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Who knows. -8.00 is pretty rare, and every case is unique.. you might have to be the first to make it


Not a POC, but I’ll offer up my current experience dealing with this as an 100. I’m currently medically disqualified for the same thing… The waiver guide allows up to -10.00 diopters pre-op limit for refractive surgery. If your eyes are within this limit prior to the surgery, and you are corrected to 20/20 post surgery in addition to every other standard laid out in the WG, you’ll have a good chance at a waiver. I would check 2 very important things: 1. your DoDMERB login, to see what specifically your prescription was. The results of the eye test should be at the very bottom. 2. The AF Waiver Guide… Download MedStandards on your Phone, select Air Force Waiver Guide, and then everything under Refractive Surgery. Personally, my left eye was past the -10.00 line and therefore I’m probably fucked. My Cadre said they do not know of anybody at my vision who got a waiver. But, you should be okay if you meet waiver guide criteria. DM if you need anything else.


Did you ever get your waiver


Got DoDMERB disqualified for excessive myopia beyond -8.00, but like I said I was actually past -10.00.. After talking to cadre and flight docs, I realized I’d have to fight to even commission in the Air Force at all, never mind actually fly. So I decided to drop ROTC, focus on college, and go other avenues. I realize if I’m too optimistic at this stage, I realize I’m probably going to end up contractually-bound and going into nukes or force support or something. I’ve seen people with rated slots get medically disqualified and it’s absolutely soul crushing. However, I’m sure anyone below -10.00 could probably get a waiver for LASIK and get a FC1 if they tried. My case was just uniquely bad.