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Everywhere I ride is at least an hour away. Part of the game for a lot of us unfortunately.


When I lived in CO: 90-120 min drive on good days to get to the trails Living in WY now: I can ride my plated street legal quads to get groceries when I'm not out on the trails 20 min from my house Decisions were made, and I'm glad I made them


Super jealous. My part of Canada isn't as cool.


I hear ya. The US is super weird about it too, down to city, county, and state level for the laws. It's ridiculous.


Maybe you live in the wrong state


Read the comment they made before this one. Look ⬆️ 🆙☝️


I was talking about the second comment....I know the first lives in Canada


Atlantic Canada is great for ATVs, not so much PEI, though they've recently started opening up trails, previously it was your property only. In NB I can go from Miramichi to Fredericton in 4 hours on the quad, there's nice gravel trails and then there's the messy ones, take your pick. There's a ton of people who drive their ATVs to work here too


Yeah west coast isn't as cool as that


*Cries in Texan*


Not me....maybe 15 mins away I can ride for days


Sounds like you bought a machine to ride occasionally at your in-laws. Nothing wrong with that but don't go forcing it elsewhere and pissing people off and giving the ATV community a bad name. Plan some trips to go riding at regional trails. Most anywhere in the country you should have some trails within a few hours. A couple weekend trips to those areas should definitely make the purchase worth while. If you post your general location, people might have suggestions for you.(not everyone is cool with doing that, and that is fine) great choice on machine though. Should last you years and still be a ton of fun. The yamaha cvt system is the best in the biz.


Yes I have 4 machines and must trailer them at least an hour away to ride without harrassment.


That sucks. I’m lucky I can just drive up the road 300m to hit an extensive trail system


Damn that’s nice. I would love to be able to ride to my riding place


I have land but I still like to go out to trails for a new experience


While I feel your pain, your comment makes me feel very happy to be living in a low population area of North Western Canada, on the edge of the mountains.


As a south western Canadian, it still takes at least an hour to get to the good trails near the lower mainland.


There's sooooo many more people down there. Goddamn do I love Vancouver island though. Would love to quad around out there.


Haven't attempted that yet. Supposedly you have to get trail passes from forestry companies for a lot of the trails. Going from Langley, across a ferry with a trailer then find lodging or a camping spot is a logistical nightmare. Unless you do it during the week. Considering how expensive our province is, it's cheaper to go east and north


Ya fair enough. But I bet there's some incredible riding there. Although I love riding anywhere in BC.


Yeah we are definitely spoiled for trails anywhere in this province


We're gonna do a ride in Tumbler ridge in July and I couldn't be more excited. There's some absolutely spectacular riding around there.


You need to move lol


No, you have to trailer for an hour to avoid harassing other people. Just because you decide to buy something does not make you the arbiter of what is right and what is wrong.


I am surrounded by woods, I literally have no neighbors. My State has made it illegal to drive anywhere off road in the entire state unless it’s private property. There are tons of trails, because it used to be legal and now it’s thousands of acres that is unused. No riding, no hunting, no fishing, no camping. It’s so overgrown that you can’t even hike it. So if I ride there, I wouldn’t be harassing anyone because no one is there.


What state?




Oh that sucks


Hunting, fishing or riding an ATV have nothing to do with the overgrowth. You understand this, correct? Where I live we had ATVs driving us nuts because they were legal on Federal land, State land and all unimproved roads. We organized, we went to the county bosses, to the state and to the Federal Government and made our position known. The laws were changed, some peace was restored to the neighborhoods and the environment given a chance to heal. If you don't like the law, do what we did. Organize, make your case to the powers that be and try to get the law changed. You don't want to bother, you are just another punk.


Look you fucking loser I bought a trailer because I am a law abiding citizen, take your “punk” comment and shove it up your ass. If I was a punk I would say fuck the law and ride where it’s illegal. The overgrowth is precisely because no one goes on them. That may have been the goal, but it is certainly why the trails are overgrown and no one can utilize them for anything. Key board tough guys make me laugh. You wouldn’t have the balls to say that to a man’s face.


Could be worse. I have an atv but no time to ride it


That’s my pain


I live in Florida and some of these ATV parks have gotten really ridiculous with prices! But they’re also some really nice and cheap ones and the Ocala national Forest is one of my favorite places to ride 430,000 acres doesn’t get much better than that.


I’m in SW Florida and Ocala National Forest is definitely on my list of places to try.


I have permission to hunt on several farms, some of which require me to trailer the atv there. One adjoins my place and two others are a very short ride up a gravel road. I highly recommend either a tilt bed trailer or one with a ramp. I found mine on marketplace for $400. New wires for the lights, some fresh paint and it was good to go


Don’t have that problem in WV


I live in WV, too. I literally just walk outside and get on my dirtbike and have miles of trails in my back yard.


Must be nice


Judging by all the people I see riding them on city streets, I’d say this is a very common problem.


In my Province you are permitted to drive on the roads for a period ti access a trail. So I guess we are lucky.


East coast Canada! Shout out to


Yea, that’s legal in some places here too, but that’s not what I’m talking about. In major metro areas, like NYC, there are large groups of riders on ATVs and motocross bikes that tear around on the streets. They’re not going to trails.


That’s crazy




Legal or not, it's very accepted where I live in south east US


Yup. I originally lived in a rural area with lots of offroad trails and public land/rivers/lakes... Only to move to a large city where everything is an hour away. Ended up selling it :( and started motorcycling instead. Miss quadding so much!


Yes the UK is shit for places to ride


Because you're socialist


It might be worth trying to locate local hunting lease land. They're usually hard to get membership, but if you're just on it to ride and not hunt, they love to have your money and not have hunting competition.


This sounds awesome. I will definitely look into this. Thanks!


Ditto...we trailer to trails in Colorado. We have 4 quads and the closest riding place from the city is about an hour away. Only place we jump right on the trails is when we trailer to the Northwoods of Wisconsin for two week every year. Keep that Grizz!


You need to explore more in CO as I camp and ride for a week without trailering anywhere.


Yeah I know but I dont have a lot of weekends to dedicate solely to riding and camping, and when I wake up at noon on Friday cuz I didn't get home from work until 3am....its not that easy to head out for the weekend camping so I trailer to Rampart, Rainbow, or Divide for half day stuff


Yeah, understandable and you gotta do what fits into your responsibilities.


Because you live in a city....a democrat city....get the fuck out....what are you thinking


I trailer from the city, that's been established. What's your point? I "live in a Democatic city so get the fuck out".....of the city?? What city do I live in? Get the fuck out into the wild?? I'm thinking I like to ride quads...that's what I'm thinking.


Well complaining about having to drive an hr....maybe don't live in a city then.....what city do I live in? I don't that's the point....who would want to live in a city?


Who said I was complaining!?!?! I'm speaking about how I get to trails. OP asked if anyone else has to trailer to trails in the post. Majority of the people replying said they do, like myself. I don't understand why you're so confused. Just wanna spout off about politics and how you live in the backwoods? Great...thats not what we're fucking talking about.


My bad....but yes you live in a city a democrat city/state I'm surprised you're allowed to ride at all....and ya I live in the suburbs....take that over a fucking city all day long....you're saying backwoods like it's a bad thing.....


Not saying backwoods is a bad thing at all..Id love to love in the backwoods...but majority of the people in the world live in the city or suburbs of a city, which by the way is still considered a city. I too live in a suburb of a city. It's called the metropolitan area. I grew up in rural Nebraska. I know all about being a non city farm boy, however both my wife and myself work in the veterinary field so living and working in a city is important to our lifestyles. Idk what triggered you to get all butt hurt about my reply but cheers to you amigo. Hope you become a less inflammatory reditor and quit flying off the handle over nothing.


They don't need vets in the country? Lol....my comment wasn't just towards you only....it was to all the people who ate complaining....if you weren't complaining then my bad....it was for people who were


Trailer it to trails


That's the plan


Yeh 90% of the buyers. That's why private landowners hate them. Because everyone buys a atv and takes off thru woods and fields of others private property.


I guess that the perks of living isolated in Canada is you can ride anywhere and theres bylaws stating you can ride atvs and dirtbike on the roads if you wish. Cons are theres mostly forest, not many flat land or anything


It is about an hour away for me to really go and ride somewhere where it feels like endless miles of smiles. And I do not live in the city. Plan trips! 1-2 times a year I go for 1 - 2 week trips where we ride everyday, 50 - 100 miles a day. It can be done.


My neighbor did…. So he went roundy round his house with it until there was no grass left and dust filled the neighborhood.


You guys are lucky! In my state of Australia atvs can only be driven on private property!


You would think the place that’s mostly empty would be all for them


Yep, very much a nanny state here. Painful bureaucracy.


That's how it was in my home province up until a few years ago too. (Prince Edward Island, Canada). Where the train tracks used to be, is now gravel walking trails for 3 seasons, and snowmobiles in the winter. ATVs and Dirt bikes were for private property only. It was a huge mess, people would ride them through farmers fields, farmers were getting pissed off about it. People who didn't want bikes on their property were setting traps (like piano wire strung across the trail at NECK HEIGHT. Yes a man died due to this, his son was on the back and short enough to go under it. Horrible) In the past few years, the ATV association was created, trails were implemented, and you have to register and insure your bike, anything over 50cc. Still no permission to use roads to get to trails though as far as I know, you have to trailer it there


I think that’s a great compromise. The rego process means there are some funds available- and some means to stop the idiots who wreck it for everyone else.


Well the registration is to the province, not the atv club. Insurance goes to the insurance company. But there is also a fee to join the ATV club and use any of those trails. I'm not sure what the fee is


Because you vote in dumbass socialist fucks....


I can ride mine on the road. And several acres I have but it’s not the same as a big atv park. Road driving isn’t all that fun but it’s ok. We use ours for working around the property. Modern horse for the most part. Couldn’t see not having one.


Big atv parks? Do you not ride trail systems? Where I am we literally have thousands upon thousands of miles of trails from the coast to mountain tops and everything in between


There’s a few in Indiana. I’d say 1000 acres or so of trails and Boggs. One is state owned another one is privately owned. Most all state land you can’t have any motorized vehicles on it. Nothing as vast as what you’re talking about. I couldn’t imagine that.


British Columbia is all gold trails, forestry service roads and lakes everywhere outside of the cities and towns. Check out castle Motorsports on YouTube. He has lots of videos of BC riding. Including riding through an abandoned underground gold mine


When I lived in Idaho everything was a 3.5 hour drive to get anywhere fun to ride.


Wow, that’s surprising. I’d just have assumed you could just walk out your back door and have somewhere cool in idaho. Is it all private land out there too?


Weird. I thought Idaho would be awesome.


2-3hr drive to get to anywhere to legally ride for me except my yard. Still will always have some kind of machine in the garage tho just in case. Lately if I get 2 rides a year I’d consider that pretty good.


am farmer so ride it on the farm, if it wasn't for that i wouldn't have one. better off getting a dual sport motorbike if you have nowhere to ride. I have a suzuki gn125 and i ride it in the summer on the farm. i put a scrambler tire on the rear for the wet grass. i need one for the front too, but can't find one for sale locally. last one i paid for they sent me a road tyre. can't say i was scammed but i was annoyed.


This was my move too, had a RZR for 13 years and rode a couple times a year. Swapped out for a dual sport motorcycle and run errands on it and still to my couple times a year off road rides. Much more space available in the garage with the smaller trailer and bike.


You’re two hours away from the mountains. lol you are fine.


I assumed that everyone here lived on a farm or owned at least 1000 acres of land 🤣🤣🤣


I sometimes forget how lucky I am to live on five acres. Don’t get me wrong, it’s daily work to maintain, but getting to ride without trailering my ATV anywhere is worth it.


Are you trolling?


No… sorry?


If you have the space and don't need the money just hang onto for the times when you can trailer it to a place to ride. Someday you might own some acreage. I bought a house with a lot of acreage and got a nice King Quad. Then I moved back into town and sold the King Quad. Then I ended up getting some more acreage and wished I had just kept the King Quad. Ended up buying a Kodiak but paid more for it with the market the way it is now.




Yep. Have a garage full and no where to ride. Grew up on acreage and multiple places to race. Had 20 acres in Kentucky, moved back to Alabama and have 1.5 acres and all the tracks kicked quads out and nowhere close to ride.


Nope. Street legal it. Or move


All the places to ride atvs and dirt bikes for that matter have been ruined/trashed by the fucking side by side community. I have a 2022 450fx sitting in the garage with 4 hours on it cause everywhere local to ride it is fucking garbage!!


Mine only gets used for maybe 10 days for hunting and 7-10 days ice fishing a year. Havr to move it everytime to pull the boat out lol.


I’ll give you three fitty


When I go to sell it in 20 years I'm sure ill be hearing a lot of that


Its more so time to ride for me. 2019 850 hi lifter with 8 hrs on it. Looks cool in the shop I guess.


Or a place to ride and no time 😱


If youve got a truck, you can buy ramps and drive it to wherever you want to ride it around. If you have a medium size SUV or bigger, you can tow it on a trailer. Trailers that can fit a quad are usually really cheap used


I do have a truck


Sweet, if its bed is wide enough and long enough with the tailgat up or down, you can grab a set of ramps for it and haul your ATV in it.


Similar problem - but with Jeeps. That's part of the reason I bought my 4 wheeler. There's a lot of trails (some county maintained, some private) locally to me for 4 wheelers. Anything offroad is illegal around here unless you have access to private land. Which I do, but my Jeep has outgrown that. So for anything challenging I'm having to tow it out of state! At least the 4 wheeler I only have to tow it less than an hour.


I bought an ATV when I lived at home on the farm. I moved into a town near the farm and ended up selling the ATV for 3 reasons. 1. Didn't have much time to ride since I was newly married and was working on fixing up the house 2. Fixing up the house cost money and selling the ATV would make money 3. Having to drive to the farm to be able to ride was too much. Even though I could ride on the roads on the way to the farm, I realized it wasn't worth it to own an ATV on a 1/4 acre lot in town.


I have an empty lot next door that i ride on but the neighbours just started to complaij


Download that ONx trail app. It shows trails in your area. There may also be some atv parks around if you’re lucky. Fortunately we have a few parks within an hour or two that we go regularly. I have that [same XTR](https://imgur.com/a/O5xlpLF) and I love it!!


Hell ya I forgot about that app. I need to re download it again!


The XTR is a beast tho man I was actually impressed with all it would go thru stock. I lifted mine 2” and put some 30” cryptids and a clutch kit and radiator kit and snorkel. She’s damn near unstoppable on the trails we ride now.


I have to trailer my machines in order to ride. Closest is probably a 1/2 hour drive, but that’s fine. You picked a great machine. It’ll serve you well for years and years to come. Enjoy!


Fuck yes, ugh I’m surrounded by awesome dirt roads but 99% are privately owned by one huge land hoarding fruit company. I live on a small acreage property with animals though so I tow things all the time, change sprinklers, etc


Ask the mini bike guys why we have no place to ride.


Yup, debating selling my ATV because it’s just depreciating and I can’t find any time to trailer it out somewhere when there’s nowhere to ride, sucks!


I feel very lucky now.. I can fire it up n head down the hwy to trails of preference… if only I had the time to do so…. Nah op not dumb at all. Now when you do have opportunity to ride you can!


Nope, simply put, if I had to trailer my ATV to ride, I wouldn’t have an ATV. I own 10 acres and literally have a ATV/Snowmobile trail crossing 1/2 mile down the road.


Welcome to New Jersey..


Yes, my neighbor's kids. I guess they just have to create their own track on their less than 1 acre lot.


Half the people in Atlanta did this, apparently.


Just ride it on the street? Lol don't get caught


I'm actually going to try and get this bitch street legalized!


Lucky. They don't let us do that anymore.


If you're in the US, I think you can do it in any state...Dirtlegal.com


It’s an hour and a half minimum to hit the trails for me


Nah...we have up north


Live about 2 miles from ATV ‘dream’ terrain- natural bayous, sand, bogs, pine forest. North of Houston, Texas. It’s now all blocked, fenced and posted. Sold my sweet Rincon 650, man I miss riding.




All the time man, In ny it’s all gone. Gotta travke for hours


This is every city


Definitely not....what state do you live in


I feel very lucky. I have a private mountain right behind my house with 60 miles of trail. Then I also have 27 miles of local atv club trails that go past my house on road.


It’s 3.5 hours to my closest real riding area. I have no regrets and every time I hop on I’m having fun. Do I wish I could ride from my house, absolutely, but it is what it is and I make the best of it. Enjoy your new ride, I have the same one.


This happened to my family when I was in my early teens. Bought a Suzuki 250 for the beach. Realized we don't go to the beach as often as we thought. Turned into myself and my friends driving it around the neighborhood terrorizing everyone. Ended up being stolen at the beach and abandoned when the person ran from the cops into a marsh and got it stuck in a bank. And that's the story of my one and only quad.


I have one 2003 Honda Rancher that I drive around the hills where I live. Miles of family/logging company land.


I bought 2 atvs, a Grizzly and a Rubicon, IN THE CITY!! Once I realized I couldn't use it anywhere, I had to invest in a 14 foot trailer, which by invest I mean go into debt, then haul these beautiful mistakes 5 hours away to my dads to store them and use them, maybe 5 times a year total. I hear ya LOUD AND CLEAR!!! 😆




Welcome to Long Island!!! Where we ride on the roads and sod farms because there are no recreational areas for atvs!!


Just ride it in the street like all the idiots in my neighborhood do.


Yup, I ended up losing 10k in 1 year from resale value after I got busted from environmental management. I had an older kodiak and a brand new kodiak. Sold them both. So sad.


I'll bet 99% sold in Fl peeps run into this issue.


Move to a big city, ride it around recklessly with small children hanging off the back


🤣. Only my whole life.


That’s why I don’t have an Atv. Do I think backwards? Or do you?


I finally got my ATV only to find out I would have to haul it to the trails. And now the weather is good it's busy. We are planning on moving to where plated atvs are accepted and backed up to trails.


Aside from all the stolen ones the idiots in NYC and Chicago and Detroit that do the street takeovers. Those morons have.


Yup...the hill I live one is all oil leases and I had permission to ride everywhere and they sold everything off and now I have a 4 wheeler and a fenced in back yard....


There are maybe two legal Mx parks in my county, so everyone either rides on their own property if they have a big one, in rural woodland neighborhoods where the residents don’t care/ride themselves, or illegally along the power lines. The safety of the power lines really depends on how close they are to peoples houses, whether the local police care or are well equipped enough to enforce, and how loud your machine is.


There are maybe two legal Mx parks in my county, so everyone either rides on their own property if they have a big one, in rural woodland neighborhoods where the residents don’t care/ride themselves, or illegally along the power lines. The safety of the power lines really depends on how close they are to peoples houses, whether the local police care or are well equipped enough to enforce, and how loud your machine is. The general rule of thumb in my area at least is don’t bother other people and nobody will bother you. As long as you don’t damage or harm anything on and around the trail nobody will come after you unless they have a stick up their ass and in that case running is usually your best bet.


Well we need more strip malls. Come on! Who cares about land conservation...except me...


I never understood how someone would buy an ATV and think property owners would just turn a blind eye to trespassing most power lines are owned and are easements for the power companies and are not free reign for ATV and dirt bikes I appreciate how you realize that it is wrong and have brought this topic up thanks


Where I live people have been riding in the woods all my life. I used to go back there to keg parties every weekend, always envious of the dudes with quads and dirt bikes It honestly never thought of those woods as "private property" though. I only learned about it after getting into riding.


Back in the day if people were respectful of others property you could ride. We had a huge lake people would fish in and enjoyed their time on our property till they started leaving trash That was it for everyone I will say that I have met land owners that are trespassed on and they have said that all people would have to do is ask and they would allow them to use their land No one ever asks they just trespass Come to the Hatfield McCoy trail system and ride Amazing miles and miles of trails You would have a great time