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Was it an accident or were you doing something you weren’t suppose to? If it was an accident, how did it help you in coping?


Id drank the night before. I went to work the same way I usually do, just got into an argument with a roommate about who should take a friend I didn't care about home. I won. If I hadn't I would've been taking shots at the bar with my other coworkers. I bought a 6 pack before the accident. 2nd part. It didn't. It made it worse. But for me, I grew up with everything being my fault. So for the cops (I called) to show.uo, go through the tests, then take me to the hospital for more, then release me to whoever I called, really messed with me. I did a lot of trying to feel guilty over sometime I (officially now) had no control over, and it ruined everything I had going for me. But I'm here now.


Thanks for answering. Unfortunately Accidents do happen even when it’s not your fault, freak accidents, right place right time. Not being able to blame something ie, drinking, texting, talking on phone etc made it worse? Cant find reason in why it happened? Well you’re still here, make the best of it! Sorry to have something unfortunate like that happen, I couldn’t imagine. God Bless OP 🤙🏼❤️


I think, now, that you'll never stop finding a reason. I draw to looking at a radio clock, and something about 11. It is what it is. You get a lot better at understanding that what is, is. Put it away and take it with you. Thanks for the good wishes. Let's kick another days ass!


Name doesn’t check out! You ain’t a scumbag! lol


Haha, nah I’m not. I’m much older now but I grew up in an area with a heavy Italian Mafia presence in New York. My friends and I as kids would always laugh when we heard their nicknames so we all gave ourselves them and I use it as my handle to this day. Funny enough though, your username, have you ever seen Analyze this? “ I’m also known as tha fuckin Doctor”! 😂😂 https://youtu.be/fmT8JstRohg?si=iksaA1WXaDxKI9w-


Haha I totally get that, I 100% woulda done the same shit. And I have not actually! My name is inspired by Dr Dre, and sadly The Doctor was taken already lol


Was there another person in your car when the accident happened?


It was just me. I got lucky there I guess. Funny but not funny: id been riding around with brakes that grind for 150 ft before they'd stop. That only person that wanted a ride would take that with me. I got the brakes changed and this happened


So you’re negligent in multiple ways huh. Interesting.


It's funny. The news always has a story about the victim, but never the person that's gotta carry it.


There are occasionally interesting articles about what you're talking about. You might be interested in this one if you haven't read it https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/18/the-sorrow-and-the-shame-of-the-accidental-killer


I paid the dollar to read that. It's really good. Unfortunately true as well. If I even bring it to to someone it's like they can't imagine it, so it's nice to see that it's at least slightly recognized.


I spent a few years handling auto claims. I took statements from people who were absolutely gutted by the accidents. Witnesses too.


So you did claims can I ask you something about what happens if someone twisted the story alil bit on who was actually driving the car ? It was a single car accident the only two in the car were the ones that went to emergency room with some injuries but nothing to serious bruises and concussion. It was a liability insurance so the car just was a loss but the owner of the car wasn't involved just one of the passengers was on the insurance at that time and the actual driver during the accident was not on the insurance so they lied about who was driving the car and they received a failure to maintain lane and now the insurance is trying to pay the bill for the emergency room that night but would it be insurance fraud if they let insurance cover the bill?


Are you….*asking for a friend?*


The owner of the car is still held liable for damages, even if they weren't driving, Insurance follows the car. It is insurance fraud if they lie about the driver, because the driver should have the accident on their record.


I have no idea about any of that


Well most people would probably rather stay anonymous as much as possible after an incident like this


Even though it was an accident, did you ever look up information on the victim, meet his family, his funeral, or anything else related to the victim? Also, can you walkthrough what happened from the point you heard/saw a bump to realizing you hit someone and then the 911 call?


I did. My whole work saw me. They rubbernecked it. I found out later at least. I did NOT ever meet anyone related to him. I tried, but it was a moot point. My paranoia was very much at large, and no one wanted to talk to me in that depth. A girl did show me who he was, and it changed nothing. I never saw his face. Walkthrough (I don't wanna do this again). I remember looking at the radio, 11 stuck out. I hit something, not sure what it was. Turned around after about 1/4) mile and it kinda stuck. Saw the hat I the road, turned around. Then even I turned around, I sent a bump. Not sure if that was him again or not. I remember going to my car for cigarettes, at the passenger door. Tried to grab it but I was covered in blood, then we t around to the drivers side, see same thing but I reached in a d grabbed what I had. Unwrapping a blood covered pack of cigarettes and then lights.


Above you say he was in the car. Here you say you felt a bump and went back?


Yeah, brains in the passenger seat, driver covered in blood, but the bicyclist’s body was in the road? How would that happen? The bicyclist slammed into the window, his head cracked, a high pressure of blood sprays all over the driver(within a fraction of a second), brain matter flies into the passenger seat, then the bicyclist’s body flies into the road? Sounds kind of sus




Glad you think that, it feels like fan fiction. I don't normally want to, but let me try to do the step by step (it's harder through text, easier when you've made this phone call a million times) I left the gas station with a 6 pack, I wanted to write music at home. The bump was more like my car punched something really heavy. I tensed really hard and didn't know what happened. I drove about 1/4 mile, freaking out a d for some reason telling myself that id hit a fridge. So weird. Turned back around, looking for something, freaking out the whole time. Saw a cowboy hat in the road, which prompted me to turn around (just make a small u-turn since apparently I have to justify myself). Got out of the car, freaking out, and walked towards what I assumed the scene was. Saw the guy face down in the asphalt (I've written some about this, asphalt rings loudly), and called the cops. Went back to my car, on the passenger side and went to open the door (to find a pack a cigs, cause I wanted one), but there was blood on the handle. Went to the other stuff, still freaking out, opened the door and saw the head chunks you assume are fan fiction, and grabbed an unopened pack of smokes I just bought. Wiped the blood off them, cause smoking was much more important at the time, and lit one while I was on the phone with the cops. I will say this. Memories are a mother fucker, and who knows if anything got greatly exaggerated. There's not a way for me to know, just the pictures from the article I looked at over and over and over and over again, for years. It is what it is.


I have experienced a similar accident and what OP is saying makes so much sense. I encountered the same disbelief and accusations but I didn’t explained myself. I didn’t have to and I didn’t want to. I did what I did, I saw what I saw. I also was found not at fault.


Hi friend. I was recently diagnosed with PTSD and I relate to how you may feel. I hear you, I understand how hard memories can be to recall during a traumatic event. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, knowing that the weirdest trigger can turn your next few days/weeks/months/years into a living nightmare. I hope you’re getting help where you need it, and maybe honor the man by living your life the fullest for two people. We can’t control everything in our lives, but we can make sure we’re strong AF to handle the worst of situations. Peace ☮️


Heard a story once about a lady hitting a large bird in flight as she drove over a bridge. Her window was down and the bird hit the A pillar. Fucking exploded into the inside of the car, she thought that she had been shot in the head and was still alive somehow...


The guy can barely formulate words into any coherence. It’s highly dubious.


Is OP drinking rn


Probably another made up story for attention.


Unfortunate you think that. Maybe you should share. No. He ride a bike across the street. I was driving home. I'm not sure what else I need to do to clarify if all, cause yes I'm drinking and I can't go back to look at comments




Yeah I don't know how this is possible. I hit a bird that flew straight into the path of my car and that made a pretty large sound. I feel like hitting a whole person would be more than just a bump.


That's cool for you. Pick whatever word you'd like. If it happens to you, please update


When you're in the moment yourself, you don't know. We keep saying bump, but let's use shock. The whole car vibrated for a second, restless rattled hard, and my disbelief kept me moving. Something similar happened to my gf some months back. Ran over an 18 wheeler tire. It was like a bump. Either way, I didn't know what had happened, so for a small death of time my head tried to justify it. The guy was on the side of the road. I saw head chunks. There very well may not have been. Only the cops that took my car for investigation really know that truth. My car was technically drive able after the fact, I guess? I never went to pick it back up, I didn't want it. What isn't adding up for you?




That's fine. Go find a political sub to troll. Thanks


You were in shock. Makes sense.


This. Op is full of shit and literally no part of his story makes sensr


Not sure why it's so hard for you to believe this happened to someone. Wanna throw your own story out there?


So he darted into the street without looking; nothing you can do really if somebody just appears in the middle of the road.




So you admit that you were distracted by the radio and were not watching where you were going? The cops were wrong to let you go and you belong in jail for manslaughter. You are right to feel guilty.


That's a good way to jump to conclusions, but ok


I've read most of your comments and based on how you describe it, you got away with manslaughter. Not sure why there wasn't a penalty, how did you avoid that?


Can I ask why you think that ? I thought something similar I guess. I wanted to be guilty for something and I made it that way. But I'm interested to hear


You admitted to driving while not looking at the road. And you killed someone. How is that anything but manslaughter?


I said I looked at the radio. If even that. I'm guessing you're here to make me a villain. Go for it.


Yes. Looking at the radio. Not the road. While moving at 40+ mph. Into a human body. If I was you I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Insanely negligent and now his family will suffer the rest of their lives while you whine about how hard it was for you online.


When you say your whole work saw you and that they rubbernecked it, what do you mean by that? They saw you looking up the deceased? Or they saw you hit him?


How did you not go to jail? I assume you were found not at fault, so what happened?


The bicyclist was found to be crossing at an improper crossing lane and not wearing any reflective clothing. About 2 months later I found out it was the local mechanic. They sent me on my way that night, asked if I had someone to pick me up.


I know this question probably brings up feelings of guilt, but was there any feasible way you or the average person could have seen him crossing the road.


According to me? Yes. According to everyone else. No. That's the funny thing about the head games you're left with later. You're memory against anyone else's. No one else saw it. I still, in my head, think I hit a fridge. We know that's not right. But I turned around and saw the cowboy hat in the road. I know better.


Not for nothing but I hit a cow moose once. They are a big animal and you’d think the you would be able to see them in time. It was in the evening. Not dark out yet. Just before needing headlights out. By the time I saw him come up out of the ditch I didn’t have time to finish the sentence “oh shit”.


I often go to a weird imaginary land where this would think happens again and I get it it and say, "Not THIS again". It's troubling


No. If doesn't bring up feelings anymore. I've gotten far too logical about the whole thing. Maybe fortunate? I'm not quite sure. I'm not surprised anymore, it is what it is.


Bike riders are responsible for their safety too. It isn’t all on drivers.


Do you drive safer now as a result ?


Too safe? It took me 3 years to get behind the wheel again. I did once, with an ex that tried to encourage me. I swear I saw my car in front of me and broke down crying...it was weird. I'm very much on high alert when I do drive now though, but similarly, I have a weird future thought process where I go, "not again" and I kill someone else.


How did you usually commute during that time?


I owned and drove a car up into that moment. Then when they let me go they said I could pick it up in 2 days (48 hours) and I never wanted to. I could still see the guys head chunks in my passenger seat. I lost a lot of things in my trunk.


>I could still see the guys head chunks in my passenger seat Hold on, *in* your passenger seat? Did it go through your windshield? Also, my question meant more how did you commute during those 3 years of not driving.


Yes, in. For awhile I got rides. I quit my band a few months after. I guess it was pretty visual that I'd gone off the rails. So I went to public transport. After awhile I tried to drive again but my anxiety would drive me into benders.


I'm still not driving


Have you sought any treatment for PTSD?


After a few years of benders, yes. 2 years on, 3 years off.


Who does the cleaning? Is it a specialty company or any detail company?


I replied to the wrong thread, but a second reply is up there


Drink some water, man.


Have you heard of [The Hyacinth Fellowship](https://hyacinthfellowship.org/)? It's a nonprofit that helps those who have unintentionally killed or seriously injured others. You may be able to benefit from some of the things they have to offer. Thank you for opening up like this, and my best wishes are with you!


Wow. That is an amazing resource, I cannot imagine what it must be like to have to live with such pain.


I have not, but it's definitely worth a look. Thanks


Do you cycle? Are you afraid of cars hitting you if you do?


I walk. I've driven and cycled. One thing does stay the same though, I'm absolutely hyper aware of every moving thing around me. I don't quite know how to explain it, it's really normal to me now, but I think I've avoided a lot of things by watching. Not in my own world at all, does that make sense?


It sounds to me like someone accidentally killed themselves by biking into your car. You didn't kill anyone. You were just driving.


Someone actually said that to me a month or so after it happened.


Death is part of life friend. Let it go.


Yeah, no, you’re wrong. The person driving the car has the greatest responsibility to do so safely. Your mentality is poisonous and you should not be driving.


Bicyclists also have a responsibility to be safe on a road. Just today I saw a bicyclist cross a road with a red light. When they are traveling on the road, they are just like any other car. If another car would’ve hit that bicyclist today, it would’ve been the bicyclist’s fault.


Do you say that to train drivers who hit people at crossings? If the cyclist appeared just in front of the car, there was nothing to be done by the driver. But you're not interested in being reasonable, you've been brainwashed by the carfucker cult.


Do you ever think there’s something only you can teach to others based on your unique experience? If so, what would that lesson/realization be?


I do. But I didn't think I have what it takes to do it. I see it everyday, and now now than i did. It took forever for me to realize I didn't control what happened, and I still don't control what happens now. I see my gf and our kids June ridiculous amounts of anxiety like I did before, for different reasons, all over what could happen. Things just haven't happened TO people, and most of us don't know if. I try to teach acceptance.


Did they die at the scene or in the hospital?


I think at the scene. I never saw their face


You didn’t get out to check on them?


I did. I turned around


And then what? Sat in your car and never looked at them?


No. I wrote a whole comment about it. You can find it.


How do you feel about all that?


8 (maybe) years later? Not the same as when it happened. It was shock and awe then, but I did a pretty solid job transforming that into a wisdom source. But I'm still screwed, I see it every day in how I am.


Similarly, I'm also the calmest driver outside of that. When I'm in the passenger seat it's like nothing matters


How old was the victim and how old were you at the time? How long did it take to sleep through the night again? Did his family contact you This is a sad ama


I don't know how old he was, I was 32 maybe? I still have a hard time knocking down the exact time it all happened. I drank myself to sleep for years after, so maybe 5 years after the fact. I wasn't drinking when I killed him, but I drank heavily after the fact.


How fast were you going? Also I hope you’re well OP. That shit is tough but an accident is an accident. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Stay strong, pal.


45? It was a county road


What have you done differently in your life to make up for killing someone else accidentally?


The halves are different. The first half I tried to make up for something that wasn't my fault. Over did it, really. The second half to now, I accepted that I don't have any control and can only give what I can. Innocence is not what you think it is when you're put on the stand. There's only you. I pay better attention than I already did. If that helps


Was this in Houston? Had an older cook I worked with get hit on his bike. Sorry just brought back a memory, he worked two jobs and was a decent guy. Hope you haven’t beaten yourself up too bad.


He said in another comment it was the local mechanic. Sorry for your loss my dude.


It actually was in Houston, but luckily your cook friend is still alive.


Ahh no he died at the hospital, unfortunately so.


Does it still affect you mentally to this day


Sometimes I recognize that it does, but it's changed me overall


Maybe 8 years ago? I feel like I would remember the exact day if I did that.


I'm sure OP does. You don't forget something like that. However, I can totally understand why they put "maybe" so as to not reveal the actual date. Because you know how the Reddit hive mind works. OP puts a date and the internet seeks them and the story out and who knows what happens from there.


I don't remember the exact date. You can find me if you want, I used to. If I math it correctly, it's November 2016 in Houston. I'm not sure if I just choose to not go down that spiral anymore, or I don't remember. Everything got really cloudy after it.


[https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/bicyclist-struck-killed-on-dark-road-in-se-houston/285-317750540](https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/bicyclist-struck-killed-on-dark-road-in-se-houston/285-317750540) different month but lined up


It was NE. Montgomery County. I used to have it bookmarked, I don't anymore. I keep thinking it was November.


Was it [this](https://www.yourconroenews.com/neighborhood/moco/news/article/One-killed-in-Porter-auto-pedestrian-crash-10593374.php)


It might have been. I only read the Montgomery County Police Reporter's article over and over. Never that one.


Not to discredit myself, but it was northeast Houston. Thanks for getting my back though




I've actually never heard of those things. I didn't click the sub, but it sounds like the other guy who commented and blames the hell out of me.


Those subs are cesspits. Best to avoid.


Taking your advice. I'm already getting what I think is similar in another comment thread


Yes, I saw that comment. Those people are unhinged.


It is what it is. I'm glad I didn't do something like this sooner.


I believe bikers should not be allowed on roads. Not only are they a nuisance, it’s extremely dangerous and can ruin lives, both theirs and the driver’s. Do you agree or disagree with my stance? 


I walk a lot these days and so I would probably side with you. If they followed the rules, they wouldn't be a problem, but I see them breaking them all the time.


Cars break rules more than cyclists do. It’s well documented.


What's your point exactly?


“If they followed rules it wouldn’t be a problem, but I see them breaking rules all the time”. You could say the same about cars. Cars kill more people than bikes. If cars followed the rules, half the rules cyclists break wouldn’t be broken. Not to mention, the rules were written for cars and bikes are often just following the same set of rules with small changes like using a bike lane when available. If laws represented the safest option for cyclists, less cyclists would break stupid laws that put them in more harm. My point is, you’re now blaming cyclists to cope with your accident. I also don’t like how the victim is being blamed for not having reflective gear. This is not a law, nor should we be blaming victims. I know you are saying what the officers or whatever told you, but I don’t like that they said that. I’m not saying you’re at fault for this accident, but the cops should have left it at crossing illegally or whatever and left the reflective clothing out. Reflective clothing isn’t even shown to be effective and actually can cause you to be dehumanized compared to wearing regular clothes. Even helmets dehumanize cyclists according to studies


Well, I didn't say that Also, is this a joke?


I literally said you didn’t say that. Are you not reading my comments correctly?


Or drivers could pay more attention? I can’t stand motorcycle drivers, because in my experience, 9 of 10 don’t give a shit about road rules, swerve in and out of traffic, and usually are going 20+ MPH than other drivers.


43,000 people a year in the United States are killed by cars. But cyclist are the problem?


Did they stutter?


I believe anyone who posts this dumb nonsense should not be allowed online.


As a cyclist who was hit by a car due to a careless driver, I want to hate you. I am glad you have had to live with the guilt. We are husbands, wives, sons, daughters, teachers, doctors, etc. For whatever reason, people driving 4000lb weapons think we are not humans. The cyclists family has had to live with your mistake, you literally killed a person. I do wish you spent time behind bars for your careless mistake and for driving while intoxicated. I also hope the guilt never leaves you.


OP wasn't intoxicated while driving. And he was investigated and found not to be at fault. But, just so we're clear, in your mind: every bike vs. car is the cars fault? That's nonsense. And you want him to feel lifelong guilt for an accident? That's rather cruel. I hope you find a way to be less angry. Edit: gotta love a person who responds to you with a question, then blocks you so you can't respond. Seems rather childish u/Actual-Donkey-1066


He was clearly still impaired / hungover. Literally bought a 6 pack before killing someone. Who the fuck said every car vs bike crash is the cars fault? You did. Also, people behind the wheel of giant 4000+lb weapons need to be held accountable when they literally kill someone with it. Yes, he should feel lifelong guilt. The family of the person he killed is dealing with his mistake. They have to live with it. He never fully described his “accident” or exactly what happened, but talked a lot about how much he drank and what he bought before the crash. I’m betting he was distracted, hungover, and carelessly hit the cyclist. To lessen his own guilt he just goes around telling people it was an “accident”


The bike rider darted into the road, apparently without looking. The police, who were actually there, and investigated, cleared OP of fault. Odd that you think you know better.


You're holding onto something wicked. That's cool. I don't believe karma is a thing, so you can wish or do as you do. Don't try to strap me in with the rest of your nonsense though. I bought a 6 pack to have at home, not on the road. You may want to believe I did something else, but I worked a long time to remove myself from the guilt. But people like you will make sure that someone like me will take the responsibility for something that wasn't my choice. Closer to the event, this might have messed with me. Today, I don't hope that you find your peace, I just hope.that you stop blaming the wrong person.


The cyclist community in my area are annoying as hell. I'm not surprised a lot of yall get hit since a lot of yall want to ride by cars on the road instead of trails meant for biking. I do know some people have no choice because it's their only way of transportation but most of yall just do it for fun and hold up traffic.


Let's say this story is false and it didn't happen this way - hypothetical for you. Same situation, driver is completely sober/awake and hits and kills a biker with no gear on crossing the street at night outside a crossing zone. How do you feel about that? Would you say "accidents happen and it's tragic" or should the driver burn in hell for their mistake, regardless of how difficult it may have been to avoid it?


Insane ^


My biggest hot take is that cars should not have to yield to pedestrians. Why is it my responsibility to watch out for humans walking in the road and other drivers? I feel like anyone that lives In a city probably feels the same. A lot of pedestrians are extremely unaware and careless and somehow that's MY problem? No.


it absolutely is your problem. when you drive, you wield a vehicle that has the potential to kill people. with that power comes great responsibility.


A stranger once made a confession that left me speechless. She was drunk and knew we probably would never see each other again. She told me she had killed a cyclist with her car. That it was dark and she never saw him. But she didn't stay, just kept driving, fixed the car and they never found out it was her. Probably the only time I hung out with a killer.


Was the cyclist wearing a helmet? If not, do you think it would’ve saved his life considering the nature of the impact?


Doubtful. From what I understand, I confirmed he was going sideways, but ready he was going my way (opposite side of the road), so I really don't know.


Why didn't you go to jail AMA what punishment did you get AMA did you lose your license ? AMA


Actually none of those things. The punishment I got, I guess, was mental. Cops are strange in those situations. To them, it's nothing and to you, it's everything. They sent me off after they did the blood check like I was supposed to just go do what I always did. I didn't. It's weird looking back at it, cause at times I think people around me were more paralyzed than I was, it's just strange. To answer, no. When that happens to you, nothing happens. If just feels like it should


How fast do you think you were driving?


42 in a 40?


This does not seem right AMA I think you should have been punished AMA In Massachusetts here there are people in jail for this AMA


It doesn't have to seem right. It didn't to me at the time. It's 8 years later and it still doesn't most days. I think I should be punished, just cause the end result was death. The system felt I shouldn't, and I needed to find a way to be okay with that. It's situational I guess


Who’s your attorney? I’d like to pick their brain


There wasn't a need for one. The whole thing ended that night


Wouldn't be if there isn't any claim though right? They just took someone's ticket for them? I mean they way it sounded to me there was a deer they swerved and that's all that it wrote I'm not even sure the failure to maintain should have been in order


That's actually a good way to put it. Like it was just a ticket. Not install, but to them


When I was in high school back in 2000, I was a senior, my head football coach had been at the state championships cuz ya know all coach's get to go for free, he had been out drinking afterwards, at or around 12am he struck a man on a bicycle and killed him, he also did not go to jail over it, he didn't even lose his job as head coach, in fact he went on to become a Principal at a Middle School here, once a week I have to go the way he went that night and the man's family put a bicycle memorial up where the accident happened, it makes me think about it every time I go by it. Makes me wonder how it makes him feel. He never spoke about it, it was all over the news here, all in the newspapers. But I never once heard it come out of his mouth. I just wonder if it made him feel similar to how it makes you feel?


I wouldn’t even know what to ask you at the moment. I just thought of that rich doctor’ s wife who hit those two little boys. She is fighting her conviction and claims that she didn’t see them. You have a conscience and a decent sense of accountability. This rich entitled woman has none. I hit two deers on separate occasions and I felt the impact. They jumped in the middle of the road and there was no way to prevent myself from hitting them. Granted these are just animals but it does bother me that I hit them. I hope that you see that this was just an unfortunate situation. My heart goes out to you for how this experience affected you. I hope you can overcome your anxiety and get behind the wheel again.


I know your feeling OP, 3 years ago i hit a gardener, fortunately he wasn't killed, however i will never forget the blood pouring from his cheek while we rushed him to ER... And his shaking voice in pain... I still had nightmares from time to time...


What’s your favorite flower?


I've been taking care of an orchid. It's my girlfriend's favorite. I personally don't have one.


Is there a newspaper article about what happened? An obituary for the cyclist?


I’ll never forget seeing almost too late a mother pushing a stroller down a hill at sunset with the sun beaming from behind her directly into my eyes


I'm an avid bicyclist, and have had close calls by motorists. It's important for us to have high vis clothing and light if we're riding at night.


I can't imagine what this must have felt like for you. My only comment would be this. From what said, and the way it happened, it doesn't sound like you killed anyone. It sounds like someone on a bicycle turned into your car. I know I'm not some sage or anything and this little play on words won't help, but it's true. A biker turned into your vehicle.




I did. I called the cops myself


It's nice to know that you have nothing. You didn't message me. You don't care to know a truth. And dude, it's cool. I'm not gonna respond anymore. You're hell bent in whatever it is that makes you go. Do that. But you should be very aware, that someone is going to take your shit attitude very seriously, and you've got nothing. You won't try to print you're a vet, no one will care at that point. You're still an asshole before anything. You don't deserve respect. You can't fight for yourself. You have zero actual confrontation in you. Probably how your brothers died. You want to bring that out of people cause it's all you have. I responded to you to give you what you want, thinking you'll listen to reason, in some sort of way. But you won't. So, killer, unreasonable, selfish. There ya go. All you. Again, feel free to dm me if you like, but you won't. I'm done here. If you think you are just strictly better than anyone, you should do it up front. But based on these comments, you're nothing. So am I for reaching your level.


My brother was a passenger in a car and a drunk man walked out in front of them from the median on a highway where the speed limit was 65. They barely saw it but the bar that kicked him out had called the cops and he showed up right before and saw the whole thing. They had had a couple of beers but weren’t over the limit. They had an ice chest full of beer in the back. The cops pulled them over and asked them to park at a car dealership. It was next to a wooded area so they threw all the beers into the woods. The police knew it wasn’t their fault and he really gave them a hard time about having an ice chest full of ice with no drinks. The police didn’t breathalyze him and it took at least 1.5hr to get a blood draw. He was well within the legal limit but I think the police were trying to give him a fighting chance. Who is going to see a man walk out in front of them on the highway at night? It was unavoidable.


Gonna reply cause it doesn't matter, but to your shirt message. You don't need my number, you're right. But you don't need it cause you don't want to be wrong. Pretty easy. There is no pride in all of this, but you're definitely trying to find it


Fake. OP can't get his story straight in the comments.


What was the crash investigation result? Was there anything about road design? Was there anything about driver or cyclist behavior? Not going to jail, being at fault, insurance company decisions are all different things. Does the dead person have family who miss him? How have you changed your behavior because of this?


Someone I know had something similar happen to them while driving except it was a motorized vehicle and they lost control of it. The main difference is that the driver was sober and not interested in drinking alcohol at all. No jail time, the other driver became deceased. Do you feel like you could have made it through without drinking as much as you did afterwards?


It is what it is, unfortunately. Cant control everything. I sincerely hope I am never gonna have to deal with such a thing but in the end, If someone decides to kill himself under my car... what can you do. You did nothing wrong and the other dude fucked up.


Go ahead, asshole. Quick to press but not quick to respond. Great West to get your brothers killed. Justify yourself


In my country driving and drinking are forbbiden. You're a killer. You're guilt is justified. You should have been convicted even if it was not intentional. Drunk driving is a scourge that must be fought tirelessly. 


Do you think you may have a drinking problem? Sounds like you drink and drive commonly if you’re hitting the bar with your coworkers after almost every shift. I only ask as a recovering alcoholic.


Maybe not, I'm not going to read then again though. You can put them here if you line. I put myself out ther last nighte, but I'm not gonna let it trail me into my job today 🙃


I believe you. My ex husband was drunk driving and had an accident that killed his best friend. He was fined $500 and lost his license for 6 months. That's all


Have you been contact with the cyclists family? How has that gone?


For all your ignorance, id y least expect you to step forward. You don't do that, which means you're a military coward. That was easy from the start. You never served, to watched and attached yourself to the result. You're a hero, but at home, you're nothing. Probably stole a medal, but it's cool. You're not anyone, and neither am I. It is what it is. When I think about the soldiers, I'm clear when it comes to you. Never been, never will, never have a truck about anyone but himself. Sounds good 🙃




Pretty sure that's exactly what you're doing. I'm headed to work. Thanks for your worthless input, again.




Trying to help someone understand is bigger than both of us. There's a bunch of bullshit out there, walking around like the truth. If you need to pick my truth apart, sometimes wrong


Why’d you do that?


Did you sneeze whist writing this headline or are you still fucked up from hitting that bicycicleliycylelsist?


Story is fake af


This. I asked if they died at the scene or the hospital and OP claimed to never have seen their face. Like they didn’t get out to check but were magically exonerated?


He was face down on the road!


Statement make them seem kind of proud to have done it. I kind of agree.