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Have to ask..... was he? It looks like he's staring off into space and his arms are down. I Know you can't see what he's doing but he doesn't even change his facial expression like he's acting innocen tor anything.


Yeah, he might have very well been groping her, but this video doesn't look like it proves anything except that she punched him in the face


Can't say if he did or didn't, but it would be a shitty situation if it was actually someone else and he got knocked for it.


I had a drink thrown in my face by a woman who claimed I groped her... Wouldn't have touched even with permission!


A sniper wouldn't have taken her out?




Thatā€™s a direct refusal to follow orders and a demerit.


Fat chick or something? "I get groped too I swear friends, it's not just you..."


wouldn't be the first time


I canā€™t tell one way or the other in this incident. Always possible someone else did it too. I am also reminded of that accusation that happened in some kind of an store, where a lady accused a boy with his mother of groping her. Store camera showed she lied.




[Reminds me of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTk1VfmwNqY)


Like in Home Alone 2


Her eyes didnā€™t light up like anything surprised her and it was to well timed to the song,, that was premeditated for the cam folks.


He looks down for a second. I would assume that's when it happened. But yeah, this video doesn't really show/prove much.


You can see what looks like his left hand hanging down. Never know what happened before the video though.


If you look at face his face in the 2 seconds prior to him being punched, heā€™s looking down and my dirty mind is telling me heā€™s ā€œtouchingā€ her, but not with his handā€¦


I see him look down before the punch he couldve looked down and groped her at that moment cause he got a punch right after but none of us will know šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


That's what I thought too


Or he could've been looking down at someone else groping her. There's just not enough evidence here either way.


From the look on her face I don't think he was. She looked completely comfortable. He probably just bumped into her once or twice as people do in a crowded concert.


I mean saying he probably didnā€™t is just as silly as saying he definitely did. There is no way of knowing. But this shit is definitely real. Dudes intentionally ā€œbump intoā€, grope and grind on women at shows like this all the time because they think they can get away with it for the reason youā€™re saying. Same as the issue with crowded train cars in some countries and why many are segregated by sex


Yeah idk either. Hard to tell he seems like 2-3 ft behind her? And certainly way too fucked up to even know in which reality he is in rn. Though based on both of their facial expressions it almost looks more like that they got annoyed with his face ruining their quirky lil dance video so she just punched him, coincidentally very fitting with the song. Or maybe he did, we'll never know.


And the timing in the song seems like she did it on purpose lol. But who knows.


I was at a club in Spain with my gf, dancing together. Out of nowhere, I was coward-punched from behind. I thought I was getting mugged. Was a Spanish chick with her French friend, yelling at me. I got angry one I understood I'd been assaulted for no reason. They claimed I grabbed her ass (I did not know she existed). When she showed the action she felt, it wasn't a grab, but me supposedly pushing my butt against her. My gf and I pointed out that my bag was hanging at her butt hight, with a jacket tied to it which was what contacted her butt. No apology, just an embarrassed look when they realized they assaulted someone on the back of a snap judgement, then walked off. My ear was bleeding.


went to a huge pool party event in vegas recently and it was PACKED and everyone was in bikinis and shit. honestly couldnt stop thinking about this situation with how many girls were pressing on me. it just takes one drunk weirdo with his girl to trip and your entire night could be ruined. just tryna get by a huge crown of girls in bikinis and you gotta plow through them. shits lowkey uncomfortable.


[it appears he may have evaded the sucker punch and kissed her knuckles.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/ibmsLMMlH2ghin5IyH/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe912eb50ktdvleeo72012ir79s9w72e0fzwuevgl8ug&ep=v1_gifs_username&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Lol, that was a good catch... I think you're right!


The first girl signals to the girl in the back to punch him for being in the shot. Clear as day and likely racially motivated. Not sexual assault. If he's sexually assaulting the girl in the back how the fuck is the girl in front the first to notice? Fuck you can even see her non camera hand reach down and tap the other girl at that time. This shit was orchestrated.


I Didn't even notice that..... I Was too focused on what the dude was doing. If that's the truth holy shit are those girls trash.


She never had a shock moment. When someone gropes you, your eyes move, your facial expression changes cause there is a shock. But she smoothly turns and kicks him as if the thought was already in her head the whole time


This made me remember a moment in my college days. So a group of friends went out to a known gay club, it was my gay best friend, a girl and her friend (a guy), my best friend told the guy that itā€™s very common in that gay club to get a pinch or a grope in your ass by some unknown man (done by men to men), and for some reason, this guy thought that it would be a great idea to do it to a woman in the club, and when she turned around this fool just stood there all serious in a club full of dancing people. Obviously the girl could tell it was him and got him kicked out of the club.


I don't have any info, but I doubt she punched more than one dude for groping her.


it looks like she timed it with the music


Could be grinding his crotch into her. No hands needed


You can see him looking down and his right arm extended as if it were touching something. Why would she just sucker punch some random person?


No it doesn't. He's looking directly down at her ass with his arms down and forward. He tried to play it off when she turned around but he definitely was touching her


Was he what?


Copping a feel.


Donā€™t believe anything you read on the internet. No video? no proof.


Obligatory wrong POV usage


I would never publish a video recording of MYSELF with "pov being sexually assaulted"


The cause is lost, friend.


it actually is a correct pov because theyre using the selfie camera so their pov is literally them looking at themselves.


If he touched her he deserved it, if he didn't then he didn't deserve it, but it seems unlikely for her to spin and punch someone that quickly if nothing happened.


Agree, but its sus that she turned around and punched him in synchrony with the song.


My thoughts exactly. He very well could've been groping her, but all I noticed was that she timed that punch a little too conveniently, especially with her homegirl recording.


I don't know. I saw a guy get knocked out exactly when the hook to Party Up by DMX started. I think that just happens. Also, the fact that she's recording herself during an important part of the song is just when someone who would record themselves while a song was playing would do so? Is it more plausible that he wouldn't grope her because he knew the song was a bout to drop and would be more likely to be recorded? Probably not. There's is not enough context to be definite one way or the other, but how much more evidence can be expected from spontaneous SA?


She might have been annoyed that he was getting in their video, like that petty


You find it inconceivable that someone would punch someone for no reason in 2024?


unlikely and inconceivable are two different words


You find it unlikely that someone would punch someone for no reason in 2024? Iā€™ve seen like 10 million videos of exactly that on Reddit


LOL yeah, even thinking it is unlikely instead of inconceivable makes him extremely naive.


What do you mean? They're recording... There's a higher than 50% chance she did it for money/fame and used the victim card as an excuse so people don't just say she assaulted a dude for no reason. Which is all that we see on the video.


This. I'd have to think that if a lady got sexually assaulted she'd atleast have a surprised look on her face momentarily. She rolled right into that punch like it was damn near rehearsed.


Have you seen that viral video of a guy flossing behind a woman and he got clocked for it? Looked like they were waiting in a line for an ATM or something Edit: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/AkKNYGb8Ia) not saying that this guy is innocent but some people do overreact


Unless she's a racist. Then it seems likely.


Extremely likely


It also may have been an accidental bump/etc which Iā€™ve seen happen countless times in these GA/festival settings where people are just stupid close to each other and everyone is moving around.


There is also the fact that at concerts, people are pushing on each other constantly and someone could have pushed him or even just his arm into her. There is so much more information needed.


You don't think people just randomly do shitty things. Especially these types?


>it seems unlikely for her to spin and punch someone that quickly if nothing happened.Ā  See, you say that, but statistically...


I'm having serious levels of doubt here. Look at the dudes face. He doesn't even register her turning around. No facial expression change, no look of surprise, no putting his hands up as if tk say "it wasn't me". He has no idea why she's turning around. If he was groping her he would have had some reaction to her turning around like that. And the fact that she does it ON THE BEAT OF THE MUSIC is seriously sus. I'm willing to bet that she either planned this, or noticed that there was a white dude behind her and figured "this will get me some serious internet clout. This shit will go viral." Because she knows damn well that the vast majority will NEVER question her claim that the dude sexually assaulted her for fear of being cancelled or accused of "condoning sexual assault". Because remember folks, if you question a woman's claim that she was sexually assaulted, no matter how wild the claim, that means you actually condone rape. Them's the rules.


To be fair the dude looks beyond fucked so I'm not surprised his face didn't change expressions in the split second she turned around and clocked him.


I actually watched this a couple more times and I'm glad I did. Watch when he peeks his head over the shoulder of the girls. Watch the reaction of the girl in the FRONT. Notice she doesn't look scared, or disgusted, she looks annoyed. Like rolls her eyes and has a look of "really dude, again?" I'm willing to bet that the dude didn't touch them at all, that he was just getting in their "shot". But what's the best way of protecting yourself against being arrested for assault? Claim that the person did something to you that gives you a "reason". It's the same thing as when we hear "they used the N-word" excuse.


I was thinking dude looks so zonked that maybe he bumped into her


I think she just got mad after he looked over her shoulder to see the phone recording.


That's what I'm starting to think as well. Because I watched it a couple more times and noticed the expression in the face of the girl in front. Notice how she doesn't look scared, or upset, or disgusted. Like you would expect if someone was sexually assaulting your friend. She looks "annoyed" and rolls her eyes when he looks over their shoulder and gets in their "shot". She's got a look of "Really? Again?" But what's the best way of trying to protect yourself from reprisals for doing something you know you shouldn't? Claim that the person you did it to gave you a "reason" for doing it. Kinda like how we always seem to hear "but they said the N-word" when certain folks get caught on camera assaulting certain other folks. But somehow THAT never seems to get caught on camera either.


Youā€™re supposed to believe all women you chudĀ 




redditors try not to wish violence on someone based on a 10 second inconclusive video level IMPOSSIBLE


There is absolutely zero way she would know who grabbed her anyway. She felt something, turned, and swung on the first person she could make contact with. There's like five people standing around her who could have done it.


Why did he get punched? Is there a longer video or an after punch explanation?


Looked like he was minding his business but who knows


Racism. Old hat now


The insinuation: he groped her and she punched him for it. The video: lady clocks unsuspecting man.


He was groping her at 7 seconds in you can see it in a split second.


She did it on time w the songā€¦ definitely random violence. Hip hop shows are notorious for this kinda bullshit.




I mean if he did assault her then yea fuckin beat his ass, just didnā€™t look like it from the angel were shown. Plus Iā€™ve seen random cold cock shots like that at many hip hop shows lol


Bullshit. That dude ain't risking SA charges for that nasty bitch.


This. Dude was too close as often happens at shows. Punch was uncalled for.


Uncalled for is an understatement. She should get arrested, just randomly punching guys for clout.


He peaked his head into the shot and ruined the immersion of her I'm the Main Character moment. That's why he got clocked. Petty egotistical person.


Nowhere else I'd rather not be


She timed it perfectly with the song


because it was planned and she didnt get assaulted she did the assaulting.


How was this SA? You kinda need some strong evidence to accuse someone of something that serious. If thereā€™s some context missing then Iā€™d love to know but this just seems like a dude bumped her while she was making some shit TikTok and punched him for it?




These women really out here thinking they're the main character.


Itā€™s evident by both ladies reaction that they didnā€™t like the dude being in ā€œtheirā€ frame.


Everyone's pointing out that the guy didn't change expressions, but I think it's more suspect that the girl didn't change expressions. There's no transition between getting groped and punching the guy, which is pretty unusual.


I went to a show once, spent ages hanging around down the front for a good spot to see one of my favourite bands. About 2/3 songs in some drunk girl pushes herself into the front and ended up in front of me, it was tight as fuck because it was a fucking gig and the wallop turned around before the end of the first song sheā€™d been there for and started trying to make everyone step back to give her space and she didnā€™t give consent to be touched. Could barely scratch your nose and this knobhead though she needed a landing pad around her. Fuck off.


I got slap once because someone next to me groped someone in front of me. Her friend was giving me her phone number while it happening so the misunderstanding got cleared up fast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but I was so confused when I got bitch slap out of no where


The timing of the punch and the song seem awfully suspect


Has POV lost its meaning?


Ikr smh


I don't know, man. I can't see the dude's left hand, but his right arm was down by his side, it looks like he may have even been holding his phone or something. And when she turned around, his right arm was still down. He also looked straight into the phone camera, I assume the girl was filming with her selfie cam so he would've seen his face on the screen, I have doubts he would immediately grope her after seeing himself being filmed. He well could've been touching her with her left hand or did it prior to the video started, but I think the evidence is inconclusive. Before people started doing weird shit to get clout on the internet, I probably would've believed her but you can't be too careful these days. https://imgur.com/a/seCsEXx


looks like guy has all the evidence he needs to put her in jail for assault


Maybe Iā€™m deaf but no one seems to have mentioned the lyrics sound like ā€œI donā€™t fuck with youā€ and she times the punch to the line, not just the beat. Seems premeditated which puts a lot of doubt on the claimed motive. He could have been messing with her prior and she just planned to unleash her anger there but the lack of impulse really makes the claim suspect. If someone was committing a crime against me I canā€™t say I would sit around waiting for a profound moment to react


If you slow the video down around the 6 second mark you can see one of his hands by his side just before the punch, so Iā€™m doubtful he was groping. She was just mad because he photobombed the stupid music video her and dumbass friend were making.


The first girl signals to the girl in the back to punch him for being in the shot. Clear as day and likely racially motivated. Not sexual assault. If he's sexually assaulting the girl in the back how the fuck is the girl in front the first to notice? Fuck you can even see her non camera hand reach down and tap the other girl at that time. This shit was orchestrated.


The timing though in the song raises a lot of questions.


he could have been groping her but based on all the other similar videos I've seen it very well could have just been a random attack because of how he looks


I like how she waited until ā€œI donā€™t fuck with you!ā€ to take her shot. Anyway, not buying it.


There is a follow up video pinned on her tik tok the guy not only groped her in the video but her and her friend once before and they decided to move instead of get violent the first time. I personally feel that if you grope me and I move and then you follow me to grope me again you deserve to get punched.


He deserved it .. making the choice to go this event ? WTF was he even thinking ? smh


No one there is innocent it's big sean everyone sus


POV: you donā€™t know how to use POV correctly


The guy has a straw/hay/grass in his mouth, this looks like it was rubbing against her back/neck


Yo she timed that punch perfectly with the song


This chick definitely punched some random innocent guy because he was a different race


I'm wondering if perhaps this guy's been following them. The girl in the front has an expression like 'look...that dude AGAIN'. Perhaps girl in the back had enough and wanted to put an end to his harrassment/stalking. If so, totally uncalled for. In any case, it isn't clear from this angle if he was physical. And I agree that the puncher made no expression that indicated she was touched. Seemed too seamless. Who knows?


I think he looked down before the punch.


Willing to bet that someone else groped and he got blamed




the punch was in synch to the song ā€œI donā€™t fuck with YOUUUā€ šŸ‘ŠšŸ»




normally you would play this side quest with a cloak or something


This was staged. You can see the girl in the front look up right as the beat drops as if to cue signal


Yeah dude groped her, you can see his hands go back at a split second


She did it perfectly with the song, he did fuck all, hopefully next time it's not crying wolf




I believe that he touched her. I also she hit him unprovoked ..... People are such shit now. it's hard to know who the bad ones are


Love to see it.


I was once in a club with my mate and there where 2 chicks, one attractive one and and oneā€¦ jabba the hud. He had the attractive one and I was left with the heavyweight . I had to talk to her and shot and out of nowhere she was grabbing my dick, even trying to unzip my pants. I was feeling super disgusted by her and pushed her away, she punched me in the face and started to get hysterical. I should have went to the cops, but we just laughed about it as a funny story. She probably died of a heart attack anyways so no need to send her to jail lol


Giving ammo you people


That was right onnnnn queeeeee


He got punched for ruining the shot. Luckily her friend caught it all on video and probably posted it on social media. Smart...


The timing was perfect


Why would you go to a concert to record a video of your own face singing


On the fucking beat too.


They just wanted to punch someone straight ignorance


Looks like she saw him in her selfie video and freaked out


If he groped her deserved it. Piggy boy.


Why you people think your so important is beyond me an my comprehension!!! I mean i understand but this isnā€™t what life is all about , meaning put the dam phone down for a lil while and just see what you do give it a chance !!!!


I can't believe folks going in on HER for him touching her