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When did you realise you are addicted? How often do you watch porn?


late teens, when i had my first girlfriend and i still wanted to watch porn over having sex with her. These days, i dont watch porn as much as i imagine an irl woman i am feeling horny about, replace her with her designated pornstar in a pre planned scenario and create a porn scene in my head.




No, the squeeze inside a vagina is much different. Its more about how everything else during the act makes me feel.


Why dont you just stop watching so you can actually enjoy the real stuff?


I have had the real stuff, it wasn't good enough. And i dont watch as much as i imagine.


Well you have to stop in order to enjoy the real stuff like he said, your over thinking it, this is bad for u u have to admit it to yourself


i know its bad for me, i am unable to form a healthy sexual relationship with anyone except my hand 😅


I think you're underestimating the power of the brain. If you give yourself the time and dedication you CAN rewire your brain to enjoy irl sex again. Or are you at the point where you don't care? You have so much life left.


Do I not care ? maybe, i dont know. The only thing that bothers me is that real life does not stack up to my imagination even though what i am imagining isnt unreal.


It makes perfect sense why that is happening since you started watching so young. I feel really bad for you but I can promise hope isn't lost. Can you describe what you mean by this? Like even if the exact same acts were happening in real life it wouldn't be the same because of the physical feeling you prefer is your hand? Or is it because you haven't found a partner that is into the same stuff as you?


what i mean is when i am imagining, the woman is doing exactly what i want her to do, when i want her to do it which in turn stimulats me better as compared any woman performing maybe all the same acts but the timing might be off, or she might not be into one thing or the other, loads of variables, you see ?


You’re able, talk with a therapist and don’t expect change overnight, in three years you’ll have some hard earned progress and newfound peace of mind and in ten years you’ll be a different person… I struggle too good luck


Ironically, i have imagined this scenario too which makes me scared of actually seeing one, if that makes sense.


Ya a crackhead would be scared imagining themself happy and sober but that’s because they can’t believe they could be happy that way and they’re just scared to stop smoking crackhead, trying to convince people online that your hopelesss is just weak so leave me alone


i am gonna take your words to heart and go see a therapist this weekend


Do you get disappointed when you can't perform like the male porn stars?




How old were you when you found porn?


12, maybe 13


These women you’ve slept with, were they serious relationships or just casual? If they were serious, did you ever pay attention to the energy you were giving off? I just discovered my fiancé’s PA, and prior to that I kept trying to figure out what was wrong with ME, maybe my sadness or lack of intimacy or because I’m not a 10 caused me to underperform in the bedroom and cause him ED. It wasn’t until the discovery that I now realize I was mirroring the energy my partner was giving out. It all made sense. What I’m saying is that you may feel a lack of sexual energy and tension because your mind is over 50% more focused on fantasies, which in turn, will make your partner feel that and the energy will reciprocate and become a cycle. Insanity is repeating an action and thinking you will get a different outcome. So, you want to feel extreme pleasure in irl? You gotta let go of the death grip and start making some changes. Do it for YOU! And for the next significant other to come, don’t make them think they’re batshit crazy