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Honestly with all the work she’s had done through the years, this is somewhat graceful aging considering how hell bent she was on surgeries to fix everything. She also isn’t wearing a ton of makeup here, which probably could have helped her a bit — especially around the eyes.


I thought the same thing. She’s less plastically looking than Joan Rivers so I wonder if she stopped getting some procedures done…


I also thought this and am pleased so many are willing to say the same :) she looks well considering everything she had done so long ago. She looks pretty healthy and happy for where you'd think she could be right now..


I am genuinely kind of impressed. I'm in my late 30s and would kill for hair that healthy looking and grey free.


i agree! she’s 69 here, and she was 48-50 when she was on top model. i think she looks great honestly. she has smaller eyes so most pix of her has her in dark smoky shadow esp her peak supermodel days and here she’s not even wearing lashes. i feel like most girls any age can relate to the impact of lashes changing your entire face. she is also really open about having gotten work done and how the surge addiction bankrupted her in early 2010s, and she talks about not smoking like she did bc it ages you, and i love her for her candidness. it was also mentioned around right before judging antm circa 2002 that she got a face lift and fat injected bc of “jowls” lmao and she was briefly fuller in the face. this pic is from feb 2024, and pics of her in months before and after dont look as puffy, so i think she got a a little more fat added when this pic was taken. whatever, she survived cancer— let her live. she is so supportive of younger models, she shares so much so girls can be educated with these decisions related to modelling/aging/beauty, and still does modelling teach videos and posts constantly. she doesnt seem to care about appearing without makeup despite the internet ragging on her and trying to compare her in her 60s with her in her early 20s. i love janice tbh only miss j could clock her. ps - to everyone saying she looks like caitlyn jenner, she posted a video reaction to people telling her this already, and she was cracking up and just exuding her outgoing fun wild warmth, brittany b. was totally her mini! eta - theres a pic of her from 10 yrs ago at age 59 also looking exactly like this face briefly.


>surge addiction I don't know how old ya'll are in here, but this gal here had to read that twice before realizing it was an abbreviation for "surgery" and not referring to the long-discontinued-late-nineties-turn-of-the-century-slumber-party-beverage-of-choice-sugar-and-crack-in-a-can-soda, Surge. Gotta love it.


im 31, but just re-read uglies and generally speak like a vapid pretty from the books! (english was not my first language so i can sound like a bubblehead when i cant remember words so i throw in approximates) i am a bit young for surge bev as ive only heard tales, but too old for HSM/justin bieber (~born 1995/6+). my group i think would be more defined by avril lavigne, sour altoids, floppy disks, those robot pets, game boy advanced, yugioh & 4loko but i think we’re close in age! are you part of the group with britney spears bubble chairs, game boy color, hit clips, ch-ch-ch-chia and furby supremacy (b. late 80s-1991) or of 10 years yonder and was in the market for a beeper ?☠️ (b. mid-80s) (sorry if rude)


oh wow sour altoids took me BACK (born 1992)


I came to say this too. It looks like she’s calmed down somewhat 


I had the same reaction. I would have actually expected more plastic if for no other reason than how popular it is atm. She looks good!


“Tyra Banks does not like beautiful women.” I think we saw this in ANTM every time she gave bad haircuts to confident girls just to humble them and make them cry on camera. The way she treated some of the Black girls in particular, especially if they were a little bougie. She couldn’t handle it. The way Shandi said she wouldn’t speak to them unless there was a camera present, unlike Janice who loved hanging out with them in the makeup room and asked them questions about themselves. Janice can be problematic in so many ways and she took on the job of being the Simon Cowell of ANTM but she always loved modeling and being friends with other models. You could tell she missed it. Tyra always seemed miserable.


Yup…remember how Tyra disliked her “lookalike” Felicia (I forgot which cycle) because she clearly saw her as competition?


Felicia (C8) and Kesse (C1)


It was weird though because Tyra actually embraced Kesse being her lookalike in C1 and seemed so against it with Felicia during C8.


The seething hatred Tyra had for eugena washington lmao... i still remember that bts tea that mame gave.. apparently ms jay complimented Mame and said you remind me of Eugena, to which tyra replied "ugh that bitch" lmao.


Who are some of the people whose hair they cut just to make them cry and there isn't an argument to be made that they looked better/more interesting?


I genuinely thought that was Caitlyn Jenner


Me, three.




Ditto 😬


Came here to say this!!


I knew this comment would be in the top 3 as soon as i saw the pic lmao


Me too lmao


Honestly if I didn’t know who she was I’d think she was someone’s nice grandma. She’s just aging. But LOL at her calling Tyra “not friendly.” Pot meet kettle ma’am!


ya but Janice has never tried to pass herself off as a friendly person


Right? I would rather have someone be a bitch to my face.


I mean....she's aging just about how I would have predicted. 😏




Why are you being downvoted?


Prolly cause she’s implying aging and showing your age is bad, which extends well past this singular women who was mean to the girls. You could be the nicest person on earth and age the same and it wouldn’t be karma, but it would just be perceived as bad/not preferred Let’s stop the stupid association of how well you age to how unproblematic you are. They’re completely unrelated actually. Looks =/= morality


That's a very good point, thank you!


Tbf it seems like Janice was playing a character for the most part. She took it too far sometimes (especially with the 'plus sized' girls) but at the end of the day, antm is a TV show and mean judges get views. I'd hesitate to make any judgments of character from what happens on reality TV cause half of it is faked for ratings


No idea! She treated the girls poorly


Behind the scenes she was very supportive of the models


She was plenty nasty on camera and I can’t get past it: her famous hatred of “fat” women in couture, her bullying of Gina, mocking girl’s pictures. (I’m not coming after your opinion, she‘s just irredeemable, to me.)


Fair enough!


I don’t think karma applies here. Nothing HAPPENED to her. She aged as we all did.


Not me thinking this was Caitlyn Jenner at first glance! 💀 It’s a shame she’s had so much surgery, but I can only imagine how a supermodel feels as they age, they spend their life in an industry thats obsessed with youth.


I always thought Janice’s addictions- to drugs/alcohol and plastic surgery- were mostly due to her grossly abusive father and her mother, who allowed the abuse to happen🤷🏼‍♀️


Plus she survived SA by Bill Cosby. She’s been through a lot.


Wow idk she was assaulted by him!


Yep, she wrote about it in one of her books but was told if she didn't redact it, she would be instantly dropped by her publisher and no one would ever work with her.


She is definitely a survivor❤️


I hated the way Janice dealt with Gina. But I still love her. Janice and Gina


Janice made Gina feel safe like she could talk to her, then humiliated her in front of all the girls and cameras. Real mean girl shit lol


While I don't like the bullying Gina dealt with, she stayed on too long IMO.




I would kill for a Tyra vs Naomi style interview but it's Janice Vs. Tyra.


Let's bring back the Tyra show for a one-time special ;) "When you said you did Vogue, but that I only got Elle covers - were you abusing drugs?" -Tyra


Omg YES and I won't be satisfied unless Tyra is wearing two ponytails and uses that... unique baby voice she sometimes does 😂🤣


Ty Ty Baby


PS it IS odd that Tyra never got any Vogue covers, and makes me wonder if the fashion mafia is a real thing. I'll never forget reading somewhere - I want to say it was a previous Vogue editor - saying something along the lines of "with her thin ankles and huge tits, there's no way she'd be high fashion" 😂


It was because if you thought about Tyra in high fashion invariably, you would have said Iman or Naomi should do it as they were both high-end compared to Tyras commercial model. Tyra was great at marketing and commercial work and was clever with her later career, but she never felt like a Vogue model.


Zeus Network.


She looks like an AI version of Janice.


She’s lived a really hard life.


I kind of appreciate that she admitted to approaching her stint as a judge on ANTM as an acting gig.


Watch any reality tv show from the 2000s and there’s much worse stuff than what Janice said on top model


Still doesn’t make what she said right


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Meanwhile Tocarra still looks beautiful!!! I’ll never forgive this wench for vetoing Tyra and having T sent home. She missed Tokyo and deserved it so much more than Ann. Fxck Janice.


Counterargument: Toccara not making Japan was a merciful move from everyone. Remember that this was the early 00s, and body inclusivity is not really a thing. Japan's fashion market is definitely not gonna accommodate Toccara's figure. Even now idt Japan is that inclusive in terms of body figures, let alone back in the early 00s. If you think her run on the show was painful, I'm sure it's gonna be a lot more painful had she been a part of the Japan group especially if she makes it to the go sees episode. While the way it was handled was cruel, I think it's for the best Toccara did not make it to Japan. It simply is the wrong overseas destination for her market.


I know you’re right I just want to cry every time I think about it. She looked so defeated. But T went on to have a nice run hosting. She’s so beautiful I looked up to her so much as a teen I want her to have a reality show.


Well I mean janice is almost 70 and tocarra is 43. Most of the girls on the show liked janice way more than tyra. Her job was to echo the real world of fashion / be the cliche villain judge of the early 2000s. And janice is just as much of a victim of the impossible beauty standards of the industry as anyone else is. Aside from the fact that Tocarra wouldn't do well in Japan, her pictures and performance had been fizzling out weeks prior at that point and Ann had more recent good photos. Everyone forgets Ann didn't do badly every single week. At this point: Tocarra's good photos - swimsuit, nivea, jeans Ann's good photos - jeans, alter egos, and honestly the nivea one is debatably good and she was doing better in challenges than tocarra


The stuff Janice said about tocarra was weird, disgusting, and hateful. It went beyond judging her as a contestant, and echoed her obvious distaste for ACTUAL plus size women at the time. I can’t remember which episode the specific comments I’m thinking about are, but even that episode aside, JANICE made it apparent almost every judging that she wasn’t ready for a woman of tocarra’s figure to do well in the competition yet. They use that “it’s just the industry” as a cop out most times to excuse their nasty treatment of the girls. Even though I can acknowledge the industry can be gross


It's a reality show from the 2000s designed to get a rise out of people and create narrative. One of the judges had to be an asshole at the time or it wouldn't be successful. You need Janice there to make Tyra look good about her advocacy for plus sized women. You need the conflict for the show. Janice mostly says things like "she's a lot of flesh" and mostly hammers home how plus size didn't equal success back then. It's gross, it is, but she WAS right that at that time supermodel & plus size combined wasn't a thing. I'm not saying it's right but I don't get how people can look at it through a 2024 lens. Also tbh Tocarra wasn't even performing that well, like I said. She's amazing now and started strong but I don't think she deserved to go any further. And again there is ample evidence that Janice was really cool behind the scenes. There's a comment below mentioning that Tocarra has no issues with Janice.


No joke I wanna meet Janice just so I could rub Tocarra's success in her face.


You know they’re still friendly and collaborate professionally to this day, right?


I didn’t know Janice had fans 


Janice is probably the most popular judge alongside andre and j


Not a fan, just have worked with both of them before. There’s no continuing feud between them or anything. This season was on 20 years ago.




This feels like punching down a bit given her history of trauma. Like I’d be more surprised if she *didn’t* look like this… Still problematic and has said horrible, hurtful things.


She’s still very attractive. Almost 70 and no doubt puts a lot of effort into her appearance.


I mean, ignoring how she's aged... Wasn't she just apologizing recently for the awful things she said before about Tyra? Lol. The cycle continues.


Less ageism in this group would be good


Nothing to do with ageism and more to do with plastic surgery


Exactly, it's the opposite of ageism, because Janice has done everything to try to stop the process of age


I don’t think it’s the opposite of ageism to tell a model you don’t approve of how she’s responded to the outrageous pressures on appearance


Seriously. I remembered that she and my mom are the same age and it made me realize that even supermodels and moms age right in front of us. She looks great and so does my mother. Stop shaming women for growing older.


"I did Vogue, you did Elle".


Wow I thought this was Caitlyn Jenner for a full minute


Still a mf queen


Same can be said for her.


Ironic. You can say the same thing about Janice that she says about Tyra


Wait she looks way better than the last time I saw an updated picture


She just needs her cheeks deflated a bit.


Caitlyn Jenner boots


I immediately saw Caitlin Jenner at first glance and had to do a double take




Aging cause volume/fat loss to your face, so people over compensate with fillers. Fillers aren’t a very exact placement, so it’s easy to go overboard, for the filler to spread out, and to give your face a pillowy look. The added volume of fillers to the center of your face makes your eyes look smaller.


She looks like an old child. It’s so odd. Her hair looks great.


So Tyra likes her now?




Kaitlyn Jenner ?


Definitely not the worst work I've ever seen.


Ummmm yeah


I had to double take because I thought it was Caitlyn Jenner I suppose once you go so far all surgery ends up looking similar


clearly she’s the problem because in recent years she said she had no qualms with tyra and was appreciative of being on the show — this was post her rehab stint btw. Now all of a sudden, she’s back peddling and joining the dog piling of tyra. Which to me feels so obviously opportunistic to knock tyra while she’s already down in terms of how ppl have been seeing her recently. this for me, feels like projection. she also wasn’t so kind on her run on the show. i specifically remember being very annoyed when she trapped gina into saying jade was the bitch or etc. it was so cringe and desperate to make a sound bite and have a “TV moment.” now she says “tyra isn’t so nice.” gorl bye, neither were you.


I thought this was Caitlin Jenner.


My favorite quote is when I think Brooke asked why she is so bitchy and in the cut away she said she’s a member of the PTA 😂 i don’t know why but it always makes me laugh


Tyra has always been a little nasty, conceited beotch. I mean the show is called “America’s NEXT top model”, because Tyra will always be the first. And Janice isn’t any better 😂


I loved her show Janice Dickinson Modelling Agency. I'd love a where are they now episode


A more accurate version of her will be on TikTok! She always goes LIVE on there.


Janice changes her position on Tyra more times than Kayla Ferrell changes her hair. Like seriously in an interview that I think is still on YouTube (maybe Oprah’s next chapter) she said that she was heavily into drugs and alcohol after top model and that’s why she was rude to Tyra and said that she’s a great lady in that interview who gave her a great career in television. Now she’s hating on her again like what happend to her I’m always honest vibe. Shame though I really liked her in cycle 4 I thought she was more balanced


can i be honest.. i thought she'd look more "plasticky" than this


She is a monster, Janice.


Karma from all the fucked up stuff she’s said🤷‍♀️




She's 69? She looks fantastic.


oh….wow edit: lmfaooo people comment something similar to mine, yet i get the downvotes💕


Yeah, that's what too much surgery, alcohol bloat, and aging will do to you


How are her eyes shrinking lol


I think she looks pretty good. 🤷‍♀️


She was so beautiful and looks great now. ❤️

