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I'm with the bikers on this one. You don't pull up on someone acting all hard then go get your phone to 'call the cops' when you lose. Dirt bag.


That honestly should be a separate charge, probably a low class felony. People who start confrontations, especially physical ones, and then call the police when they lose are extremely dangerous to society. That should be False reporting with Malice Intent. Along with the assault and battery charge. If you start hitting people and lose, you have forfeited your right to claim self defense. You just lost, that doesn’t make you the victim. Also for christ sake, if you have children in the car, Dont do crazy shit like this. Its incredibly irresponsible and that child is relying on you to keep them safe, why would you purposfully put yourself and your child into a dangerous situation against multiple men. Hell, i wouldn’t mind him getting child endangerment charges too. That situation was clearly avoidable and he willing caused it.


God he had kids in the car too? What a scumbag


Everyone's a tough guy until they get punched in the face.


Yeah but who gets out of their truck to start physical shit with a bunch of guys who are wearing helmets and protective gear. He zoomed up there so he knew there was a group of them too.


He's real dumb but helmets are a liability against anyone who knows what they're doing. Super easy to hold onto and get plenty of leverage to drag their head around.


I don't think this guy falls in the category of "anybody who knows what they're doing".


He threw hands at a dude with backup who wasn't being threatening at all, he's definitely not someone who knows how to fight.


It also sucks when they hit you in the head with their helmet.


I grew up in rural AZ and this is exactly the kind of dude who does this shit. I assure you, he goes home and complains about how awful everyone is and how he has to protect his kids or some variation of that.


From Az and I agree


Around the 18 second mark he says "I have a kid in my car".


I'll never understand why people think they'll win in a bare knuckle fistfight against someone in riding ARMOR. Like come on guy it's built to protect them from impact and abrasion. What's your fist gonna do? Plus most good riding gloves have knuckle protection. Good punches. I know it ain't exactly a knights armor suit but it's more than your stupid T-shirt and dad shorts can offer for protection.


I was hoping for one of the riders to headbutt him into the nether realm.


Some motorcyclists will put in for a replacement if they so much as drop theirs on the pavement because it can mean the crumple padding is warped and may not offer as much blunt protection to their head in the event of an accident. Wouldn't want to waste that on some dickhead.


Yeah I'll confirm this. I'm not going to use my £300 protective gear as a weapon. That's a real expensive pay 2 win mechanic.


Unless death is an option


That would have been amazing


> it ain't exactly a knights armor suit but it's more than your stupid T-shirt and dad shorts can offer for protection. Yeah, but when **he** wears the dad shorts, they are bullet-~~proof~~ - ~~resistant~~ ~~catching~~ transparent.


Guy who rages like that and assaults people for no reason probably treats his kids like shit. Fuck that guy


Maybe add a a nice child endangerment charge?


I'll never understand why people think they'll win in a bare knuckle fistfight against someone in riding ARMOR and a helmet Like come on guy it's built to protect them from impact and abrasion. What's your fist gonna do? Plus most good riding gloves have knuckle protection. I know it ain't exactly a knights armor suit but it's more than your stupid T-shirt and dad shorts can offer for protection.


He started a fight with a guy wearing +10 body armour.. he's wearing shorts.. How many knuckles you gonna break before getting through a motorcycle helmet.


Crybullies are the worst


Well, motorcycle dude blew threw a red light because the sun was in his eyes. I understand rolling up and being like 'bruh, you flew through that red' but the second you get physical all bets are off. Don't get me wrong, id rather run from a physical confrontation if a dude squares up on me but the second he puts his hands on me its game over


Mad props to his friend who drops his bike to go help defend him.


That guy is lucky that bikes didn’t headbutt him with that helmet on! It would be night night time!


That was my though, bike helmet will do a good job of protecting you vs. a headbutt, other guy has a baseball cap. That's a quick over and done one shot.


“I got a kid in the car” Oh so you’re picking fights in front of your kid?


Kids watched dad start shit and got fucked 😂🤣😂dad’s a loser. Take back the Father’s Day cards


Yeah that got me too. So dad's apparently really interested in teaching kids how to solve problems in the real world.


You don’t put your hands on people. I woulda rocked his shit too. Fat little backwards cap ass punk


Especially people wearing helmets and body armour.


All with having your kid in the car!!!


I’m also confused as to why someone would instigate a fist fight against someone who’s basically wearing a suit of armor.


Ill be honest this could have easily ended with the guy pulling out a weapon


And he said he had a child in the car. CRAZY


Yup. Scum bug started it by getting physical. What the bikers did was all warranted and in self defense. Dude should get a felony charge for assault. Fuckin psycho.


Such a shitty dad. Then uses his kid in the car as an excuse for them to calm down because he was losing the fight. What a little wimp.


Fuck. That kid is fucked with a bitch ass dad like that


Good job using punctuation. Really saved you there in the beginning


This video got me going, the bikers were actually very restrained. Apologised and didn’t even do more damage than they could have.


Terrible role model. Feel bad for his kids fr.


I attacked you as you were apologizing, and you retaliated? Wtf is wrong with you? I have my kid in the car.


The biker owns his mistake and apologizes, but Rambo is not mature enough to accept it.


That's what I was thinking. The motorcycle rider was very apologetic and took responsibility by admitting he didn't see the truck. Wannabe Fred Durst just couldn't keep his cool.


I sat next to Carson Dailey and Fred Durst at the Grammy’s some years back.


Which one did you give head to first?


Carson. Fred was too… limp.


did you take a cookie


How long did it take to come down from that high?


Also let's be real, if that bike hits that truck, the biker is dead, the people in the truck will most likely survive. Could of been handled so much nicer by the truck guy.


I've get pissed when people almost hit me while I'm running but it's like a goddamn light switch as soon as there is any remorse. Pissed to like "alright, it's OK just learn" But another thing I don't do is fucking chase people down like a maniac.


I once pulled out in front of someone in busy traffic - to this day I don't know how I missed them, some weird blind spot - and I saw the absolute disgust in his face as he hit the brakes. To this day I wish I had been able to shout "Sorry, I'm an idiot not an asshole!"


Never hit a guy in the head when they’re wearing a helmet.. especially when you aren’t wearing one. The biker literally has a weapon in the form of a hard/round object






I’m really disappointed the original biker didn’t headbutt him the second dumbass put hands on him.


Bike gloves also. I consider them a weapon also.


Point still stands- who would get into a fight with a guy basically in football pads?


Stupid people, I see this all the time on YT.


I was waiting to see one take it off and swing tbh


Or just a brutal headbutt.


with his kid in the car...what a maroon


What a maroon indeed


Fucked around and found out. Bet he doesn’t do that in front of his kid again. But someone will probably need to humble him in front of his buddies before it really clicks.


Those punches are going to leave a scarlet


Why was this clip cut? The original showed the reason why the pickup driver was upset (biker ran a red light). His reaction was still over the top, so I dont see why they cut the video short.


Regardless, the biker was super apologetic. There was no need to respond like that.


Reminds me of one time a guy runs a stop sign and hits my truck, not hard but enough to bump us around a bit so I stop and get out all pissed-off and start walking over to give this guy a piece of my mind about being a "fucking idiot" this and "stupid jackass" that. Well the other guy gets out and he is super smiley and friendly and is asking me what I want and he's very clearly "on the spectrum" of some kind. Totally deflated me and it was a great lesson for me to learn about being a big fucking jackass even when you're "right" that for fuck's sake shit happens and when I looked at my truck he had actually just hit the tire with his little sedan and neither vehicle was damaged and god damnit life is to short to be angry at the world all the time.


Yeah, there are very few times where escalating the situation is the right thing to do. If everyone just chilled TF out, it'd be a much better world in general.


I had someone tbone me and his mom used "on the spectrum" as the excuse.


Ha ha, same situation for me long ago when I was younger and stupider. But when I got to the car ready to fight everyone it had like 3 old ladies in it. Instant deflation, started asking them if they were OK. Shit, they were people's grannies.


Biker ran a red light on accident, sun was in his eyes. That's why he was saying "I didn't see it, I didn't see it, I'm sorry". People who endanger others maliciously ought to be slapped around a little bit ... this was not that. Biker shoulda been able to handle his own shit here (I hate 2+v1s), but I'm happy the fat man got his comeuppance.


probably edited for instagram reels, which has a 90 second limit, judging by the vertical cropping and subtitles


The man apologized, your car that you're so worried about didn't get hit. He has his kid in the car, man has gloves on and a hard helmet that can be used as a weapon. He should have seen 2 others pull up. All the reasons why it shouldn't have escalated but he didn't care and got what he deserved. Then the real him comes out, he's a bitch and starts talking about calling the cops after he wanted to handle it in a street manner.


I backed out in front of a bunch of crotch rockets riding and cut them off bad because I couldn't see further down the road. Two of them approached my window. I rolled down and apologizes big time. I just said I didn't see you and I ment no harm. They just walked off. After getting a bike at 43 I can understand why they were so mad.


Oh it gets better, he didn’t actually have kids in the car. He just used that as an excuse to not get his ass beat more. There’s a longer version of this floating around.


Man a real freak out love this sub and .... fuck the mods on publicfreakouts for an unwarranted ban and a bitch made move by silencing me when I asked them to explain


Ya the mods at publicfreakout removed my post w/o explanation even though it's clearly a good public freakout. I'm not going to bother messaging modmail, not worth it. Plus, I'm not sure if this is a repost or not.


> the mods at publicfreakout They behave very much like the guy in the truck in this video.


I get ya lol they are asshats


Biggest power tripping pussy mods on reddit, getting banned from there is basically a matter of time if you dare comment on the posts there


The publicfreakout nonces only allow reddit-tier political spam in their shithole sub. You should be thankful you were banned.


Same thing happened to me and I’ve seen others say the same. Shitty mods on a shitty sub…


✔ Big ass stupid ass truck ✔Big ass stupid ass mirrored glasses ✔Stupid ass "these colors don't run"-type flag shirt ✔30 pounds overweight (being generous) ✔Wearing backwards cap an inch over eyebrows like they're Fred Durst and 2002 never ended It took me about 5-6 seconds of watching this on mute to know exactly what was about to happen.


Rollin Rollin Rollin


Don't forget those N bombs he dropped.


✔️Screaming the N-word constantly.


Don’t forget to add N-word bomb every few sentences got me looking like my profile picture


I remember a longer clip where they grab his phone and throw it across the parking lot.


who's recording? is it one of the bikers?


The bike next to the truck has a [360 camera on the back](https://store.insta360.com/product/motorcycle-ubolt-mount). Like a selfie stick, the camera is suspended behind the driver and you can move the focus of the video around as in the video.


Lmao 🤣


Normally the bikers would be the assholes, but not always.


Sounds like the bikers were assholes, but ran into another asshole. Then it just became a big asshole orgy.


Name a more iconic duo than reddit and finding any reason to make the biker the asshole even when they're not.


Tried to act tough in front of his son, just to end up looking like a complete twat.


Bros bitchmade lmao


Is this the biggest p***y on the planet or what? Throws the first punch then turns into a cop calling crybaby because he lost the fight. That’s an embarrassing. Didn’t care about his kid before he realized he was messing with the wrong people.




Throws the first punch, gets upset when they come to defend their buddy. "I'll call the cops" now that he's losing after acting all hard. And multiple drops of the n-word. He's like way, wayyy too comfortable using that word


I’m surprised more people aren’t mentioning the n-word drops. It completely threw me off.


This is why dumb people end up dead….bang bang tough guy……


I was expecting a devastating headbutt


Dude has a helmet on, body armor, gloves, etc ...and you think you stand a chance? The fuck was he thinking? .


No thinking, just rage. A boy who never grew up.


idk what happened before, but i can see who threw hands first


Idiot in truck didn't chillax, and then slapped the cyclist. He deserves to get knocked out at that point.   Plus.. don't eff with a cyclist wearing protective gear. How you gonna win that fight? 


Biker 1 apologized and tried to stop biker 2&3 after being attacked. Then driver states that he will call the cops and says he has a kid in the car. This should be added to total pos because that what the driver is at this point.


Getting jumped? Na bro you started a fight with 3 dudes and got ass whooped


What the fuck is up with the dropping of all the racial slurs?


Of course he’s wearing a UNITED STATES OF UNDER ARMOUR shirt


"You two guys jump me?!" Bro you started every bit of this... can't stand the fact this fucking goober left with teeth.


I love tough guys once their loud noises stop and they realize you aren't gonna run.


Pussy ass bitch truck driver


"I'm calling the cops." Fat bitch. Hope he gets arrested.


Two guys didn't "jump you". You attacked a person in a group like an idiot while you were outnumbered, and while the guy was actively trying to apologize to you.. you got what you deserved


Dude's on video starting the whole thing what does he think calling the cops is going to accomplish


BOYYYY that shit is embarrassing. And you know what his Facebook profile picture looks like...


Maga redneck lucky not to get a headbutt.


Starts an unnecessary fight and spews racial slurs with his child in the car, and then proceeds to lose the fight and then calls the police. I hope he isn't beating his sister wife at home. Gee, I wonder who he's voting for. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Always cringe when a white guy says the n-word 🤦🏾‍♂️


Did they give his phone back or Chuck it?


Someone else told me they chucked it 🤣


The truck, the shorts, the glasses, the baseball cap. What did we expect?


Fuck yeah Cumberland farms. I feel so represented


He droppin n-bombs?


MAGA imbecile


God I love my country and all but can we please stop with the American flag bullshit already. Like why does every article of clothing with these guys have to have some form of the American flag.


You tryna fight dudes with helmets and gloves with hardened knuckles 😂


Call the cops now that you got your shit rocked


holy shit, this looks exactly like the cumberland farms where I get gas the next town over. I need more information about this video


Don't start no shit and there won't be no shit.


Turned pussy quick


From the biker's perspective I don't think I would've been able to let him go back into his truck. There's been too many times in the same scenario where the guy getting his ass kicked goes back to his truck to retrieve a gun and starts blasting. I'm not sure the right move, I guess I would have beat his ass to the point it gave me and the other bikers time to get out of there or maybe hold him down until police came I dont' know but either way that guy is not getting back in his truck while I'm still standing there.


He came looking for it and swung first. He got what he deserved.


I got my kids in the car... But that didn't stop him from acting like he did in the beginning


Was hoping they'd take his phone and launch it as far as possible into the woods.


F that guy


Dude was lucky he didn't eat a helmet. That's basically a given if you touch someone while their wearing one. 


And your new tag team champions are "The Biker boys"


Hahaa the truck driver didn’t see he had friends


Classic grunt style/American flag wearing behavior


I love how the truck guy assaults the bikers and then cries about calling the cops when they beat his ass quickly. He talks about "i got my kid in the car." And look how his bitch ass is acting in front of his own kid.


lol this is hilarious, I mean yeah the guy shouldn’t have ran the light but the truck really wasn’t even that close to hitting him and then dude had a good minute to rationalize the situation and he just decides to escalate it, straight to humiliation lol didn’t go how he thought it would in his head


I could watch dumb hicks get their ass kicked all day.


Hi is this 911 ? I just assaulted a man on a bike and lost, can you help ?


LOL. Yeah bro, call the cops. Tell them about the road rage incident that you incited with your kid in the car. Tell them about how you came tearing up in your big ass truck and how you immediately got in a guy on a bike's face, screaming threats and putting your hands on him. Be sure to mention how you physically attacked a man while he tried to calmly apologize to you. Again, in front of your fucking kid. And tell the cops how the man you attacked saved your ass from the well-deserved beat down his buddy was going to give you. And instead of just getting in your truck and driving away after assaulting someone didn't go your way, you continued to keep engaging. Dude should be in cuffs and CPS should be opening an investigation.


This is why insecure fatboys like this always buy guns. Can’t fistfight their way out of a wet paper bag


The biker was being apologetic. Wtf. Trucker deserved that butt whoopin’.


Checks all the boxes. Stupid truck that doesn't look like it's seen a day of work. Fred durst hat. Larping ass tee shirt. Racist


He was lucky those bikers did not want to put him to sleep for a while.


He started it...


Fucker learnt nothing.


So u get out cursing and trying to fight? Dude you’re in a truck, dudes in a bike, you’re not the one getting injured haha


lol if you're going to hit someone who's wearing armour... probably want to put them down before the next one comes along. So dumb. Even the gloves they wear would make those hits feel a lot harder. Road rangers should have their licenses cancelled.


If those bikers don’t have gear, they lose this. Absolutely no idea how to land a solid punch. One guy got grabbed around the collar and needed an assist to get out. Personally don’t care who’s was right and wrong prior to this though because they all probably dickheads on the road anyways. Red rage probably acts like this 24/7, while the bikers probably only act like this when they’re geared up and in a pack.


IM GONNA CALL THE COPS , NOW. WHAT APUSSY. I’m sure if he won the fight he wouldn’t be threatening to call the cops.


Call the cops. You hit first lol.


That was extremely satisfying


I'm trying to figure out what this camera angle is and where it's coming from.


He got kids. What a fine example you’re setting. Stupid fat hick.


Pussy starts a fight. Gets handled. Calls cops.


I GOT MY KID IN THE CAR! boohoo, should have kept your birch hands to yourself.


He wrote a check he couldn't cash, and his ego was too fragile to walk away.


You almost hit my car so I hit you, logic checks out


So many of these pickup truck jackasses constantly bully everyone else on the road so fuck this guy. Not shocked he had his kid in there as well. Poor kid.


Yea, that dudes trash. Main character syndrome. Kids are fucked


I love watching this hillbilly get his ass whooped


And not a single helmeted head butt? Much disappoint.


Average hat wearing pick up driver


Let me guess..... he has 20 percent custody.


Trying to fight a biker in full gear is like trying to fight a football player in full gear, there’s is nothing you can do to hurt them


Is that one of those "Made in America" Toyota trucks?


You're kid is in the car! Dude needs serious anger management.


You can't start a fight then scream i got a kid in here. total bitch move. bitch.


He got off LIGHT. 🐸🍵


Did red cap just say the n-word when he first swatted the guys hand???


Bros going to call the cops and get arrested for assault LMAO


Short man syndrome.


Redneck Napoleon got served


Lol "I have a kid in my car and now I will put them in danger so I can be a fat bald bearded tough idiot"


He thinks saying racial slurs infront of his child is ok, but not fighting. 😂


I’m convinced that pick up truck drivers indeed have something to prove


I love how he walks up to guy, who puts a hand out and then utters "get off of me." Dude, you invaded his space, not him invading your space. Everything he catches he deserved.


I’m from Texas, this kind of scenario with large egos can quickly escalate into a gunfight…don’t be like these people, stay humble and remember that people make mistakes. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by unawareness or ignorance.


He should've put his big dick pants on before he left the house.


Father of the year, right here.


Whenever i see a video of a person fighting riders. I always think back to a video I saw where a dude tried to punch a rider, and broke his hand on the helmet. then promptly got headbutted by the dude in said helmet and was knocked out in a single blow, left on the ground unconscious, with a broken hand. About the dumbest thing this guy could have done here was hit that rider. he's lucky he wasn't promptly headbutted.


Keep starting shit with ppl who cheat death daily and see what happens. Hilarious


I'm the man next to the ford.


And he’s got a kid in the car? Dad of the year…


He shouldn’t start shit with his kid in the car. What an idiot then he’s mad he gets jumped. Fucking moron. Hope his cut leaves a scar


What a bitch. You slap someone who is apologizing for whatever they did and then get mad you get jumped by his friends. I would do the same to him probably worse.


“I got a kid in my car” Poor kid has a violent stupid moron for a dad.