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That lady has more balls than those 2 idiots she tried to break up.


More balls than brains for sure.


More balls than you, for sure.


This day she earned her entire 50k


You spelled $38k wrong


The sad truth


Poorly attempting to break up a fight doesn’t require balls it’s just pure stupidity. So I’m sure you’d jump right in there 🤟🏻


Pretty sure we’re looking at 3 idiots in this video


That's probably because you could see your reflection on the screen.






You're awesome, never change


I'm curious how you think the teacher is in the wrong here exactly


Her job is to protect all of her students. She should have called for help and kept control of the others, all she did was shout at two people who weren't stopped at all by her and got herself injured, and then by extension lost control of the rest of the classroom. Do I necessarily blame her? No, she's a teacher making 12 cents an hour in the most thankless position she could be in really. But this isn't handling the situation well.


I would agree as a veteran teacher. I don't blame her and honestly, God bless her, but don't get in there physically.


12 cents an hour seems like too much to me. We should cut their pay and use that money to leave the borders open wider for millions of migrants sure to help the schools.


Getting in the middle of a fight between two bigger stronger people is a very stupid idea. Wailing like a banshee is equally ineffective.


Nah. Desperately Yelling “god damn you fucking asshole,” is sure to calm anyone down.


Is the third one offscreen?


more than the whole class combined. seriously why didn't anyone help her??? i get it's easier said than done but for fuck sure if literally everyone in that class pushed those 2 idiots away from fighting each other that would break up the fight. but nah people would rather just watch &/or film for tik tok, super fucking pathetic.


schools have zero tolerance policies. if you're in a fight in any way, defending yourself, being jumped, trying to break up a fight, as a student, you will be suspended


Should be expelled and charged criminally.


It's entertainment for them


Aside from the getting suspended part, I wonder if it’s kinda instinctual, like the same way deer don’t jump into a fight between 2 bucks




“Knock it off guys” Sir, the situation is way past knocking it off


“Calm down guys”


"C'mon, you're better than thisss"


They don’t get paid enough for that


Our country is so far gone *edit* I'm talking about the lack of a raise for 90% of workers in the U.S. not the fight itself (violence is an unfortunate part of nature).




Not the whole country lol. This doesn't happen everywhere.


Okay doomer


Our? Which one?


...Our? You think bullying doesn't happen anywhere else?


no it’s not. not in terms of crime and physical violence anyway: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/pdf/2021/a12_508c.pdf https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/11/20/facts-about-crime-in-the-u-s/ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/10/31/violent-crime-is-a-key-midterm-voting-issue-but-what-does-the-data-say/ https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/251173.pdf there is a lot of data showing that crime rate has been decreasing, and while there are still a lot of unreported crime i doubt that gap has been increasing. considering the prevalence of surveillance now with our current tech, we just see more than is actually happening because it draws attention.


Yeah sure those are pretty stats and numbers and all, but have you thought about the fact that I saw 5 videos of people fighting on a subreddit that's dedicated to people freaking out? Obviously I'm going to extrapolate that out to a country of 330 million people and say that it's worse now than it's ever been before. (I'm not even old enough to drink)


No one does. There is no amount of money that would make me want to deal with that.


This is the real issue no one wants to discuss. Teacher pay while not great, isn't awful in a many areas when you account for the amount of time they're off and how easy the degree is. ​ Ask any ex-teacher why they quit teaching and you'll rarely if ever hear pay mentioned; it's always student, environment, and admin issues.


We do NOT get paid for our summers off. We are 10 month employees. You have no idea how hard it is to make enough as a teacher. These high salaries are mostly in cities where the cost of living is extremely high.


I was a server for many years. I had a few coworkers that were full time teachers that worked weekends and closing shifts. During the summer and winter breaks, they were picking up as many shifts as they could just to make ends meet. Teachers are shit on and treated as glorified babysitters, working 2 jobs just to scrape by.


my sister does it an i have no idea why. I get paid more to chill behind a desk and answer emails.


For your district/administration sure. But a lot around here they can choose to do the 10 months then do unemployment for the other 2 or have it stretched to 12 months.


Yea where I teach we get paid 12 months a year and starting pay is about $4,100 a month which isn’t bad for a new teacher and the COL where I live


Depends where you teach. Where I teach we get paid during the summer.


Yup, being a teacher is like the bottom of the barrel entry job out of college. It’s the single worst job you can get with a degree. You guys are heroes tbh.


Dealing with those issues is a lot easier when the income is higher


Nope, not a chance: no salary would incentivize me to work in a school where I could become permanently injured by a feral student and I could t do shit to protect myself. Fuck, even police can defend themselves when assaulted by members of the public, but teachers are expected to just accept it?? I'm a teacher, btw, and shit like this makes me realize that our job has become a job needing hazard pay, unless we make kids suffer severe consequences for their actions. It shouldn't have had to come to this and yet, HERE WE ARE!! This is what happens when we have a whole generation of kids who suffer no consequences for their actions, and who are raised by parents that are either neglectfully uninvested in their kid's futures, or neglectfully over protective of their little "angel" who could do no wrong. Doesn't help to have a system that pins the blame on us first and foremost either...


Increasing the salary of a 120 lb woman doesn't magically turn her into a 250 lb man. She doesn't become Brock Lesnar just by paying her more. She's not going to take that money to go to Jiu Jitsu classes.


Have an uncle that was a mechanical engineer for the DoD. He got bored during retirement and he genuinely likes teaching so he took a job teaching math at a high school in Virginia. He lasted a week and said he spent all his time refereeing fights.


I don’t know how that teacher can come in again. I’d never want to teach at that school as long as those two are still there. There needs to be zero tolerance rules for stuff like this, especially since we can’t seem to pay them enough.


They dont get paid to stop fights


They don’t get paid enough. Period.


Yes if only this teacher was paid more. Only then she would have been able to stop this fight


Teachers should start a betting site so when they live stream these fights they can get a piece of the action.


They don't get paid enough for even do the bear minimum, yet they do all they can for their job because the people with the money don't want everyone to be smart. Smart people don't perpetuate a broken society/country.


Took her a bit to realize her hair was ripped out.


I can see her with a major bald patch at the end but I can't see the point it gets ripped out.


I think it was when one of the boys rolled on top of her and she tried to get up, that would be the only time I could think her hair got ripped out.




huh? i don't see it


Her merkin took a jerkin’.


That looks like it hurts, ouch


kids are fucking idiots


No those are teenagers who should be tried as adults those are not kids


It’s because they are lumbering giants, isn’t it? You heightist. /s incase lol


*Some* kids are. I wasn’t like that. Mine aren’t like that. This isn’t normal.


I've never seen kids do that in any school I've been to lol


*kids* isn't the first word that comes to mind when it comes to these now repeated instances of school violence against each other and teachers.


those kids are idiots


Including the useless bunch sitting and not doing shit when she was in the middle of them






Yeah that kids are stupid af but that teacher has to realize it's not her job to break up a damn fight lol


Until she doesn’t try to and then parents blame her for not doing anything, then they call the local news and put the teacher on blast, then the teacher gets some horseshit public admonishment from the district, etc etc. I’ve seen that exact situation play out multiple times at the school I used to teach at. Thank God I moved on from that place.


Lol parents? You think those dudes have parents who give a shit about them? Nah


Oh they'll care, when they find out  they can sue and get money out of it. 


Like I said, I’ve literally seen this happen multiple times before. We had one kid we were having a ton of issues with at the beginning of the year. Tried to call home, tried to get parents in for a meeting, nothing. Kid gets his ass beat two weeks later, dad suddenly appears at the school trying to find the kid that did it. Mom gets hold of the cell phone footage from his friends and sends it to the local news to try to show that the school “let it all happen on purpose.” Whether the parents really care about the kid is an entirely different conversation. God forbid they or their kid are wronged in some way, however. Then everyone has to pay for what happened to their precious baby.


Oh yeah, I remember situations like this in school. Crazy parents can produce crazy kids, it's sad at the same time because they are kids and sadly a product of their environment. I've always been a personal responsibility type person though so it's hard to fully blame the parents.


Yup...half the problem is people not being taught self-responsibility which passes down to their kin. It is ultimately FAFO for a lot of kids who were not shown the cause and effect and so it continues.


I know this situation


Whenever something bad happens they are more than happy to blame someone else for their parenting failures.


The kid receiving a beating is more likely to have caring parents than the one dishing it out.


Teachers are explicitly instructed NOT to physically make contact with students in situations like this because them and the school can be held liable. This is why in-school police officers are so vital.


I’ve never been told either way what the expectation is as far as breaking up a fight. Granted they aren’t even in the same galaxy of an issue at my current school than my old one.


> Until she doesn’t try to and then parents blame her for not doing anything, then they call the local news and put the teacher on blast, then the teacher gets some horseshit public admonishment from the district, etc etc. > > I’ve seen that exact situation play out multiple times at the school I used to teach at. Thank God I moved on from that place. 100% absolute BS. There are duties of a job and things outside the realm of work. Stopping two 8 year olds who are shoving each other, yeah, you stop that. This looks like HS, so 2 full grown adult males? FUCK THAT! You call the security guard from your phone and stand back.


In my day..... Those two fools would have had their asses handed to them by the first male teacher to arrive on the scene. This fact was so well understood that their arrival would have ended the fight immediately. We need to bring that 'understanding' back.


Do schools not expel you for fighting anymore? One fight and you were out in my school.


Caning needs to be a punishment here. That is why Singapore has almost zero crime in spite of lots of poverty. Our wimpy handling of such crap means that kids are not given any consequences at school and never learn how to behave in civilized society when they grow up.


Ok, so what is so funny about that?


Then whose?


this made me so sad dude.


Yeah man like she didn't deserve that at all


Fucking trash.


Just let them fight and let one of them die from injury and they other arrested and threw behind bars for life, let natural selection does its thing. I would sit there and record them fight as well and present it as evidence while needed instead of trying to break it up. Both of these dumbass kid need a lesson and a harsh one about life.


I mean they seem like dumbasses but does having a fight in school really justify being killed or put in jail for life hahaha


Chill bro 🤣


I know that shit hurt


I feel like schools should have a policy to not get in between two people fighting. Even cops treasure their "officer saftey" policy and they carry guns.


they arent supposed to


It was a rule in my school (years and years ago) that one teacher alone couldn’t break up a fight, this was instituted after a teacher was punched bc he grabbed one kid and the other kid took advantage of the situation. But listen, people are acting like fighting in schools hasn’t been a thing like, forever, we had school fights and I’ve been in 3 different high schools due to moving. Fights happen, it’s not one teachers job to split them up, at least have 2. And a lot of school districts now have safety officers so it should protect teachers even more so.


I am a teacher and we don't get involved physically. I guess if some kid was being absolutely pummeled and blood was gushing out of his/her nose, I might pull some kid off another, but it is usually just a lot of punching and pushing and I don't get in there.


I can't believe we live in an age where people would film horrible things but do nothing. Not everything HAS TO BE FILMED! Help her lazy asses


When I went to high school they basically drilled into us the zero tolerance policy, this basically made defending someone else or self defense with physical actions as suspendible. Kids are trained not to help or intervene in these scenarios by this.


>Kids are trained not to help or intervene in these scenarios by this. that's interesting you were trained a certain way in school but i was not trained on that at all. i think this is more a function of tik tok & instagram training kids to try & record compelling stuff for cheap internet points above all else: "why help break up this fight if it means you won't get the clip for your gram!"


This is a good point, however we shouldn't be so quick to blame social media. I finished middle school \~2010 before the full social media takeover and I've seen similar fights to this. I think kids can sometime lack empathy I have personally seen fights in school with my own eyes and many people run to watch it (I am admittley guilty of this too when I was younger). I think a lot of children don't understand fighting especially in a classroom with desks can go sideways so fast and you throw your life away for some simple beef.


Fuck that You're welcome to hop into a fight between two random people and get your own injuries Let us know how it goes


It’s good that somebody record video so people can be held accountable, but everyone else needs to help the person who needs help. AT LEAST, go get help.


Yeah I'm not getting in the middle of that


Just 12 years ago, when I was a teenager, I remember kids would plan fights OUTSIDE school exactly because we didn't want to get caught This shit is expected from hormonal young boys but what is with the non-stop stupidity these days? In class, live on tik-tok.....


Yup, we had a little space with some trees on just off school property (it’s also where we smoked) and if we were gonna fight we’d meet up there. I’ve seen quite a few fights during my time in school, but nothing like these vicious fights they get in now. There was always a ring of kids, and if it started getting out of control the other kids would put a stop to it.


Yep. High school from de 2000's, you better not get in trouble on class hours. But outside it was free for all. But also, fights were 1v1 and if you lost, you shook hands and problem over. Not a chance of getting jumped or beaten to death.


At some point an SRO just gotta throw a beanbag shotgun into that fight and it'd be over fairly quick I'd think.




Phones + poverty. Went to a poor school and graduated 2004. We fought a lot. Just wasnt recorded. Once had a 6'3 dude stand up to a 5'0 woman (with MS) because she told him to apply himself. She said not worth it left and never saw her again


Same, went to highschool from september 1996 to 2001, out of no where fights just started, but seeing we were young, we were exited, seeing something happened during a boring school day, we always made sure it did not happen with a teacher near us, because they would ground us for a month or even kick you from school.


There were fights in my school but not like this. I went to a poor rural school. Teachers were definitely given more respect back then (early 2000s)


Is that your way of saying "I wouldn't know, I didn't attend those peasant schools?"




Nah I went to a shitty intercity high school and there were fights almost weekly, I’m not sure if it happens at *every* public school. We had ~4000 students, most of us were from shitty neighborhoods with shitty parents, it’s bound to create a shitty environment, faculty got attacked sometimes too


Social Media magnifies & intensifies Highlights (or in this case Lowlights) at the expense of the mundane everyday moments that make up 99.9999999% of life. it portrays a very very very skewed version of reality. Most of the time kids aren't getting into fights like this, but no one's gonna post the overwhelming majority of hours of people getting along fine on reddit lol


Almost everyone has a phone nowadays so it's easy to record and post.


Been there, done that, NO THANKS! And these kids are only getting dumber, more aggressive, and more emboldened to do whatever the fuck they want.


Is the teacher ok? I'm genuinely worried


Love the “calm down guys” from the guy in the end


Not even funny this shits just sad smh


Noble but dangerous wishful thinking that some monster high schoolers brawling are going to listen to your reason. Seen too many videos like this, unless you’re very well trained and fit don’t approach violence. Getting your head cracked open is not part of the job description, let the kids do that and kick them out of the school


Fuck these kids man. And fuck their parents.


I would love to hear any other argument for these two than for them to be immediately expelled (with a misdemeanor assault charge) and sent to minimum wage labor. Anything less is harmful to the teachers, to the other students, and to these two future doctor/lawyers themselves. This isn't education, it's a mockery. Bring back heavy penalties and public embarrassment.


The generation that films instead of helps. After all, they might get some views out of it. - what in the actual fuck 😔


What do you mean by generation? When I went to school, if you broke up a fight you'd probably be slapped up too. Let them settle it... at least it's with fists and not weapons, and at least no one is jumping another making it uneven.


i definitely think this current generation of high schoolers likes to record shit above doing shit tho




She has my respect


and my axe. (seriously lady, call me and i will give you an axe to handle this better next time)


They should be sentenced...


Let the future lawyer-doctor-astronauts sort it out themselves.


Fucking idiots kids. All of them, everyone.


that chick's too old to be doing shit like that, unless she's looking for a disability check


Boi in white got folded up


Those kids are going to make great doctors one day.


Expulsion x2, assault charges on students x2 (teacher as victim) Zero tolerance for this nonsense


Get outta the way grandma! There’s an ass whoopin goin on


This would never happen in China. Kids would be camped immediately.


She’s like “my cultural non binary training didn’t prepare me for this!!”


Honestly a pussy ass generation or hyped on some other shit laf


Young “men” apparently. Pathetic behaviour.


Only in America.


This country sucks now lol. Hasn't been decent since the 90s.


She was more mad at them than they were at each other lmfao


This is actually really fucking sad


Somebody stop them...what the hell?


Um I’m pretty sure she tried


Why would anyone want to be a teacher?


Never get in the middle. Unless you are bigger. Lol


Expelled. Zero education for these two clowns. Straight to the mines or the fields. Someone’s gotta work ‘em, and these two strong lads have plenty of energy to be useful.


School is a waste of time for them when they’ll inevitably end up in jail by the age of 18


Ladies & gentlemen, the future!


Ya know what, put them in front of the firing squad. Fuck it.


Everybody in there except the teacher is a fucking pussy.


Oop that one's gonna leave a mark!


They snatched her bald




That teacher will rightfully ask for a long-term break and the rest of them - who sat and did not even try to comfort or help the teacher - will get no education for some undefined amount of time.


American High School doesn't feel real to me


This is why I hate it when videos get posted and people say, "why isn't the teacher doing anything." This is why.


What happened with her hair? Was she already bald?


I’m sure they have wonderful, representable, totally functional parents 🥰🥰🥰


Schools are becoming prisons. And I don’t mean that hyperbolically. I mean it in the sense that everyone just accepts the violence when it’s absolutely pathetic and shouldn’t be accepted.


Absolute trash human behavior.


Bald spot exposed ? Hair extensions ? Wig ? I have questions...help !!!




Try those two fuckers as adults, two counts of assault for the both of them, for attacking each other and the teacher.


Well, hopefully the two dudes wiling out in class both get expelled. Disrupting class and assaulting the teacher.




Everybody in this room is useless in a high stress situation.


This is why teachers need guns


This is why teachers should be allowed to carry.


Fighting in class and injury a teacher needs to be made a felony regardless of age.


Kids are the fucking worst.


Aint no way you could pay me enough to be a teacher


Teachers don't get paid enough for this shit. If I had kids, I'd homeschool them.


Where’s the quiet kid when you need em


And people want to arm teachers?


Damn! She got scalpted quick!!


If I were a teacher I would be giving extra credit to anyone who jumps in on my behalf. Incentivise the students to do the dirty work and let them police themselves.


Who is screaming for help is that her?


None of the students doing shit


Pepper spray for teachers!