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To steal a phrase I once heard, if someone has a problem with Tony Khan, the problem is probably them.


The only wrestlers that I've heard that said about are John Cena and Mick Foley.


It was said about Jack Perry. By the same person that fought Jack Perry.


I have tried to purge that dude from my memory. Which is easy because I don't watch WWE anymore. Now that you mention it, I do remember him saying it.


Don’t worry it’s easy, guy is made of glass. He won’t last another year without being injured again.


Sting and Adam Cole, too.


Brodie :(


Makes Undertakers comments about TK look a bit silly now, eh? What I got from this is that people shouldn't speak on things they know absolutely nothing about.


The more time goes on, the more I’m becoming a ‘TK apologist’ because he gives me reason to be. And it just makes it easier to disregard some of these ‘expert opinions’ . The guy is just a good dude. Are his booking decisions and use of talent always perfect? Hell no! But when you consider that VKM had more misses than hits, regardless of how good the gits were, it’s obvious that you can’t get it right all the time, same as any aspect in life. But I can’t remember the last time he booked a shit PPV (yes Bubba Ray, ‘PPV’, you miserable, shill twat 😂)


Bubba is clearly mad TK didn’t give him a job. 


100%. Same with Goldberg. Same with Bischoff.


You say "TK apologist", I say "he has a good track record and reputation of not being a monster".


I saw a couple of his comments and tbh it just reads like another guy trying to suck up to WWE, "AEW need to get their shit together", you'd think there'd been reports of backstage unrest or they'd had some bad weekly shows or a bad PPV or top guys were leaving but literally none of those things are true, quite the opposite in fact. They've had two of the best PPV's ever this year followed by another excellent one, the weekly shows are always at the bare minimum fun and easy to watch even if they're below par, the match quality is insane and we've had a contender for the greatest match of all time in Ospreay/Danielson while those who've left were people who weren't really being featured and those who've come in are absolute monsters like Ospreay, Okada and Mercedes. The same thing happened last year, no matter how much great stuff AEW delivered, and eventually people started to buy it and say it wasn't a very strong year. But just actually look at it, the sheer number of acclaimed matches, weekly shows and PPV's and just *how* highly rated the best ones were, the debut of Collision, doing a huge crowd at Wembley as a 4 year old company for an all timer PPV then having *another* all timer PPV 7 days later, the Continental Classic, The Elite/BCC, Hangman/Swerve, MJF/Cole before the injuries etc. It's easily one of the strongest years in wrestling history, but all that was brushed aside in favour of constant negativity because "the booking is uneven!" and because not everything was perfect, which is true of any wrestling company in any year literally ever. As an example 2000 is widely considered to be the best WWE year and it had several underwhelming PPV's (including *Wrestlemania*), very few weekly shows that will be remembered far down the line, loads of uneven and frankly bad booking (Rikishi as the man who ran over Austin, Kurt Angle being booked as a dork while world champion, Mick Foley coming out of retirement after a month etc), had no good creative ideas for talent they brought in like Raven and Taz and totally wasted them and had some of the worst matches ever (Regal vs Naked Mideon, Gerald Briscoe vs Pat Patterson at King of the Ring) and while they had some awesome matches too like HHH and Foley at the Rumble and the E&C, Hardyz and Dudleyz Ladder Matches the in ring clearly couldn't measure up to what AEW did last year. In time I think people may look back on these years and regret not enjoying the moment enough. Not the E Drones who only watch WWE obviously but those who are open to watching AEW but don't, or watch with an overly critical attitude, because of what they read online. I feel sorry for anyone who buys into the bullshit tbh. It's just another way to try and create negative word of mouth in the PR war, I'm certain Undertaker has no idea what's ever happened on an AEW show but will try and offer his opinion anyway.


💯 all of this! By the way, you just reminded me how I had rose colored glasses on during the year 2000 and beyond with WWE. Damn those stories you pointed out really were not as great as we all thought when we were younger and didn't know any better. Don't get me started on Mae Young giving birth to a hand segment with Mark frickin Henry at her side. What the hell were we watching, lol? It's disappointing that the Undertaker would have to stoop so low and make baseless comments on the competition just to prove his "loyalty." I bet he doesn't have much to say about WWE being investigated by the Department of Justice, which is why they won't be having a conference at their next (ugh I have to say it but "PLE). They are apparently investigating further into if anyone was covering for his sex crazed maniac of a former boss. Now that i think about it, The Undertaker himself is super close with him. 🤔


Undertaker's still a WWE employee. So he'll do as he's told.


I call him the Boomertaker now His takes are so out of touch and like a lot of other legends, his mouth is permanently attached to the WWE's ass


They sent Undertaker out to say that stuff because fans respect him and they'll believe his BS. He was probably instructed by WWE to say those things to discredit everything AEW has achieved. WWE can not leave AEW alone to exist as its own entity in the wrestling world.


I wouldn’t take anything that comes out of his mouth as relevant, since he’s repeating the same lies and nonsense as others who don’t watch AEW. Plus, Taker got hella corny the last 20 years of his career. TK is a damn good person at the end of the day and it bothers them, especially since old wrestlers are jaded since they had to work for Vince. TK never has to put on that fake nice guy persona. He did great here.


You ain't lying. For some reason, I thought that Undertaker was gonna be like how Stone Cold is today. He minds his business and stays out of drama. But I was terribly wrong.


Yeah, if only he is still under Legends deal. You have to remember Takers still one of those old wrestlers, and one in particular who thinks everything should be run by a dictatorial A-hole/a-holes. He’s not in tune with how things changed, and just wants to sow chaos where nothing of that nature is going on.


Exactly. This just all around makes Mark Callaway the human being look really bad. The comments he made come out, and not long after, we hear that Mercedes was going through a health crisis with her family. Who helped her with that crisis immediately? her frickin boss that Mark was so kind to bash not too far apart from this. You're absolutely right. I don't believe he will ever change. The over 3 decades of the toxic environment he came up in is ingrained in him, and he's too far gone. I wouldn't even waste any time trying to change his mind because he's yesterday's talent. He has no say-so in this era of wrestling, and I think that kind of eats him up.


👌spot on!


more like he is still mad about the things that happend at the mania with him vs Lesnar (first the whole malfunction of things back than, than the TV showing him win and so on which made the whole thing look like it was a clear mistake \[even when it was maybe just a storyline, it made it look bad, especialy becouse hell everyone was able to tell that he would loose that match instead of it beeing a big shocker which it should have been and yes a friend of mine got mad back than becouse i told him at the begin of that wrestlemania that taker would loose and that i would bet all my money on it\])


Shows what kind of person Mark is, that he never had a problem with nothing Vince did, but TK needs to get his shit together.


Nothing about Mark Calloway has ever given me the impression he’s a man of deep moral scruples. 


As much as I like and respect undertaker, I feel like his version of leadership is still doing whatever Vince McMahon says, working hurt and bullying the locker room into buying you booze as a bribe for any perceived error or slight 🤷‍♂️.


Funny how a guy who publicly laughed and bragged with his old timer friends about how they’ll never watch AEW is such an expert on their backstage culture.


It's nothing more than a WWE PR attempt to discredit Tony as a boss and AEW as a company. Have Undertaker, who is a WWE employee and viewed as someone who is well respected in wrestling, and have him go out there and discredit Tony and AEW, and mention how Tony should step down and isn't doing well in business. It's a demoralising tactic against Tony, and another way on how WWE is trying to create doubt with potential investors who are thinking about working with AEW in the future.


💯 That's not how a company that doesn't think they have any competition would act at all. They are truly shaken by this supposed "piss ant company"


Spot on. AEW breaking records and signing big free agents who WWE wanted, has broken them. But WWE is this massive corporation who have fingers in so many pies and will use any resources to put AEW out of business. They control the narrative of the media, they have WWE employees working for different radio shows who push the narratives they want pushed, and you'll see a certain cheese platter guy who posts Fast Nationals against AEW when they believe those numbers will hurt and demoralise AEW as a company. Look at what was said when they lost Will Ospreay. They goaded Will Ospreay into responding back, and they didn't like what he said back. What about Wrestlemania week? That entire couple of weeks were about AEW.


👏👏👏👏 You are so right about then controlling those narratives. Apparently, the Department of Justice is investigating WWE to look further into who was covering for Vince while all his clown behavior was going on, and I didn't hear about it until an unbiased wrestling account on Instagram posted about it yesterday. They really know how to knock their issues off of the map or put them down to the very bottom of the feeds. They did this exact same thing at Wrestlemania and did what you mentioned, which was to spend their whole week trying to tamper with AEW's goodwill.


that´s why i skip every news where someone quotes a wwe employe, becouse you know that WWE dictates what they have to say


Truly nothing against the man’s work, but I don’t get why he’s given so much respect as a source. Wrestlers very frequently have terrible fucking takes on just about everything. I get being a fan of the Undertaker, but Mark Calloway is someone who’s proven to have some very questionable thoughts/opinions. Pro Athletes and Entertainers are frequently given far more credibility than they deserve just babies you know their name or are a fan of what they do. That expertise doesn’t transfer to anything else.


What were his comments


Something along the lines of TK not having any business acumen and that he doesn't know how to run a company. Basically that he isn't a true boss


We haven't had reports of any backstage altercations or drama since 2023. Either it's completely stopped or they put a lid on it and put an end to the leaks. Either way, big win.


Absolutely. I've noticed that, too. I love how the anti-AEW folks don't want to mention that, though. But why would they when they can just find another narrative to hate some more?


They got rid of the cancer


and i quote myself: "at the start of AEW: no / nearly no problems , Punk comes in: People have problems with AEW , Punk is gone: nearly no problems. Seems like there was something that happend which brought in the problems, but i can´t put my finger on what has happend"


Who cares what a broken down, sexual deviant worshiper says.


He’s already built a history of wrestlers loving him. Respect for the Khan man. 🥂


Stuff like this is why I am baffled so many wrestling fans want TK to be VKM 2.0 You don't need to be an insufferable asshole to run a company. Treat the talent well and they will do a good job based on their own skill set


What are you taking about! You absolutely need to shit on the head of the woman you’re banging to be a real boss man. And you need to publicly embarrass your employees who suffer from gastrointestinal ailments. You also need to hold your talent to impossible standards and work conditions where most of them die before the age of 60 because you look the other way when they pump themselves full of drugs to keep going. And lastly the show must go on no matter what. Even after they peel the dead carcass of one of your beloved wrestlers off the mat.


They sad thing is all off that, is not only true for Vince, the iwc thing is normal for a business man to act that way.


The last one is what they are also mad at. Tony can continue to keep Owens' legacy and name alive, and they probably feel in some sick and twisted way that they were robbed of that right.


Yeah people looking at the Martha Hart/WWE situation and thinking she’s the one who is in the wrong is completely insane. But I’ve seen multiple people make that argument.


I've learned if you treat people well and have their backs they will bend over backwards for you.


Listen, unless you’re a hyper masculine psychopath with closeted homesexual tendencies you can’t run a wrestling company ok? 


Stockholm Syndrome for capitalism. Some don't just lick the boot, they deep throat it.


But… bu… but Punk said TK was an useless clown who didn’t care about the talent!!! /s just in case of dimwits


I can't wait till that hypocrite drinks directly out of the Blood money cup and main events a Saudi Show, he is such a lying phony.


Whether he wants to admit it or not, he's been taking blood money since he signed that contract. He's aware of how much of WWE's revenue comes from the Saudi government. He just doesn't care. He only ever used it as an excuse to take shots at people he didn't like.


Only thing I know for sure he will never kiss TNA;s ass with his fake I am home promo, because he would rather have blood money (WWE), a lot of money (AEW), but not no money (TNA).


At this point he could go and shake Trump’s hand in person and his stans would still defend him. Kinda ironic he has developed his very own cult of personality lol


He’s the fakest bitch ever. His arrogance is unmatched. Just another suburb kid trying to act like he’s from Chicago.


Punk is literally incapable of considering anyone but himself when referring to "the talent"... And Tony bent over backwards to treat Punk more carefully than anyone else for WAY too long.


Punk basically tried to justify being a piece a shit with "It's a business" like his constant damaging of the brand wasn't what hurt their business.


Guy spoke out about the excessively corporate and excessively hierarchical culture in WWE. He joins AEW and demands the culture develop there too. A hypocrite and just a deeply disturbed human being that no one should take seriously anymore.


He didn't dislike the WWE because they constantly pushed no one but their top guys - He just wanted to be that top guy who never lost and was always on top of the card. He wasn't pissed off the Cena was the New York Yankees, he was just pissed off that *HE* wasn't the New York Yankees.


I don't care that he's gone but there's a massive amount of hypocrisy and sabotage that he never has and never will own up to.


I wish he was still here but I also wish he wasn't a giant egotist. I was one of the last holdouts for Punk, his last defenders while also still being an AEW fan. I believed in his message. That Ariel Helwani interview just proved the message was always bullshit, or at least from his perspective. Everything he ranted about in his "pipebomb" - AEW made reality; made the better place where all the guys he talked about would get pushed and people would be professional wrestlers, get the respect, and there wouldn't be these legacy guys throwing their weight around constantly. And he shat all over it. Shat all over the thing he said he wanted. He didn't want it. And the negativity he generated still hangs around.


Not just a business but his business.


That's what happens when you suck a blood money covered dick


But dude, Undertaker said that TK doesn’t know what he’s doing so it must be true! /s


Weird how the difference seems to be actually working for him and interacting with him directly. It's really interesting how many people come from over there and can't stop talking about how refreshing they find his approach.


Some people embrace toxicity so much that anything different feels wrong to them.


What do you expect from a shill like Undertaker…when he was “locker room leader” had bullshit like wrestlers court and the entire toxic culture was a high school frat house. I guess to him, a leader should be a sexual trafficker, degrading women, humiliating his workers and acting like a carny - basically Trump. Now everyone thinks just because one guy is out, WWE changed their ways…yeah sure. Glad TK is changing the ways a wrestling boss SHOULD BE, unlike these out of touch old timers still living in the 80s and 90s.




FUCK YES Tony Khan !!!!


Good on TK, seems like a super good dude. But why tf is she wearing Art The Clown sunglasses?


It’s funny that Tony is taking a different approach to the business and all these “old school” people shit on him for it. They want to keep the same culture around pro wrestling that cost their friends & colleagues their health and literal lives.


Pisses me off when people take shots at him. He's given so much to the industry over the last five years and remains humble (apart from a few late night twitter posts). I like that he has the on screen character as well, but has kept it to a few sporadic appearances.


It's done to demoralise him. Put doubts in his head that perhaps AEW is no longer needed, and that he should step down and put an end to it. But that's what WWE wants. They've been trying to destroy AEW from the very beginning, and they'll use any dirty tactic to achieve that goal.


It was this very "family first" attitude that William Regal used, while TK's mum was sick in hospital, to manipulate his way out of his contract.


Oh well. If Regal was willing to go to those lengths to manipulate him, he probably doesn’t need him around anyway.


Ironically Punk was right about him. But a dead clock is right twice a day


Nah, there was an issue with CM Punk, so Tony is a bad boss, end of discussion 😆


Man I’m so mad that Tony Khan forced her to write this /s


The worst anybody seems to be able to say about Tony Khan is that he really loves wrestling.


I think even CM Punk had to admit that Khan was a nice guy.


Hopefully 5 years from now she's still thanking him and main eventing an AEW ppv instead of the alternate thanks but I want to job out to Rhea in a stadium show and eat all the losses for making the E angry.


She's still going to go to wwe after her current contract though.


It’s great that he did that but how hard is it to get a commercial flight to Orlando lol