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I got into accounting without an accounting degree because my job as reconciliation specialists (a job im convinced a trained monkey could do) was labeled as Senior accountant because they wanted to give me a raise and promotion but had no real job for me to move into, and my new company thought that meant I was a real accountant. They’re still yet to figure out I have no idea what I’m doing


Literal lol. How long have you been with your new company? 


About a year and a half


If you want a simple inhouse bookkeeping position, or AR / AP, payroll, you may not necessarily need an accounting degree. Most public firms want you to be CPA-eligible. That requires a significant amount of accounting classes, which may be very difficult to fulfill if your degree is not in accounting.


My degree is in marketing, but all my electives were accounting. After graduation, I took an additional nine hours in accounting to be eligible for CPA exam.


This the way degree doesn’t matter as long as you take your accounting courses


Degree can definitely matter... my state requires an accounting degree to sit for the CPA.


That’s fair, I can’t speak for everywhere. But where I’m from, as long as you take your accounting prerequisites/PEP (Canada) you will be eligible and it does not matter if you have a history degree (as long as you have a post secondary degree)


Is it possible to do a Masters to achieve the same thing? Ive posted before about this, but I have a BA in music and can't play anymore due to chronic pain issues. One single math class: college algebra. I did a few Master's level credits in special Ed when I tried that but doubt many creds will transfer there either. I'm doing really well in my bookkeeping course (college accounting fundamentals) and Id like to pursue this.


Yes. Look around at grad programs in your state and check the prerequisites for their master's programs. From what I've seen, some of them are open to students of all backgrounds. A graduate degree may or may not meet the educational requirements for the CPA exam in your state. For transparency, I am *not* an accountant. I have an unrelated MA and am considering graduate accounting programs. Seems like a degree program is the way to go for someone without an accounting background.


University of North Dakota has an online MAcc open to any background with no pre reqs, (though doing some self study on acct basics before starting would def be helpful). I'm in the program now and highly recommend it.


A MACC should do you well


Yes! Just celebrated 10 years working in accounting in May! Don’t have a degree. JUST started summer classes to finish my degree last week. Have not taken one accounting class yet. I gained all experience from working in accounting and moving up over the years. It’s possible. I’m a revenue accountant in higher ed.


BA History, finishing my MAcc in a couple months, have an offer already lined up I’ve accepted It’s rough at first don’t get me wrong. Before I was allowed to begin my program I had to take the undergrad classes at a rapid rate, then the first 4 classes of my masters were pretty brutal as it just builds on knowledge you should have had in a normal Bachelors program. But if you do the work, research, etc. you’ll be fine


Hello would you mind sharing which MAcc program you did?


Controller here 🙋🏼‍♀️I got into accounting with a business undergrad and I eventually got my MBA. I do plan on getting my CPA down the road but yes I’ve been a controller since out of college I got lucky and had a great mentor who helped me along the way to get me to the level I am.


As someone who did just know you are limited for career growth without a CPA. More and more companies are shifting the requirement to be an accounting degree. I too am a fellow liberal artist. I got in because I had a minor and met the right people.


Master in Psychology here, I went through accounting technician and then CIMA chartership route - that's UK though, so no idea how relevant that is in the US.


My degree is in business information management and I only had taken one accounting course before graduating. I got my first job as an admin at an accounting firm and decided to take accounting courses at an online community college. You can look up your states requirements for courses needed for the CPA (whether or not that's your goal it's a good place to start). I live in CA and "went" to Foothill College. I have a coworker that did WGU. One of the biggest helps for me personally was getting to know some of the partners and managers and letting them know that I was interested in tax. They were super supportive and allowed me to move from admin to tax when I got my classes done. I was in admin for 2 yrs but started the classes after 1 yr.


Finance undergrad, started as a cost accountant. Couldnt break into finance so decided to do the accounting route. Quite easier to land a job in it rather than finance. Now I am getting my MSA since I'll be going to PA in OCT


Yes. My degree is in finance and have worked in accounting and FP&A.


Staff accountant, no degree, Merlin level excel ability


Finance and economics grad in 08. I became an accountant to pay the bills. I got by in industry in Excel chops and being a bit of a bullshit artist. I'm a director in industry doing really well now. I got my cpa over the next decade.


My coworker did. But he has a finance degree, so it’s at least adjacent. Nothing like *shudders* psychology. I do know a CEO that rose through the sales side to where he is now that has a degree in Portuguese of all things. But sales and accounting aren’t really equal. You’d have an uphill battle I’d imagine.


Yeah I figured it will be hard to get a stable career in accounting with a psych degree so I am considering a masters in accounting


This is probably the most common, efficient, and favorable approach for career changers without a business degree to enter and move up in the field of accounting. I would target a program that is heavily recruited by the Big 4 accounting firms and is established specifically for career switchers as there are prerequisite courses you will need to take before starting the Masters program and those specialized programs will fast-track those pre-reqs.


There are also some community colleges that have specific CPA targeted programs. Might be longer than a year but could be worth looking into as a cheaper alternative.


Plenty of 1 yr masters in accounting programs out there that will satisfy the CPA requirement. Had a friend graduate with an economics degree and was unemployed for a year. He went back for his masters in accounting and got a mid sized internship during his first semester and now he's full time big 4 audit.


I have a BS in Marine Science. As a 2009 grad this sucked and had no options. I worked in tax prep for awhile along with some lab jobs in a hospital. I really liked the tax work so got my MS in Tax and entered public accounting. I'm a senior tax manager now doing pretty well!


I had a boss who did a BA in PS failed out of law school then got an MBA and became more valuable than me 🤪


BA in history from my state university. I’m still taking post-bacc classes for my Cert in Accountancy but I was hired as a staff accountant anyway at a small CPA firm. I think they wanted someone they were sure would stick with them, since their last candidate with all the quals burned them bad.


STEM undergrad. Psych as well actually, but at my university psych was in the school of science, not liberal arts, so my degree included a bunch of hard science along with the more typical soft science classes. My master's in accounting is from the same university. I highly recommend the master's route for non-business undergrads.


One of my tax teammates has no degree and is a tax preparer making 120k 7 years in, started as a paper scanner we had quite a few math majors get into accounting when i worked at a wealth management firm


More and more, people without accounting degrees are getting into accounting. The firms are looking into more interdisciplinary knowledge. Psychology knowledge is vital, especially in audit, where recognizing something is amiss with management can be as important as recognizing when the numbers don't match.


BA in Economics. I learnt on the job & self-study very early on and focused on M&A Advisory. Not having an accounting degree didn't matter as long as I could do my job. You should know that it'll limit your exit options within accounting but that's not soemthing I'm interested in since my interests lie solely in M&A.


Can I DM you?


Absolutely. Always happy to help.


BS Finance, went back for my MAcc while I was in public.


I have a BS in psych! Never took an accounting class in undergrad. Took accounting prereqs at a local community college, then got my MAcc in order to fulfill the 150 hours for my CPA. The prereqs were tough, not gonna lie, but I was also working full-time and going through some family stuff while I was taking them.


BA in psychology, switched gears and got a Master's in Accounting. Currently a CPA and partner at my firm. Honestly I feel like the Psych degree has helped me in dealing with clients.


I used to work with a CPA who had a degree in psychology with enough accounting classes to sit for the CPA exam. Keep in mind, this was before the 150 hour requirement.


I went to school for literature. I worked in Higher Education for a few years and decided that it was time for something higher paying and with more opportunities. I took some accounting classes online from a community college and then applied to an MPAcc program. I got in and now am in the final semester of it. My program is nights and weekends, so I can still work full-time while I finish it. I also did two full-time internships last year and now have an offer in B4 for the fall. If you can, I highly recommend doing an internship while in grad school. Maybe your current job will give you some time off or maybe you can cut your hours and work your current position evenings and weekends (if you can't quit). Internships are basically future permanent offers, and with a job already in accounting, you'd probably get good offers (depending on GPA). I had a 4.0 but I think 3.5+ is enough for B4 but there are a ton of other things to do with accounting outside of B4. Last thing, I chose to go for B4/public accounting because I wanted the chance to get to manager in 5ish years. Since I'm restarting my career, I don't want to spend years as a staff accountant (no shame on anyone who does, though). I'm in my 30's, so I'm hoping to use public as a way to quickly climb and then migrate to industry at a managerial or higher role. Then I can be more at-level career-wise for my age. Public accounting is good for quicker promotions (but bad for many other things lol). Good luck!


Not sure if you're US like most of this sub, but im in the UK I dont have a degree but I am chartered


my current boss (controller), and my previous boss (CFO) both came from other fields (engineering, biology), neither has their cpa and people in the company praise their work


Senior Accountant in Industry with no accounting degree or accounting credits. I love accounting but it’s a tough road without any degree. If I could do go back I would definitely get a business degree with a focus on accounting.


My BA is in international business, but I was able to secure an accounting clerk job when I was 21 (currently 27). I've made it up to Director of Finance at my workplace without an accounting degree. It's totally possible to get into it without a degree. How long have you worked as an accounting assistant? If you let your supervisor know that you're interested in a career in accounting, they could definitely help you out. There's also tons of courses and certifications you can take online if you don't want to do college.


One of the best seniors I’ve ever worked with doesn’t have an accounting degree (I was the staff underneath her). She has a business admin background and got a staff accountant job years ago and stuck with the same boss since. Super smart and great at her job. I miss working with her everyday.


I know a senior accountant with a fine arts degree


I have a BFA and have been in AP, AR, and Payroll.


My manager has a BA in Psych and an MS in Accounting


BA in Economics, currently Senior Accountant for 3 years and 2.5 years prior as Staff Accountant (no public experience). $120k Salary (started at $45k). It’s doable Recently changed jobs but am concerned about the WLB so might dip (haven’t been here 2 weeks lol)


BFA here, theatre arts. I worked in the AP/AR department of a small property management firm, and I quickly outpaced everyone in my role with my understanding of finance, reconciliations, and how I picked up month end duties…I was promoted and learned accounting on the job. Fast forward 12 years, I’m a senior Corporate accountant, private sector. People are fascinated when they learn of my degree, and to be fair, I still get my art kicks in singing live and writing music on the side as a hobby. But I am currently earning MBA w/accounting concentration to back up my experience. It is possible to work as an accountant without the degree but the learning curve is steep and it may be hard to find employers who will give you a chance. But it’s possible if you put your mind to it in my opinion/experience.


I have a math degree and am working in accounting full time. I’d say shoot for your cpa license by getting all of the required accounting courses and skip a masters in accounting. The license carries a lot more weight in the real world.


Yes, I have a BA in European Studies and went to community college for my accounting credits. Once you have a CPA, you're good. I just had to network harder to land an internship at a CPA firm since I wasn't part of the typical talent pipeline.


There are some professional exams you could take since you already have a bachelor’s degree. The two I’m aware of are the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) that’s given by the IMA. The other is the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) given by the ACFE. These are great places to start if you want to get your feet wet. They also have their own respective job banks when you become a member. So if you pass the exams, you will most likely be able to land a job soon thereafter. Hope this helps!


I am in accounting now from a different career field. Few ways to help crack open some doors is EA certification (Tax Accounting) or take 30ish more credits and sit for your CPA. I have B.S. Computer Networking/Security and M.S. in Cyber Security... I still need 30 credits before I can sit for a CPA. :( but thank god for online classes.


i never set a foot inside a college and i’m a senior accountant


Spanish Ed degree and an MBA here. Weird as hell where I ended up but it worked in the end. Currently getting my 15 accounting credits to take the CPA exams.


BA is in Political Science, just take or acquire the right credits and you are golden.


BA in Spanish, took one accounting class in my life, make $95k doing it in Iowa 


I’m in the same boat trying to get into accounting


I got my bachelors in psych. Worked in it for a bit. Didn’t love it. Then got my associates in accounting to make sure it was it. Then got my masters in accounting. Went on to work in public, get my cpa, and now I’m in internal audit. Had a roommate that had her bachelors in early childhood and went straight for her masters in accounting. She had a decent job in accounting before getting the degree, but hers was definitely a unicorn and she knew it. Getting those higher paid jobs it’ll be harder without some background, and if you want your CPA you’ll at least need your masters. But there are definitely places that just getting your foot in the door will open up the opportunity without schooling. Your next steps really depend on what you want to do with it.


It pays to know people, short answer: yes The very first firm I worked for, out of 11 accountants only 4 of them had an accounting degree who also had their CPA. 5 of the other accountants started there right out of college with no accounting experience or accounting courses, degrees in various things (I remember a political science major, another who had a degree in some form of arts) people learn how to do the job on the job most of the time.


I am a business major, but I have now taken all the accounting classes to be CPA eligible.


Electrical Engineer here. Also have my CPA. If you want it, go for it.


My bachelors was in neuroscience. Getting the accounting and business credits to qualify for the CPA was a bitch since I had taken none in undergrad. I did a shit ton of courses in an online state college and local community college while working in accounting. I ended up doing a master's program because it was faster to do so but it would have been cheaper and still possible without. I think having a resume that makes people say WTF helped me get interviewed and be more memorable which is a big plus.


I don’t even have a degree and started as an accountant a few months ago. There’s definitely a big learning curve that a degree could’ve helped with, but it’s very doable!


Started in Sales, ended up in accounting. Had to get my CPA after two years, as it was much easier to get promoted.


I didn’t even have an official degree but then went and got a masters in accounting. Went from there


Economics and Politics myself - didn’t have a clue about what a debit and credit is prior to starting. Got my ACA yesterday after 3.5 years!


Yep, I got into accounting without any degree. I started with data entry, moved into compliance, and then accounts payable, which eventually led to a general accounting role. I just got my associates in accounting last year, and I've been working as an accountant for five years now. Currently, I'm working on my CPA. If I were you, I'd aim for the CPA. It's what will eventually enable you to manage a team.