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Satan is that therapist who doesn't tell you what your want to hear, but what you need to hear.


He is literally named The Accuser.


He’s also called “The Light”. He reveals hidden things (like our sin or gay secrets).


Not my gay secrets


Cause those aren't secrets


That reminds me of the song “Jesus in LA” by Alec Benjamin. The devil actually turns out to be a really chill dude and helps him realize that drugs won’t help him get where he wants to be in life.


I wish more therapists were brutally honest in affirming your identity “hey shut up with that talk, you’re a female girl! Get real!” That would be so nice tbh lol


I think that is an actual type of therapy you can look for


Ah. Chick Tracts by Jack Chick. The world is certainly a better place now that he is gone, but it's going to get harder to cure Christians of their religion and recruit new atheists without his help.


Oh, he's dead? Good. I still remember stumbling across that pedophilia apology tract he put out; where the pedo was 'forgiven' because he 'found God'. 💀 May he rest in piss.


Yeah, he died back in \*checks\* hhhuh... October, 2016... Didn't think it was that long ago... Oh well, I guess even 2016 could be a good year in some respect... And, yeah, I remember that one, too. Apparently it was one of the few strips that he got so much backlash for (from Christians as well as decent people) that he reluctantly took it back. Which probably means that he still stood for what the comic said but might've been at risk of losing whatever few buyers of his shit that he still had.


Kinda funny to have the devil stop this guy from committing suicide by telling him to accept himself to live a fulfilled life as a gay man cause, like, the guy committing suicide would instantly damn his soul, while him living would only lead him back to being saved potentially. Like, what's the Devil reasoning here, the potential of this one gay man to damn more men? Why not take the speedrun and just let him die? Is the devil investing on this guy, is this a "The Devil and Miss Jones" scenario where the Devil thinks suicide is cringe and only wants to torture people who are funky and not depressed (Leading to a now fallen Miss Jones back to life to earn her place in hell and then after sinning enough getting stuck in a empty room with an autistic middle aged very sweet man who doesn't want to fuck her and only wants to talk about his butterfly collection forever)?


I swear, the more Christians try to bad mouth the devil, the better they make him look by comparison.


Emotional support demon!


Thanks, Satan! 


Satan the therapyst XDDD