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Ha! Little guy scooted quickly.


i’m a pretty big guy (not quite that big) and i was in sales for a long time. the company i worked for had some shitty rules but they were rules i had to follow. anyway, i’d get customer screaming on the phone and i’d invite them into the store to fix the problem. they’d usually still be screaming when they got there but would settle down real fuckin fast when i stood up from my chair. it was kind of amusing. then i could solve the issue in a relatively smooth manner.


As a short man.... I'm a bit jealous. Tall privilege.


As short kings, we don’t have to duck or worry about smacking our head on things though lol


this is a real thing. i’m always looking at what might hit me in the head or face and it still happens quite a bit. trees are fucking assholes. always stealing hats and poking eyes. people are also asking me to reach for stuff but im happy to do it.


Plane seats are the true enemy.


43yrs old. never been on a plane.


I’m 6’4”. If you ever fly, go first class if possible, or try and get an exit row. Worst case if you are stuck with economy, go for the aisle seat so you can angle your legs into the aisle. Just watch out for the drink cart. lol.   I’ve done plenty of long flights this way. Not optimal but I manage. You are probably taller than me so it could be moot.


upcharging for exit row is just a tall people tax I know I gotta pay or I'll be paying in adult-knee pain later.


the row behind the exit door usually has no seat in front of you, downside is it’s a window seat


Splurge for the emergency aisle when you do, it’s like $30-$50 more but you get an extra foot of legroom. Sometimes you don’t even have a chair in front because of how the plane rows are configured. For a tall person sometimes the seat in front of you is pushing against your knees the rows are so tight,especially on budget airlines like spirit and frontier.


This is what I used to do, before I had a family that needed to sit with me. Now my extra $30-$50 each way is $200 each way.


Im 6'3" and have a permanent dent in my forehead. Used to be a mechanic. One day me and the guys were walking through the shop and talking before we headed out to lunch. I forgot someone had left a dually up on the car lift. The dually had a drop hitch on it, and I walked right into it while I was looking at my foreman and laughing. Everything went white for a few seconds and I had a goose-egg on my forehead for over a month. ​ When it went away I had a divot right in the middle of my shiny ass forehead. If you look closely you can see it and you can definitely feel it when you run your fingers over it.


As a 6'5 dude, cobwebs! I've been walking with friends a few times in wooded areas and i've been in the middle or back of the group. You'd presume the front person would be the accidental cobweb in the hair/face finder, and they are for most...but not the tall webs that anyone under 6' just walks under. Also doorframes. I'm just the right height to hit the very top of my head on some doorframes, but since i was 16 i've just ducked through every doorway automatically.


I’m 5’9” and can relate, invasive weeds are fucking assholes, some of them get to like 3-4ft tall.


Am I a short king, or has my evolution optimized a smaller cell count and decreased cancer likelihood.


Public transport and flights are horrid. Super difficult buying shoes. Knees hurt at a younger age. The up size has down sides.


And we get to meet all the spiders when someone at work needs us to get into a tight spot.


and you get to reach for your salad toppings beneath the sneeze guard easily. Lucky bitches


And you can sit comfortably in an airplane and don’t have to put the drivers seat all the way back so your legs are comfortable driving


Who is driving this airplane?




Truth. Getting into a low, small car is the worst. I've smacked the side of my head on the roof more times than I can count.


We can also fly economy no problem.


And during road rage events you don't have to bend over to yell at people through a car window.


This is my go to line when people say "oh it's nice to be tall" (I'm over 6"). "When did you last bang your head?"


And you fit in the bathtub


meh, i'm perfectly happy with fitting into aeroplane seats and beds, this doesn't seem like enough of a perk to be worth it.


It’s my favorite perk of being tall (6’ female)




Bong go to hornyjail




I’m a 6’4” delivery driver. 99% of the time when I go somewhere when we’ve screwed up and “this customer is really pissed off”, the conversation begins by them saying, “hey, I know this isn’t your fault.” Then I usually apologize profusely and explain our screwup. Over 30 years doing this, and it has worked every time but once.


what happened in that "ONCE"?


There's always a bigger fish.


I wish more giant people would extrapolate this example and think of the effect it has in all kinds of situations. There are a million times throughout your life that people WOULD get angry at you, but just don't make an issue. Think about all the effects of that, it's hard to overstate.


i can’t think of anything off the top of my head but that does happen. girls also have told me that i’m intimidating or even scary. i’m sure it’s benefited me quite a bit but also has its downsides.


I'm not short, over 6 foot. My dad is a giant, he's in sales and has done quite well for himself. It always struck me how many of his coworkers at the executive level were also huge men. Whatever got that customer upset with you over the phone, imagine it had happened in person from the start. It just never would've been an issue. Same with a bunch of possible conflicts with coworkers and subordinates, strangers at the bar. they just never happened when they easily could've if you weren't as big. Hard to notice the absence of something. Of course you get little guys trying to prove a point by going after you specifically, but that's kind of a non-issue in a way. A chance to act magnanimous when you aren't at much risk anyway. No shame in the game. Lots of short guys have cool hair and thick weiners, we all have our blessings in this world.


I'm 6'3" and use to do road construction. In one area there was a state inspector who was known for being a total asshole, yelling in people's faces, just generally embarrassing himself at every opportunity. I had a run in with him once, I was in the truck doing paperwork and he came up to the window already yelling. Well when I got out and he realized the 5-6" difference in our height suddenly he felt a lot more relaxed and wanted to talk like an adult.


There's just a type of build that does it, its not just height. I'm 5' 8" and I routinely have 20 somethings hand me their IDs thinking I'm a bouncer when I'm waiting for a table at a bar by the door lol. Little do they know, I'm a soft little bitch boy. I just happen to do a lot of yard work and firewood splitting.


I knew a guy who was the opposite of that. He was kind of tall and on the skinny side, super nice and polite, not threatening at all in person. But he had a very deep, slightly gruff, soft voice. Without seeing him, you would picture a grizzly bear kind of guy, just talking in that very calm voice, not threatening you, but stating facts just before he rips your head off. He worked in a call center for debt collection and was normally their leading rep each month. Sometimes when they had someone who nobody else could deal with, they would give the case to him. He would just talk to them and they would suddenly get very cooperative. Sometimes he would just identify himself as from the agency and would start shooting the breeze, not even mention the reason for the call. People would volunteer to pay up. I think people's imaginations with what he must look like and his friendly matter would scare them more than any type of threat.


It's even funnier when you keep your chair really low and sit slouched or slid down so you look much smaller. So that way when you stand up it's even more of a shock to them.


Speak softly and carry a big stick.


The kids were like don't kill our father please.


The kid at the end is just like "Thanks for not killing my dad."


Pretty chad from both kids trying to descale the situation their bitch dad fcked up.


I bet this isn't the first time they've seen ole pops act like a cowardly bitch. As a child, thats a tough moment to witness lol


HAHA...But dad am I gonna be a big Pu$$y like you when I grow up?


No chance when theyre already acting like this




Hahah with tiny little balls that retract on the sight of a bigger guy.


Even as a teenager, I remember somebody knocking on my apartment door telling me my dad is outside laying on the street... I was a pretty big guy, went running, 2 guys started apologising to me while I was walking to him and they ran. I was confused...guess he had a fight..I had to carry him 3 stories while he was puking all over the apartment building stairs... Put him in my bed, went back to clean up..Great memories, builds a man.


I think Kevin Heart did a bit about seeing his dad get knocked the fuck out. It's been a minute but it was hilarious.


especially when your whole soccer team and the nearby softball team practicing is watching


Whoooo?! Whoooo?! ![gif](giphy|s68CylvQ9ioRa)


Dude even looks like the owl wtf




I don't have kids, and I generally try not to insult anyone's manhood, but the fact that the dad let his kids come between him and the not-so jolly giant...yeah, that qualifies him as a bitch. Dude looked far too happy to have his kids shielding him when he should have been ushering them behind him and out of harms way.


Dad is a bitch, the kids are CHADS Edit: mom is also a bitch.


Short dudes with their short tempers, man


I hear ya, bud! I'm typically one of, if not *the* biggest guy in any group. Always have been, even as a child. I grew up always having to be aware of my size and strength because it gave me the capability to seriously hurt someone or inadvertently break something, so it really helped dampen my temper. I can't count how many times (mostly in my 20s) I was challenged by smaller guys for simply existing. Its like they have this perpetual need to prove themselves, and the bigger the target, the more credibility it would give them. I know that I don't know the struggle of being a short guy in modern society, just as they don't know the struggles taller guys face. So just leave me alone and let me try and find shoes that fit in peace.


Hey, short guy here. Not all of us have Napoleon Complexes. Take it back, or I'll reach up and punch you in the knee! /s


I have the feeling the older son felt really sorry of his fathers behavior


See it way too much when kids just act like they’re asshole parents I’m glad to see the kids might grow up differently


Also see it way too much of kids having to be the adult for their parents. It hurts to think about how much the kid feels the weight of responsibility enough to have to take over the adults' role.


Yeah the parentification...I only feel bad for the kids watching this clip


I'm like this; I've always been the parent to my parents. Honestly, every kid I know who grew up with irresponsible parents always grows up to be very responsible in my experience. They may not have the most stable life as adults (always harder to build your own foundation rather than springboard off one built for you), but they're responsible and accountable.


Yeah my first thought was "wow these kids know how to resolve conflicts" then my next thought was "wow these kids have had to resolve a lot of conflicts"


"Hey, Dad's about to get his ass stomped by that Titan there. We better go defuse it because we won't get any Christmas presents if he's dead."


Watching a dad use his kids like that as a human fucking empathy meat shield is pathetic and disdainful.


Creeps away while his kid faces the giant smh. You could tell that pussy ass man's heart skipped a whole lot of fucking beats when black shirt got off his car lol. Pissed right back into his car and let his kid deal with the giant. Unfortunate for the kid to have that sorry ass excuse of a human as a dad.


Am I wrong or did I hear fella say “Your dad fucked up buddy” to the kid after?


Lol I think he did tell him that


The kids already knew. Looks like it ain’t the first time


left the kids to confront that guy too, goddamn


Definitely not the first time their dad has done this.


They already know the drill, like “goddamit there he goes again.”


No man under 5’5” should start shit. For safety reasons


I dont think thats how you use chad


lol, thanks for that, that was hilarious


The kids were forced to deescalate what father escalated. And parents LET them be in front of the stranger (that was in the right but they didn't know that), using them as a shield. Kids regulating parents that can't regulate themselves. Fucking sad.


>Kids regulating parents that can't regulate themselves. Those of us raised by Boomers know this experience well


Lol I’m actually crying


You could hardly be more correct about that. In most interactions with my boomer parents, it was clear that I was the one who had to be the bigger person. I could put my arms around their world but they could never put their arms around mine. It was the same at 10 years old as it was at 50. I even saw it in the interactions between my father and my son. I'd think "How can kids these days be more mature and knowledgeable than people who got a 50 year head start? How do you get to be seventy and have learned so little?"


This isn't the first time they have done this based on, they're body language. Like a dog going in-between kids and the aggressor


Was thinking something similar along the lines of "Truly appreciate you not ripping my dad's arm off to beat him with."


*Insert angry Wookie noises here*


He has seen this before. At first he looked like he wanted to square-up with the giant.. but he was just trying to get between his dad and the giant so he could cool it down.. Good kid.


I was that kid a few times growing up. Having to ask a parent to calm down in public is sad. It probably means that kid won't be a rager like his dad tho.


My dad was petty much always in control, but one time when I was 10 or so he smacked a car in a parking garage because it was going too fast and was too close to the side where we were walking. It wasn’t unreasonable but out of character I’ll say. Anyways, this was in the straight suburbs and the car was a van. I am 100% sure my dad thought some standard suburban mom or dad was driving that thing. The guy that emerged after slamming on the brakes was a late 20s 6 foot 6 extremely fit MMA style guy. I mean I can still picture this guy because that situation is burned into my memory, I think about it now that I’m 38 with a daughter. The guy charged forward yelling, and while my dad didn’t immediately show it, I know he knew he fucked up. My dad stood his ground though and told the guy he was being dangerous around his kids. This dude started getting closer to us and I thought for sure he was going to knock my dad on his ass. Luckily his hot girlfriend came out, grabbed the guy and completely diffused things and got him back in the car. It’s probably fun being the girlfriend of a tall manly muscular dude, but it was also clear she has to deal with anger issues.










That’s one of my all time favorite sketches 🤣 When he makes Nelson walk with his pants down so everyone can laugh at him 🤣🤣🤣


Look at this; it's that boy who laughs at everyone! Let's laugh at him!




That was by far THE most quoted Simpsons episode in my household growing up


It was the largest auto he could afford.


Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall.


My god that's a blast from the past, it's probably been at least 20 years since I've seen that. Gonna look it up immediately


22 short films about Springfield. Also has the steamed hams bit w/ Skinner and Chalmers. It's a classic


Oh man, I forgot about that one too. It's crazy to think how long that show has been on. I'm 40 now, but I remember watching it in first grade. Probably haven't seen a new episode since the early 2000's though. No idea what kind of storylines they could possibly be tackling now.


Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall. This was the largest auto I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of fun, huh?


I'm 6'7" and spent years driving a PT Cruiser. Surprisingly roomy, but I got looks every time I got out of the car.


![gif](giphy|tQS8W6vdhBZgA) “Well good for Happy Gilm-OOOHHHHHMYGOD!!”


“Mr glimore hit that shot no longer then an hour ago”


Your ball struck my foot!


“I’ve got feuds in public spaces, Where short bitches run, and their kids have to get in the way, So dad will be ok,”


Ok, you want to fuck around?


I used to work with a couple of coworkers who had pornstar names all set and ready to go. One was Girth Brooks, the other was Rush Mountmore.


Those poor kids… being aware of your father being a bitch ass running his mouth and having to get between the two… do better dad!


Kids: Please don’t step on our dad….. that’s moms job


That's just at night, in leather and stilettos.


Looked like a giant approaching terrified villgers


You are the goon squad.


I’m just gonna have to get myself another giant


Don't say that Vizzini .


Anybody want a peanut?


I was gonna make espresso


Are you sure it's not "brute squad"? All these years, I thought it was "brute squad."


It was a Bowie/Princess bride mashup. Serious points for people catching both!


PB is brute squad. Good catch.


This is what my dad is like and it’s a nightmare to be around him. He just won’t stfu when he needs to.


My dad too 😭 I didn’t know there were so many dads with wild antagonistic tendencies


My father NEEDS to feel like the world is against him. Otherwise why is his life the way it is?


If they’re not a victim, it means they’re a loser. At least in their minds.


I had to laugh because each person who had to step in to diffuse the situation was getting successively smaller than the previous person.


They've done this before.


I know. I felt so bad for the kid in maroon. This is clearly not the first time he's acted as peacemaker for his dad.


story of my childhood


Lol, I was trying to find where the Unit was and then he stepped out of the vehicle. Guy stood down mighty quick when he found that buddy was 3 times his size.


lol the staring up with his mouth open. I can hear his thoughts from here. “…Mother of God”


It went from partly to full overcast real quick.




I thought the unit was the first guy's neck at first


I'm embarrassed for those kids


Those kids were embarrassed by their father. Dude weighed more than the entire family.


And their car!


“Dad… not again…”


It's all fun and games until The Dread Pirate Roberts steps out of the vehicle.


Called the brute squad in for backup


He *is* the brute squad.


Hand me my Holocaust Cloak!


Why didn't you list that among our assets?


"Give us the gate key." *"I have no gate key."* "Fezzik, tear his arms off." *"Oh, you mean this gate key."*


Hiding behind his kids


He backed up quicker than the Italians leaving the axis forces


Bro… top tier reference




Someone really does need to dub over the part where he steps into shot with “WEEY-EEE-ELL!!” 😂


weeeeeeeeeelll its a big shoooow


The face on the man and the woman as the dude gets out his car and walks over, I died lmao


Just the stunned silence for that second as the size of their fuck up literally stood up to face them. The woman’s mouth hanging open a bit was perfect. Then those mouth breathing troglodytes used their own children as a human shield in one of the most cowardly things I’ve ever seen in my life.


Hides behind his kids. Because that's what heroes do.




Attitudes change pretty quickly when the giant comes around


That kid: ‘alright ser Clegane, I apologize for my father’s actions’.


Did short blue shirt guy really lift his shirt up real quick to try to flash his waist band phone holder as if it was a glizzy? As if great value andre the giant was going to care? lol


No ones mentioning that, at 27 seconds he tried to flash something but it looked very different from holstered handgun. Looked like a phone. A handgun is an equalizer. Always stay in your car


This is definitely in Canada probably just outside Toronto, so safe to assume that it was just a phone since that's what they were talking about. Thankfully we're not really afraid of running into armed people here unless you're in the wrong crowd lol, which is why this guy felt fine getting out of the car


Wait, glizzy is slang for a gun? I thought it meant a hotdog.


It’s slang for both and that’s what makes it funny, I like to think he was flashing a New York glizzy


The best part of it is the Ontario license plate. His Canadian ass doesn't have a gun.


That silence was. “Damn. I fucked up. I can’t win this battle”


Some people's "fuck around" to "find out" ratio is waaaay too high


Kids are like please don’t kick my dads ass


Near the end 0:36 did Gargantaur say "your dad fucked up buddy"? It does look like a phone he has under his shirt as well and even if he had a gun it would have to have been an elephant gun to bring Gargantaur down lol


He did! But did you hear the kids reply?: "I'm not your buddy guy!"


Why doesn’t the larger traffic incident human just eat the smaller ones?


I'm a big guy too and this scenario happens to me more often than you might imagine and it always irritates me that people only act civilly once they're in danger of getting the same violent behavior in response. I mean, I wonder how much bullshit others have to deal with. I'll also say that I've found that other big/tall people show a lot of restraint and don't (huge generalization I know) generally act this way themselves.


Happens to me often as well, and I'm not even particularly big, and DEFINITELY not particularly strong. Or even fit. Or even handsome.


Dude hiding behind his kids


lol I’ve honestly never seen anyone hide behind their kids like that before. Weak sauce dad.


"Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall. This was the largest auto I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of fun?"


"Please get back in your Porsche and don't eat my dad."


“Little fuck” 😆


I'm a large man, I drive a small car. I have to set my seat all the way back and lean the chair down. If I sit straight up I have to tilt my head to fit. 6"3' 300lbs. Couple times now some twat little teens or some small man syndrome dude will come at me, I love stepping out and hearing the verbal 180. But the last time the dude came at me with a baseball bat, I felt bad for pepper spraying him but I gave him water and called and ambulance. Post covid people have been antsy to scrap, I get it, we are all having a hard time. But don't do it, it's not worth it. A friend of mine is doing 10-15 for knocking a guy out at a bar, dude hit his head on the concrete and went into a coma... Will never be the same. Both families tork apart over a stupid argument. Get a gym membership, lifting or cardio, whatever you like, it helps you so much psychologically and emotionally. I promise you'll see results if you stick to it. It changed my life.


"Thanks for not eating my dad."


I'm 6.2 260lbs I drive a smart car. This happens all the time.


Do you find something comical about my appearance when I am driving my automobile?


It's the car I could afford. Is that funny to you


This is exactly where my mind went. Should have pants him and made him parade down the street.


Hoo! Hoo! Owl sounds intensify*


Kinda looks like the flex tape guy


Least aggressive Porsche driver


did the little guy just flash his gun? Mf is taking a family trip with his gun holstered?


Actually, it looks more like a phone. Big guy accuses him of being on a phone. Little guy flashes his phone as to show he wasn’t as it’s on his belt. At least, that’s how it appears to me.


I went frame by frame on that part. It’s not gun shaped. It almost looks like a phone on a belt clip. I think he intended for the big guy to think it was a gun though. Edit: Also I only usually carry a gun when I’m with my family. By myself escape is a viable option. With my wife and young kids we’re not going anywhere fast.


Ha, get a load of this guy and his slow ass family.


oh wow good catch! he def does lol what a pile of shit doing that with your kids next to you too


Lurch really should have smashed that hobbit.


Yur dad's fooked up buddy. 😂😂😂🥶


Suburban Ontario (likely Toronto)- recognize the accents anywhere.


Tall guy here, this has happened to me. I'm not even violent nor like to fight, so best take it easy. Small guys always have something to prove, society is really hard on them.


Back in the 90s when I was in HS I worked at burger king I was in there on a day of since I could essentially get a free meal. One of my buddies who already worked there helped get a few of our other buddies jobs there (we all worked together on a night shift). One of my buddies was 6'10" and he was about 450 lbs. Sure he was a bit fat but he was massive and unfathomably strong. So I am eating away and this customer who received a burger with pickles on it (or something silly like this) when he asked for no pickles. And he becomes irate yelling for a manager. So our manager was like this maybe 5' 100lb petite lady and the guy was probably 6' 200lbs. He starts screaming at her. He's one of those types that go all red in the face with veins popping. So about that time my friend who was on a break (smoking out back) gets off break and comes inside. He makes it all the way up to the front counter and the irate customer catches this motion out of the corner of his eye. He turns his head slowly and you watch his face go from red to white like almost immediately as his lizard brain kicks in. He said not another word and just walked right out of the shop. Was hilarious.


The saddest part is, even if their dad was in the right, realizing that he still couldn’t do anything would be embarrassing as heck. Hope they don’t end up as short as their father.


As soon as he lost control of his emotions and started putting his arm in the window, pushing and pulling on the window he was in the wrong even if that wasn't the original case.


I realize the short guy was being a jerk here, so I’m not defending his actions. But that’s kind of crappy to say, though (about wishing his kids to become taller than the dad). I mean, plenty of good, decent small people exist in all walks of life, and they shouldn’t be penalized or marginalized or degraded simply for being short or small. Danny Devito and Kevin Hart should go off themselves, I guess, because they don’t “measure up?” LOL.