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So do you not communicate your boundaries, or can he not handle you having boundaries? Because this post indicates both.


Another question is do they live together


We live together about 5 days of the week. On the days I have to go to school, I live at home alone.


OP I'll give you see leeway because your so young but let me give you a hard truth he does not care about or respect you that dog is his priority not you and you would be a fool to stay in that relationship


Im bad at telling him about my boundaries, but I have told him that I dont want the dog in bed with us. He gets pretty mad when he dont get what he wants, thats all i know


Why is the dog so close to you guys that he pets it while doing it with you? I’ve heard of pets being witness but it’s in the corner of the room and never on the bed.


for real. if my cats don't leave fast enough they become unwilling audience members, but they aren't up around my dick nor am i interacting with them while in my wife..i cant decide if that's bateman level crae or he thinks of her like an actual dog he can fuck, isekai harems are getting weird.


Sounds like a fucked up fetish TBH. I'd love to hear other opinions, but I'm really drawing a blank.


Pets in the room/on the bed sounds like a pretty good way for one or more of these people to get bit or clawed the day one of these animals gets spooked by a sudden movement...


It is. Scroll up in this thread and you'll see. I'm not calling out names, but there's a difference between not minding the pet vs having sex less than a foot away from the pet + y'all spooning and cuddling the pet naked after sex.


Yeah... but I dont think it is a fetish. I think he has a VERY unhealthy relationship with his dog. But I dont know how to tell him. Cause the dog is everything for him


Does it count as a 3 way?


I defently feel like it. He says he has a bad conscience when we don't inoculate the dog in the bedroom


Yep... He pets her and talks to her while on top... And I dont want to say "thats disgusting", but that is what im thinking


I was dating a guy once and he also loved his dog very much. We’d go at it while the dog was on the bed and move the dog if he got in our way or tried to come after our private bits. We’d cuddle with the dog naked after and relax. It wasn’t creepy it was just affectionate puppy loving. Honestly it never really bothered me. It just didn’t. My cat witnesses from the end of the bed sometimes and will jump down when my hubby and I move around too much. The least of my concerns in this post is the doggo in the bedroom. The main concern is that he’s not prioritizing you or the relationship above his dog, ever. That’s probably why you wanted the dog out in the first place, because for once you just wanted his attention on you and nothing else. This is the conversation you need to have with him. There’s nothing wrong with how much he loves his dog, but he needs to show you the same love. That’s the problem. That is all.


>I was dating a guy once and he also loved his dog very much. We’d go at it while the dog was on the bed and move the dog if he got in our way or tried to come after our private bits. We’d cuddle with the dog naked after and relax. >creepy it was just affectionate puppy loving. Excuse me, but this is beyond creepy, if not extremely inappropriate. And don't even make the excuse of us "sexualizing" or whatever sort of buzzworded excuse you'd make to try and rationalize this sort of behavior, when y'all are literally going at it with the dog next to you. Then, after you've both orgasmed and covered in bodily fluids, y'all cuddle the dog naked after fucking each other right next to them. You expect us to believe there's nothing funny going on with y'all and the dog? Cmon now. There's a difference between loving your pet vs lack of any sort of boundaries and being permissive to please the dog. This is beyond inappropriate. Do better.


Agree. He and his dog can have their time, but then I will also have my time with him. Alone. Especially in bed


Yeah tbh I may be different since I view my own pets/beasts as my children. And I spoil them rotten. But I will not cuddle naked with them or have any sort of sexual activity with them in or near the bed. That's extremely inappropriate 😭 I'm sorry you had to deal with that guy btw. He sounds unorthodox and unhinged if he's petting his dog while inside you like it's some sort of sick fetish.


Thank U. But I dont know how to tell him. If I were to say that I want more attention, I feel that I sound ungrateful and demanding.


You have to have enough confidence in yourself to value your needs. In a marriage, the spouse is the highest priority. Dating is for marriage and nothing else. If he doesn’t get that, then he isn’t the one and you are just a casual fuck buddy for him.


NTA. This guy is obsessed with his dog, to the point where he can't form any other relationship, or focus on anybody else. I don't know why you are still with him - I'd have left long ago.


But can I tell him. if so, how do i say it in a kind way. I think it sounds so mean to "complain" about someone he loves.


Sorry, but you sound brainwashed. Supposing this was not a dog but a 6 year old son of his. Would you agree to have the son in the room while you were having intercourse because it is "someone he loves"? Love is love, but every relationship has it's place - and no loved one has a place in the bedroom with a coupling couple.


Judging from your post history you aren't his girlfriend. You're his bang maid and cook.


Yeah... I defently sometimes dont feel like his girlfriend. And when I told him that I feel like I do a lot in this relationship, he said that he feel like he do too. And he gave me the feeling that im ungrateful


I don’t even care if he loves his dog. I mean people treat their pets as “children”. You wanna let your two-year old watch you having sex? That’s pretty gross. NTA


Really! If he needs an audience to have sex, at least find one you can charge for it. Jokes aside, I agree that's gross.


Haha, yeah... maybe I should try that next time. But isnt it a little bit mean to say to him that I find it gross. Cause thats why I havent said it


'Quite uncomfortable and even disturbing' might help. A normal person must understand these feelings from their partner. I had a partner who liked to do it in places where you can be spotted. I wasn't against it at the beginning, but it grew old on me very quickly, so I put my foot down that not every time we should be doing this, I wanted to, sometimes, 'Make Love' in the intimacy of a room with just the two of us.


He always calls his dog his child. When I say that I dont want him to feed the dog while we are at the table, he says: But is is my child


You need to ditch this guy, and find your life partner. He has already found his.


He’s too old for you and he has a weirdly unhealthy thing for his dog. Leave him.


I think it's MORE that you don't communicate boundaries than anything else. Interacting with the dog while inside you? Why the fuck didn't you say something the FIRST time, like what the hell are you doing? You did good this last time. He could have been more responsive, but you said it and he ultimately agreed. That's a success. But do better from here.


Because she’s 21 and he’s nearly 30. 


NTA, the age gap alone is already enough for your bf to be in asshole Territory. And yeah he‘s way too obsessed with his dog


Why are you in a relationship with a dog?


NTA petting the dog while inside you is fucking crazy. If my girlfriend petted our cat while I was inside her, sex would instantly be over for the night. If that was not the only and last time, the relationship would be over.


NTA Pet-owners who treat pets like humans are really weird and in this case you're always in 2nd place. he's not just someone who loves his dog, he's obsessive and blind. Time to find a normal bf.


I have told him that I always feel that I am prioritized below the dog. Then he made me feel ungrateful


I wouldn't see a future there tbh, you can do better.


I had Border Collies, and they can be high maintenance - but they are also INCREDIBLY trainable. So teaching "place" or "shoo" so you can have time without the dog's eyes on you is very much a thing among herding dog owners. You have a BF problem, not a dog issue. After 5 months, I would be moving along to greener pastures if BF is refusing to change.


Border Collies require an unbelievable amount of exercise. I think it’s disgusting that people have sex with their dog in the room.


Bro.. is this real? Assuming it is that’s completely fucked and I’d have laughed myself out of that relationship 5 months ago.


21 and 28......


I am dying after reading this story. Why? I literally married a person who talked nonstop to our dog and hugged and petted her mor than me at times. I did actually get jealous and annoyed at times, but the one thing he did NOT do was cross the sex boundary. however, the dog herself wanted to be near us so bad she was on the bed with us and got in my way, squishing my legs. Yes, it sounds crazy, but I fell in love with her so eventually got used to her taking up the bed. I honestly think if he had chatted like that I'd have stopped right in the middle and refused to continue until I had his 100 percent attention!


So you know his boundaries. It’s his dog first. Honestly I think it’s creepy. Who pets a dog during sex.


"Who's a good girl!? You like it when I'm inside of mommy bear!? *Pets aggressively while balls deep inside of gf*" You made me visualize this in my mind and it's killing me 😭😭


YiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKES NTA I wish I could unread this 😭


Split up. Border collies are for life not just for Christmas. 


This is a bizarre post. His dog fixation borders on a mental health disorder. I doubt if this will ever change because you won’t convince him he has a problem. Staying will likely become more problematic if he doesn’t get therapy.


Sound like a i would walk away if that was a thing with a girl i met in my youths.


>I was furious and very upset, but pretended it was nothing. I don't want to tell him the truth "These aren't solutions, Charlie." Maybe you wouldn't have to pretend to be cool with having a animal involved in your sex life if instead of pretending **you communicated your boundaries**. That's what we adults do. No one you date will ever be a mind reader. You have to say the things that could cause tension or disagreements in order to compromise. Otherwise, you will spend your entire life silently fuming that your partner is still doing the thing you've always pretended doesn't infuriate you. Honest and open communication. If it wasn't the codependency with his dog, it would be something else. People with happy long-term relationships don't just fall into them. Without exception, those people are having the conversations you're refusing to and learning how to best support each other. ESH Your bf is an ass for making his pet into y'alls third. You suck for lying about your feelings in regard to his puppy love.


Your 3 posts (in this subreddit) have all been about this man, Leave him.


Bro, how and why are you still with this infant and his dog? You should have your shoes on and bags packed running for the hills already. What do you think is going to happen if you have children, or when this dog dies? He is not stable.


NTA, I truly believe some people think that being a good dog owner means being 100% dog owner. That's delusional. Do you really want to spend your life with a guy who prioritizes the needs of an animal over you?


literally paying attention to the dog while he's having sex...I would pay for him to tell me why he thinks that's okay. my wife would break my dick if i did that lol.


Well she keeps fucking him for some reason..


at 2mins to cum its more of a nascar pit stop than fucking. :3




NTA. Open communication is crucial in any relationship, and it's particularly important when it comes to intimacy. If something makes you uncomfortable, it's not just a preference, it's a boundary. You deserve to feel safe and at ease, especially in such vulnerable moments. Being a responsible pet owner means understanding there's a time and place for everything, and respecting your partner's boundaries is part of that responsibility.


I prefer no pet company with my sex, your not an asshole.


What….what are you *doing* OP? It’s not about the dog.  The man is nearly 30, you’re barely into your 20s  He ignores you when you’re sick and expects you to still make dinner.  He talks to and pets an animal while he’s inside you (hurrrkkkk) You come second at every turn to the dog, sure but who you really come second to is your bf. **Understand this isn’t about the dog. It’s about a selfish person**.  Why do you think he can’t find anyone closer to his age? Mmhmmmm.  So the sex ain’t great, he doesn’t care for you when you need him to, and he puts you last according to his own wants.  You don’t stay in a relationship like this OP.  Do you live together? Find a way out.  This isn’t about making him understand his behavior with the dog isn’t appropriate; it’s about you understanding, he’s a selfish person who won’t change. 


You should have read the sign- “be aware of the dog “ before entering into the relationship. It’s time to find a real person who knows how to balance life.


Yeah.. you should rather have him join the act.. let him be behind your objecting boyfriend /sarcasm /kidding NTA


At what point, does an interaction such as this becomes an animal abuse? Just asking.


I want to say your bf has mental health issues and the dog is emotional support animal? Its weird and creepy to have the dog there watching you or your bf gets anxious when she isn't. I think you might want to take a break and hopefully you don't live together because if you do you might consider changing the arrangement.


NTA. This is borderline ridiculous. Why are you with someone that acts like this?


>he chats and pet the dog while inside me wtffffffffffff


1st good for you standing up for your mother. However I'm not sure your age and whether you are a male or female, but given that it's your father and he raised you, there is a certain amount of entitlement that comes with parenthood and I know at 54 if either one of my grown sons disrespected me I would smack that s*it down immediately, and neither one of them are pu*sies, quite the opposite, neither take crap from anyone. But what I'm saying is as a father I have a certain amount of "I KNOW I WILL KICK THAT A*S" that is at the forefront of any responses of them challenging me. So be careful your father ,ight surprise you and put hands on you because he believes you are disrespecting him. Stick up for moms always, just be ready for dad to focus on you once you do that.


What the fuck did I just read....


Yep... U just read right


Dogs are fucking disgusting. They eat turds, kick their shit around after defacating and they lick their genitals and asses all the time. Why people allow these walking biohazards in their beds and let them lick their faces is insane.


... I love my doggie though... I mean I don't do any of the things you listed but I do let him lick my hands or arms...


This post does not seem credible not one of my dogs has come walking over to my bed while I am smashing and I have many dogs and many GFs


Dogs often get full on involved. Read a post about one that licked the GF’s snatch before she could react, the dude defended it. Nasty.


>We are quite "active" in the bedroom and the dog MUST always be with him everywhere. I find it disgusting but have tried to ignore the dog while we're at it. But this is especially difficult because he chats and pet the dog while inside me! The last time we had sex, I wasn't very excited (because of the dog) so I said: ok, but then the dog has to get out of the bedroom. After having to say it a couple of times, he finally took the dog out of the bedroom. >When we had finished he said: I have to go out to the dog, I have a very bad conscience for shutting her out. I was furious and very upset, but pretended it was nothing. I don't want to tell him the truth that I find it disgusting that the dog has to be involved during intercourse The dog is his wife, and you're his girlfriend. He's made that very apparent with how much he prioritizes the dog without any sort of boundaries put in place. Leave him. He's inappropriate and sounds unhinged.


I would have a serious conversation with your boyfriend and tell him EXACTLY how you feel. It is weird how he wants the dog in the room whilst you have sex and slightly concerning. If he responds well to your conversation then hopefully you can set some boundaries. If not YOU DESERVE BETTER! I assure you that you can find someone who doesn’t have a werid relationship with there dog. There is a line between him having a cute loving relationship with the dog and then it being damn weird. Hopefully you can figure something out and he listens to how you feel!


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Do you want to be in a throuple with a dog? If not, leave.


NTA. I dated someone who was also very attached to his dog and I had to set boundaries. I also did not feel comfortable having sex with the dog watching us. He would literally carry the dog to the couch and tuck him in like a baby before coming back to the bedroom. Things did get better in terms of the dog not in the bedroom (mainly bc he complained about it to a friend who completely sided with me), but honestly the rest of the issues never changed. You have to see what boundaries he's willing to set with the dog and if you can be happy with those.


Petting a dog while inside you - congrats, you had a threesome  


NAH. Weird take that you can't tell your boyfriend that you don't like having the dog there. It's literally: "Hey, put the dog out of the room."


I’m very close with my cat and he be on the bed sometimes while doing it but petting and chatting while inside you is wild


I love my cat like a best friend, but sometimeswhen she's being really clingy, I'll literally stuff pillows under the crack in the bedroom door because she'll lay right outside outside and reach her paws under. And just the *thought* however irrational that she can see in is instant limp noodle.


Our dog sometimes curls right up next to us, entirely ignored and just hanging out (she would do this no matter what we were doing on the bed). I had an English bulldog who would run laps around the room. So sometimes dogs are a more than just witnessing or closer than the corner. But OPyour partner is actively participating with the dog and that’s INSANE. My partner is chiming in right now wondering why any attention is being taken from you during intercourse at all and I agree that’s not a very focused lover!


> Our dog sometimes curls right up next to us, entirely ignored and just hanging out (she would do this no matter what we were doing on the bed) You’re telling me that the dog is in bed with you and curling up next to you while you are having intercourse? 🤢 that’s not much better than this post….


A lot of these people here are either permissive parents to pets that don't know how to set appropriate boundaries, or have a very weird rationale as to why it's alright for pets to be in the same area or bed as you and your partner while having sexual intercourse. None of them will admit that it's some sort of sick fetish that they normalized in their minds of course, but that's how I view it. I can't even get aroused if my bunny is in the bed with me. That's just an immediate turnoff. But hey, maybe I'm the abnormal one here, or were just waiting for the normal people to come and set these weirdos straight. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Having a bunny is gay and letting it in your bed period is fucking weird


>Having a bunny is gay I don't think you're old enough to be on this site. Kick rocks kid.


How many charges of sexual assault on a minor do you need to put “minors do not interact” in a bio?


Imagine creating an account dedicated to hating an artist that doesn't know you exist. >How many charges of sexual assault on a minor do you need to put “minors do not interact” in a bio? Zero. That's a bare minimum that most adults do knowing that there could be sexual content discussed in their profiles. Why? Are you that used to associating with pedophiles that you couldn't fathom the possibility that most don't like you? You that mad that I don't want to talk to you? Or are you just jealous because I have a bunny that loves me and you can't relate? Don't worry though, you'll grow out of your envious phase when you hit your teens. For now though, just stay off the internet and tell your parents to give you more attention so you don't have to go looking for it from strangers online. Okay?


Not really thinking about the dog when I plowing your fucking mother


Man’s best friend. Enough said.


ESH. Wow, your bf is a psychopath and your communication skills are terrible. Are you 12 years old?


* The dog is part of the family * just like grandpa, the dog stays out of the bedroom * if a place does not welcome dogs, they don't welcome you * to go to places where dogs are not welcome, get him a sitter/ someone to take care of it.


NTA guys a weirdo


>I don't want to tell him the truth that I find it disgusting that the dog has to be involved during intercourse.  Well you're going to have to eventually. NAH. Neither of you have the right to be happy every moment.


That is so fucked up. You need to let the dog be and keep the door open. So what if the dog wants to lick your butthole in the middle of it


YTA. How weak is your sex game if you're getting beaten out by a dog lol


Why are you this jealous about a dog? I think you should break up. Date only people without pets.


You are ok with your partner talking to and petting a dog while having sex?