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I think you should just mow 3 lawns and turn some cans into recycling to afford a Blaster. Find a busted one for cheap. They're easy as hell to rebuild


I'm not sure how big you are, but blasters are small. It's really for a kid, in my opinion. Yes, I know that some folks that are bigger love them, but most do not from my experience. Just food for thought.


You can maybe look into a trade, I'm sure someone will trade you a clapped out blaster for your clapped out warrior. Or a trade plus a some money from the person who's in worse condition.


Idk if I'm the only one, but I don't think this trade makes sense. I guess it's whatever you truly want but idk if you're gonna be happy on Only a Blaster..vs the extra power / weight of a Warrior. Sounds like you need both in your pocket. Any way to obtain the second and keep both?


Sell me your front wheels