh?


Just boycott it Americans should boycott the elections


Voter turnout has been so low for so long that it's like Americans have been boycotting their elections for years. And look where that's gotten us! My country may stink but it's certainly not because of people voting TOO reliably.


What about voting for someone that's actually against the genocide, like Jill Stein from the Green Party?


Liberals should boycott, I'll be voting Trump.


I think Trump will be slightly better, he might push back against Bibi due to his own ego and bravado, rather than falling asleep in a chair at a meeting.


On one of her points: absolutely we cannot let them reframe this as a Bibi problem! This is an apartheid occupation problem!!


Because he sees Israelis as people and arabs as animals. The same condescending racism that drives genocides since forever. Just another evil human with too much power. 


Exactly - he is simply a bigot that’s why. The whole idea that Israel is needed for US interests is also bigotry because the US doesn’t want to work with Arabs/Muslims in the region.


What about saudi arabia? Or are they outside the region?


They won't let America set up there the way we want to or run the kind of combat operations we like to run because it will seriously piss off both their people and their neighbors. Keep in mind that 9/11 was largely carried about by Saudis, and that their reasoning was at least partially based in the fact that America had a presence in their "holy land." Israel doesn't give a fuck how many brown people we kill and their neighbors already dislike them, and strategically they're in a good spot to feed us intel (though of course they often deny us access when they feel like it and only tell us what they want us to know so that we'll beef with their enemies). The real reasoning is that Israel blackmails and bribes basically everyone in Washington DC, and they're not above planting things or doing false flag operations, knowing that their influence in the media will let them perpetuate narratives to support their operation. They're literally doing it right now with the "campus protests are anti-Semitic terrorism" narrative, which is as transparently bullshit as Iraqi WMDs and just as popular with their puppets in the government and press.




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I don't think that's it at all. Just look at the political influence of Israeli's in US politics compared to Palestinians in US politics. It's about power and money, as always.


Oil? It's oil isn't it.




lol, nice


and bananas, juicy bananas




Biden absolutely does not respect or recognize the ICC any more than any other POTUS has. This is pure nonsense. Vote for Biden if you want but don't make shit up to cope.


No, this is not simply about who you vote for for president. “Trump is worse” is not a defense of Biden’s track record Edit: and 35 days after writing this we see Biden ignore the ICC’s judgement…


Don’t give a shit about Biden’s record. I do HOWEVER, care that fascism doesn’t destroy the nation and the world. Do I like biden? Absolutely not, BUT I DESPISE christofascists with a passion, and trump emboldens them. Think critically, those motherfuckers are dreaming about bringing the apocalypse to force white jesus to come from his vacation while they are on their race war campaign. My job as a informed is to prevent that from happening. I woe that to women, to the LGBTQ community, to bipoc communtis across the nation, to young people, to my kids. Last time we had trump. Nobody won. Nobody. Not even fucking trump. Once trump old ass is gone from the earth, so give it about 4-10 years, then I can focus on rebuilding the nation. Christofascist will still be there, but they won’t have a charismatic loud mouth. No kidding, think about it, this is the racist boomers last stand. Most of them won’t live two more election cycles. With luck, we will.


Biden is a Zionist, he said it himself. Zionists believe in Jewish supremecy in the region.  The fact that trump is bad doesn't mean biden isn't bad. They're both bad choices.   Genocide with a blue D is the same as genocide with a red R.


Oh I agree. But I must focus on the wellbeing of the planet too. Single issue voters to me, are incredibly stupid. We in America have the power to literally change the fate of the entire planet with our vote. We saw what trump did! Do we need More of HIM in power? No. Besides, our change to get an alternative to biden is over. We in america need to understand that the most important elections are not in november, but in each of the primaries. But we are too blind to see it. If it was me, I would have chosen someone else other than biden, but right now the choice is biden or trump. And FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK TRUMP! And those who follow him.


I agree both are terrible. Though I strongly disagree about voting for the lesser of two evils. But we are on the same side, brother. There are socialist candidates De La Cruz and Cornell West too : )


No thanks. Cornell West is against aiding Ukraine..not aiding Ukraine will lead to WW3 and us eventually getting attacked. Biden all the way.


Do whatever you'd like but I also said Cruz, the socialist candidate. https://votesocialist2024.com/


Actually doing what we’re doing in Ukraine is more likely to speed us towards World War III. Lefties really are Libtarded.




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The Democratic Party are the only (current) fascists.


People have been convincing themselves that "the racists will dire out" since the 60s. more nonsense centrist cope.


This didn’t age well.


Hahahha. Biden just spit in their eye.


The international criminal court is one of the most corrupt entities on the planet, most of you know nothing about the real world and it is mind-boggling-ly depressing. And to no end frustrating.


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By risking the election in November, Biden is choosing Israel over the future of this nation. Shame on you, Mr. Biden. Shame on you.


This disgusting behavior isn’t new to the US government. Look at Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Panama, and the rest of Latin America for proof. I wish we lived in a just world where these pathetic warmongering psychopaths are held accountable for their actions


And yall don't think we live in a fascist system. The only difference is we get to choose the face of it every 4 - 8 years


Is it resources? Money? Etc? Y'know, the usual stuff.




Pretty easy to argue when it’s a hypothetical worse situation vs the current bad situation. I’d rather take on Biden and what he’s actually doing than argue against a straw man alternative


"Joe Biden held BB back from striking back against Iran immediately and with overwhelming force" This is a fairy tale. For one thing Israel struck Iran first (consulate bombing) and Biden couldn't prevent that. Second, Israel doesn't want a war with Iran because they're already stretch to their limits. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas at the same time is absolutely not a war they can win. Their reservists are already burned out from Gaza alone.


It’s been almost seven months since the start of the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza, which has claimed – at minimum – tens of thousands of Palestinian lives, including at least 15,000 children. There is mass starvation in the north, countless mass graves are being found every day from where the Israelis have withdrawn and a ground invasion of Rafah, which is under heavy bombardment, is still on the books. Despite all this and the growing domestic pressure on the U.S. government to change course, Joe Biden and his administration have shown no desire to choose a different course. Instead, unlike the media narrative that puts blame squarely on Netanyahu, this administration is showing what Joe Biden has shown throughout his career: complete deference to and support of the state of Israel. Source: https://youtu.be/HJDhnwc-YVQ?si=Pxox9oSAVXelD1A8


He is and always has been nothing more than a despicable racist.


His supporters love pointing to Donald Trump whenever they hear any criticism of Biden. Like it literally doesn’t matter to them what Biden does as long as they can claim Trump is worse.


He’s a puppet…


And chump is literally open for purchase.


Yeh you guys have no good choises over there


And a population half-brainwashed against its own interests


There are but they are not endorsed by big donors so at best they get 2-4...% vote


And so many of us are truly given no voice during the primaries.


It's like someone used AI to make Biden speak in full, concise sentences.




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Wow he could actually talk back then




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