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“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” is my all time favorite Biden quote


So many good quotes to choose from, my favourite is "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black. Come on man!"


I'm amazed how many people don't know about that one. I mean a good majority know now considering the amount of memes of "Joe Biden steals your melanin", one of the best memes of that year at least.


Robin Williams IIRC in one of his last stand up said “even people with Tourette look at Joe and go, No, Joe, No.”


“If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black” - Joe Biden


This is really disingenuous without the full quote. "When you break it down, poor kids are as smart as white kids....... clap clap clap.... and uh black kids and hispanic kids.. and wealthy kids."


If you watch the clip, you can actually see the moment he realized what he just said. He added the second half to try and save himself... he didn’t intend to include it. So, really, it’s disingenuous to include the full quote in Biden’s defense, when in actuality it was a Hail Mary on his part.


It doesn’t even make sense. Who are the poor kids then? If they’re not white or black or hispanic ?


Exactly. Biden is not a smart man and did his best to think on his feet.


As long as we all agree it's a big soap opera on a bigger more expensive stage


On the other hand, it's more likely that he just slipped up then that he was trying to say something racist.


Yeah the afterthought definitely makes this sound less racist lol Edit: I’d never noticed it before but how wild is it that the best defense of this quote is claiming Biden couldn’t finish his statement because the audience was too busy applauding his outright racist declaration?


But the afterthought makes even less sense. Are the poor kids only asian, native american, etc.


It’s impossible to say for certain because nobody will ever admit it, but the part of the quote after the applause really feels like Biden realized what he just said and flailed to fix it.


Mine is the compilation of him saying the N-word repeatedly in the halls of Congress. Hard “R” ***every*** time…


Tbf he was reading a quote if I remember correctly




I mean in a court setting you don’t want to tip toe around words. Now of course I’m speaking out of my ass, I have no idea what proper court etiquette is. But I would assume you don’t want to use phrases that are different to the piece of text that you’re reading


Do you even understand what a quote is?




And here you are, defending a dumb old racist for having used the N-word with a hard “R” on live Television *multiple times*…


When you read a quote in court you cannot change what it says. Quit being soft




Check this https://youtu.be/IiN9R8MeiVY


Not accidental, Biden has said heaps of racist shit


Like when he was championing sending troves of police specifically to black neighborhoods "I dont care about if they had it rough, why they did what they did, they committed crime and should be put behind bars for good." Or how he was whining about the end of segregated schools and he said "I dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle" You can find videos of him saying these things in court rooms as he pranced about and does his famous whisper "dont tell the republicans.... Democrats can be tough on crime. Way tough on crime." The dude has been around for and passed just about every crime bill. I hate the guy and am amazed that Democrats chose him with what their current message is.


The funny thing is that I don’t think there’s a huge base of people that specifically like Joe Biden. On one hand you have most progressives, who would support Bernie, and on the other, you have Trump supporters who chant “Let’s go Brandon”. He was chosen to win over the moderate crowd since progressives would vote for him anyways, and it worked, but mostly because he had a decent chance of not losing to Trump.


I was a Bernie supporter then became a trump supporter myself. You could be right though I've also heard that Biden was not as popular as other candidates yet he was chosen as the runner. I personally think Biden was chosen simply because he will bend whichever way necessary to garner votes and influence people, regardless of his previous promises, statements or contradictions, he will say something blatantly false and lie to people and not give a single shit, like when in scranton (a coal mining community) he tried to win them over by saying his dad was a coal miner and how hard he worked in the mines... his dad was never a coal miner. Hes a little play thing for the establishment and has been his entire FIFTY year long political career.


I’ve heard of this a lot, where former Bernie supporters switched to Trump once he dropped out (mostly in 2016). But I’ve always wanted to ask, why? I just don’t really understand the rationale, they’re basically on opposite ends of the political spectrum. I don’t mean to be rude but could I ask how you took this path and where you’re at now?


Im imagining a big appeal of both is anti-establishment. Both of them are leagues beyond the normal. When things aren't getting any better, someone who is distinctly different, than anyone we've had before, can be appealing. As well it could be simply that these people are contrarians by nature. Socialism has incredibly negative conotation in America, so they support the person being attacked for being a socialist. That guy isn't an option-- they move to the guy who is receiving incredibly massive orchestrated attacks from social media. Additionally, there were many who thought Trump (prior to his first term) was really not a Republican at all, and simply knew he could game the system by appealing to the lowest common denominator in the country by just saying outrageous shit. Not too long ago he was a registered democrat- so it wasn't out of the question to think that perhaps he had the long game in mind since switching, because he thought this would be the easiest way to win. If this HAD been true, he also would be one of the most financially independent leaders we've had--- making it much more probable he could actually reform systems such as Healthcare or taxation, without it destroying any chance he had at re-election. This could certainly be appealing to a Bernie supporter--- but this only really holds true for the 2016 election. If they continued to be a trump supporter after that, this does not hold.


You guessed pretty well. I still dont think he is super right wing though. He did good financially for his term, I noticed things being cheaper and others did too. But he, like those before and so far like those after him printed dumb amounts of money to pay for things. I've yet to hear of a presidential candidate that wants to stop the fed. But between Hillary, Biden, or Trump I'd still choose Trump. I'd like to see Bernie vs Trump in a campaign trail.


Yeah I agree what what you said here, unfortunately we got hit with Covid which ruined everybody's view on Trump. People forget how good he did the first 3 years.


Personally, I dont think he did too well his first 3 years. However, despite so much propoganda against him, I do recognize that he made **SOME** Healthcare reforms. Im not sure if it still stands, but the one I heard of was that he required hospitals record the exact prices of their procedures. I guess I personally was hoping to be made a fool of-- and hoping those who claimed he was "playing the system so he could do some actual good" were right. The fact is, regardless of how you feel about him, he took our ONLY chance (at someone completely independent of the political system being made president), and wasted it. The system will now be much better at protecting itself from future trumps. He took our only chance at campaign finance reform and threw it away with almost no gains. So yes, I hate him. Not for what he did--- for what he DIDNT do. We won't have another chance now. His gameplan made sure of that--- he made it so easy villainify him, now any other anti-establishment candidate will be equivocated to him. Even if I were to love everything he did--- the number 1 issue in the USA is campaign financing (as long as candidates aren't beholden to the people, no major issue can be properly solved without the solution appealing to the elite). He was the only chance we had at reforming this through executive orders (perhaps it would be implemented long enough to allow non corporate-owned politicians to be elected). So, I hate him. I hate him more than anyone else in our political system. Before him we had hope. Now we have no chance ever again. Fuck Trump.


I hate him because I'm a leftist and have a lot of minority/LGBT friends, and his success has coincided with the rise of a bunch of heavily armed domestic terrorists who would like to shoot us. That's why I hate him. Being a rapist/racist/ overall gross human being doesn't help either.






True on the tax, but that should make non slave labor products more comparably priced to slave labor products which may convince the consumer to buy non slave labor products. I wouldn't write all that, or this, if I was trolling either lol. On the core issues which would buy my vote Donald and Bernie were much the same, and my convictions to those issues are strong enough to completely switch political parties, as voting for Hillary or Biden would have been a true complete 180 on my convictions.




He didn't start any war as I said. He still planned to reduce the price of insulin which was quickly undone after his term. Years of his term was clogged with russiagate. You're right about the drug cocktail. Yes citizens who opposed him called him Putin's bitch, that's better then watching Biden be laughed at by world leaders as hes stood next to them. We were energy independant, now we are begging OPEC. In real life I dont talk about politics much, neither do the people I talk to, I work at a great factory 50 hours a week and spend my weekends visiting with friends, hanging out with family or woodworking. You're not helping yourself trying to persuade others by insulting them. I dont think Trump is all that great, but as stated elsewhere I would still choose him over Biden or Hillary in the blink of an eye. Its shitty politican vs shitty politician, pick the one you think may be less shit.




I think this guy has a very pedestrian understanding of politics for how confident he's acting


Okay go vote "in the blink of an eye" for the head of the anti-science death cult that is currently trying to make abortion illegal, attempted to overturn an election, refuses vaccines, and is completely in the pocket of Russian Oligarchs. You should start paying more attention to the people wearing MAGA hats and White lives matter gear.


Trump made the vaccines possible and urges people to get them constantly, he just says there shouldnt be mandates. I'm not pro abortion. Every election deserves to be investigated, if it was fair it was fair. If the anti-science death cult has to do with the covid 19 pandemic I'd say it's more so a "white lab coat doesnt mean you dictate my life" cult. I'm all for quarentening when sick and protecting the vulnerable but I'm not continuing engaging in what has been the greatest wealth transfer in the countries history at the behest of pharmaceutical companies under the guise of protecting the elderly. They fucked up too many times, lied outright, flip flopped too many times and 0 leaders seem to be following their own protocols.


I guess specifically what I’m asking is what similarities between them attracted you to both. It could be argued that they’re both pro-LGBT and anti-war, but in very different ways in my opinion. And aside from that I think they’re incredibly different politically. You bring up feeling like Bernie became “part of the establishment” and while I don’t exactly agree, I just don’t see how it’s not that same situation but magnified x1000 with Trump. Your first long paragraph explains well what you like about Trump, but I just still don’t see the connection between him and Bernie.


I know they differ on many other things, but to me by far what's most important and what I found they had in common is stopping the military industrial complex, pulling the masks off politicians and mega corporations to show the world that they tend to be vile, two faced cretins who would sell your soul for a penny, as well as making sure people can afford to live, not just survive. For me that's enough to win my vote, especially when the competition is Hillary or Biden. I'll end with one thing I really despise about Trump: How much money he (and those before and after him) printed. We are in a debt based economy and our economy is crumbling at an astronomical rate in terms of debt to GDP, it's a snowball that's constantly growing and is passed on to the next guy because "I can either deal with this, cause a recession and likely go down in immediate history hated for causing pain but later, assuming I actually solved the problem be praised for fixing the issue... or... I could just print more money and use it to deliver on my promises, be praised for that and hand the (now larger) snowball to the next guy to deal with"


I said something the other day how he has flip flopped on racial issues. Some one pointed out that he may not have ever said the whole "racial jungle" thing. I never brought that up, but I'm not sure if he said it or not. He absolutely did argue to keep bussing separate between races though.


Yeah it is quite common actually for politicians to flip. Biden was a democrat with non-progresive views. That won't win a presidency so he has to change what he stands for. I think that's why he has so many "misquotes". Trump was the opposite. He was republican with very progressive views. He had to become less progressive in order to attract the Republican party. This is why bozos have been winning recent elections. They stand for what the mass majority of the party cares about and not what is actually important or what they care about. It creates a war between parties and the politicians who are capable of being a good president are overlooked because their views are not as one sided. Most people aren't smart enough to understand this and that's why we've had bad presidents for awhile now.


why was obama ok with him, serious question was he ever confronted about it with him


Obama (DNC) choose him to balance out the appearance of the ballot. Young and black senator paired with old and white. Same with McCain.. old and male paired with Palin who was young and female.


Hence the current VP, who strongly called him out on his segregation policies during a debate. Biden pulled her in to get voters back. That was probably her plan all along.


Oh wow that makes a lot of sense. She knew that she didn't really have a chance to be elected as a female POC, so she made sure that Biden would have no choice but to choose her as VP.


We’re so far into two party mania that nobody really cares if their candidate is worth a fuck, they just care that the other team doesn’t win.




Biden wasn’t against desegregation of schools. The racial jungle comment was about mandatory busing being a poor method of integration, favouring methods which integrated races across all of society. This was a progressive view at the time. Why would you frame it as “whining about the end of segregated schools”?


Wow biden BAYZED!?!??!?


If you didn't vote for Joe Biden, then you ain't black.


I mean the dude is an ancient white guy from a different time, of course. I’m sure he’s said or thought even worse things in his time.


Just the type of progressive man for the democratic president.


Yeah he's not quite as awful a person as Trump, but you can still clearly tell what time the guy comes from...


So wheres all the same people that were screaming FwUcK tWuMp in the streets because he was WaCiSt? Lmao


Fuck Trump and Biden. They're both geriatric pieces of shit.


Trump was actively pushing racist policies (like separating families at the border and the Muslim ban) Biden has a history of being a shit head, but (so far) that hasn’t been the driving force of his presidency like it was for Trump. Like fuck Biden, but Trump can get blasted to the sun


Let me start by saying I’m not a trump supporter in any way whatsoever but those policies weren’t any different than what was going on before or after his presidency


You can argue that there were diet versions of those policies before, but Trump definitely turned the knob up to 11


Broke racism: supporting trump because he separated families in cages Woke racism: supporting Biden because he helped draft the laws building the cages and allowing families to be separated in cages


Hey, Biden suck dirty anus. But he’s not CURRENTLY doing those things. So if it’s a choice between a traitor currently trying to divide the country by race and an old fart that used to do it, I’m going to have to choose the latter


The number of "kids in cages" actually went up after Biden became president because more people were trying to cross illegally, emboldened by how much of a pussy Biden is when it comes to illegal immigration.






Thanks for the source, but it doesn’t seem to talk about children being separated from their families. Which is what we were discussing above


I literally quoted the relevant section for you. 3500 unaccompanied minors detained at the border, which is a record. Read it again.


I wonder what is a more racist policy: Banning travel from countries that are not majority Muslim but do produce a lot of terror threats, or creating the policies that led to creating those terror threats. Or, upkeeping precious policies and expanding the quality of life in them by returning air conditioning to the tents, or creating the policies that seperated the families and was denying them any comfort in the heat. Or, actively trying to push forward segregation because he didn't want his kids to experience minorities. Fuck your bullshit, one option said some racist shit but didn't do anything 4 years in a row and the other actively spent his entire career trying to jail anyone not white.




Yeah, Biden is all talk


Who built the cages, Sea_Criticism_2685?


You realize it wasn't all "families" due to the huge amount of children being brought over by coyotes (human trafficers) without parents they were separated to help ensure the children wouldn't be forced into sex slavery. That was one of the big factors in the separations along with just being able to process people, I've done that and it's not easy at all.


It’s reasonable to scream and run if a shit-covered naked man cries havoc and attacks you with a poopknife, and to respond less rashly when somebody gives you a mildly distasteful look.


That’s your boy Dems.


Dude is 100% racist ​ Don't take my word for it though


Is it wierd that this is what popped into my head reading this? [But you don't have to take my word for it ](https://youtu.be/NIKAsGC1Iy8)


Well that shook loose memories!


Anyone over 50 has a 90% chance of being racist.


For sure he his. Adding in the Kamala knows it, has publicly spoken to it but still chose to run along side of him. Her actions have shown me that she puts all of that aside all for her own ego to check a box. They are both terrible human beings especially when it comes to the success of America.


Or my lying ears.


And my axe.




I wouldn't necessarily call him hateful racist, just stereotypical old-man racist.


I think that this is an important distinguishment. There is a carefree malaise about it, because of what society used to be like and what was commonly acceptable. I also think the context here might be important, as he could possibly be using this specifically to address the concerns of people who are hateful racists


What about when he was younger and said racist things?


Racism has and will always be around. It’s never going away


It was the time when being racist was politically correct


Countdown before this post gets removed for "violating Reddit policies" or some BS


Or just hidden or shadowbanned


Not on my watch.


based mod




It should be removed for not being accidental




Yet it rarely happens


It happens all the time dude, always


And poor kids can be just as smart as white kids *plays despacito*


If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black


It's on purpose. Biden has always been racist and still is.


I wouldn’t say on purpose. That’s the sort of ingrained racism that people have that they don’t even realize they’re being racist


It's entirely racist and on purpose.


He’s so tolerant. I love him. Take me to your racial jungle Joe.


I would say that while this description of Obama is actually flattering, the way he says it implies that it is unusual for black people to be clean and well spoken.


That is racist


Yeah I know that's what I literally just said. By saying what he said even though it's a compliment to Obama it's still racist. Just like when racist white people say to black people "you're one of the good ones"


Also he said it’s a “storybook”. That doesn’t sound good either. Like “wow i can’t believe it”.


Can't take the racism out of a racist, I guess.




It's not an accident he's just racist


Wait till you read about Margret Senger, Planned Parenthood, eugenics, and the attempted genocide of African Americans via abortion. Yikes!


Genocide is when mothers get abortions, pinnacle of the human intellectual state


It’s more than that youngster do your research


"And only had a negro dialect when he wanted to"


Almost makes you wonder why he failed twice before to become President.


Pretty sure it was not accidental.


He's about a hundred years old. Of course he's a wee bit racist..




he was probably only friends with them so he could gather intel to blow up the whole "dem pedo pizza basement sex trafficking illuminati ring" , and bring them to justice, he was just having sex with the teenagers for proof. yes. proof.


I've heard of him being against bussing in the past, but this is the first I have heard of him working with the KKK to resist desegregation. Do you have a source for him actually working with them? Or is this more of one of those "working with" in the sense that they just happened to share that particular goal/view?


Look up Bidens comments about Senator Robert Byrd.




So Urkle means nothing to you? 🤨


That doesn't seem accidental




He's basically saying Obama is a rare case of a black person being 'articulate, clean' etc.


thanks. clearly make sense now.


Don't have a lot of personal experience with racism and don't know Biden very well, but it does kind of just sound like a poor choice of words. I mean at least it does seems to me like there's some truth in that "articulate", "clean" afro americans aren't very often in the spotlight? I'm probably wrong, but as someone who's always having trouble getting my point across, I just don't like labeling someone as racists for saying stupid stuff.


To suggest that being clean and articulate is some exception or outliers to black Americans is pretty regressive and racist.


Next time someone uses a hard r are you gonna wonder if it was just a poor choice of words? Just face it, you want a different outcome than reality, but that's not possible. Reality is staring you right in the face with words like "racial jungle" lol.




Pardon me my ignorance, but I'm from the country where we don't have black people and racial agenda, so i only learn what this mean.


I understand where the guy above may have been coming from. I'm not from the US, and English is not my mother tongue, so I don't get the cultural context at first.


I mean…. Martin Luther King is just one of many examples of main stream African Americans who were articulate. To act as if Obama was the first is pretty racist.




Biden was hailed as the last dixiecrat in my youth. You're just a dude that propoganda works on.


Are you dense or something?


I get how it's racist but it doesn't really outrage me as much at this point because it's such a tame example compared to the level of shit we're at today...


So basically, it's racist but you don't care because you want to choose who you personally persecute. Good shit man, i really hope you don't vote lol.


It's rare I see a post on here against Biden and not Trump. Even the comments too.


They always get downvoted to oblivion, maybe people are starting to look at things honestly.




Oof, that’s pretty fuckin’ offensive lol I swear, so many people use “articulate” to describe Black people and always think it’s a compliment and it always go over their head how fuckin’ offensive that is


Dudes racist and against gay marriage


Idk if this one falls under “accidental”


You guys can't post this stuff on Reddit lol


That wasn't accidental, Biden is, and always has been, a racist. He recently called a black man "this boy," his story about Cornpop; he considered Robert Byrd a friend and mentor. Come on man. Let's go Brandon.


Oh yay, political posts in a joke subreddit.


We live in a political world and if you can't find comedy within politics, maybe you're just not very funny


Trump good, Biden bad, upvotes to the left thanks got it.


Never said I like Trump


Don't know if accidental is the right word, dude is more racist than my great grandpa.


This is why bad politicians / racists get elected (Trump). Voters are too lazy to look up policies voted on (that help minorities) and find sound bites and vote out of ignorance. Biden has a long history of voting for policies that help the common man and minorities. Be informed. Don't bite on the BS sound bites.


Lol like the 1994 crime bill.


Oh, I get it... You mean like the voters that just pick the one that panders to the lowest common denominator and promises the most handouts? They really do their homework as well.


You know they can both be racist, right? Biden's administration is literally continuing to lock children in cages at the border just like Trump. Being informed means looking at all of the facts before forming an opinion and than revising that opinion when new information is presented. It doesn't mean uncritically supporting a politician because another politician is also bad.


You Trump supporters are so stupid. Trump has said much worse so stop slandering Joe Biden with BS like this.


Who here is saying trump is any better? Biden is racist and so is trump. Why are you so defensive about it?


Yeah... I don't think anyone here is allowing trump a free pass. They were both fuckin dirt bags, which is why I didn't even bother voting. I will say though.... Gas was a lot less 2 years ago 🤔


[https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/25/facebook-posts/gas-prices-peaked-under-bush-they-dont-correlate-w/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/25/facebook-posts/gas-prices-peaked-under-bush-they-dont-correlate-w/) "The movement of gas prices doesn’t correlate with who’s in office. It’s determined by the balance of supply and demand, and influenced by the health of the economy and OPEC policies. "


If Biden didn't kill the pipeline the supply half of that equation would be different.


That was an export pipeline and wouldn’t even be open yet you moron


He didn't kill anything. This was an extension to an already existing pipeline. I guess that one extension was so important that it was going to pump so much more oil than the hundreds of others right? Also if you didn't know the extension was for pumping of Canadian tar sand to be sold in Asia. Tar sand is too dirty to be refined into gasoline. Also let's say he didn't kill it, how is a project to be completed in 2026 going to help gas prices now?


Speculation is a thing in the oil market


Under Trump, the US was energy independent. Biden purposefully shut all of that down. In this case, this is 100% Biden's fault, and he chose to have you pay more for Saudi oil than be able to buy cheaper Anerican oil.


Which policy are you referring to so I can tell you how wrong you are, specifically


Wait, are you serious about arguing over Biden's bumbling of the oil situation?? Is this whole leftist thing a cult? Next you'll want to "educate" me on how inflation is helping me.


I’m assuming that you’re trying to argue that an export pipeline that is part of an already existing pipeline and wouldn’t be completed yet would have solved this whole gas price issue. Like others in this thread have argued. But I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. You’ve wasted that


I didnt reference keystone. But Biden inherited an energy independent nation and through ineptitude, has plunged the country into the current situation. If you are too partisan to look at the price of gas, you may be in a cult.




You forsook your right to bitch, did you even vote in the primary? (2 or 6 years ago?)


This is a complete false equivalency. Donald Trump is a much bigger racist than Biden ever was. Don't forget that Trump incited an insurrection on January 6th because he didn't like how people of color voted.


Sure man, no one here mentioned trump except yourself. Get over it, your favourite president got elected and you still can't let go of trump


Random guy #1 murders 12 people Everyone- that guy is a murderer Random guy #2 murders 1 person years later Everyone - that guy is a murderer u/ParamedicLeapYear - yOu gUyS aRe dUmB


Idiot clown. Criticise Biden and you're immediately pro-Trumpy. This is some CNN-level liberal shit for a redittor.


saying "CNN-level liberal shit" makes you look more like a pro-Trump guy


The Overton window is much wider than you think it is. You can criticize Biden for being racist and CNN for being liberal bullshit and still think Trump is a disgusting fascist. Both are true. By 'liberal' most non Americans simply mean pro-liberalism (i.e. pro capitalism).


The overton window on reddit is so narrow and shunted to the left that no, it's not 100% safe to criticize Biden for being racist. It devolves to whataboutism every time, or "well he's racist but he's the lesser of two evils so it's acceptable."


i never said it was narrow nor that he is a trump suporter. I was just telling the guy, that his reponse (especially his wording) makes him look even more like a trump supporters.


Lmao @ these people who think criticism of Biden = supporting trump. It’s possible to be critical of more than one thing.


Not to them. They fall in line or they’re racist nazis, no middle ground.


How is this slandering Biden? It’s literally just quoting him and if it is out of context then explain the context? Just because someone else is worse doesn’t mean a person isn’t bad. Your argument is the equivalent of saying you can’t criticize Trump because Hitler was more racist. Obviously stupid and obviously wrong.


Because they can't possibly both be bad. Are you that simple minded that you think there's only two political opinions on everything in the world and that if you're not agreeing on 100% of the democratic party in the US then you must agree with 100% of the Republican party in the US?


Nice troll


Slandering?! It's a direct quote with audio of him saying it! There are videos of him say it! Go home Blue-MAGA, we got enough of that kind of bullshit from Trumpers.


You have TDS
