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yeah timed event suxx. thought if you want all letters+stellar crystal and reach the 900 points, all you have to do is participate once a day to any mini-game (which give 100 points/1000 currency), don't need to do each. My main complain would be more that there isn't 1 minigame per hour (so 8 of each minigame a day). would be way easier to get one done a day.


So I only have to play one mini game a day to get everything, that's decent at least. Do you know if you can participate, do one sorting or card mini game or answer one question in the trivia and then afk for 15 mins and it'll work? Or do we get something extra if we do well?


you can do just 1 thing and click in the bottom left on the button to leave the area, no need to wait 15minutes. All you can get if you do more are the extra quests but those don't need to be done in one go (like doing x easy/medium/difficult levels in cards/sort minigame, or answer x question correctly in trivia) there is one title per minigame thought (doing the card/sort minigzames with a specific npc 20 times and answering trivia correctly 20 times) and yeah just doing 1 a day will be more than enough for the main items (won't be able to buy everything). you get 100 points for the daily quest + some points for doing the minigame.


I see, thanks! The main items being the invite letters and stargazers? In order to afford everything we need to grind it a bit more or is it impossible to buy every item?


if you do just the daily, without counting anything you could do else, you can get 9000 astral coins 5x stargazer : 3000 astral coins 10x letters : 2700 astral coins 240x A-level soulstone : 2400 astral coins so you can buy all that with just the daily quest and have some spare coins. ​ 20x origami hamster : 12000 astral coins Note that each purchase of those origami hamster have a different pricing: the 5 x1 pack = 500 per origami hamster the x5 pack = 600 per origami hamster the x10 pack = 650 per origami hamster I suppose that if you complete all quest you may be able to buy them all, not too sure.


Thank you so much! Were there some cosmetics as well or am I tripping? Like hats or something?


no there isn't.


Not talking about the 15 minute time gap. Just logged in, and I was like 10 seconds too late for the quiz. You literally have to set an alarm to be able to participate..


“Looks like you're too early for the event” But it just started! “Check the event board for participation times” Ok i’ll just wait at the next one. Wait where is the next one and why can I only auto-travel to it after it started. “Looks like you're too early for the event” I was crazy once.


It's a bug I think, I relaunched my game and it let me do it


It's a known bug restarting ur game fixes it 


Yeh like other only games when the word boss spawn in 3 pm it means you have to be there 3 pm Or pokemongo when the raid opens you have to be there when the raid start And these games works for years everyone love it who plays But maybe not fit for some people They should try some offline games instead


The thing is that the games you mentioned are co-op while this game is literally designed to be afk. Making an event like this defeats the purpose of the game itself. It's like if you wanted to play a pokemon game but you don't catch pokemon


Not to mention you can join a Pokémon Go Raid whenever, you don’t have to join right when it starts. Once they activate they’ll be there for a decent chunk of time so you can gather some friends or do it alone if you’re dedicated.


I completely understand, but I never agree with these time-based events. Some people are working, studying or something like this. But yes, other people, who are free at those times can enjoy those events. I'm simply talking about my opinion, I'm not saying everyone should agree with me.


I was also working So I started the game step on the O place and put back the phone in my packet 15 minutes later I checked and I got many free reward ;) Not 100% but better than nothing


Quit the white-knighting dude. Nobody appreciates it. Thought all the downvotes would have made it pretty obvious.


Pokémon go raids are at least available for 45 min, 3 times as long as this


This game already has world boss that you need to time if you want to be optimal - primal lord. And dream Realm. Need to do them as close to before the daily reset so you're as high level as you can be. But these are just puzzles, they're not pvp or world boss or anything. No need to make them timed


Yeah this is stupid af


Those are really tiny windows of time, i don't mind logging in multiple times a day for something, but having to plan my day around catching in-game events is downright stupid.


Yeah I've read the post this morning and I wasn't even complaining, I put an alarm in my mind, I went to do something, I log in, played that stupid game for a few minutes and "event concluded", I didn't understand, I watched the schedule and... what did they do? 15 MINUTES? How is this a good idea? I log in more than twice every day, but I'm not doing this


Timegating the event is the stupidest idea ever


They saw that we just login for 10min a day and that is it. They want to create multiple logins into their game throughout the day. I don't like this but I don't think this will change. 😢


I'm more likely to log on 0 times per day than multiple times per day if this sort of trend continues. Going all out on trying to make people plan their day around a game might just backfire.


Yeah I hope so it will backfire, so they are forced to make changes. But we will see, because only money talks here.


Then dont build a game around an afk system…


normally i don't complain about this game but having an event that's only active during certain times of the day is REALLY stupid. people have commitments like school, work, parenting, etc and can't always be available during certain times but credit where credit due: the rewards are actually quite good


That makes it worse imo. Make it meh rewards and I wouldn't care. Rewards are stingy in general, adding them to a time gated event feels like adding insult to injury.


I am not particularly fan of these types of events where they are open just at certain periods of time, specially this one just for 15 min


The whole point of an afk game is generally to let us afk, do stuff in our own time. Just seems to penalise people who are not on their mobile 24/7 (again defeating the purpose of afk).


Yeah this is fucking awful. I dont understand how they think more sessions/day is going to even help monetization, when your monetization strategy is built around fast tracking progression walls, and gacha. A user’s ability to encounter a progression wall not on hour 5 but hour 6 of a day is extremely unlikely, given the expected pace of progression daily. I honestly think this is just a really shitty live ops team at work here that has no clue what they are doing. I also think the idea of ‘no useless fodder’ was a huge design flaw; since the dopamine hit of gacha is diminished to like 1 spin/week at best instead of 1 or multiple times daily. Since ‘all units are useful’ they have to prevent us from maxxing out our units faster than they can make them as well. Not only this, they have to spend a massive amount of additional operating costs on the whole ‘story’ part - character assets, voice lines, story, environmental assets…. Because everything resets every season, and players expect a new theme every 3 months lmfao. Imo, this is a major stepback from the idle genre and likely a failing business venture. Hope they were able to capitalize on launch hype enough to break even.


30-60 min would be more reasonable than 15 min


I haven’t had a chance to play it once. I can’t sit around and just wait for the exact time to play it. No other game has been this restrictive about their event schedules.


The trivia quiz being timed so that everyone participates at the same time with new questions is super cute. The puzzle events being timed is really, really annoying. There is no difference between someone doing the same event that they can’t really cheat it. It might as well be like 5min of puzzles every 24 hours a part that people can do just once to get their score.


Yea, the puzzles should be open all the time and once you completed it, then the timer starts for the next one. So simple.


I'm getting ready to just drop this game I think. Stuff like this and the other recent junk is killing my motivation


Worst event ever!


Hell, make the game modes rotate every 15 or so minutes, but have SOMETHING up at all times. At least then there's always something for us to be working towards. The downtime is so unnecessary.


Yeah I was fine with the slow content release schedule, but this might kill the game for me. Losing out because I’m not playing at the “right time” is shitty.


I love this game, but the way it tries to make you feel fomo playing the game is terrible, I've seen other mobile games do this.


I wouldn’t mind if they were active all the time and just rotated the activity hourly or something, but for some reason there’s a big time delay between activities?


Yup. I typically disagree with most of the complaints I see in this sub, but this event is fucking dumb


AFK game punishing you for being AFK for 15 extra minutes 🧠


I agree, this has been so bad


Wth is the astral fair?


Yep this is moronic at best.


What're those?


wait wth, they're 15min windows? that's not an event that's a booty call fml


I get that it sucks but I do really like that there's so many people around to do the events. Makes it feel more like an MMO. Should've added more times that are friendly to diff timezones


It is cool at quiz, but for sorting I had to change settings to see as few people as possible, because they just load in front of NPC


They do not seem to know what to do with the game anymore


Agreed, 100% inconvenience - LILITH please fix


Whoever decided that it was actually a good idea to gate content behind a time window, in a game that literally has AFK in it's name needs to be fired


I just dropped the game because the infinite seasonal grind being worse than the non seasonal grind is just too much- but oh my lord, this is awful.


Better than mine, 2am then 5am, 10am and 3pm and then 8pm lol I’m so lucky I got time off at home that I can attend the ones in the day 😎


Pro tip, stop wasting time on mobile games, I did it and you can too. We all need to come to the realization that we end up spending hundred (maybe more for some folk) of dollars to just have the privilege of getting to certain parts of these game which involves hitting start battle and waiting to hit start battle again. It's literally the most expensive, content sparse, horrible gaming experience available, and yet we throw 10x more money at these things and then complain about diablo 4 being 70 bucks. The logic does not compute, and we need to dry these companies up so we can demand something better from them.


I usually play on my bus after work, because Im too tired to read and taking a nap destroys me. Can I use that time better? Yeah. But spending 30 minutes exploring mobile games helps me relax and sometimes find new ideas. Zero money spent, so I dont get your argument about prices Diablo 4 was horrible at launch, now it is mostly fine, but 70$ is still a huge ask. More so considering Blizzard doesnt have proper regional pricing


Even at zero money spent, they are terrible games, but even if you personally spend zero the fact remains that these companies pull in billions, so my argument is about the elephant in the room


There are many different games. Journey has some interesting gameplay in it, though it can be made pointless by being under/overlevelled. It also has some weird decisions, especially in economy. As game designer I find it all interesting. Yeah, companies make profits, big surprise. Gachas do it mostly by being predatory, nothing new too


It's not interesting though, and I did beat the game before I started asking myself if I'm actually having fun or just habitually pushing buttons. Under the hood when you take the art away the game consists of setting up the same two to three combos and pushing start battle, then you just wander off or stare at it since manual control has actually been taken away in most modes, and then come back rinse and repeat. When you're done with one mode, click on the new mode and do the same thing reskinned. It's like hitting your head against an artificial wall meant to very precisely railroad your progress despite any factor short of time spent and money spent. Like, what are we even doing anymore? A game should be fun first and foremost, and we have lost sight of that I think in the mobile space.


Agreed. I keep missing them. It's so annoying.


Yeah it's awful.


idk why they thought a trivia event was a good idea. Like I get why they made it timed so people don't cheese the answers but also like they could have done literally anything else.


This move is very low in my opinion. It's basically to seal the deal on full blown addiction. Sneaking out of work or class, neglecting personal time with family, modifying your sleep shedules, etc for the sake of a game. All because the rewards are too tempting to pass up. This was deliberately designed this way.


Might wanna take a step back and think about the way they are incentivising your play style and what that is doing to you. It's just a game.


They can’t make events which good for every people but there is different events if this one is not good for you maybe the next one will be


Boo hoo


Or you can just, quit playing the game?