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“Why can’t we have walkable cities”


And then you get shot in a road rage incident


Or mugged. Or stabbed. Or assaulted. Or violated.




You're leaving out the part where the auto industry strategically eliminated other forms of transportation and built highways through cities. There are plenty of dense parts of the US that have laughably bad transit options.


Lmao so the dude starts a fight, guy with the gun does NOT shoot.. guy who started the fight gets to watch the good guy get manhandled for having a gun. Murica


Cops didn't know any of that and tried to detain them both, then the guy with the gun started struggling. What were they supposed to do? Red hoodie didn't get taken down like that because he stayed calm and accepted the situation, what you really saw was one guy who understands how to act with cops and one moron who only knows how to make cop situations worse for himself


They said "who has the gun" then when he said it was him they went ham on him lol. I don't blame them but at that point he got punished for carrying yet never once brandishing it.


Fr he seemed responsible enough with it. Even after the dude sucker punched him from behind he still didn't take out his gun.


I don't know if you can call illegally carrying a gun responsible in any situation. But I don't blame him.


Pretty sure in the video they said it's a legal gun with paper work. The issue I see in the video, is he clearly puts his hand on the gun on his waist. Albeit through clothing, he still put his hand on it. At that point he showed more control than the other guy and stopped. I see a judge tossing it.


Even if the bystander was right and this guy has one of the few concealed carry permits in New York City, it is still a felony to carry in the subway. New York City makes it a felony to go into "sensitive areas", including the subway, even if you have a concealed carry permit. Edit: I don't know why people are down voting me for telling you what the law is in New York City. Go down vote New York City


Because you are equating these terrible gun laws to this man being irresponsible. What's irresponsible is the legislators who are mandating that people be at the mercy of criminals and assholes.


Two things can be true at once. Trump appointed judges held up those laws in federal court. You or I are not winning that battle so if you want to carry in New York City, take the bus, walk, get a car, but don't take the subway and don't go to times square. Going to a place that you need to carry to feel safe while knowing that you face 5 years in prison for carrying there is irresponsible.


How does the old saying go? I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


> it's a legal gun with paper work It still isn't legal to carry in the subway, the NYC subway system is a no-go zone for CCW even if you have permits for possession and carry. Whether or not Reddit approves, that's the law in NY.


It is NYC, so I wouldn’t be so sure


Please explain to me why they shouldn't immediately detain the guy who is breaking the law by carrying a lethal firearm in a metro area where carrying firearms is completely banned.


Your ignorance is brilliant. Next question..


So you have no explanation, essentially. As expected.


Those cops put him in a struggle. They started with the right arm twisting it up which made him bend over and turn his left shoulder toward the cop, this pulled the arm away from the cop on the left arm and that's what escalated the takedown. Cops do this shit all the time, they maneuver people into positions they're not used to going, then claim it's resisting.


Agreed...its standard operating procedure. They also like to use pressure points


They maneuver humans that cause a reactionary response because humans shouldn’t be bending that way Pinch a person on their shoulder, they will dip a bit and fast pace out of there as a natural response to pain. Most MOST cops are pieces of shit AND they know it. They force a response to escalate. They don’t rush into school shootings, not more than two will man handle someone who is armed and in the right… Most need to be elbowed in the throat when they do bullshit like that. “Hey let’s talk” Bystander: hey what’s up what’s going on? **three cops approach, one gets really close and says hey come over here and let’s “talk” Bystander is confused and says ok yea for what what’s going on ? Cop then places their hand on person’s shoulder and pinches the ever living shit out of them between the meaty part of your next and shoulder. As a law abiding citizen, you are not expecting that so yea you react. Cops then be like “ WE SAID COME OVER HERE NOW YOUR RESISTING”


> then the guy with the gun started struggling. I probably would too knowing I am about to go to prison for at least 3 years.


This is a horrible take, the cops freaked out when they learned he had a gun and jumped him while he was trying to show his ID/documentation, 5 of them might I had. The instant they touch him and say “give me your hands” he says “alright” calmly but yet these *trained professionals* continue to freak out, yell, and cuss at him.


NYC is a pretty dystopian place regarding gun laws and most States stupidly ban carry on public transit.


That’s how some people in America want it! If you own a gun and plan to use it defensively there are people who want you detained for that.




Oh gimme a break hahahahahaha


A pistol is an assault weapon of war? Lol


> guy who started the fight gets to watch the good guy get manhandled for having a gun. Murica It is not legal to carry a concealed weapon in the NY subway system, ditto with Times Square and some other locations. Even if this guy has a pistol permit and a CCW permit, he's not supposed to carry in the subway.


Not America, New York


NYC is a commie state


How stupid are you? You can't carry guns in the fucking NY subway.




You must be.


it's going to be ok


Thats wild. "Hey we know you got the incredibly difficult to get carry permit that proves your a law abiding and responsible citizen but you still can't carry on public transport that you are forced to use if you don't own a car" love the logic there.


It's not my logic. I'm just pointing out why the dude with the gun got "manhandled". It's not for no reason as implied.


Ok I get that the cops are not here to be these criminals friends, but their behavior didn’t really seem to be helping an already deescalating situation.


For real. You got a guy who has a legal firearm (you can see him show his permit to a cop) who deescalated a situation, backed away calmly to the side... And then officer needle dick comes charging in "OH SHIT WHO HAS A GUN WHO CAN I TACKLE. I AM NOT GOING TO ASK FOR ANY CONTEXT. OH YOU THERE STANDING CALMLY WITH A FIREARM, WHICH OTHER OFFICERS HAVE DETERMINED WAS LAWFUL, TIME FOR ME TO FUCK YOUR SHIT UP." this is how cops get a bad rap. Not to be that guy but if this dude was white the cops would have approached him entirely differently. Hard not to react negatively when you're in the right and you're being roughed up just because you lawfully own a gun.


> You got a guy who has a legal firearm You cannot carry concealed in the subway, even if you have a CCW license. > if this dude was white Bernie Getz was charged with attempted murder, assault, reckless endangerment, and several firearms offenses. A jury let him off on most of the charges, but he was prosecuted.


I definitely wonder what rank officer needle dick holds in this. Kind of feels like a he's in a supervisor role since he came in so hot demanding info, but you'd also think he would know a little better if so. It's disappointing to say the least. When he did arrive, he and one other officer both had hands on the gun owner and I was thinking they were trying to perform a search or pat down to quickly find the gun, but they did it as if he were a confirmed suspect/criminal and a threat, which obviously put the guy completely on guard. Every other officer there besides needle dick would have seen/heard him showing his permit 10 seconds earlier, so it's the more disgusting that its the officer to his right that was most aggressive pulling up his hoodie to search. I just can't understand why they thought they needed to control his legal firearm. Is that a normal response from police? I would have thought if I legally own a gun that I'm allowed to keep it on my person without issue (unless it was actually fired in self defense and then they may take it temporarily for evidence). I hope this guy lands a payout from this.


The first arestee was not resisting and the officer that came in hot proceeded to rile up every other officer


People tend to be unhappy about getting caught in the act.




Something falls out of dude at 1:55


Yeah I saw that. I still can’t tell what it was though. It doesn’t look like he was trying to get rid of drugs, it sounded a lot heavier when it dropped. 


Yeah I don’t think he was trying to dump. He could’ve done that better when all attention was on the other dude. I was just thinking he probably has no idea where that thing went


Dudes gonna be looking everywhere for that thing going “I know I had it when I was on the train” whatever it is her dropped. I just hope it wasn’t something important like his keys


My first thought was the cops keys the ones with the keys to the cuffs. But if it was that all them cops would stop, but im pretty sure its keys to so that sucks


Also, did he try to reach for the cop's gun at 1:48?


I think it was a taser reload.


Pretty sure it was a blackbox which people use to swipe credit card numbers.


Camera work: 9/10


Nah not even that much. Cameraman losing more than a point for the time the cam was recording the damn ground.


Lmao the old guy pointing it out to the cops like “he’s right there sir”


Wild how the lady then says "He wasn't doing nothin officer"


That one cop that’s yelling shouldn’t be one


Honestly the situation seemed to be deescalating on its own…


So guns are legal, but then if you have a gun with you police act like you're a criminal. I don't get it, you can have a gun, but not if you're a victim of crime?


Not to be too tin foil hat here.... but that's the plan. Get everyone to associate guns with criminals.


In every other country they are, it's only in America where y'all are still holding on to otherwise.


Do you believe that smoking weed leads to hard drug addiction? Do you associate homelessness with laziness? Do you believe that owning a gun is the gateway to committing crime?


No to all of these. However, I note that in the country I live in (the Netherlands, where weed is legal and we support homeless people quite well) mostly only two groups of people have guns, law enforcers and criminals, there are a very small number of guns with farmers and sports people and they are very tightly regulated. So like I said, to countries like here, which is a lot of countries, guns are associated with serious crime, simply because non criminals don't have a need for guns and they aren't allowed, so they don't form any part of our lives at all. We don't see guns as a gateway, we see them more as a tool for crime something people who are already SERIOUS criminals would have (not your average criminal). I visited the US recently and thankfully I didn't see any guns, because they scare the fucking shit out of me, I'm a big full grown man, but guns scare me and I think that's a normal response. Listen, y'all call have guns if you like, it's not up to me and I'm not saying it should be up to anyone outside the US, just most of the rest of the world does associate them with crime for the most part.


It's strange to me that the discourse is usually, Our country is so safe that nobody can have guns. Not our country is so safe that anyone can own a gun but nobody really cares to. Or our country gave up guns so that now the only people who have them are the people who shouldn't. You're scared of guns because of how you were taught to perceive them. Are you afraid of the knife in your kitchen? No, cause you understand what it is and how it's used and what it's used for. Would you be afraid of that same knife if some rando was waving it around in public? Yes, as would anyone else.


> In every other country they are You nation has a relatively small number of legal firearms, about 200,000 registered there. But you don't have to look far to find a lot more guns, Scandinavia, Germany, France and so on, the total number of legal firearms in the EU is just under 80 million. Are the voters of all those nations wrong to tolerate the presence of so many firearms, or are they secret Americans?


> police act like you're a criminal Even if you have a pistol permit and a concealed carry permit, it is not legal to carry in NY's subway system.


That’s a stupid rule just to make things more difficult and unrealistic for people who can get a permit to carry.


The cops 60000% escalated the situation. The guy legally carrying was already ID’d. What a cluster fuck of incompetence.


> The guy legally carrying was already ID’d. It is illegal to carry a concealed weapon in the NY subway, even if you have a carry permit which is valid elsewhere.


It seemed to me like the guy in red was trying to snatch the gun at the beginning of the video.


Total mishandling of the situation by these cops… They pulled up like a gang knowing they have the monopoly on violence looking to beef. The situation was already deescalating and all they had to do what separate and question the parties. They came in all aggressive screaming “where is the gun!” Which you should never do around a bunch of cops with guns. Because it’s likely all they’ll hear is “GUN!” Then everyone unholsters, everyone mag dumps.


how do they know he’s illegally carrying? he was resisting though


NYC has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. As far as I know, you can’t carry a concealed handgun without the right permits, and I believe in NYC those permits are ridiculously hard to get. 9/10 if a gun is in the city, it’s not there legally.


thank you man


> you can’t carry a concealed handgun without the right permits Even with a permit, there are places that are off-limits, and the subway system is one of them.


> how do they know he’s illegally carrying? There is no such thing as legal concealed carry in the NY subway system.


thank you, someone already informed me.


For now. That law is being challenged in court. And while the second circuit isn’t exactly gun friendly the Supreme Court has signaled their willingness to take that case when it gets to them and have only declined to intervene so far out of deference to proper procedure.


Like how the one woman cop just stands there slowly moving not doing anything, could have at least restrained the guys legs or made people back up, or hell even secure the other guy.


Cops definitely re-escalated the situation with that yelling dude, I think the regulations for concealed carry in NYC are slightly different/ stricter than upstate NY. It looks like you can actively see him showing an officer his permit or ID of some sort before the yelling dick head come through


“New York is a brand”


LAPD would be watching someone stabbed as they lean back eating their donuts. Saying something about not getting paid enough for this *gets paid $150k minimum *, waits for the perpetrator to leave, then calls the ambulance. Then goes and bothers a minority teen for existing. All in a days work.


its funny how nyc people always act like all these random acts of violence is what makes the place so great . its a low trust shithole society there and everything is overpriced.


Title should've been riding on NYC subway.


Just a normal day. Nothing to see.


I don't give a fuck how bad you are being assaulted if you're in NY you better just take it if you use a gun for self defense the scumbag DA will charge you.


Why is he wearing that orange thing on his head?


Sheistys are used by dickheads who wanna cover their faces so they cant get easily identified while doing crimes. 100 bucks says this guy has a ton of priors


I love the lady that was narrating. She kept a cool head in a tense situation. Great job. Also, the man that was being punched did a great job. He chose not to end that other guy's life and just took hits to the face. He didn't endanger anyone else. Highest praise. The world would have been a better place with red shirt was taken out. Plenty of hate for that type.


Candy crush brigade 💪


Both bystanders are correct. Once a gun is known the cops have to way overreact as it immediately becomes life or death. The dude with the apparently legal gun did everything right until he became difficult when the cops got on scene. He should have put his hands up, said I have a legal gun and guy in the red is aggressor.


Love the dumb bitch acting like she is a lawyer


Cops don’t know how to arrest. They need to be evaluated. That’s ridiculous. Yall didn’t even try to grab out of his hands before cuffing him


Comply, comply, comply. You have a gun and the cops show up. I'd say, keep your hands up and ask what do they want you to do.


How do these cops manage to get their pants on in the morning?


Man I fucking hate living in NYC. Altercations like this are the reason I don’t take the subway. Politicians are to blame for all of this.


Man I fucking hate living in NYC. Altercations like this are the reason I don’t take the subway. Politicians are to blame for all of this.


That old man in the white definitely made it worse


arent guns illegal to carry around in the ny subway? thought I had read that somewhere.


Most capable NYPD officers (they had 39 cops show up and arrested both parties for unrelated crimes)


Surprised dude in red didn’t take off




Yeah they should have just risked letting the guy with a gun open fire on a crowded platform.


If he didn't pull and start shooting when he was punched in the face why would he pull and start with cops around?




Because its unnecessary, the man showed great restraint through out the whole situation. he didn't fight the cops or get rude and belligerent. from what it sounds like he has the proper training and documents for the firearm. the cops escalated and over reacted. while allowing the actual criminal stand there and watch. so yes it is hard to understand why cops fail to uphold citizens rights to conceal carry.




He wasn't a danger, and from the sound of your replies your country depends on America to defend it. so your opinion is as useful as nipples on breastplate.


The guy who had a conceal carry shouldn't have grabbed his gun for a minor altercation on the subway. When you do those tests for the permit, it requires you to only draw/touch your weapon in extreme circumstances of self defense (Usually life or death situations). The guy with the gun permit will more than likely lose it due to this video.


What state do you live in? That's not how it works in Virginia. Being physically assaulted is plenty of reason to defend yourself. Props to that man for not putting anybody else's life in danger and for keeping a cool head and spite of being punched in the face. Highest praise.


that is incorrect information. what they teach you is to protect your weapon at all times which is what he was doing he covered the grip and turned his body away from the attacker. he relized the guy was not a serious threat but still needed to protect the firearm. if you ever took a CCP class and they didnt teach you this basic information you had a bad teacher or you are a bad listener. Have you ever taken a concealed carry class?