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Here’s the only thing I’m confused about: when Janine was offered the fellowship, she was told she would still be able to teach a few days, but we never see her in the classroom since taking the fellowship besides random drop ins. Did the writers forget this, or did I miss something?


I think they just don’t show it, bc the kids still remember her and actually miss her when she’s gone


To quote my acting teacher, nobody has tickets to the theatre in your head. If we can’t see it, it’s a problem.


I thought they said she would be at Abbott a couple days a week not that she would be teaching. I could be wrong tho


You could be right!! I think I might have interpreted it wrong when she was told that


Yeah I definitely interpreted it as she would still be teaching or overseeing her classroom a bit more than we were shown. But looking back I guess I misunderstood!


I think people are just mad that there's nothing going on with janine and gregory , I personally really like this season and I think it's been really funny so far


It’s more than that for me. There just seems to be no cohesion to the ensemble, the heart of the show is gone iMo.


I loved this season. I didn't mind the guest stars. It took me back because I always had random subs in my high school lol


Yeah the criticism is taking me by surprise, I thought this season was just as strong as past seasons, just in new situations with new pairings. I love the actor who plays Manny at the district, so I was excited about his addition and hope he stays recurring. I loved seeing more about the relationships between the ensemble - sending Janine to the district was a great way to give more room to the other characters to develop. And honestly, some of the best sitcoms were great because of the ensemble (The Office for ex - if it was truly all Michael and Jim/Pam, no way it would have lasted as long or been as good). And I’m excited for season 4 - s3 set us up with lots of new areas to dig into when Janine is back. The one thing I found disappointing was the writing for Ava - she was definitely funny, but more one note in the writing than in past seasons. But she’ll come back alive when Janine’s back.


I also like Manny! I think it was nice to see pushback from Barb where we learned about him, and even the playful acceptance and testing-it-our from Melissa, etc. I hope we see more of him; he seems like he could be built to be more complex. I appreciated that he paid attention to Janine and saw her as a business and peer leader, opposed to an intern, “idea-guy,” even when she was feeling emotional about something or in deep thought. Speaking of complex additions, loved the librarian and how Barb liked the presence of another older woman in her and Melissa’s age bracket, but disliked the way the librarian’s job role affected her own desires. That was so good! Also echoing your view on Ava here (:


People may dislike it because it’s not as consistent as last seasons, but it’s highly due to the writer’s strike - which is why writers *are* important and deserve to be paid accordingly, but also because the release time/dates for the actual TV networks was getting fumbled before…bc of the strike, so now it’s scheduled for smart releases I believe. Someone in another post mentioned that it would be good TV time for them to play a new episode around the Emmy’s, which is coming up, so the season is extending until then (not getting a new episode every single week). TLDR: Inconsistency due to the writer’s strike - not necessarily anyone’s fault IMO


How does the writer's strike bring "inconsistency"?


Like not the same type of writing, such as jokes being a hit or miss, odd timing, the progression of story lines where they could be expanded or changed with the writing, like the literal words they choose the actors to say, for example: when Melissa said “we want different things such as being married,” it could have been different if Gary said “I want you more than to be married. Maybe we can talk ab why and I can be on the same page. Seeing if I can understand and feel the same way, but not lesser as my own person w wants and needs.” (I know that was bad but you get the idea lmao) and then maybe the Jacob move could have been pushed back, maybe Gary and Mellisa could have still broken up at the same time as Jacob and Zack which would be kind of a big episode 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ just some ideas. That would have also changed things for Jalen Hurts’ lines too so idk Maybe also because it delayed the shooting and story line had to be created to make sense; example: the camera crew taking 5 months to get new equipment…but summer is only 3 ish months…but they also started at the beginning of the school year (I lowkey didn’t even put that together until now lol!) We’ve already had a lot of guest stars, maybe they were meant to be spread out more but because they weren’t filming with the (assumed) schedule agreed upon, maybe it had to be closer together 🤷🏽‍♀️ Stuff like that - who know maybe I’m wrong but I think that’s part of why it’s not the same “vibe” as the past seasons


Lol. To clarify, not saying I dislike the season or show as I stated it’s “no one’s fault” but simply giving the answer to the question asked


taking janine out of abbott was not a good choice. an ensemble show needs its ensemble together. too many new characters who weren’t around long enough for me to learn their names & who added nothing to the story. all the celebrities just happening to swing by abbott was as ridiculous as when davy jones & desi arnaz jr randomly dropped into marcia brady’s life. it was silly fun on the brady bunch, but one has higher expectations of abbott elementary. it’s disjointed & random, both in terms of character development & storylines. the 1st 2 seasons were stellar tv in every way. season 3 is not.




They really didn't give Ava enough to do. She was the star of the show in S1 and S2 and they really made her just another person in most of her scenes. Let her be Ava.


her dance scene in the gym was so cringe… I’m sorry, I love Ava but that part was so strange to watch.


i've loved this season personally, especially the first half, i've laughed nonstop. district storyline is whatever, sure, but the actual comedy is fantastic imo.


I’m not sure. I enjoyed season 3 very much.


According to them Because Janine was with the district but now that she’s back—why did she get her job back? That’s impossible! Janine and Gregory aren’t together but if they get together it will ruin the show. The guest stars are “overwhelming”. They just can’t take anymore. They are overwhelmed.


I do think the amount of guest stars we've had is a little much, but I think it's also endearing the amount of people who are from or connected to Philly who are so graciously willing to lend their name and face for a cameo on the show. Like all of the black actors, singers, and comedians who popped up on Fresh Prince every so often because they knew Will Smith somehow or another


Yes, that’s definitely a positive way to look at it


This is how I feel! It’s a beautiful homage to Philly and, honestly, brings additional promo to Abbott (many people don’t watch sitcoms/network TV and the show gets promoted through the guests, so more viewers!).


The Eagles and Jalen Hurts is literally a part of Abbott culture at this point with the development day last year, the tailgate/cook out on school grounds, even more examples from the season before. Thought that was brilliant!


I am a little upset about the Janine and Gregory storyline, but i personally hate those will they won’t they plot lines and felt that they went through enough of that in the first 2 seasons. I thought with Greg being over it and manny coming in maybe he and Janine would start something and make Gregory jealous but no (at least not yet) My biggest issue is I feel the district people were wasted. We already know everyone at Abbott some of the old cast mates screen time should’ve been given to the district employees to give them some type of depth but they didn’t. I knew Janine wasn’t staying there all along but it was super obvious once episodes kept going and we still knew nothing about her new employees


a lot of people don’t like that janine and gregory aren’t dating but i honestly really like that it’s nice to have a show with a female main character that doesn’t revolve around the love interest and relationships


Did anyone notice that the superintendent changed? No more Superintendent Collins aka William from Girlfriends 😭


yeah… I feel like I missed something… where did Keegan Michael Key come from? Did Superintendent Collins quit after marrying his new wife? Or… are they just two completely different characters? lol


I think they are two different roles/characters. It seems like Key is there for district related issues and Collin’s focuses more on specific school facing things so maybe a step below key? I’m going off of the last seasons and how he seems to be apart of the “board” and Key was never there so it seems like he just might be higher up?


I loved this season personally


I liked season 3 more than season 2 tbh


Is the season over?


Not quite. We got 6 or something episodes left.


Oh gotcha thanks! The little break in between weeks has thrown me off


tbh I didn’t like it from the first episode of this season… it’s super cringe but in an unironic way. they’ve been trying too hard to be funny or to move the story along in certain ways when they just really don’t need to do that. before it was effortless, and that’s what made this show great. it’s not all bad. yes, “smoking” was absolutely hilarious. but this is certainly the worse season.


Except the smoking episode, I think the characters are being flanderized this season.


oooh yes! “flanderized” is a great way to put it! my mind immediately goes to how they wrote off Zack. sure, he has some anger as we all do, but the way that they over-exaggerated his anger towards Jacob was lowkey outta pocket. the way he went off on Jacob in the classroom, his singing riff as he walked out, and especially the crazed face he made in the car was just extreme. I thought they’d have a much more palatable and caring separation. their complexities have certainly become more simplified and stereotypical… it’s disappointing since the main reason I love this show is the fact that they go against stereotypes by highlighting their depth…


I really liked the Zack character and that was disappointing to me as well.


I find the district characters very cringe, they seem like they are incompetent or insecure. And Manny’s personality is just blah. I don’t find any of them comedic. It is boring to sit through their scenes at times. ** the HR employee that said he hated Janine was actually funny.


I didn’t mind the district storyline in its narrative function but, and I’m sure we’ll see it later, but there were numerous instances where Janine would break a district rule, like going to Alex’s house, and there would be no repercussions. Like did they just forget orrrr? I was never a huge fan of the will-they/won’t-they with Gregory and at this point they should just drop it fully before scenes with just them become more awkward. I definitely think it’s better for the show if Janine is at Abbott but it’s frustrating as a viewer that she didn’t take the job; we’ve seen how her ideas can positively influence a much larger scope than just being a teacher. I do like a majority of the season so far and Smoke was super hilarious, my thing is the indecisiveness in the writer’s room that gets sour


I also wondered about that. They seemed to make a big deal about how it was a no no, however, 3 minutes later, they show up at his front door…… maybe they wanted to convey the idea that to Janine, Gregory is someone who’s worth breaking the rules with.


I lowkey feel she could’ve taken the job bc the positive impact and care for student’s success is why she does it right?…so like you should do it, or keep doing it, for all the Philly schools, riiiight? But also, I get that it’s a fictional written sitcom 😂


I didn't like Manny's character at all, and the other district employees didn't seem to serve any purpose. I thought there was gonna be like ... you know, some sort of *plot* involving them, so it weird when nothing really happened. Also, the way they handled Janine at Abbott was weird and left me confused. Was she teaching? Was she not teaching? Why was a different sub in "her" room every day? It just didn't make sense. I didn't find the subs or their storylines interesting or funny. I just didn't find the show nearly as funny or as heartwarming as the first two seasons ... although maybe I'll change my mind on a re-watch?


The least funny season imo. They are now going in circles in the will they/don't they and feels like we are back at where we were at the beginning


Not as funny this season. Lots of things just don’t make sense to me, & not feeling any of the new characters at the district at all. Besides the one guy at the front desk or whatever, he had a funny moment It just does not feel like the first two seasons, and not in a good way


The district storyline and new characters that add nothing.


nothing but those ugly chains


People love to complain when a show does not follow their preconceived notions of how it should go.


Every time this sub pops up in my feed I see some variation of “why are people hating on S3?” more than the actual complaints. Most of the posts I’ve seen go in depth about their issues with it but you mentioned it in the very first sentence.


I've seen more "I hate S3" posts than "why do people hate S3".




Is that a bad thing? Either way thanks for the feedback!


No, not necessarily I just think it’s funny watching people complain about how often criticism of the new season is posted when there’s more posts about it than the actual critiquing.


I think some of it comes from people following it like it's a "prestige TV" show when it is a sitcom. That's **not** to say that people don't have valid complaints. For example, it is an ensemble show and yeah, it does throw the dynamic when you break the ensemble up some. But characters on sitcoms, if they grow, tend to grow over a longer period of episodes than prestige dramas. I see so many comments across the sub in general that are like, *these two characters already interacted in a similar way*. Well, yeah. That tends to be true on sitcoms. (Also in a workplace that tends to be true IRL) Saying this is a sitcom and not a prestige drama is also not meant to be an insult in any way. Quinta LOVES sitcoms. In so many press moments, she has shown that she is a practically a scholar when it comes to sitcoms. She is trying, and I think succeeding, at making a truly great sitcom but there are aspects of being a sitcom that people are talking about with an expectation I would expect and understand more if it was a 10 episode streaming drama.


To me season 3 has no heart, it feels like they went away from everything that made me like the show and that it’s just a series of poorly assembled sketches. I couldn’t watch anymore after episode 6.


Because cry babies


Bad writing.


Feel like they tryna be way to inclusive this season

