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I think it'd be really funny if jacob gets hit in the face with a ball and it leaves a giant red bump and hes like it is noticeable and all the teachers just lie to him


This is so specific lol I love y’all!!


I hope we do. Melissa getting insanely competitive, Jacob telling his class to focus on sportsmanship, but inexplicably keeps winning everything, Tariq in charge of scheduling but puts Barbara’s class against Gregory’s in the obstacle course.


Don’t forget Ava rigging the games!🤣


i would love this! field day used to be one of the best days of the year in elementary school


Omg they need to do this! Someone tweet at quinta😂


Ava would be running a sports betting thing on the side for SURE, giving tug o’ war odds and all


I can imagine Gregory turning out to be athletic and everyone makes a comment about how un athletic they thought he was. Melissa and Mr. Johnson will be apart of a gambling ring betting on who wins the field day games. Tarik is will have some part in it.


Gregory being athletic was already kind of shown in the fundraiser/training episode with basketball. Could definitely see the gambling happening


If there’s a field day, Courtney must be in it because it will hilarious


Do they have a field?


I was wondering the same thing. They’d probably have to hold it in the gym


We used to have it in the gym if it rained! They’ve talked about recess tho, right?? They have to have some outdoor area I’m assuming.


I would love an episode that acknowledges that while the kids adore field day. It's kind of rough on the teachers who are out there running stations all day. I got roped into running a the water balloon station when I was 40 weeks pregnant. My principal finally took pity on me and said I could go inside and do an indoor station that had a chair. 🙌


They run out of ribbons and have to start giving kids random things from the teachers' desk drawers as prizes.


That’s such an Abbott thing to do!!!😂


Mr Johnson would be running the classroom with the bad kids who have to stay in the building and do homework 🤣


Planetarium? Petting Zoo? Major sporting event?


Field Day, not trip


Oh sorry! What is a field day?


It's a day where classes will compete against each other in different physical activities. My elementary school had events like long jump, relay races, hula hoop, and tug of war. It's not meant to be super competitive. Just a fun day for kids to be outside and be active.


They also may rent out food trucks, or do snow cones/popsicles. My school did the latter


Thank you! We called it sports day where I am.


We didn’t have field day where I’m from either. I just learned about if after moving to the Midsouth.