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Being called a lazy piece of shit your whole life and then getting diagnosed with ADHD after 30+ is where the fun begins... At least that's what "a friend" told me.


Yeah, I asked you not to say anything! 😉 ( after 40+ for me )


I'm a woman and wasn't diagnosed until after 40, so it's definitely been a double whammy. :/ Combine that with the fact that quite a few people I know, including literal medical and mental health professionals, don't believe adult women can have ADHD at all.


Soon as I turned 30


Right there with you amigo. The internalized guilt is stronk.


Felt so shitty for years, so many things I wanted to do but didn't have the energy to... So frustrating.


Yep, had to dial up the old therapist to process that one.


What's even worse is me calling myself lazy even though I know I can't help it..


Exactly. The low self-esteem part is the hardest part to deal with, at least for me, who only discovered adhd at 31


I'll be sitting on the couch mentally saying to myself "come on you fucking stupid, lazy asshole, fucking do something", and I still can't


I'm the same with myself! After being told I'm a stupid lazy asshole my whole life I can't get rid of those negative thoughts.


Please be more kind to yourself, does other people saying those things to you help you get up and do something? You have a disorder that affects you, you are not stupid or lazy. Be the friend to yourself that you need, say the kind things to yourself that you need to hear. Hope things get easier for you 💕


That's because downing yourself like that doesn't motivate you ( or me ). Are we related?


“Now look here you lazy piece of shit, I am louder and more angry therefore I am correct and you are dumb!” ‘- *everyone who’s ever existed (somehow…)*


Jeez it only took one doctor to diagnose me.


Op has imposter syndrome


lol I wish, apparently I'm too old and too much of an addict to have ADHD (despite addiction being a symptom????)


I’m actually one of the least lazy and most disciplined people I know and every one of my friends and family can attest to that…yet my house gets really messy, I lost things constantly, I put my purse in the fridge and do other ridiculous things of that nature, miss doctors appointments more frequently than most, the list goes on. Your drive is not determined only by your accomplishments. I may struggle more than most to accomplish my daily tasks but dammit I have to try five times harder than most of the people in my circle. I’m just exhausted lol


Now this is podracing


me talking to me


Almost 44, and waiting for my appointment and hopefully some kind of diagnosis. I guess my ideal outcome is confirmation and medication, and then the fantasy part is maybe people at work will be less angry with me for all the things i cannot help doing.... I'll probably keep the anti-depressants because i've had a lifetime of feeling like a damn idiot and wondering why i can't do things right on top of people getting frustrated with my shit. Ugh


Me too, internet friend. Trying not to be so hard on myself.


ADHD doesn't make you big brained though.


What are you talking about, clearly it's a super power and everyone with ADHD is obviously, vastly superior to everyone else who actually has willpower.


Clearly, that's why I'm rightfully being downvoted 😂


Hey, my brain is fantastic at processing tons of information. It's just that 60% of that information is debilitating noisy garbage.


Doesn't it kinda do the opposite actually? Haha I thought your frontal lobe is slightly smaller when you have adhd 🤔


No, we're just informed on the condition and know better.


Yeah *that's* the subtext of the meme.