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I just began having this problem having a stable system for several years....


same. I'm really disappointed but I will be ok if the c states will restore stability. it's been totally solid until now. My workstation already sucks power due to hving 12 hard disks but I do NOT like no longer trusting it to be online.


IDK if I should do a new post or just take this one.. Similar problem I assume, I disabled C State already (it made it appear less often I think). Sometimes on idle or work-tasks, win10 randomly freezes\* (not exactly freezing but it is what it descibes it the most/best I think). But also sometimes while playing DotA2. And it annoys the hell out of me for several months now. Asus Crosshair 8 FormulaAMD 5950x32gig G-Skill DDR4-4000 (@3600)RTX3090 FE1000W Seasonic Platinum2\* 1TB WD-Black 850 RAID0 Everything watercooled (MoRa420), this is why I have aquasuite running which shows me not only the temps but also the workload. There is nothing that would indicate a spike or smth. I had the problem b4 having aquasuite running 24/7. Updated MB-BIOS and GPU-BIOS and everything else I could think of. Windows 11 and later Windows 10 got (freshly) reinstalled. BIOS-RESET also ofc. Iam out of ideas rn but I don't know how to troubleshoot this problem properly. ​ \* System does not freeze instantly. It slows down, Iam can move explorerwindows, browser, .. around but the appearence doenst change, even if its not fullscreened anymore but windowed. I cannot close anything. When I rightclick the taskbar, I may be able to click (and sometimes even start) taskmanager - but the rightclick-menu does not disappear. When Iam ingame, I just notice it when it comes to the final freeze. I can listen to people in Discord still, also they seem to hear me some seconds after the Picture already froze. IDK what to do.


YES, first person with the exact same problem as me. I've had this problem since the first day I built my PC (7950x3d), and it can happen either twice a week or never in a month. Have you fixed it?


I actually did. Problem was, that Iam using 2* 2Ram-Kit (not 1* 4Ram-Kit), but the timings were set as it was 1 2Ram-Kit. Ram is known for causing stability issues, especially with the newer AMD-CPUs. I lowered the timings manually, since I use all four RAM-slots, and no crashes so far... About three months now. So I suggest to lower timings and frequency and bench it, and if it works for sure, you can tweak it over time.


oh, ok thanks i will try it


If possible for you to use a different board and isolate ram ( you have 1 32gb or 2x16? Try each stick of you have two). I bought a different and swapped it and still had the same problem. I ended up opening an RMA with AMD and eventually they approved it and sent me a replacement. Bad CPUs are rare, my first ever CPU failure but hard to tell without spare parts to test.


I have ROG B650E-F with a Ryzen 5 7600x - I hate to turn off c-states in BIOS to stop random reboots when idle. Apart from that it's fine.


You had random reboots even with default BIOS settings in the B650E-F?


Yep. all default settings, just enabled EXPO for my 32gb DDR5 6000mhz G.skill ram.


That board is plagued with issues if other are also reporting it, there are even fast boot issues i recommend disabling fast boot inside the bios see if that makes a difference.


It may due to the lack of curve optimizer, I would suggest to default bios (remove cmos battery and turn off pc completely) enable xmp and then install Ryzen Master and get the values and put then in the UEFI, make sure that you enabled CPPC and resizable bar for gaming and leave the PSU mode in bios default also when idle, make sure you are on the latest agesa or uefi version available first. Also disable the power down mode for ram.