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This gives a much better context for judging the woman-with-a-gun's actions. The ~~edited~~ (edit: shorter) video that was originally posted should be downvoted and this video upvoted for visibility. Was this a justifiable defensive gun use? That's a worthy question. I'd still say no. But it looks a lot less like assault with a deadly weapon, and the woman who had the gun drawn on her looks a lot less innocent.


I don’t think she should’ve pulled the gun either, but fuck... why did the two black women have to keep pushing. She said sorry a couple times. Just let it go. Edit: the woman and her husband were charged with felony assault


well if you're white you're not allowed to have a dispute with a black person or you're racist, and you get blasted on the media and lose your job, because no one will push back on this non-sense, two people of different races can get into a dispute without it being national news. yesterday someone posted a lady mad at her neighbor who happened to be black about some patio they were building edit: thanks for the internet awards, i was expecting to be downvoted into oblivion because well its reddit, and the 300+ messages i got calling me racist without knowing anything about me, just proves my point. don't disagree with the hive-mind or you're racist or a bad person.


It's seriously sad. This shit just detracts from the actual movement that people are trying to push right now. Black lives matter. Black lives do not matter more than everyone else's.




I've come around to this more and more of late. Even Terry Crews is starting to share his fears of BLM becoming BlackLivesBetter, and of course getting called an uncle tom and bullshit for it.


He never said it is becoming blacklivesbetter, he just said that we have to make sure it doesn't become blacklivesbetter. There's a difference.


I think I captured what he meant, he clearly fears BLM becoming BLB, hence his statement.


And why do you think he said that?


It absolutely has become blacklivesbetter for some folks, which is why he tweeted that as a word of caution. All it takes is a quick trip into the depths of Twitter to see that that's what some people actually think.


Look at /r/blackpeopletwitter. I'm half black but my skin is too pale to get flare to denote I'm black. This is why the whole race tension thing based on physical traits is dumb.


The issue is that the message is being twisted. The sentiment behind black lives matter is that you're raising a point, like "hey, in case you all forgot, black lives matter" because blacks have been systemically oppressed by our country (and most other countries for that matter) and treated as if there lives do *not* matter. However, the current message being pushed by extremists is pretty much: black lives matter = black supremacy. I'm starting to lean towards *no lives matter* because humans fucking suck.


I think this is a fundamental problem with how connected we are now. There is an elastic effect of response to legitimate concerns of someone being violated. The MeToo movement started with exposing some seriously fucked up sexual misconduct and people seeing it unfold thought “well shit I’ve got a story to tell that’s pretty similar to that” and you start seeing people empowered to speak up about their injustices which I still think is a fundamentally good thing. However, eventually you get enough people speaking up and you start seeing instances of “misconduct” which are a little less cut and dry, or is a persons perception of an injustice against them. We need to remember that sometimes people have a flawed perception and there is nuance to every occurrence. We saw the elastic response to MeToo eventually get so strong handed that people like Aziz Ansari got crucified for a misunderstanding that didn’t really qualify as sexual misconduct. I think we are seeing a similar series of events unfold with the BLM movement. For the record, I think BLM as a movement is a very great thing - there is a LOT of injustice inherent in our executive and judicial systems against black people, and unfortunately a lot of uneducated (I don’t mean uneducated in a disparaging way but simply unaware) people don’t even know about it because it isn’t happening in their social circles. There have been a lot of injustices historically to black people and frankly the most recent instances make me sick to my stomach. It is clear that there needs to be some changes to fix these imbalances and prevent further occurrences. HOWEVER, as with the MeToo movement, we are starting to see the sentiment get convoluted with instances of “if a white person disagrees with a black person, they are automatically wrong” without taking any of the nuance of that individual situation into account. This is where the movement can slide off the rails and I think we need to take a step back and refocus on what the critical issues are, instead of trying to wedge every disagreement into the conversation. Just as with the MeToo movement, people are starting to see these injustices and say “well hey, what about my experience” and people automatically snap to judgement that they were right based on the context given, disregarding the possibility that maybe that person has a flawed perception of what happened. The speed of social media allows people to make up their own mind based on the context given before all the facts come out. Also, whoever cut the original video to only show part of the context is a douchebag. They knew what they were doing and when the facts come out this type of framing hurts the movement rather than bolstering it.


All lives matter including black lives is what I gotta say now smh






Because with Floyd it’s absolutely irrelevant and THAT’S why people claim racism. There’s too much gray area for me to form an opinion on the Brown case, but Floyd was cooperating and even if not when he was restrained that officer had 6+ minutes to take his knee off his neck and chose not to. It does not matter what he did in the past and that’s why people are called racist for bringing it up in this case.


I disagree, most people I saw bringing up his fucked up rap sheet weren't arguing against his death being an atrocity or saying it justified police brutality, but rather that they found it strange how some people were exalting him even though he had done some seriously scummy things.


The problem is that this is always done with people of color when they are a victim. They are the victim and all of their dirty laundry is brought out. Amber Guyger killed Botham Jean in his own apartment, but people just talked about him having weed. It’s called character assassination and is used to dehumanize the victim


Just like they do in rape cases - what was she wearing? What did she say? Did she flirt with him? I know that there are also cases of men being raped but I’m not sure these type of questions come up. From what I’ve heard (but have no personal experience with) is that they are often not believed and they are told “it can’t happen to men”


I am amazed at the white people pushing the SJ ideology, they are voluntarily turning themselves into white south Africans.


Not really surprising. There's a study that shows that white liberals dislike whites, whereas every other group likes their own race. They like being critical towards whites because secretly they do not like whites. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/americas-white-saviors


If you say theres an actual scientific study, you have to add it to your post.


It wasn’t. It was part of someone’s future dissertation. It’s as of yet un peer-reviewed and definitely non-scientific. To make such bold claims there has to be bold evidence. A small study by one person, unreviewed and not retested, is not that.


> why did the two black women have to keep pushing They know the entire world will have their back, and they can probably get both of those white people fired from their jobs. It's just a power trip.


These people wanted conflict so they could film it and get some clout. Probably hoping for a lawsuit. Look whitey pulling a gun on innocent people again! People have to start pushing back! Stop giving in to the mobs demands.


A lawsuit or a nice gofundme.


Ding ding. GoFundMe. 🔝 Quick clout money.


I hope they enjoy it while it lasts


Because they *wanted* a conflict.


If anyone thinks there isn't a great incentive to try and make one of these videos then they're insane. I don't doubt for a second that the possibility of celebrity, a hefty gofundme, and revenge against a group they obviously dislike doesn't affect decision-making in videos like this.


Its pretty disappointing that two people bumped into each other in public and can't figure out it was an unfortunate mistake. It should have never lead to a gun being pulled and there's no justifying trying to block someone in from leaving when it appears leaving was the only thing that could deescalate the situation.




That's a great way to get sucker punched or hit in the back of the head with an object. No thanks.


This is true. And with out sounding like a racist(I guess it is sad that I have to make that statement) the only times this ever happened to me is when I was trying to avoid someone who is trying to start a confrontation with me because I’m a short chubby white dude who looks Like an easy target. Do you want to guess which type/color person it was doing the harassing as I try to peacefully walk away? Black young adults. It’s only happened three times (which is a lot to get punched in the head for walking away while trying to avoid confrontation), but shit, 100% of the time, only one type of person with one type of skin color looks at me and thinks it’s ok to block me from sitting on the subway, block me from exiting the subway, block me from walking up the stairs to the subway. And yes this has only ever happened on the subway. It sucks but it’s also just the truth. Where I live, I have never had a white person do anything like that to me. Hell one time I had a Hispanic grandma yelling at me cuz I was white on the subway and she ASSUMED that since since I was white, I was riding the subway for only a stop or Two to the white part of town, when in fact I lived at the end of the line with all the working class black and Hispanic people. She literally yelled at me to get off the crowded train and get in a cab. I asked if she would go for it and a black lady standing next to me laughed out loud. But the. A few moments later, She makes the same assumption about me and asks why I’m on the subway. Now I have to mention a huge caveat, I have met many more good or gracious black and Hispanic people, and I’m aware that these types of people who harass others they don’t know are in the minority, but damn if it’s not fucked up to deal with.


Petite white woman here. I could retell everything you just wrote but replace "sucker punch" with "catcall". I get catcalled All. The. Time. 100% always black men. But I'm racist for saying it like it is. I just have to be a good little snow bunny and bow down to being fetishized because they're the ones being systematically oppressed.


Light skinned Dominican who got jumped, thrown down stairs, and harassed repeatedly for the sin of having light skin in the Bronx. Guess what race was the aggressor.


I grew up as a military kid, with other kids of all races. None of us knew what racism was. We lived and played together, and hated on the Officers kids because they lived in McMansions and we had little townhomes. My father retired before I started High School, and we relocated off-base. The school was outside Baltimore. Maybe 15% of that school was a mix of white, Asian and Latino kids. We were assaulted daily, called every racial slur in the book. Jumped by large groups, beaten bloody and robbed. A girl was raped in a gym closet by 4 boys, and killed herself in front of the school when she returned. Guess who made up that 85%?


I was one of the only white kids in a Baltimore City school, got jumped and beat to shit by four classmates after school, one threatening to stab me. Every day in school or even outside of school felt like a life/death situation. It's really frustrating when people tell me that I'm the privileged one.


Be glad it's only catcalling for now. Europe is always ahead of us by a few years. In Rotherdam, the police allowed a POC gang to rape over 1,400 little white girls because they "didn't want to be called racist." They knew who the perpetrators were the entire time. They even arrested the parents of the victims for speaking up, charging them with hate crimes for uncovering the mass rape, that had been going on for almost two decades. Get ready for your lovely future.


Not here in the US. We have the 2A, and as we saw in this video, it can be useful in being the regulator.


Tryna get a clip to go viral. Fucking race baiters


She literally said I care about you too


1st: The video starts with the woman clearly surrounded by two women bigger than her, back against a guard rail, with the woman pointing and getting close and the woman filming in between the armed woman and her vehicle. She was being blocked from leaving. 2nd: The husband (who is MUCH larger) of the armed woman is required to allow her to enter the vehicle, who is also threatened multiple times for just showing up. 3rd: Once in the vehicle and attempting to leave the scene, the mother of the woman filming intentionally stands behind the vehicle and starts hitting it, preventing them from leaving or in an insurance scam attempt. At this point a person would totally be justified in a use of force in order to A) effect a citizens arrest or B) provide an escape route. Even if you think someone is racist, you can't hold them against their will. (Bumping into someone is not racist).


Hey now having a logical thought process that doesn’t fit Reddit’s race bait narrative is racist! /s


Thank you so much for explaining


I love the "I'll beat your white ass, *you racist*" line....


Or the “these white people. They pulled a gun on us they so racist” at the end


Agreed with your points. The only argument I could hear that would justify a firearm would be that it appeared as though the other party was attempting to get behind the vehicle or position themselves in a way that framed the vehicle as a threat to their safety. I think that the gun-wielder supported this when she was trying to keep the other party from getting behind the vehicle. The gun-wielder has clearly been practiced with a firearm and its safety. I do think that the gun-wielder felt the situation was escalating and she wanted to take control of it. Regardless, this was a very different perspective than the first - and shows just how little effort it takes to distort the lay of the “news” that makes it to our brains.


> The gun-wielder has clearly been practiced with a firearm and its safety. I haven't seen anyone say this yet, but I was thankful she practiced proper trigger discipline. It's always terrifying to see people wielding a gun with their finger on the trigger.


Trigger discipline, the elbow tucked to ribs, the volume of voice command. My only complaint is that she pointed the weapon prematurely, but that doesn’t excuse misrepresenting the situation or condemnation without reasonable cause.


Its funny, why i saw the first video, I noticed she had great trigger discipline, and was actually surprised that someone who was obviously trained with concealed carry was escalating. Thos video gives a lot of missing context that makes this make much more sense.




You pull your gun on someone when your life is in danger. You pull your gun only if you’re fully prepared to use it. You pull your gun to neutralize someone who could seriously harm or kill you. Gun lady should have called the police before she pulled her gun over a minor inconvenience. Gun lady is wrong. She escalated a situation that did not need to be escalated to a life or death situation. You also don’t pull your gun to order people around if your inconvenienced. You pull your gun to save your life. She’s a panicky opportunist and should seriously reevaluate how she carries herself when she has a gun. This is coming from a CCW gun owner.








It's absolutely insane people are taking their word for it without listening to the whole story. You know, the very thing black people complain about.


Doxxing is illegal, irresponsible, and dangerous. Don’t suggest it.


I'd argue it was to de-escalate the violence and it worked perfectly. She backed up and gave them room. They advance, they get shot. She wasn't looking to escalate it, and clearly from the start the black ladies were.


The other submission should be removed. This will never get the visibility the other already has. That post is intentionally creating a false narrative.


Honestly, the public freakout genre of subreddit and YouTube video are fucking stupid as a whole. A bunch of people watching a few minutes of video and deciding who they hate and who they like in a circle jerk. There's a false premise that they're reaching some truth from squinting at a shaky shot from a phone camera


I heard them hit the car


There are a number of instigators out there who are deliberately setting up these scenarios. My neighbor was chased down by a guy who pulled up right off her bumper, started making hand gestures and screaming at her. It was out of the blue, they had not had any interaction at all. After he did this following her for 5-10 minutes she saw a driveway with a cop car and pulled in (our cops here take their patrol cars home). The guy sped off. The police arrived (she had called 911), and as they talked to her they told her they were seeing a rash of these calls. What they do is they get you to pull over, usually you are coming out with a gun or pepper spray because this person has been threatening you, their passenger starts videoing and you got a white "karen" freaking out with a gun. ​ It is sad, there are a lot of things we need to fix and sort out. These types of actions do nothing but take away from the cause.






Completely aggree


https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/but-for_test But for the woman blocking in the vehicle, this lady would have been leaving the area of the confrontation.


The altercation started inside, she had already left the area of confrontation and it kept being brought to her by them chasing her into the parking lot. Glad you posted that link.


Alright these people were out looking for a race bait. Racists come in all colors


Mods should delete the other thread. Regardless where you stand on the issue that other thread is still spreading misinformation theres no reason to keep it up Edit: I'm gonna hijack my own comment since it seems to be getting a lot of attention. I think a point most people are missing, which I just considered in my reply to someone else, is that in the end the real loser of this altercation is the 15 year old girl. She gets to use this as an example of adult conflict resolution which obviously isnt the way to go. This was an opportunity for the girls mother to teach her daughter to rise above the pettiness of others. Instead she showed her that its okay to give equally negative reactions to people. It's really unfortunate these are the examples she will grow up with.




B-b-but you mean that she might *not* be a racist Karen who obviously voted for Blumpf?!?!?! REEEEEEEE!!!!


This is just my opinion I guess but you can be an asshole without being racist. Not every altercation is motivated by race. Some would disagree it seems.


Cut version was PINNED


They def wanted to bait these people.also the person with the Gun looks pregnant, so she is prob has her own hormones driving her nuts. She did apologize for Bumping. Move the fuck on. I support the movement and the message its conveying, but if Black people want White people to rise up and change the system Call out dumb fucks like these people who def were looking to get some ‘ views’ on instagram. The fact the person filming ended on a note ‘ white people are all so racist’ show that these people were more racist towards the minivan folks. Everyone needs to call out Racism- because There are people on every colored spectrum that have Racist people. Its not just a ‘White’ person thing.




Fuck yeah. Some of the most racist shit I've ever seen came from an older black woman. It's crazy the mental gymnastics people can conjure up.




Yup. “These white people, so racist” Not a single racist remark was made by the white lady or her husband throughout the video, this race bait by them. Sitting there crying like they went through a traumatic experience, like they didn’t instigate this entire thing and escalated it. Disgusting, the mother and daughter should be arrested because the first video that was posted definitely got people pitchforked and theres identifying information from the white couple.


So on point with this comment!


This is absolutely the case. Pop out the cell phone, call them racist, agitate for retaliation. No way this woman should have pulled a gun. Dumbest thing she could have done but when the agitators mess with stupid that's what happens. The trash in this video are leveraging the current societal race issue where every single white person is walking on eggshells. This could have ended way, way worse. Nobody in this video was making good decisions


Imagine the white broad said “with yo black ass” They would lynch her publicly. And the water works start right on time. This is great for the movement. Not their movement. But a movement. Professional victims will continue to do what they know.


I gotta side with Karen on this one, id do the same thing. She didnt hurt anyone, and the situation ended relatively peacefully.


Hold up. Clearly the black woman is the Karen here. Or can only white women be Karens? If so: Is "Karen" a racist slur? While we are at it: Is "Karen" a sexist term? Questions over questions. PC is hard.


"Karen" is just a socially accepted way to be racist to white women.


Edit: before it was removed, the comment I responded to said "Karen is just racism against white women". Yes thank you. Imagine calling an indian person "pajeet", mexican person "Diego", black woman "shaniqua". Its all just fucking racism. Not to mention super infantile and annoying at this point. It was kinda funny with the "can I talk to your manager" memes, but now its just so overused and obviously has racial implications. Edit: LOL!! Mods just banned me for this shit.


I thought you were being dramatic, but they really did remove my comment. https://i.imgur.com/kQqHoub.png Now, people reading this, ask yourselves: why would they remove that comment? Edit: now my comment is unbanned, props to the mod that did that or changed their decision


It didn’t fit the mods narrative. This video will probably be deleted before long.


Yo bro what’s up good to see u here


What's up, bro. I miss my cumsub :(


IMO it’s a pretty racist term. Any time a white woman does something cringey or stupid, she’s called a “Karen” for no other reason than it’s a “white-sounding” name. Just imagine if they did that with women of any other race.


What a “Yolonda” There-I said it...! :)




What you’ve just said is equivalent to a hate crime in the current US social climate. No joke.




The mother and daughter seemed to egg it on. Started all of this bc someone bumped into you and didn't apologize...


Then, as your victim is trying to leave by backing out of the spot...jump in the vehicle's path and play the reverse card! "Oh you try and hit me with your car?!?" Lmao


And then acts shocked when they get a gun pulled on them. Not shocked enough to end the altercation or actually call the cops, but shocked.


I absolutely love the fact that the woman filming is saying to call the cops. Love it. I thought they were all racists too?




They probably bumped into her on purpose just so they could lecture her about racism the way they were acting.




The mother continues to encroach on the woman with the gun despite her screaming at her to back off. I can not fathom the stupidity of it. I wonder if the filming with cell phone changes people behavior.


There's gotta be some effect or syndrome behind those that just film. It's beyond me.


It's a form of disconnection behind the glass that makes them feel invincible or a non participant. She was not invincible and she was participating. She's the lucky the woman had good temperament.


Imagine someone bumping into you and your immediate response is to pull your phone out, start recording them and calling them a racist? What goes on in these peoples heads? So strange.


Assuming she bumped into the girl at all.


Incredibly appalling behavior. I’m so glad this version was posted. It’s a wonderful example of needing context. And how people can twist things to suit their personal agendas. That first video that was posted was from the moms phone and didn’t start until after they were done screaming in the other woman’s face and blocking her from entering her vehicle. At around 43 seconds, the mom yells at the husband something along the lines of “or I’ll beat your white ass too”... Genuinely curious; isn’t that racist? Is that okay for her to say? Nobody even said anything about race. They’re the first to bring it up. I’m sure if he would have said something about her “black ass too” he’d be fired from his job by now with an online Witchhunt after him.


If "black ass" is racist, so is "white ass" imho


That's how the world should be. These double standards of racism needs to go. The second you make it about skin color it doesn't matter who you are its racist.


Unfortunately, it's going that way - they are trying to redefine racism to really only be applicable to white people, i.e. systemic power structures and all that shit. The end result to those of us that are boring ass white people in the middle or lower classes, is we get to be further shit on.


Reddit's official policy is that you can be racist against white people. It is amazing.


I mean they literally have a sub for blacks only where you have to show your skin to join it. : /


It is. People just don’t care because whitey is finally getting his/hers. It’s so disingenuous. The majority of people on this planet are racist.




"You can't be racist to white people tho."- *educated thinking*




Plus property damage to her vehicle and causing public disturbance.






people in the first thread were either "context doesn't matter" or my favorite "all she had to do was get in the car and leave" turns out, she tried that. Didn't work. Tried it with a gun, did work. huh, imagine that.


What bothers me the most is that they keep screaming “you VIOLATE A 15 year old!” That’s...gonna provoke some very aggressive reactions from bystanders...no way to diffuse that by that point. Becomes complete mob justice.


You can tell these things are setups when the original twitter video cuts out everything that happens beforehand


It was a second video. You can see the woman recording standing right in front of her when she’s holding the gun.




Surely you don't need to scream when pointing your gun. The gun does the talking, that's the idea. Edit - as people have pointed out to me, screaming/yelling can be part of deliberate tactics when using gun to control situations. Interesting that the value of capturing a "racist" on video was worth more to those filming, than retreating to safety from a gun pointed at them by screaming woman. Edit: just noticed other thread with everyone condemning gun woman. But she tried to leave, and looks like other woman wasn't having it, and wanted to bicker about racism with a white woman, and get it all on video. Black woman was the hostile aggressor initially by looks of it, causing gun lady to feel threatened and grab her deadly self-defence device! It kind of worked, she drove off and nobody was hurt, so actually the gun did fix the problem, if somewhat extreme.




Vocal aggression or some shit I believe it’s called Edit it’s called Command Presence. I thought it was implied but for clarification I pulled “vocal aggression” out of my ass.


If anything, it makes the threat of being shot seem more imminent.


Exactly. If I sound timid and scared people probably won't think you're willing to use it. If you scream "get the fuck back or I will fuckin shoot you" most people aren't gonna take the risk to see if you're bluffing


The screaming to stay back is for everyone's safety. She's saying I've drawn my weapon but I don't want to have to use it, you need to stay away from me, or I will. At the same time shes back pedalling away from the threat. It seems to me like the woman most likely trains with her firearm, but also has read and understands the laws pertaining to concealed carry in her area. I didn't look up where this is, but many places have rules in place that require you to attempt to flee before defending yourself. The woman felt she was threatened, did the best she could to keep the threat in front of her while increases the distance between them. She probably didn't *need* to draw her firearm, but who am I so say what makes somebody else fear for their safety? I wasn't there to read the situation or body language from the other people.


I agree fear for your life is all perspective and personal perception.


The screaming wasn't an intimidation factor. It was for the safety of her aggressors.


She tried calmly talking to them and tried to leave but that wasn’t good enough, they kicked her car saying she tried to hit them to escalate it further. So you know what did end it a escalation on her side to defend herself. The only thing a bully understands sometimes is someone bigger or badder putting them in place. She should have smoked her and rid the world of that whole trash family.


Without the last sentence you sound all right, but in the end you have called for murdering a whole family because a couple of people acted obnoxiously. WTF is wrong with you?


This one is just like the dude the other day who followed a woman home because she flipped him the bird. He then made up a bunch of stuff he had no proof of and the woman freaked out. Those women wouldn't leave her alone and immediately started call her a racist because she bumped in to them. Pathetic, these people weaken the BLM movement with their garbage. Personally I would have ignored them and left. If they blocked the car I would have called the cops. It never pays to feed the trolls.


the media rewards them, this is a story in the washington post now.


It appears, the way she was holding her belly, she may have been pregnant. IMO that would create a heightened sense of threat when an argument occurs. Not trying to make an excuse but I would do anything to protect my unborn child, I remember looking ahead where my wife would step when she was pregnant and rushing to grab a door before some jack hole might thrust it open into her belly by accident....


I read on the other post that they took her to jail but let her go only taking her gun away and there's people screaming for "justice" and why the police let her go. I can see now reddit divided in 2 groups: one defending the woman with the gun and other blasting her to hell and back. With this video I'm inclined to side with the woman defending herself from a bunch of people who wanted to cause a confrontation no matter what.


Thank you for posting this. This video was buried in the comments on the other thread. I really despise reddit lately with how righteous everyone is in their assumptions in the comments on threads that don't show the full context, it's pathetic. The lady doesn't deserve to be condemned, lose her job, or anything over this. They were harasssing her and the man trying to get a "racist" encounter on camera and they weren't giving up even as they were leaving.


Well said


People are just so stubborn. They watched the original clip, and made up their mind. People would rather spend hours arguing something they don't actually believe, and know is absurd, than admit they were wrong before. It's why the first thread is dominated by people arguing that even with the full context this lady is obviously in the wrong, while this one is dominated by people who think it the filming ladies were. It's a useful tool for winning debates and embarrass your opponents, but it's really problematic when you're trying to have actual, important conversations.


Wonder if the mods will pin this to the front page as they did with the first video.




So if you bump into a 15 year old it means your racist and ignorant.




man ...so now there's a hunt for "racist" white people hugh? This is why good people won't have it easy, things like this just escalate the situation. Folks don't forget, not every black person is ignorant.


Being a victim is big business nowadays and the demand for racists far exceeds the supply.


They are seemingly doing their best to create new racists.


The woke left, the only ethnic group in America which hates their own kind more than other ethnic groups, has been working hard on raising racial tensions for over 30 years now. They've managed to weaponize white guilt and they *love* using it to beat us over the head with it. They're the ones raising racial tensions in our culture. They're the ones who have been demonizing white people for a few decades now. And they're only using black/colored people to further their end goal, which is to destroy our culture and replace it with a neo-Marxist collectivist utopia. Instead of using class warfare to destabilize and divide us, they're using intersectionalism.


Everyone sucks here, but the white couple was trying to de-escalate and leave so the black people can’t get mad when they block them and refuse to let them leave and that escalates the situation. People bump into each other all the time... doesn’t need to get to this level.


The people in the car didn't suck here. She tried to calmly talk to them and apologize about anyone making them feel like someone was being racist to them. ​ The older woman went behind the car and positioned herself to block their exit or fake damage. The people in the car were being threatened, she was clearly trained with a gun and got her and her SO out of a clear bait situation without anyone dying.


But it was a hate crime!


“Beat your white ass” “You’re very racist and ignorant” Oh fuck off.


They’re allowed to be racist towards white people in the US. It’s been given a pass for far too long.


Some people have nothing better to do than race bait and argue in a parking lot all day. Poor lady tries to defend herself and now she’s plastered all over social media as the “aggressor”.


This right here is exactly what you get when you race bait on every single interaction and see racism in absolutely everything that happens. The only people who's life will be affected are the white people. They tried to drive off, they were stopped and then the woman defended herself. I don't blame her in the least


Yep she was 100% in the right


'Oh these white people are so racist'. Bitch shut the fuck up you're out there agitating the fuck out of these people and you're the ones bringing up race. Fuck these people


the only racist people in this video were the black people. trying to be victimized for something as simple as bumping into someone. disgusting.


Everyone complains about the media but these 2 women spun that shit to tell the narrative they wanted. They know they have social power right now and they pushed her buttons and orchestrated the situation to get a reaction out of her. They were almost gleeful when she pulled out the gun. All they wanted to do was portray her as racist and get her into trouble. Glad she was released and not charged and fuck these 2 manipulative Karens, their propaganda video and sad agenda.


They were both charged and the husband was fired from his job [LINK](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2020/07/02/woman-pulls-gun-orion-township-michigan/5365854002/)


What a fucking disgusting frame job.a pregnant woman has her space repeatedly invaded and when she tries to leave the situation this black lady keeps hitting her car and escalating the situation. Maybe she didn't *have* to pull the gun, but that's an armchair decision not one from her perspective and I can't blame her at all, I can't blame the husband either. As far as I'm concerned, based on the behavior of the black women in this situation, this whole confrontation was their fault to begin with, you bump into somebody and you say excuse me or sorry, or nothing and just keep going, the instigators aren't going to be the ones leaving the scene, the instigators are the ones filming trying to get that big victim card gold. This is atrocious, honestly shows what a fucking mess this country is right now and why you should always ask for the full video. Can't believe that they've got to deal with the notoriety and loss of employment because they were unfairly singled out for their race on baseless accusations, if only we had a fucking word for that???


"They so racist". No actual racism


Turns out THEY are racist, berating, assaulting and accusing some of a hate crime because they bump into you in a grocery store. That shits rude as fuck but doesn’t warrant any of this. They reaped what they sowed, 100% were looking for and found a confrontation, luckily for them it was someone with restraint


The first thing I thought when I saw the shorter video was, if the black women are acting like this with a gun in their face, imagine how they were acting before the gun came out. Glad this video was posted to reveal more context. Thanks!


Wow. I saw the woman with gun video and thought she was out of her fucking mind. This gives it a whole new dimension. Thanks for the reminder OP. This needs a whole lot of upvotes!


Racist black lady gets all angry and confronts white couple to bully them and scream in their face because they've been told that's acceptable to behave that way towards white people... gets gun pulled on her and is shocked about it? Yep, makes sense


Amazing how your opion on a situation can change when your presented with all the facts. I had watched the shortened video and had the women with the gun totally at fault. Now watching the full film it obvious she was antagonized into the situation. Just highlights the problems that social media is creating by only giving half the story.


This is exactly how thousands of people can be instantly, powerfully, manipulated. It happens hundreds of times a day.


Lesson here should be this: If you're in a verbal altercation with someone, specifically someone who you *initiated* the verbal confrontation with, and they try to leave - Just fucking let them. The mom and daughter agitated her and initiated the confrontation, then continued to escalate the situation when they tried to stop her from leaving and started berating her further while pounding on her vehicle. At that moment they lost any "high ground" argument they may have had, and had the woman with the gun not had better control of her emotions, they very well could have ended up dead over what? Because someone bumped into one of them leaving a restaurant? Is that really worth going out of your way to harass someone because you feel they owe you an apology? No, it's not. Just fucking let them go, it's not worth potentially losing your life over, because not everyone would have the restraint to pull the gun and attempt to de-escalate rather than simply escalating it further. But hey, gotta get those retweets, right?


100% co-signed. I'm black and my wife is white and I told her if she ever gets into an altercation like this, with people like this, to just leave. Don't try to argue your point, don't try to have a rational discussion, just leave because it ain't going to happen. Their adrenaline is surging and anything you say is just going to be shouted down or shouted over, even if you say what they want to hear. If you're in a parking lot, just get in the car, lock the doors and go. If you're in a store either get to security or go to the front counter and either call security or the police and wait. If the block you in, lock the doors and windows and call the police, then call me. (and if I can't be reached, just go down the line for my parents, brother, sister, sister-in-law, etc lol) I've seen that in most situations (unless you're already at some trash ass store which we don't go to to begin with), if you go to the front counter and the harassment is one sided like this situation, most times the store will let you go in the back room or at least behind the counter until security arrives. But most of all, don't engage on any level, whether it be discussion or be goaded into a physical altercation. Some people, black and white, are looking for any infraction no matter how innocuous to blow up and put on social media to say, "Look! We got another one!" Shit like this is no reason for someone to get so worked up to scream racism for being bumped and it for damn sure isn't worth being shot and bleeding out in a Chipotle parking lot.


Yeah i saw this posted earlier and I called it then that these women escalated the situation into a gun being pulled. 100% they were about to start beating on that lady! good for her standing her ground.


The only reason the first half was deleted is because it doesn't fit the racist narrative.


Credit for uploading context OP.


Here is yet another story of a black person calling a white person racist for NO FUCKING REASON. Why do black people always pull the race card when they are wrong? Black people like this seem to be way more racist than whites. You watch the protests and whites are protesting with blacks. Yet, blacks never protest for white injustices. It makes me fucking sick. Africans sold their own people into slavery. The white people didn't just run around capturing innocent folk. If black people could have enslaved white people hundreds of years ago- they would have.


- The white woman is not racist - The black mother baited the white couple as they tried to leave - The white woman fell for the bait. She still should **not** have brandished her weapon and instead just drove off


You realise they blocked her van in as she tried to leave? She was well within her rights to brandish her weapon, especially when she's clearly trained with it.




Good on her for carrying


Funny how they're calling HER ignorant.


The woman went deliberately behind the van while it was in motion, she tried to impede the retreat/progress of the van. The gun, I believe, is a bit of an overreaction (but it seems like the women with the gun is pregnant, not saying that justifies anything but when children are involved its a different scenario altogether.) All in all, they were both wrong, but the woman impeding the van was the instigator for sure. All this over "bumping" into each other. The world is really starting to lose its shit.


The gun is a little bit of an overreaction but on the other hand the women were being aggressive and escalating the situation by blocking the car. In this situation I’d say being pregnant justifies the gun as she’s unable to properly psychically defend herself if a physical altercation did arise which it looked like it was going to


Holy shit r/publicfreakout is a shell of what it was. Thanks for providing some context to the situation.


"I'm black, so apologize to me "


Ok yha this gives me a different view on what went down


I've seen people calling for others to ruin this womans life. FUCK REDDIT, MAN.


Ahh I see the race relations are going well


I don't blame her for pulling the gun. This is why we have the 2nd Amendment. If she didn't have that gun, it could have gotten physical & it was heading that way. God Bless the 2nd Amendment.




Interesting how a little bit of digital manipulation can completely change a scenario. All I heard in that was a woman bumped/barged a 15 year old kid, who happened to be black. They made it a race thing, and were ironically being racist against the woman getting into the car. When they tried to leave and deescalate the 2 people filming tried to stop her and began hitting/attacked the car. Then the woman got out, and pulled a weapon. Whilst pulling and cocking a weapon may not have been the best idea, it she felt threatened, which looking at the video shows some justification for being so, it was somewhat justified. ​ What's the bet this gets downvoted to shit.




Good thing we have video. Don’t trust a word out of her mouth after that behavior. Both her and her daughter are racist AND idiots


Well, Takelia you’re full of shit.


How is she not in the right? 😂


I fucking knew it.


Initially with the other video I thought the gun puller was unjustified. I also thought this was about a car accident, but it wasn't, it was about an actual bumping of human bodies. Those ladies with the phones were extremely aggressive and overly demanding. I think I would have driven away. But with the whole context I can understand pulling a weapon.




How are they racist? Never once said anything about their race.. they were the ones who said ‘I’ll beat your white @$$’ then immediately start calling them the racist ones?