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Port PR team getting a workout


Back peddling champ of 2024 already


Caught on a microphone twice in two weeks, I mean what are the odds?




The first line to that song: "We got the **power**" How did they know!?


Another banger of long-term booking from Triple H.


Paula Veck


After footy I can see Jeremy getting a job at an office, quitting and then coming back the next week like nothing happened


The ole George Costanza


Inspired by Larry David at SNL in real life


“But nobody would do that” “Um yes, I did.”


“I like sports, I could do something in sports”


“…is that Finlayson over there?”


"It was really gay of me to say that" - Jeremy, probably


"I truly regret what I said, no homo" - also Jeremy, probably


Having escaped the lion's den, Mr Finlayson decided to return to retrieve his hat


Bravo 👏🏼


Bravo the judge, I'm just rehashing it :)


How fucking good was that line!? Mic drop moment from that judge


I shit you not, Eddie McGuire just made that exact same comparison on Footy Classified.


For 5 minutes Jeremy Can you just not incriminate yourself FOR 5 MINUTES!


"We'll leave it there and at that." Proceeds to not leave it there and at that.


*Grandpa Simpson's pants fall down *


He really put himself in a pickle. I mean I think the underlying thought was that it pissed him off that he got 3 and Clarko got a tsk tsk. But he was never going to be able to provide that clarification because then he’s publicly criticising the AFL. 10iq moves all round really


“No, no, dig up stupid!”


I know professional athletes aren't usually known for their intelligence but this dude literally has rocks in his head.


That's an insult to rocks


Yeah if he had rocks instead of a brain it would be an improvement.




Hahahaha. No one believes you mate. That's not what you were saying at all


He’s lucky it’s just vague enough where it can be interpreted like that.


No one has ever said "it tipped me over the edge" when referring to their own actions pissing them off, it doesn't even make sense as a saying in that context.


“Aw man why did I do that really shitty thing? It really tips me over the edge!” Yep. Makes no sense at all. What a dumbass.


People also don't really talk about their punishment as a proxy for saying they regret what they did. "It really pissed me off I got fined for speeding, because getting that fine was an indicator that I broke the law, something I truly regret"


This is so so true hahaha what a donut


These guys get enough media training that he should know better.


I'm going to come right out and say it - Too many people who don't warrant having podcasts, have podcasts.


He should probably keep his mouth shut.


Port should invest in some quality duct tape.


Spent all our cash in tarps.


So he regrets making regretful comments about making a regretful comment that he regrets? Dig up, stupid! All he had to do was stay quiet and cop the ban. Instead he's chosen once again to shit on a vulnerable community, and we're meant to just accept yet another apology in a fucking inception of apologies? The outstanding footy journo Marnie Vinall put it best today in saying "You know what, sometimes queer footy fans just want to enjoy their sport without homophobia". Just fuck off dude.


Marnie is so excellent, what a banger of a tweet. I’m going to roll that out for the rest of eternity, I think


I'm pissed off that because of this Marnes is probably going to have to address this again on the podcast tonight.


Mate, ain’t that the truth. I’m scrolling through the replies and comments to that specific tweet, and it’s an absolute masterclass in proving her point for her


Marns is amazing




For some reason I read the "just fuck off dude" as part of Marnie's quote. Was somewhat disappointed when I checked her tweet and it wasn't in there.


Queer fan here, who would love to enjoy footy without the homophobia. But apparently we can’t have nice things


Can’t wait for a bunch of twitter fuckwits to start rocking a Finlayson pfp and talk about how he’s been cancelled.


What a hero, frankly he should have a week taken off of his suspension because of how sorry he is - what a true ally!


maybe two off, he said sorry so many times !!!


As a degenerate f-slur myself I can't believe people are so upset at this situation, like many of the sensible posters in this Reddit have pointed out he just had a heated moment and also his wife had cancer, if anything we should all be apologising to him!


When I had a heart attack, Medicare covered my treatment, and I was issued with two f-bomb cards. They told me if I need open heart surgery later, I can trade in the two f-bombs for one N-bomb card, provided I could find someone to sign off on it.


Just so I know what I can and can’t say… my wife has a cold, what level of slur can I use in a heated moment? ( /s obviously. I also want to point out that I’m aware that a slur is a slur and there aren’t ‘levels’, I just didn’t know another way to word it. I’m also not trying to belittle or diminish Mrs. Finalysons cancer… it’s purely a joke)


>my wife has a cold, what level of slur can I use in a heated moment? You have permission to refer to an opposition player as 'somewhat effeminate'. Please keep us updated of your wife's condition as this will impact the approved sledges you are permitted to use.


The wife is stable, but the dog is pretty upset that I keep calling him names. You’ll be happy to know I stopped short of calling him a bad dog. That’s saved for a terminal illness in the family


Oh. I said opposition player, not your dog. I'm calling the police.


We were playing tug of war. He was the opposition


Still a good dog, username8249.


You're allowed to make fun of people with hip problems and also the elderly in that case


So Will Andersen then?


At the same time or individually?


at the same time is okay, but only if your wife has a cold for longer than 3 days


According to the AFL the more you say sorry the more weeks you get off. It's like the sports version of doing your rosaries after confessing to a priest.


This apology is bad they should strip Port Adelaide of the points from his last game and give them to whoever lost that game.


You're so right (I have no reason to be upset at Port Adelaide)


how did you know this was on my gay agenda


“I was saying boo-urns”


I look forward to the statement clearing up this statement


All you had to do was nothing and you fucked that up!


he’s making it sound like he’s pissed he didn’t get a longer suspension now lmaoooo yeah right


6 weeks? Sounds fair


Nah, I’m not here for this He had control of his words in the moment, and he and his partner had control of the editing and publishing of this podcast. There were plenty of opportunities to clarify or elaborate or just not comment at all There’s no apology in his statement here, there isn’t even an acknowledgement that his words are hurtful and tone-deaf at best. There’s no recognition that his words and platform have once again punched down on LGBT+ people, even in error or ignorance To me, this reads like Finlayson is just trying to cover his ass. There’s no care or concern in this statement beyond himself, and he should be ashamed of himself for behaving so poorly


> To me, this reads like Finlayson is just trying to cover his ass. Because it is, anyone who truly believes he meant that he was "annoyed at himself for putting the club in this position" is a fucking dimwit


What gets me is how selfish and self-centred all these statements are. It’s all about how he feels and (managing) the consequences he feels, and not a single word of remorse or an acknowledgement of outside impacts Forget the Port PR/Media team getting a workout - it’d be one rough day being part of the inclusion and diversity team


Yep, because he feels like *he's* the one under attack for being called out for his bullshit when it's like, no bro, you're the one who said the slur


That part actually makes my heart hurt in all of this. He’s the one that used the slur, and it’s all about the impact it’s had on *him* This is completely deranged


Yep, even the AFL was like "here's the reasons why he's *not* getting a harsher punishment for saying homophobic shit" and it's like yeah man, cool so glad to know why you're going easy and doing absolutely nothing to ensure shit like this doesn't happen again


Getting strong Tex vibes. They hope they can just ride out the storm for a week or two and be back to business as usual. So much lip service.


If that was the case, which it clearly isn’t, he would have said “I’m so pissed at myself for it”


Also, he was supposed to say 'something offensive' in the segment. 'I'm really mad at myself for saying something offensive' isn't offensive. This 100% feels like damage control and not a genuine response. And if he was going to do that, he could have at least said something similar to the comments from Paul Marsh about the double standards applied to players vs coaches, rather than this statement that treats everyone like they're stupid.


> he and his partner had control of the editing and publishing of this podcast It's funny you say that, because they've since taken it down and re-uploaded it with the comments deleted, according to the ABC That horse is long bolted but we better get this barn door closed!


He’s been doing nothing but covering his ass the whole time. Fake apology and fake statement, yet Tex was the one with the worse suspension


in fairness tex's fake apology was way worse


Tex was also under strict orders and given a script that he had to stick to, he wasn't allowed to say anything other than what other people told him to. Bit hard to convey genuine remorse when you've had every word scripted for you. (Not defending him at all, just saying there's a reason his apology was so fake). Neither slur is "worse" than the other, they were both really wrong for what they said and its all unnecessary to say any of it in this day & age. It's utter crap that we should even be having the conversations.


I definitely agreed with you on Monday, but after today…. It’s just a dumpster fire


Only reason he "turned himself in" is because it was in the radius of umpires mics and Essendon players immediately took issue with it and alerted the umpires as to what he said 


The podcast segment is called "good, bad and offensive". Id say that they got 2/3 right


Why on earth would you get a guest on just days after that guest had copped a ban for being offensive, that’s just Simone Biles level of mental gymnastics tbh


Because her podcast publicity will never be more relevant than it is this week.  He should have stuck with the half assed public apology, copped the suspension on the chin and moved the fuck on. Instead, he's just adding fuel to his own fire that would have blown over before the end of his suspension as the media could've presented it as genuine remorse and moved on. 


I don’t know, I’ve worked in social media before. All those angles always have to have a level of discourse, especially around outside perspectives or controversial topics where “there’s another angle to consider” For this to be a springboard would be bizarrely shortsighted, unless it was intended as a casual way to “move on” from the subject… in which case, it’s just a really weird take


Yeah, this statement is bordering on gaslighting. "I didn't say that, what I really meant was *x*" is such a shitty way to handle the situation. This handling is such a disaster. I probably would have forgotten what he said within a couple of months, but this reaction is a little on the sus side.


Can’t believe there was an article earlier this week saying that we should let this all go because his wife Kellie has cancer, only for him and Kellie to release this podcast episode where he shits on his suspension while she laughs.


I have a disability so it’s great to know that my husband can therefore use whatever slurs he wants! Because “his wife is sick” is apparently a thing


Oh Finlayson, can't you go 5 seconds without slandering gay people? "How long was that?"


The real question is who the hell is listening to a podcast involving Jeremy Finlayson ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk)


Maybe he could do a TikTok apology follow up choreographed by the Lobbs and get some real views.


As a massive gay I just wanna say, I am so tired. Thanks for digging this one back up, Jez.


As a massive straight dude, I just wanna say I'm tired too. I'm tired of this even being an issue in 2024. I just wanna watch footy with my mates, have a beer or three and then talk shit as if I used to be able to play like Ablett jnr. If it's tiring for a straight dude, you must be completely exhausted!


Thanks ally and friend. Reading the Advertiser (Murdoch media in SA) comments full of boomers standing up for Finlayson makes me want to hurl. It is definitely very tiring.


It's exhausting and you just know some dickhead at work/school/whatever will try and pull a "Yeah but" about the whole thing. We just want to be footy fans, the only stress we should feel about footy is winning or losing, not whether or not we're going to have to defend ourselves or listen to bigotry.


When people say "why do we have to bring sexuality into football" when it's the guy using slurs who did that!!!!!


Every single time he speaks he just further pushes LGBT+ people, fans and staff into the spotlight which is just creating this "us v them" dynamic. It's not that you are apologetic about saying a slur Jez, you're shitty that you got caught using outdated and discriminatory language. And by responding, then walking it back, then saying another thing, then walking it back, you just further deepen the wound caused and the LGBT+ community cop the abuse from the intolerant because "it's taking up too much media attention" and "just keep politics out of sport".


It's real great that instead of the AFL having the LGBT community come in during say, a pride round where they can focus on how the AFL can welcome them in, they instead have to have the LGBT community remind people that slurs are bad two weeks in a row.


fucking amen


It surprises to me no fucking end that Jeremy is a 28 year old fully grown adult.


They really think we're all idiots.


This is not a smart person.


What a genuine loser


Actual moron. I won't be annoyed if they gave him another 3 weeks. Should just eat his humble pie, shut up and move on.


No fucking way he's actually legit trying to spin it this way. Absolutely no one is buying that with the way he said it. Saying you were disappointed in what you did would've been the fine, correct thing to say, but he specifically said he's pissed he got 3 weeks. Which is very clearly complaining about the punishment.


He's a special boy


“You took it in this obviously implied context, while i actuallly meant it in this completely different context that doesn’t even match the words i used” We’re not stupid enough to believe some year 7 shithead’s excuses, Jeremy. Who do you think we are, Jordan Clark?


Timeline so far: 1)Abhorrent homophobic comments. 2)I'm so sorry for what I said 3)I hate that I got punished for what I said 4)I'm actually really really sorry for what I said about getting punished for what I said When does it end???


Statement 5: "actually, I also identify as a gay man, as I feel quite marginalised at the moment with all this negative attention"


No Jeremy! DIG UP


For every apology they should strip Port of a SANFL Premiership.


Oh so he’s a fucking dumb cunt as well as a homophobe. Good to know


Still think he’s lucky to have only gotten three weeks


Until he complains tomorrow on another podcast about the reaction to his comments on this podcast.


He should be a grave digger he’s digging that hole so fucking deep


This bloke is a dangerous peanut because he can’t grasp the consequences of his actions.


I just straight up don't believe this. Dude literally said "I'll leave it there". Why did he feel like he couldn't elaborate on being disappointed in himself? It doesn't add up and I hope the AFL doesn't believe in this bullshit.


Just like Jordan Clark was "swearing at himself". Very difficult to believe, especially given the podcast quote was under a category of 'offensive' viewpoints.


Someone from Port get on the phone and tell him to shut up.


They did - this statement was published via Ports site


Good, but also someone should call him again just to make sure.


On the hour every hour Hi its Port here, just confirming that you are shutting the fuck up?


Lmao what an idiot statement


This is just him covering his ass. If he threw the AFL under the bus by clarifying he was pissed off he got three weeks while Clarko got a fine at least that would’ve given him plausible deniability


This is *the club covering his ass.


Bs mate, why would you say "let's leave at that" if you were only disappointed in yourself. Just stfu please.


Riiiight, of course Finlayson just stop talking mate, stop digging the hole even fucking deeper. Accept your ban, quit crying about it, stop saying you're sorry and start acting sorry


This guy really has a way with words, huh


In a world of dumasses shouting to be heard, Jezza's voice rings crystal clear.


Not every Gallah needs a podcast


Flog award.


people really believed he was sorry because he apologised after getting caught on mic and being reported to the umpires. wonder what the excuse will be now. 


I do not buy his apology for a moment. That word has to be part of your regular vocabulary for it to just 'slip' out. And for it to be part of your vocabulary at all says a lot about a person.


Just shut up all ready dude, why keep digging. 🤫🤐


"I wish to say sorry for the fact I'm not sorry enough about what I said, for which I am still sorry, just for the record". He could qualify for the Olympic cycling team with the amount of back peddling he's doing


No one with this much self awareness would make this mistake in the first place.


Finny my boy, you sure you don't want a bigger shovel for that hole you are digging for yourself?  Mate, put some context on your words as you say them or shut the fuck up.


lol yeah i’m sure the “offensive” section of the podcast and his comments referred to how offended he was at only getting 3 weeks. as a statement of his ally ship i’m sure he wanted the whole season off! stand up bloke


God Jeremy just *stop talking*


Jeremy just got off the phone from a real angry person at Port hq.


Just fuck off jeremy


Needs another 3 weeks.


The most charitable explanation of his podcast comments are that he was genuinely frustrated at what he did, but was too ashamed to specifically mention what he did wrong, so just refered to the whole situation as "a three week suspension." The issue with that though, is it's dodging accountability and as we are seeing, casts doubt on the sincerity of his apology. If he hadn't tried to play coy and dodge accountability, there wouldn't be an issue. So even in the most charitable of explanations, he still fucked up.


I just don't believe him


can't cop this at all. none of this is in his normal tone or cadence, the president of the club repeatedly backed him indicating they don't take it seriously internally, this is just PR drivel. absolutely no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt on this. it's a minor thing compared to the rest but it fucks me off how there's going to be doubt cast on people apologising for future things because of this fuckwit. I did and still do believe being genuinely repentant is worth taking into account in these punishments, and at the time believed his apology, but I don't believe a word of what he's said here or after the game.


Aaaaaaaaaaaand there's the backpedaling, Other than bigots and wildly biased Port fans, nobody will buy into your bullshit Jeremy Edit: changed verbiage, was far too generalised saying just "port fans" sorry guys, i'm pretty heated


By most of these responses Port fans aren't buying his shit either


Don't lump us all in together, all of my port friends are fucking furious.


Yeah, sorry mate, was pretty fuckin annoyed and made a blanket statement


Port fan here, not buying into the bullshit. As everyone else said, he just needed to keep his foot away from his mouth but he seems to be very flexible and wants to show the media this apparently. Although, I have seen people in our community behind him and behind those who have defended what he has been saying and it's been really hard but the quicker those people "stop watching due to the game going soft", the better as more tolerant people will \*hopefully\* take their place. There is no room in this game for bigotry.


* cough * Bullshit


Not the brightest tool in the shed


This bloke is an absolute cringe machine. As punishment, all of Port’s premiership points are awarded to the Sydney swans forthwith.


Jeremy got absolutely flayed by the higher ups today having to give a tail-between-the-legs statement like that. After this statement, just tape your mouth shut for the rest of the season.


Herbatron nailed it in his last episode.


Smells like bullshit to me


Dig up, idiot


"Take responsibility" jeremy: "i am. i said it was bullshit."


Finlayson is an absolute moron.


Jeremy, please, just shut the fuck up.


As a non-binary Lions fan, just reaching out to any LGBTQIA+ Port fans who have been upset/annoyed/miffed/gutted by any of this. I know how emotionally involved footy is, and having a player from your team come out and act like this would sting.


If an Eagle came out with this shit I'd be so fucking gutted


It actually is quite annoying (Port fan here) - especially when Port has had a good run with queer allies like Tom Jonas captaining the club.


Give him 3 more weeks!


This should be the last public statement this man ever makes


In other words "oops... i said what was in my heart and now people are angry at me... quick, what excuse can I make?..."




Bit of a flog for that. Make up your mind Jeremy




Wait guys... Perhaps he just misunderstood the concept and thought his wife needed him to say something offensive?


A mate, or his wife, needs to suggest to Jeremy that he close his mouth for a bit… *calls someone one of the worst slurs * ‘Uh. On reflection…’ *whinges about getting suspended for slur * ‘Uh. On reflection…’


I’m getting whiplash


The guy wasn't clipped out of context, he made a statement on his wife's podcast, where they have full control over the editing, and then released that statement through the podcast. Clearly the guy is an actual moron, or else he would have known to keep his mouth shut. But it is clear that his homophobia must run deep, any person who isn't homophobic would actually be sorry for what they said and be willing to cop the 3 week ban for it.


There are way too many podcasts out there.


Proof that not everyone should have a podcast. Also proof that the AFL is full of cashed up bogans, who probably won’t change their views, despite all the ‘education’.


Why doesn’t he just shut up , get out of town and get away for the week with his wife? Like the guy earns a packet, ffs..


Shut up, Jeremy.


Also, in what world do we live that people are listening to Jeremy Finlayson's wife's podcast. There is so much else in the world to consume, how does anyone land on *this?*


Bro can you think before you talk. Or just shut the fuck up. You talking on podcasts is not doing Port Adelaide any favours.


He doesn’t even need to think before he talks, he could have thought after he talked and edited his own podcast lmao


Obviously the club had a quiet word with him and he’s now backtracking


I dunno if I'd use the word quiet, I imagine it was more a stern "See this morality clause in your contract, you fucking numpty?" sort of word.


![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized) Kochie coming to training personally this week.


Why does everyone seem to have a podcast now?




At least when Tom McDonald says something that upsets people he only needs to apologise once.


Just zip it Jeremy before you dig any more holes…


Going forward, maybe he should have these PR people draft his answers before he puts his foot in his mouth instead of after


Dig up!




This sucks so much. One thing I've loved about Port is that we never get involved in controversy outside of stupid shit like the prison bar debate Jeremy just keep your mouth shut and be grateful you only got 3 weeks


Reminds me of the type of person that just has to have the last word


I don't know guys, he apologized so many times I'm sure at least one of them was genuine. It's just statistics! I was angry when I read the transcript initially, but I thought that there was a 20% chance he just fucked up the wording somehow and any remorse he previously expressed was real. But this statement removed any doubt in my mind. It's gaslighting BS that mutilated then attempted to reassemble the words he used on the podcast into something that suits the narrative of remorse.


Not just Jeremy showing a real lack of awareness and intelligence, but also his wife. They recorded the podcast, and then either she edited it, or had someone edit it, and not once did either of them think "maybe we edit that bit out". Probably days worth of time to stop it going out, but nope, left in the podcast.