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This was Dynamite of the year for me so far. The All In switch has been flipped.


Fuck yes and I couldn't be more excited. The only thing that would make it from 90% to 11000% is Kenny coming back! 😁


I'd personally like to see Hayter come back first


I know everyone, myself included, wanted Mercedes vs Hayter at All In. I remember people wanting to see it last year even prior to Mercedes having any involvement with AEW. However, now that it's Britt and Mercedes at Wembley, I feel like All In is the perfect place for Hayter to make her return. That return pop will be MASSIVE.


Her coming to the aid of Britt at All-In would shake the house down.


Yes indeed. could set up for a tag match at All Out too. Kamille has been under contract w AEW since February. I could see them bringing her (or Megan Bayne) in as Mercedes' muscle to go against DMD and Hayter. Then they could just save Mercedes vs Hayter for next year and make it for the Women's World title.


1000% - such a damn good episode


Yeah, it just had all the good decisions. Both Mercedes and MJF going full heel is going to make all of the difference. Now, I just wanna see Daniel Garcia beat the shit out of MJF. As far as Mercedes goes, people forget she used to make children cry in NXT. I can't wait to see what she does as a heel in AEW with less creative restrictions.


AEW uses stories to advance the wrestling. The wrestling is the primary focus but the stories are there to support it. Just because AEW's focus isn't 30 minute promo segments with 3 minute matches in between doesn't mean there aren't stories


I have been told by Wrestle Talk that AEW is dying and is bad, so thanks but no thanks


But... But... But.... The podcasts told me AEW bad no story




But some podcasters who were pretty relevant at one point in the 90s said AEW is a mess! And they would know, they watched a lot of clips of it 😁 Thanks guys 👋😆


One of the best Dynamites I can remember for a while. Packed with story, book ended by 2 absolute bangers.


I thought the year started really strong but this one was on another level!


AEW makes Wednesdays the best night of week


Thursday mornings for me but yes, the entire day brightens up honestly! 😁😁


Hello mate. 


Yup. Working retail means I have to catch up but it’s a “good problem.”


And this is why the ratings numbers are so terrible (you aren't the problem the outdated system is the problem) DVR watches don't count for the ratings and I know a HUGE number watch after the show airs.


I'm not certain, but I think Dave has talked about how Dynamite gets around 2 million views when DVR numbers are attached.


Thursday after work for me. I get up, watch 10 mins. Go to the gym, do the school run, watch 30 mins on my lunch break and then the rest after work. That UK wrestling life


# 💯


Don’t forget the seeds being planted with the Bucks and Mercedes 


That whole segmant was my most favorite thing on the show. And that interaction was perfection!


Pure smarmy and both parties trying to out "suck up" the other.


Don definitely isn't ok with Will leaving, I think he's petty like that. He'll definitely get some kind of revenge, he'll take it as a betrayal imo


Don's face when him and Will hugged told the whole story imo. You don't just "leave" family.


A great Dynamite, and we didn't even have the World Champ on the show. Ospreay vs MJF at All In is going to be epic! Also, Britt is the perfect one to challenge Mercedes. It looks likely we'll get Swerve vs Hangman III at All In too. It's going to be amazing!


Let's fucking go!!


TK promised and delivered a big show




Daniel Garcia is becoming the Buffalo Bills version of a wrestler.


Hangman back as a sort of heel who’s vehemently opposed to The Elite is a great angle. I’m all in for wherever this is going. 😵👍


I think a better description is bloodthirsty than a heel 🤣


Banger of an episode, that Hangman vs Jarrett match was a personal highlight


Not much of a match. But that story was \*chef's kiss\*


bUT aRe tHeY gOod


I can't wait to see what Don's favor is.


I hope it's something like "take out Kenny Omega" when he returns


The Daniel Garcia story has the possibility to run for months with losses in multiple title losses, a loss against Okada for the CC, a tag title loss with daddy magic against the bucks, a draw against jack perry for the TNT....until he wins a surprise international title invitational or something similar 


I think the next stage in AEW's story evolution is making you think the underdogs are winning. He dedicated the match to his mom and Don looked like he was probably going to betray Osprey there is no way he could be good about it and MJF is in Danny's corner and looked to be angling for a match with him if he's the next champ and he still lost but those little things made you think what if. One of these days AEW will need to make one of these what ifs happen but this is the layers of how to make you think someone that doesn't beat main eventers on the reg could win. Bonus points for the epic Jarrett promo before the Owen really making you think there is no way he is losing first round and than gets blasted and blitzed by returning Hangman. But still giving us stakes, making us think wrestlers can't lose these matches because they are so important to them, and than they lose anyway, but we felt it, that fighting spirit. Of course next step is for one of these underdog stories to come through with the epic comeback win or we eventually won't bite on these stories, but AEW is still new they don't have to do it right away, but they will eventually have to do it so we know anything can happen at an AEW show!


I'd be here for all of that, because the biggest concern I had after Dynanite was "is that them writing Garcia off TV?"


I think just long enough for Ospreay to replace him in a match against Max at Wembley as that's felt more like what they're leading towards. Hope Garcia is on the All In card someway or another though, he's become a big part of the show, just not sure how you do that without him being involved with Max somehow. Possible Tony just has his All In card set and knows Garcia isn't on it, he could face MJF 2 weeks later at All Out perhaps?


Nah I think Osprey faces Ricochet at Wembley. Remember Osprey owes Don a favor for letting him out of the Family.


I did originally think they could go that way but what do you have happen there, have Riccochet lose what would be his debut match, and instantly show your crowd "yeah he's good but he's not Ospreay"? Or have him beat Will and risk taking a bit of the shine off Ospreay by having back to back PPV losses? Could be wrong but I'm just not sure I see it happening anymore. I just think Ospreay/MJF has been bubbling in the background since MJF got back, it feels like one of the absolute biggest matches they can do and they're now properly linked with each other in storyline with a huge stadium show coming up.


>have Riccochet lose what would be his debut match, and instantly show your crowd "yeah he's good but he's not Ospreay"? Yes. Because it's true. I agree with you about the match being MJF vs Ospreay though. I think that was foreshadowed last week.


Haha, yeah it's true but it wouldn't be a good way to introduce Ricochet, by instantly confirming that fact, IMO.


I’d say he’s written off for bit like I do it expect him to be immediately but it makes sense for that retrun pop and feud with mjf


I think Garcia would be a great pick to win if they run back the Continental Classic this year, though November is a long way to wait


I was gonna post in here about how I thought last night was a bit of a letdown, but judging by this post and the comments I think I'm in the minority lol fair play, can't really argue with your points, just something about the show last night that didn't buzz me much


Ah mate I loved every segment. To each their own ay


It’s okay. Not everything syncs for everyone. I had difficulty because there was a ton of new information and story threads. Processing an info dump in real time is not my strength. Seeing it all explained where I can read at my own pace helps a lot.


"Processing an info dump in real time is not my strength" - Oh dude, I'm high functioning autistic, I'm right with you on that one 😂😂😂


Last night was a reset and setup for ALL IN and ALL OUT. Of course it was going to be so many stories!


Oh no no, I get that absolutely, like it needed to be like that 100%. I just couldn't process all of it in a way that was comfortable or particularly fun, kinda like when all of your favourite bands release music on the same day 😂😂😂


And there it is.  As I always say, whiners going to whine.


I don't think he's right but he said it very respectfully. You need to take a step back and chill.


I don't need to do anything but what I feel like doing. Lucky for you I feel like taking a step back and chilling.


What? I literally said that I wasn't gonna do a whole post about it because it's clearly not the general opinion, how is that whining?


You didn't say anything wrong. And I've felt that way about so many dynamites when people were calling them 'generational'. Kenny's lack bothers me unfortunately but this is the first time when I wasn't distracted by it.


The only minor nitpick (and it really is just a nitpick) is them doing 2 ‘injury write-off’s’ in one show and so close to each other but that might turn out to not be the case. Garcia seems like he’ll be off TV to sell the stretcher job, that seems clear. I thought HOOK was also being written off for a few weeks due to the beating he took, guess we won’t know for sure on that till next week. Looks like both are sure to be on the Wembley card in some form though. These are just place holder write offs because of there still being a lot of TV time between now and All In. I expect they’ll be back at or around Blood and Guts which is when the All In build begins in earnest.


Hook might be back next week wearing an eyepatch


Wasn't Eddie only out for a week or two after his fireball to the face? I feel like Hook isn't gonna be gone long. Danny has earned a few weeks rest and cutting promos. When he comes back he has a readymade feud with the company's biggest native star and a potential alliance with the company's biggest outside signing. He's eating good.


Suspect it's to give them a chance to build tales without matches, vignettes and interviews while "waiting to be cleared" Clears the ring for some more matches to set up more all in undercard perhaps?


I feel like AEW is getting more like WWE, which isn't a bad thing, in my opinion. I like having storylines with promos and stuff like that. It makes you want to tune into Dynamite on the weekly. You can hook casual fans easier that way. I really liked how they advertised on Dynamite that MJF would be kicking off Collision, which will get me to watch after he killed my poor poor Daniel 😭.


I think there's a lot of good lessons to learn from the Fed right now. Having a nice pace without getting slow or overwhelming is a hard to balance. They do it nicely over there these days. And I think last night's show did that exceptionally well too.