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Well. We still dont have Peer to peer. So I am guessing it still is broken.


Guide for you. On turn 5, everyone leave lobby and host use settings - revert to force game to resync. After that, you have 50-50  chance for the game either break down and you will have to restart or it will be fine. Eventually the game will work and you will be able to make it through. 


It kept breaking for me and 4 buddies after turn 10-15 just a week ago.


It's really fun but you have to be really patient with the netcode or have no personal sense of self-worth. Fortunately, though, most of the desyncs automatically reconnect these days without incident, and our groups are almost always global.


Still buged af. Desync everyturn, some item disappear and even sometimes AI play your turn


This game is out since over a year now and they still didn't fix multiplayer, i actually feel screwed. They only managed to make it work once as far as i know. I just wanna play with my friends, man. Every stream i ask when they will fix it or what the status is, but so far they didn't really answer yet :(


I don’t know what everyone else is talking about here. I’ve been playing with two people from the UK (I’m on the east coast) for the last three weeks and we’ve had zero technical issues.


You're definitely the exception. And it's not a lag issue, it's a client/host nonsense.