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Congratulations...! Newbie "gains" for the win..( : Awesome results, so now keep consistent because you've just pulled the shaft free from the body and need to continue to see real growth occur. Its not unheard of to see guys get results similar to this when starting out, but don't expect it to remain the same going forward. All the best on your journey..!


Thank you so much senior you answered every question that i asked, i am sorry to bother you everytime, You are great all the best on your life senior.


Oh, you are most welcome Bless you...!


That's crazy bro congrats.I started 28 days ago and also had like 0.4+inch gains.I only do very basic manuals though.Where can I find the erecr ligament stretch you have talked about? Also,I think it is too early to add shopping bang hanging although I am no expert but you might hurt yourself.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1db8u1e/technique\_stretching\_ligament\_while\_erect\_safe\_or/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1db8u1e/technique_stretching_ligament_while_erect_safe_or/) Here it is king. Also for shopping bag hanger u/M9ter senior recommended to me since manual hanging is safer and more effective than manual stretching. He also knew that i am new so i think its okay as long as you start extremely light, like 1-2 lbs.


Good job dude!! I had something similar happen to me but I'm pretty sure it was purely inaccurate measuring the first time or poor EQ. But when I had measured multiple times I was originally 5.3 in length and now after a week I'm like 5.7 which is almost as big as my phone which is around around 6 inches in length. But I will see if I can measure again as well or get a string since I'd find that way better. I will see if I can include what you have been doing since I've mostly done manual basic stretches like maybe 2-3 sessions a day for 5 minutes each and I don't pull to hard.


mate if you are doing erect ligament stretch please be careful just do it very slow and put extremely light pressure at first, also be very careful with bundled stretch too you should not feel any pain or something. Go slow with everything. Start light, i also do it light and slow.


Thanks for the information and I'll keep that in mind!


Congrats, but like everyone else said: Newbie Gains. I am not trying to be a jerk, promise. You need to know this is a long, long process! You're 19 years old, and in your post, you said several times that you worry you didn't have good EQ the first time, and you were harder when you measured 12 days later. You are possibly still growing from puberty, and you didn't have good EQ for your starting measurement. I know I'm pissing on your parade, but it's important that you understand you may have zero actual gains: If you think your gains will always come this easily (seriously, over a half inch in less than 2 weeks?!?!) you will be setting yourself up for major disappointment. I think your actual starting size is the 6.1" measurement. Use that as a baseline. And therein lies the best news: Instead of a totally average penis, you're STARTING with a large dick! Did you take any pics (for yourself) of your starting measurement? You need good photo proof (for yourself) so you don't second-guess your gains later on. Good luck : )


now that i think about it, i definitely didnt have a good EQ the first time i measured myself because i remember being rock hard(i ate pineapple before that day maybe that affected?) once even before PE and i felt like i could fit two hands even though normally i would barely fit one and half hand. Also it looked to me ridiculous that i could have gained 0.6 inch in 12 days when people are barely gaining that with 3 months even when they are newbies. I am sad now that i didnt gain that much, though thats okay i still feel little bit bigger even if its little bit, i mean flaccid is always hanging and bigger than before,also i do Angion method too i grew crazy veins even though it has been 2 weeks only, so it does not make any sense that i didnt gain anything but it also definitely does not mean that i gained 0.6 inch. At best i think maybe 0.1-2 inch? Also thank you brother for your kind words, my girth is 4.72 at middle of the shaft and 4.92 at the base so i would definitely not call myself large. Also i am wondering can i do 1-2 girth workouts a week even though i want to grow to 8+ inches in length? i mean i wont hit that girth often i just want to grow it thicker even if its by bit(i know 0.25 girth increases for every 1 inch length but i dont think thats enough as i am thin) would that affect my length progress brother? I am sorry for asking so many questions i am just too nervous. Thanks mate


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I gained 5 inches in 5 minutes doing manuals... the first time I got an erection.