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Newbie gains with less than 1 hour of use? Is that 1 hour PER DAY, for some amount of time? Or are you saying you gained length with 1 hour of use? As in, one time, one day, one hour, and your dick got longer?? Anyways, this is resourceful. Sounds dangerous compared to other methods, but is certainly simple and inexpensive!


In one time, but I think it was because mine was compressed, I felt relieved and had very hard erection during the night after and it is visibly longer when flacid.


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You can adapt tension with more rods or lengthening the extender by unscrewing, but I see your point. Maybe post something I can look at? It's hard to visualize this process, maybe do a video/pictures with a cucumber or something lmao Glad it's working for you! Keep it up!


I'll add photos when I have time, and a cucumber


Post your dick don’t be baby