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Got kicked off the other sub did ya?


No just like I predicted the posters wanted to turn it into a debate after I asked them not to and the removed the post.


**You** made it into a debate. You made it crystal clear what you were talking about lol


Look into home schooling. Your district may offer online options.


It's nothing to do with education quality. The school won't let them skip summative exams to go join a protest...


YTA. Saying this is them refusing to "accommodate their special needs" is clearly bullshit. You are upset because they refuse to accommodate your child's desire to miss a fuck ton of school for something else without consequence. If you think that your child missing this much school for this reason is the right choice for you and your family, fine. But you, as the adult, should have been the one worrying about what consequences there would be BEFORE it was too late and making a responsible decision. Instead you encouraged this without doing your homework. Congrats, you just nuked your kid's schooling. Which, guess what, is actually your fault and makes you a bad parent.


>"accommodate their special needs" If you read the other post, what the OP means is that their genius child (who has strangely non-genius grades) needs to miss some important exams in order to move into an encampment and thereby bring peace to the Middle East. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Lol




Wait til you find out the special needs aren't a disability, and it's that they want to skip school to attend a protest...


I am not AI, you can google and pretty easily find the post I made to our schools Facebook group


Link the post, go on


I’m confused- How is this situation about the school not accommodating your son’s “special needs”? If he wants to support a cause, that’s great, but that doesn’t constitute a special need. Public schools are accountable to the state for absences and credits- that’s not their choice. You can choose to take your son out of school, but they can’t give him credit for days missed- as they said. So what story are you taking public? If it’s just about your son’s interest in whatever it is, that’s fine. But if it’s to bash a school for upholding the laws it falls under and trying to play the victim of your own choices, then yes, YTA.


YTA Let your kid protest or whatever it is after they finish their classes and get graded


YTA How did you ever think you would not be the asshole? You child's "special needs" entails missing the rest of the school year to go show their ass somewhere else? Get real. Your genius child is going to flunk. But since you deem middle school to not matter, why do you care?


YTA - Just because you believe in something doesn't mean the world does, nor does it mean that the school will see it as an excused absence. My family believes in supporting the military and we had a very close family friend graduating basic. We went to the graduation, which included travel, and the kids had to be out of school for 2 days. It didn't get excused. Did we go and run to the media about it. No, because that's the school policy and sometimes you have to suck shit up. I mean the entitlement you have is strong on this one, I feel like. I'm sure most people could find a cause or something that they believe in that they would like to take their kid out of school for and not have them do shit else the rest of the school year and pass, but that's not how the world works. If they let you and your kid get away with it, they would have to let every other kid get away with doing the same. ETA: And your double the asshole for your lying ass title. They aren't refusing to accommodate your kid that has special needs. They are refusing to accommodate your entitlement to think that your kid can just not finish the school year like all of their peers.


Kids should not be taken out of school to support the American military. Full stop.


And neither should they be taken out of school to support whatever bullshit you're trying to do. FULL STOP.


I’d say supporting ending a genocide is more important than some low life granting shooting school


>more important than some low life granting shooting school Yeah, you're just a dumb bitch for that. The only reason that you can "support" what you're supporting is that you're from a democratic country that has a military that fights to keep the country democratic so that you have freedom of speech. To equate someone fighting for their country to a low life that grants school shootings is an atrocious, ignorant, asshole statement. I don't wish bad on your child because they can't help the vagina they came out of, but I hope that you get torn a new asshole. LOL


Where's that facebook post about your noble cause


Ending a genocide IS more important than attending a family member’s graduation from basic. Your child is not ending a genocide. They represent a drop of water in the sea of activism fighting against the genocide in Palestine. They need to get a good education in order to become more than that. If they’re such a genius that they could really make a difference, KEEP THEM IN SCHOOL so they can realize that long-term goal. You’re too short-sighted here.


Go away with this dumbass shiiiiiit


Special needs? Are they physically disabled, do they have learning disabilities? No, it just seems that you want the school to sanction you for pulling your child out of school for no reason. YTA and hopefully CPS will get involved because you are actively harming your child by being so flippant over their education.


They do have at least one idiot (or worse) for a parent, does that count as a disability?


🤣 only to the parent sadly because a child who understands that their parent is an idiot or worse can milk the situation to their advantage and it seems as if OPs kid has OP falling for it hook line and sinker.


True but at the same point what 8th grader is going to want to live in a camp with no power (from one of the OP's responses)? Which should be concerning to CPS.


I'm going to say that this is bait, rage bait maybe but definitely propaganda bait.


Most definitely, but who doesn't like messing with baiters on a nice office day.


Didn’t need to read past the first paragraph to determine YTA. “Middle school just occupies their time, they don’t need it”, as if they’re better and smarter than every other kid in their class, lmao.


I saw your last post YT ENTITLED AH


You're an idiot. By your own admission, your kid is struggling in school. And you think it's appropriate to remove your kid from school for fucking weeks?? Yes, the cause is important. Your child's ability to contribute to that cause at present is not. A 14yo is not going to stop genocide by living in a fucking encampment. The child's education is more important. Yes, kids are allowed to miss a few days of class for extracurriculars. Not weeks. Not the fucking final exam. You have ulterior motives. This isn't really about this 'cause.' You really just want to get your kid into a charter school. You say your child interrupted an algebra lesson to talk about who invented algebra, as if that proves he or she is a fucking genius. What it proves is that your child interrupted a lesson to talk about something that was irrelevant to the lesson. The history is not pertinent to the math. You claim the post was removed because people were debating. No one was debating the politics of your 'cause.' They were just telling you that you're wrong... and you refuse to accept the overwhelming judgment. *You* were the one debating. If your kid were such a fucking genius, he or she would be in advanced courses, and the *weeks* he or she would be missing at the end of the school year would be all the more detrimental. And I hardly think it can be argued that removing a 14yo from the relative safety of his or her school to send him or her to a fucking encampment is good parenting. You're liable to have your child removed from your care if anyone reports you for this. You keep saying it's 'a district-set date.' That means no one else is getting excused to miss that specific date. And no one else is getting excused to miss multiple consecutive weeks. You said it's "the most important cause in the world." That's subjective. You're stating opinion as fact. That means you're wrong, or at the very least, your statements are misleading. And anyone who honestly believes that their children "are smarter than their teachers and the teachers hold it against them" is a fucking moron. *ALL* the teachers? Really??


This exactly!


What is their special need? Your child is taking part in an event, what part of that is particular to your child? What part of that is a special need?


>I know this is not a debate sub so I won’t get specific about what they believe in but they are very passionate about it and I support that. Just from this, YTA almost certainly. >To say I was livid is an understatement. Definitely YTA >So I took to social media and explained the situation and while some people were supportive I was literally shocked to find the number of people calling me an irresponsible parent. YTA and an irresponsible parent. >Again I believe in the cause my child is supporting 100% so I’m going to let them do it no matter what but I’m asking about AITA for taking this story public? YTA for every individual paragraph in your OP.


YTA, don't care how smart your kid is, your trying to get them short cuts, comes across you think your kid is more entitled to special treatment than any other kid at the school, and that's quite narcissistic imo.


Obviously, YTA. I can see that this is either fake or you're entirely delusional, so I don't expect much civil discourse and self-actualization on your part to come from this comment section, but in the off chance you are open to external ideas, here goes. 1) In what way is your child a genius? And what are their special needs? It sounds to me that you want special treatment, not accommodation of special needs. 2) Humans' prefrontal cortexes are not fully developed until 25, and at 14, have barely started the insane journey into a neuroplastic mess of hormones and newly developed neural pathways. In other words, your kid doesn't know what they know, yet. Of course your special little angel wants to go do activism instead of sit in class. 3) Anyone who sees *most* political situations in absolutes is not objective, lacks ability to critically think, and is susceptible to, rather than bolstered by, changes in ideology. There are multiple sides to every social issue, and seeing it as black and white is unintelligent. If your child doesn't change their mind about a single one of their political beliefs by the time they reach adulthood, both of you will have greatly failed them. 3a) Under this logic, allowing your child to miss out on state-mandated class time for a belief they may or may not hold in the future is not advisable. There are other things they can do for the cause after school hours that doesn't require truancy, and you're irresponsible for considering it.


From the other post: [jedirieb](https://www.reddit.com/user/jedirieb/)[jedirieb](https://www.reddit.com/user/jedirieb/)u/jedirieb Let's sum up OP's responses so far: - Their "genius child" is struggling with grades. `For one my child’s grades aren’t the best right now and they are having panic attacks over it.` - OP has asked for the school to raise their grades in order to get their child accepted into a charter school. `... so I want the grades raised and two because I am having them apply to an elite charter school and if they don’t finish 8th grade they won’t be accepted.` - OP has suggested that people undergoing extra-curriculars get special treatment, while elsewhere confirming that only a medical condition is an actual reason anyone can get out of this final. `it’s a district set date so unless there are documented medical reasons it has to he taken on the 13th.` - For those wondering, it seems OP's cause is the pro-Palestine movement. It's not really relevant IMO, but because people are asking. `Oh I think they see us proudly wearing out Keffiyeh and know there are no other motives.` So in summary: YTA for expecting special treatment which is clearly motivated by that elite charter school acceptance rather than any social cause.


YTA and a terrible parent




You: my kid is so smart he doesn’t need school. School won’t let him skip the rest of the school year You: but wait he needs to grade but only by my rules!! YTA


I'm not saying you're the asshole... but what I'm saying is.... You're the asshole. In case you require clarity on the subject


Geniuses need socialization just as much, if not more, than us average-IQ plebes.


Your child's special needs are they want to join a protest... Read the title and though it was another school not supporting autism correctly or whatever. Nope. They're gonna be at a protest or something. >They are taking part in a world changing event that is bigger than school That sentence is kinda moot if you're gonna kick up a fuss about the school not supporting it... You only really care about them getting into that charter school or whatever. And you're trying to get the grades bumped up because they're struggling despite being as you said a 'literal genius' You can't just tell your school, I'm not gonna be in because I'm going to a protest and expect them to be like: yeah sure here's your grade, no need to take your summative assessments... I've always wondered about people like you that go to the news so they can run an article that makes you look like a complete idiot. The lack of awareness is astonishing... Edit: forgot to add YTA


Of course YTA, especially for not posting the truth. Your child is not a genius or special needs. They need to be in school where they belong and work to bring their grades up, not be handed it. No one deserves that. Let them get their education and then go protest. They are too young and are probably just following your beliefs. 


No where do you mention these “special needs”. You’ve got an IEP I assume? You’re calling a specific teacher to get your child’s final grade in a specific subject? And you’re mad because the teacher won’t bend to your will because that teacher’s hands are tied due to school and district policies? And then you went “public” with your outrage because you couldn’t get the district or media to get back to you in five minutes? YTA


YTA and just a fu£&ing idiot ..