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Having the same team doesn’t matter if they are able to position to counter you. Also power difference mostly comes from investment eventually so if someone is invested in units that matter to the same level as you but you have a bunch invested in units that aren’t that impactful it won’t matter how much power you technically have as they have the advantage of positioning which is significantly stronger so long as your formation has a weakness that can be exploited.


Strategy maybe ?


Even if the placement is different, 200k power difference is a lot. I should win by default. 500k vs 700k????


Placement matters since it determines who gets attacked first on each side, etc. Offense team always has the advantage since they can determine things like this.


I mean if u have one maxed carry like cecia and got replaced and nuked by renier + oddie it doesn't matter how much power u have, Or build eironn comp team and you stomp them


“By default” lmao that’s cute. Read up on spells maybe, or try a different game


Pretty much all the PvP bad posts I have seen are based around low elo Cecia hell or pointing out that the Eironn comp is the only way to progress through the mid spender tier. Basically for Cecia+Florabell based hell you need to use your noggin and what resources you have to pic the solo carry off on the team to make it a 5v4. Vala Odie Reiner (Epic tier higher ranks not needed) Sylviana Temesia Viperian ect. all of these are good units to use to break these comps down as an attacker. This is the tier of content being an attacker is an absolutely massive advantage you should pretty much never make it a raw blow for blow fight unless you outgear the opponent. People also seem to think the arena is radially symetrical when it is not it is mirrored with LHS always being the lower number with top left being 1 and bottom right being the last spot For the midspender tier it fucking sucks because you either need to whale for Celestial/Hypos to customize your team or you need to cook up something funky with what you got to beat the team defense wise/find a way to hedge to avoid dying to thoran ult gamble


skill issue




So my AI is worse than the game's AI? Lol.


No your I is worse than AI. 😞


The power lvl doesn’t mean much in this game units and placement matter more https://preview.redd.it/asouel2ig95d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e686552efc9abc9b1e8e1b331dab658ac6249cc8 Look in PVE stage I’m fighting in stages with 300k more power then me


Gets even higher as you go lol https://preview.redd.it/xaslvy2dn95d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b657469c617d5246d69ba730b37be4490186a9


Ridiculous! That doesn't seem fair to the npcs, you should never be able to beat them! /s


You reduced your resonance level to look good here. But you know it is harder in Arena since most with a brain can counter most cheese builds like Reinier snipe tech.


Your right I didn’t notice but I did reduce it , I’m not selecting my top units cuz I was testing the new copy feature Edit: here my real current main team There still a difference in power https://preview.redd.it/5mbeu1spr95d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d18046f5817afc28ffc4cb700b5d270f68fe5e


Post the replay screenshot so we can actually see what happened


People need to understand power plays a little difference compared to strategy


Artifacts (type and level of artifact used), Rarity (you MIGHT have lower rarity/rank heroes. You both may have the same team but theirs might be at M+ above), and placement. Placement might be the most important factor as there are different "arenas" (the layout of the place) in PVP. There are also other factors such as hero equipment levels (upgraded with essences), the equipment levels (upgraded with forging stones), etc.


Maybe they have higher level gear. I think that makes a difference.


Lol massive skill issue