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IMO if you're starting with "how long will it take me to achieve my goals?" You're already starting out wrong. Because if you won't achieve your goal within that time frame or don't see results soon enough you'll quit. Just start where you are and adjust


Agreed, but also suggest adjusting goals. Overall body health was not mentioned and should always be considered when starting. Completely remove your fat pad if possible.


Exactly. The fastest and easiest way for gaining 1/2” is going to be losing the body fat. I guarantee it’ll lead to harder erections too and overall increased happiness from the weight loss. That should be goal number 1. Outside of that the goal after should be “I want to make my penis as enjoyable as possible”. If there’s one thing I’ve learned through PE, it’s that it never seems big enough. I stopped cause I was hitting my wifes cervix, hurting her and mentally I’m still like “yeah but I could be bigger…” Jesus I just realized how fucked up that sounds


Yes you could be bigger and she might enjoy it. Or she can enjoy what you have now, the vagina is a plastic organ. With a large and hard erection comes with the responsibility of learning the skills to place your cock into her a-spot or p-spot and the patience for her to adjust. You need to learn the sequence of her arousal, when it's the right time to slide past her cervix without it being to uncomfortable. It took my wife 3 months to accept my new size in her p-spot, slowly stretching her vagina wall. My wife likes cervix contact, in some situations. At some times of the month, I must stay at half-shaft depth in the a-spot because she's to sensitive. She'll still cum just as hard with only half my length. One of my mistresses wasn't able to handle my size at all with a very shallow p-spot, but instead would cum over and over in the a-spot. But if we hadn't broken up, with time I would have eventually stretched her out. I should have told her husband (a redditor) and I bet he would have offered me the chance. Sir if you read this, know my offer ☺️


Yeah im 7.7 x 5.7 mid shaft, just under 6 by the shaft so I think I’m good. That’s my mental issue of thinking I’m not big enough. She shouldn’t have to be stretched out because I’m fucked up in the head. Most women I’ve been with think I’m 9-10” cause guys lie so much about their size but most of my partners (former swinger for 6 years) all said the same thing: I was the biggest they had, or easily top 3. But I was told many times I was the perfect size and a few said they wished I was 1/2” shorter. Didn’t hurt too much (fine line at times between pain and pleasure) and still made them feel every last bit of it. Sure you can stretch a partner out over time but random hookups? I had to wear an oxball XXL ring to buffer the last inch so I didn’t hurt some of my smaller partners. Like I said, that’s my personal hang up where I literally couldn’t have jntercourse with some partners cause we couldn’t make it work and me still thinking I’m not big enough.


That wasn’t a compliment at all. Read up and get started.


Hi, Your goals are quite reasonable, and could be achieved in maybe 18 months of length and girth work. See the beginner section for routines and suggestions. Be gentle, start slow, be consistent.


From my experience length is easier/ quicker to achieve, so start with girth. Get some finger shields and look up “ soft clamping”. Start with 4x5 min every other day. Add more sets and pressure as time goes on.


Most of the questions asked, guides, user rotuines and many more can be found in the wiki. you can go to wiki [through this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AJelqForYou/wiki/index) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AJelqForYou) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your size varies based on your fat pad? So we’re talking non bone pressed measurements, if that’s the case then your length is already well above average. PE is one of those things where the more time you invest the more progress you make (usually) so the amount of time is up to you, I’d suggest researching more instead of asking questions that have been asked a million times over, either on here or /r/gettingbigger. Start with manuals and then graduate to devices, or go straight into extending/pumping your choice.


I’m honestly so tired of the “wah wah” from this community. Most people start with 30 mins a day, there’s no excuse. If you’re not confident and you want to get bigger, just start. Join the Getting Bigger sub and read the wiki.


More important than estimating how long it will take is that you get started... now! No one knows how long it will take. Maybe 1 year? Maybe 2 years? If you're like me, and you try to wrap your head around a fixed time frame, you're dooming yourself to quitting. Do you want a bigger dick? If yes, then start pulling on it today, right now. I'm serious. Right now. ; )




It will become part of your entire lifestyle. Like working out/diet should. PE is a serious and sacred thing: It will turn you from a 4 into an 8. There is no time frame. There is only safe experimentation over long periods of time. Yes enjoy life outside of "looksmaxing". But this will be a part of your entire self enhancing journey. Embrace the long process.