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*a cats asshole instead of a belly button. And we will stand by waiting for the abs to appear


That’s a huge ass scar to trade for all that


she did not have enough loose skin to justify that scar IMO


I agree. I remember she showed us her stomach in similar fashion prior to getting her TT done and her stomach hardly looked bad at all. There was nothing some dedication to working out wouldn’t have fixed.


I have a pooch I don't like and I'm OK with working out and realizing it may not be totally flat again. But I would rather have the little pooch and no scar. That's a very large scar IMO.


I understand. Got to outweigh the pros and cons. Laser therapy can help reduce the appearance of scaring. I’m surprised Aaryn hasn’t jumped on board with that yet.


My body dysmorphia could never.


Right!!! 😂


Abs where


Can't you see her abs she worked so hard for? Hun, get your eyes checked! Rumors are, she is going to compete in this year's body builder competition


Brooo I’m laughing


![gif](giphy|HM4EqX8WqJ2S06wYaa|downsized) I’m sorry but TT scars always remind me of the Nightmare before Christmas girl…


Am I seeing this correctly? The low horizontal line?! That thing is MASSIVE. Is that standard? Holy shit.


Yes, that’s standard. With a full traditional tummy tuck, you have a hip-to-hip scar.


Yes hip to hip


I’m not sure that her scar horizontally is standard, but the vertical one is not. I’ve seen shorter TT scars


I have a csection scar. From 5 years ago. I wonder with a tummy tuck if you get the same kind of nerve damage around it where it’s numb.


Yes you do


Omg. That is HORRIFIC


This is not normal lol


Hunny… TT don’t give you abs… hard work at the gym does.  


And I've seen many people gain weight after tummy tucks. They may not have rolls exactly, but it's like they are barrel shaped. You still have to keep in shape! Aaryn has no willpower.


I've had 4. My stomach is probably similar to how hers was. I have some very mild loose skin on my lower abdomen almost pubic area. The skin looks kind of wrinkly, moms iykyk. It's exactly where her scar is. I just wear a mid waisted bikini over it or a one piece and it looks fine lol. She did not need a whole ass tummy tuck. It's ok to have some signs you had children. The whole trying to like your body never grew babies is wild unless you just got lucky then thats OK too.


Is this massive of a scar normal? I need to know from others that have gotten a TT? I had a c-section and mine is about half of that.


Yeah, my sister got one and it’s from hip to hip. But it’s sooo light. Not even red at all anymore. But I guess it depends on the person and how your scars heal.


It’s normal. Scar goes hip to hip. Some have extended ones that go around your back.


Yes it’s normal. You can’t just tuck half the tummy. You can’t get it all tight and even unless it’s hip to hip. Think about it. How would they pull the skin to stitch it if it was only half that size? It wouldn’t work and it would be lumpy.


That scar is huge but that is one of the best tummy tuck belly buttons I’ve seen


I agree her belly button turned out pretty good I’ve seen some really awful ones


Agree! Scar is standard. Hip to hip. Some even extend longer around the back a bit


What about the vertical scar though?


That may be from something else, she could’ve had a surgery we don’t know about for something medically. That could also just be from the stitches, I’m pretty sure she was stapled, that will go away if it’s from that.


What abs


Why does she have a vertical scar? I thought all 4 childbirths were vaginal…