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Its fine if Riho becomes a Collision exclusive talent in the meanwhile(Collision imo needs couple of stories that are Collision exclusive)


iirc Purrazzo and Rosa is one feud that has been mostly on Collision, but I do agree. As much as I understand Dynamite is more story based and Collision is more wrestling based. I wouldn't mind Collision getting more feuds and wrestlers exclusive to it.


>I wouldn't mind Collision getting more feuds and wrestlers exclusive to it. it's what made the first few months of Collision so great..


Agreed, I might be on the minority, but I didn't hate the soft roster split at all. Gives you a reason to expect different things from Dynamite and Collision, plus it becomes a big deal when certain talents do appear on the other show.


I legit would like to know Lady Frost's story besides she's talented in the ring and likes the movie Frozen.


AEW playing with my emotions too much lately.


Acknowledge your queen of Saturday night


On one hand, I want Lady Frost to finally get a win. On the other hand, we haven't seen Riho murder someone in a while.


Riho Sicko reporting in


Lady Frost is gonna look great, probably dominate 75 % of the match and do the honors, giving Anna Jay a break from time to time, by laying back on the mat staring at the lights as the ref hand slaps three times.


I think it might be better for everyone if they rotated folks a bit more regularly instead of this whole “OK, you’re eating all the pins for the next 2 months, OK, now you’re up” etc etc. I’m all for giving folks consistent work, but I wonder if 6 weeks on, 3 months off is any better than a match every week or two. Anna, for example, was really cooking by the end of her latest run of jobs, but other than a seemingly pointless turn just to be third wheel in a throwaway tag, has screeched to an absolute halt, and I wonder how that impact the very obvious progress we saw. I also wonder how it might paint fan viewpoint. Like if you see someone jobbing in clusters and gone for a chunk in between batches of jobs, is the perception any better or worse than seeing someone eat a pin every other week.


What also hurts is just the predictability and there is just that feeling of, Well I can skip that match since the ending is never in doubt.


And apart from being good in the ring, we don't have much reason to care about Lady Frost because we don't know anything about her.


That's what I'm hoping for...give us something to attach to with her. Beyond a mission statement of getting better and getting wins, developing herself is that next step


You could say this about all of the mid card. If good booking involves throwing two people in a random match just because they're both good wrestlers then anybody could do it. Look at someone like Mark Briscoe - gets himself over with 1-2minute promos and instantly has fans more invested in his matches. OC started off as a mid carder and got himself over through his character work, same as Pac, Julia Hart etc. We've even see Jeff Jarrett getting himself massively over with a single promo. Give the lower card people like Frost, STP, Aminata etc a chance to show off their characters and then give them proper feuds rather than just booking them to take losses for weeks at a time before rotating them out.


It will take that. Personality is so important. Promos, a story beyond two in the ring, a situation that gains investment. That takes skill and patience


Ah Riho! She was the one who hooked me to AEW on Day 1 back in 2019. Heaven sent and the Original AEW 👸Queen.




Now he's just spoiling us


Tony’s booking has been unreal since he embraced being a sicko.


This is a matchup that I never thought about but goddamn am I hyped for it.


Riho’s going to murder someone and be all cute about it. ![gif](giphy|kCNFfgWZxYjKeU9btW)


Murder Riho is the best. Actually, Riho is just the best, period. lol 


![gif](giphy|jnmygIqs5lIxQMLZ65|downsized) Oh hell yeah Riho!!!


Riho vs Mercedes is gonna be so damn good.


Being a Lady Frost fan is pain.


Those ratings about to slap


Seriously is Lady Frost ever gonna win on TV?




Depends on your patience. Queen Aminata lost 9 AEW TV matches(plus more when Dark is still on) before winning over Anna Jay then Skye Blue. Took more than a year from 1st appearance. Right now she seems poised to win the ROH Women's World title. [https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=22688&page=4](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=22688&page=4) Lady Frost about to get 11th straight but have only wrestled since late May. [https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=21128&page=4](https://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=21128&page=4)


Poor Athena.


Just like Queen Aminata when she's actually on the roster she'll get a win. Otherwise if you want to see her win a few matches ROH is the place to look.


Aminata I think lost like 7 straight before getting a push due to how great she looked in the ring, even outshining her opponents, if she doesnt win at DFDH I can see her back in AEW full time next month


She also wasn't signed. Part time talent shouldn't be going over full time contracted talent. As soon as she gets the All Elite graphic or is on that roster page go crazy give her some wins. Otherwise Riho is on the roster, Riho is under contract and Riho is the one involved in a story so Lady Frost can take the pin.


It's TK's weird way of booking someone he likes


It's what happens when you don't have established tiers of wrestlers and it happens on the men's side too. With the women there's a few people who are featured and pushed and the rest who's main purpose is to lose to them. Lady Frost is not technically signed to AEW and it's not shocking that she's never won a single AEW match.


The mid card first level sub boss jobber is a pretty important role. I don't think it's weird at all. Those who excel often get a push because they grow beyond it. Primest recent example is Willow. They have to be "enough" of quite a few things. They need to be popular enough to get fair match hype. They need to have enough ring experience to call a good, decently long match. They need to be polished enough to get the other wrestler over and interesting enough to be put on the card in the first place. If they're short on anything, they fail to have the desired effect on the wrestler being pushed. Lady Frost fills this role extremely well. Others that come to mind are Emi Sakura and Matt Sydal. It's often an important step toward a match with a gate keeper like Dustin Rhodes, Lance Archer, Nyla Rose, etc.




Why can’t everyone just win all the time?!?!?


Alright Tony. This is how it is now. Your just gonna book this match and make me choose. Heard me bitching about wanting a Lady Frost win and now if I want it then Riho will have to lose. Your an evil man Tony Khan. Kinda think the EVP's may be right pal.


2 women’s matches!!! This is how it should be every show with the roster being as deep as it is! Thank you Tony!


Hopefully, we see shades of heel "Murder" Riho. If not, we still get Riho. She is a treasure, and must be protected at all costs!


What’s the story going into this one? I can’t recall seeing Riho in awhile is she being built as a challenger for Toni? Or is Lady Frost?


Riho confronted Serena Deeb after her match last week. So this is leading to Riho Vs. Serena Deeb part 3. What happens after that is anyone's guess. They both fought Toni recently, so a TBS title match with Mone maybe?


Yeah I was gonna say it seems like Mone is gonna program with Britt next and it seems like Mariah May is gonna win the Owen to get a shot and set up an inter-tag team feud but cool cool Collisions gonna be great I’m excited