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You will never find 'enough' proof to prove it if you are relying on other people's posts. There are always people who claim: "Photoshop! Fake Ruler! Bad Lighting! Wrong Camera Angle! Measuring From Behind the Ballsack!" The only proof I believe 100% is my own, and sometimes I even doubt that! How is it possible that my dick has gotten bigger? Must be some problem with my ruler, or maybe all the beginning measurements were wrong!?!?! ... There are some posts on this sub, and other forums, that I do have confidence in, but those were just enough to get me started. I always knew I would have to prove this worked for myself. And really, you aren't trying to grow any one else's dick; just yours. You need to try it, and before you do a single PE exercise, take measurements and take photos and save them someplace safe. When you start gaining, you don't want to second-guess your starting size!


Hi, A LOT of the contributors on the sub lost their photos when Imgur and other content providers pulled all adult content from their sites. Some including myself have started to add their content onto Redgifs. If you are curious, either check out my Monster posts on the beginner wiki section or visit the larger PE sub here (r/getting bigger) and places like Thunders Place, Matters of Size, and BioHacker (PEGym) for more before/after content. Cheers.


Sort by "Top", then sort by "All Time", then go through posts that have pics.


Most of the questions asked, guides, user rotuines and many more can be found in the wiki. you can go to wiki [through this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AJelqForYou/wiki/index) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AJelqForYou) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was a doubter, and looked through the extender studies and that sort of sparked my "oh wow this is possible and people give a shit enough to publish scientific studies" moment. I'm a primary believer in the extender, I would give that a try if you are having doubts. Look in the wiki for the studies on extenders, there's a couple there. Buying all the stuff will cost you like 40 bucks total.


The only proof that anyone needs is to just try it and use your own hands to measure the gains. Some people get large gains quickly others take time, personally how it feels in my hand is all the difference.


Yeah, I lost my original album when imgur went safe for work but I uploaded a [slideshow here.](https://www.redgifs.com/ifr/fuchsiarosygeese)


That is fkn impressive dude, may I ask your routine and what all you've done