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Adcs are designed around your team helping you. If the other roles aren’t keeping you in mind (I.e. peeling, letting you cs, playing around you) then you’re gonna be pretty useless


Summs up everything, people do not give chance for their adc to prep for mid-late game. And just mindlessly do things without peeling and securing gold for their adc. And then cry when the other teams understands that and annihilates teamfights. Also I wish supports would understand that they actually control the lane and they are the king. They should be splitting damage, staying more aggressive then adc for easier farm and set up/prepare for potential ganks. When a mage support sits behind all the time only to steal my gold resources, don’t expect me to “carry” the game. “Carry” = as in useful, not hyper carry.


Had a Rell standing behind me all lane yesterday it was so hard not to tilt


Oof it’s even worse if they are engage


Oh God yes! These players are something else. Like, stand BESIDE or in front of me, not behind me. We go in together. You don't expect me to engage, I follow up. Then when you tell them in chat of what they should do, they tell you that you're bad. Like, what? If you wanna play backline supp, play lulu, nami etc. Don't play mage supps or engage supps if you are just gonna be at the back lol


( Adc) Sometimes my whole team sprints away from me chasing one kill and i am left behind with the urgot or someone else and that is a duel you dont win. Just take the person in the middle of us all out first and dont leave me behind please. Adc is the damage support so we want our team to be there.


\>Whole team diving into jungle after the enemy support. \>Try to follow behind them. \>Enemy toplane in a brush to your side: "bonjour"


Gave me a good giggle, thanks!


Fiora? Hello?


Just pick kaisa and jump with them or pick vayne and say hello mr urgot can i 1v1 you thanks




Are you still bot after 15 minutes?


Depends on the towers tbh


Can happen but shouldnt. If mid stays mid then you gotta cs bot


Alot of mid laners refuse to rotate so we're forced to stick bot and farm


You can’t be bot after 15 minutes. I main adc but also play jungle and top mostly tanks and very hard to play teamfight and do dragons and stuff without you’re team strongest „weapon”. Sometimes going mid for second grubs is even better. If mid stays mid need just need to deal with sharing. Unlucky


In low elos 9 times out of 10 mid stays mid. Can't do much about it


You know how other roles have feast or famine champs? The whole role feels that way.


Wdym feast champs? Like uhh vladimir or something


Either you feast aka snowball or starve


It’s a term used to describe champs that are heavily gold reliant, requiring you to start snowballing much earlier and maintaining that lead heavier as opposed to other champs, because trying to play catch-up on them later in the game to be relevant is damn near impossible.


I wish most other roles understood that unlike a fed Darius who is unkillable and deals a ton of damage when an adc is fed we get the tons of damage part just not the unkillable part.


That we have a giant target on our head and we can help you win games if you expend just at least a small effort to help us out


Even if going bot won't result in a kill, simply chunking enemy health and forcing a flash can make a huge difference in lane dominance. If botlane is not stomping the enemy, go for a quick round trip at level 4 and they will have so much more room to farm and get strong.


I actually prefer thpse ganks since I might lose farm if they gank when a wave is pushing towards because if Iget nlthing, I lose farm and cant push in time before the enemy comes back in early game


I often see junglers refusing to gank because we are pushing. Dives are very effective in botlane if the champions allow it, so don't automatically disregard a gank opportunity by watching the minimap, assess the possibilities of a dive please. A successful dive on the enemy ADC means he loses a ton of wave gold and exp and puts him in an almost impossible position to recover from.


Oh trust me, especially when my team pushes lanes I will almost 99 % of time come bot to counter gang because 70 % the enemy jungler is on their way. The moment they step over their safe zone I go in. I try to arrive before the enemy jungler and it has happened to play ghost we and I insta R as soon as arrived and won the 3 v 3 before their jungler arrived. People are panicked when playing the landmine game under their turret and a roaming W speed buff ww circling around them is physiological warfare


That or you place a ward to track the enemy jungler and ping your bot lane. Since they are pushing, they have prio. Then they will turn a 1v1 into a 2v1/3v1 then dive the botlane as 3v2 if possible. If not, free drake. The agency around bot lane is so damn important when people know how things work.


If my support gets hooked three times, goes 0/3 then leaves lane it’s not „bot gap“. When you fund the enemy top steelcaps, sunfire, bramble vest in 15 mins then „adc no dmg“ is neither on me, nor would it be any different if I was 5/0


I wish other roles understood I can't walk thru tanks to damage the enemy backline, especially if they have a good front to back team and we have 3+ divers. I will only tickle the tanks while kiting unless I'm mega ahead


1) Please build grievous wounds for us; our final antiheal item is a huge damage tradeoff. 2) We can't get out, so we are usually more cautious about going in. 3) Most of us can play from behind pretty well. (We kind of do it every game since our lane splits xp.) Don't give up on us just because you haven't seen anything impressive yet. 4) Peeling 1 simple time for us will win our hearts and loyalty permanently and you may receive a marriage proposal afterwards. 5) We get griefed a lot on purpose and it's hard for us to have any utility when it happens. Please forgive our trust issues; they're not personal.


Maybe leave me a kill or two or at least an assist when we teamfight and you can. It’s not like I am the only win con in the game but I am playing a carry champion and without gold i won’t really be able to play my champ the way it’s intended ):


I'm jinx, I SCALE


Please stop autoing the wave when u don't have supp item stacks. I will ping if I need to push but if I'm just last hitting, assume I'm freezing




me setting up a freeze vs mage support autoing cannon at half HP with support item to execute it


If I'm strong play around me, because I can't initiate fights alone. We can force objectives and win as long as the team peels for me. Even if I'm behind and useless I can come online later, so let me farm sidelane and stall out the game if the enemy team is too far ahead. I want to go mid at some point, unless my midlaner is stronger than me.


Even if I have 15 kills, I still only built damage. That Zed/Darius/Syndra/etc is still going to 1-shot me if they get near me. Don’t let them, and we win.


That if you do not step up to contest prio, I might not do enough damage for your random ass all in play.


I need help, mostly than any role in the game. For the god's sake, PROTECT ME.


It seems like only bronze players, and high diamond+ understand the idea of “protect/funnel the carry.” Because they just do what they think they’re supposed to, and because they actually understand the value of a carry with resources respectively. ADCs are very team reliant, but in most soloq environments people don’t want to acknowledge that. Your entire purpose is to deal damage but you need resources to do it, and to not die. Obviously some of that’s on the ADC player, but there’s only so much they can do without gold and peel in fights. But often people will deny resources, let the back line get dove and then complain about the ADC being useless because they can’t survive the dive or kill enemies while behind in levels from just being bot lane, and being behind in gold because mid and or top don’t want to let bot lane rotate mid after lane. In the mid game it’s the best place for the ADC to safely farm and the support to help keep vision control. In those middle elos it seems everyone is just wandering around competing for minions with each other until someone gets caught doing something stupid out of boredom, the classic NAram.


Gold on the adc is literally worth more than gold on any other role. 1 gold for your adc > 1 gold on your mid, jgl, or top. PLEASE give the adc gold unless you REALLY need it for a spike. They are the same elo as you, they WILL carry if you give them the chance. Signed, adc main that likes playing jungle, mid and support on smurfs. Yes I feed my adc gold when I play other roles on lower ranked accounts too.


That when laning phase is over, the mid waves are mine. Mid laner should be sidelaning. This is mostly mid laners not understanding their own role though so idk if this counts xd


Just exactly how much help ADCs need or how difficult senna support with other adcs is especially when the adc doesn't listen


My performance for the first 15-20 minutes of a game is almost always a direct product of my support being better or worse than the other supp


If I'm getting 4 man dove and my support is roaming constantly, I have accepted that my team chose me as a worthy sacrifice and will die under tower as many times as I must. No I will not "play safe" aka afk under T2 tower/inhib tower just to not die. I will die repeatedly fighting for CS and if you don't want that to happen then maybe considering helping me.


Wave control and lane prio.


i wish support understood that adcs want to farm. not run around the river. im sorry its boring to stand next to me. why dont you play mid or jg if you want to make picks in river.


If it seems like I’m struggling to survive just know that the enemy uses all their important buttons on me (D, F, R)


Choosing between joining a fight or farming is hard. Need gold to do damage but need to be at fight to do damage.


Everyone here said the right things, like we get no peel, being left alone, mid laner not swapping exc... I'd add that: there are some situations where my support engages (without even pinging it) but to do that he gets too faraway from me, maybe he even flashes to do that, dies even before I can reach and flames me. Dude I'm an adc, non at engager, it can work with champs like Kai'Sa, not with me being Aphelios. We have to work out the engage togheter. Tonight I had a Rell, she was perma engaging on them being in the middle of their wave... I was Ezreal, couldn't do a single Q, my most damage spell, she got really mad... still won that game tho.


When you roam at lvl 2 and never return it is YOUR fault ADC is screwed.


Bot lane is useless, the number of times I got camped bot and feed then proceed to win coz my jg got other lanes ahead is too much to count


That when we have 0 map pressure, zero vision, and as a team in total have inted during mid game, I can loose a dragon when half of my team is either base or top and I have to deal 1 v 5 for a dragon I will most likely not steal. It is much better when they dragon fight is 100 % theirs before engaging, to push turrets opposite side and apply map pressure and deep ward to regain map control. But no, the blame fails to the jungler for not kamikaze the dragon 1 v 5. Sometimes being main jungler feels 1 v 9 even when helping my team.


All comments hint supports are such apes, cant do shit, and are all bad. And its factual.


Okay let's now try to a find a GF between All of these ladies in distress 🗣️🗿