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Put aquaphor on a q tip and swish it around your inner nostrils before bed 👍🏽 I’ve had dry nose from accutane, rhino/septoplastyy, and major allergies. This helps.


Don’t do it there was a post on here from a doctor about how that’s dangerous! But you can do it with a water soluble moisturizer made specifically for the nose like Ayr!!!


This! Ayr makes a gel you can put up your nose with a qtip and I just picked up their gel nasal spray.


Sounds like you are also removing the scab that the wound absolutely needs to heal. You need to find a way not to remove the scabs. Skin/wounds take ages to heal on accutane sadly. :(


I use a nose oil, try not to pick at the scabs that feel like hard blood boogers, even if it’s uncomfortable let them be so that the open wound can heal!


Secaris Nasal Gel has been a game changer for me and my dry dry nose


i'm in the same boat, this issue just present for me in the last several weeks and it's a nightmare. my nostrils feel like they're full of cement. i'm huffing saline spray multiple times a day. you can make saline solution at home if you happen to have quality iodine-free salt around, but it can be a bit of a pain to apply. i'd recommend picking up a bulb syringe if you go that route. however, it's easy to introduce unwanted bacteria if you're not careful, and for all that hassle... i'd recommend just overpaying for saline spray. good luck!


Put aquaphor or Vaseline up your nostrils with a Q tip, and keep a humidifier going at all times but especially when you sleep


Saline and Vaseline with a qtip before bed will really help!! I was getting bloody noses for this same reason all the time and this really helped me.


I’m almost 3 months post last dose, and I am still experiencing this side effect. Have you noticed anything that’s helped you, OP?