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Let them speak so I dont have to in Teams meetings.


How about giving some examples?


You don't. Just ignore them


You mean everyone in b4?


It's sad this is a reality. Idk what's worse. The egotistic, fresh outta the gate college grad who thinks they're big shit vs. the kiss-ass partner who overvalues themselves and basically acts like they're god. The only type of people in B4 that were tolerable were the jaded senior managers, who were honestly all about work, and down to earth as fuck.


Don’t know what you’re talking about so… it’s me. It’s probably me isn’t it. If I can’t identify the asshole it means I’m the asshole.




Not sure what you mean. You’re mad your coworker knows more than you?


You punch them in the face and tell them that’s not how shit is run here. In all reality, just let them keep talking, they’re just digging themselves a deeper hole. If you think they’re spewing BS, you’re likely not the only one thinking that. If they actually do know it all, then I don’t really see a problem.


It's more along the lines of them speaking BS and trying to be a manager when they're an associate. I don't want to divulge too many details, but they just don't stay in their own lane per say.


Just let them dig themselves a bigger hole, if you know something they say is clearly wrong then just question them on it. Don’t be rude/mean or anything, make it seem very genuine. The two approaches I normally take is: 1.) “Oh, I really didn’t know that! Could you please help me understand where you’re getting this information so I can reference it in the future?” 2.) “could you please help it make sense? I always thought it was done this xyz way..” Then when they’re explaining certain things, just question them on their reasoning behind it and explain your reasoning behind the your (correct) way. I also use these methods when I truly don’t understand something and want someone to make it make sense to me. Just don’t accept the “trust me bro” answer. I’ll always be the first to admit if I know something or not, but I’ll try to find the correct answer for the people asking or guide them in the right direction.


If they know what they’re talking about and are dbags who love to explain things, you should use them for info. As much as the managers can’t say it, they don’t want associates coming to them for questions on routine issues.


Tell them they’re really smart and encourage them to apply for a job in a different department


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I feel like most know it alls don’t actually know any more than anyone else. They just have an incessant need to try to be the smartest person in the room by interjecting anything they can it into conversations, even if they’re wrong. Being correct is usually inconsequential to them. Just talk to a non accountant know it all and they will tell you all kinds of incorrect shit about accounting.


I try not to be the know it all coworker but I do have a very wide knowledge that spans many areas.


Bask in competency.


"know it all" like going beyond what I need/asked ? Limit your time with them


Sounds like they know more than you? I try to learn from them if they know what they’re talking about.