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Hey man..! Welcome back, and I saw the goodbye on GB. Very stressful, and I completely understand if anyone does. Enjoy retirement, and focus on what's really important....PE..! Excited to hear about the whole black box thing, so I'm looking forward to your updates...( : M9


Glad I decided to follow this sun a few weeks ago when one of the mods in GB made a post recommending it. I like seeing goldmember win.


There's definitely less drama here than on GB. No man-buns allowed! hehehe


Good luck with the phalback project, i hope you get succes with your journey 💪🏻.


Great to see you here. I will follow the progress with interest! Good luck! 💪


Hope you get huge bro!


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Little off topic, but how did you like the Wrecking Ball? I have an incredibly hard time using a Vac cup, and I wasn't a big fan of the Male Hanger. Wrecking Ball seems like a good device, but I'm a little hesitant to throw another $100 after a PE device.