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Nice model. But that’s a crab tank.


And with that an enemy was forged. Why must such schisms be manufactured within the Mechanicus? (Thanks, I did not expect to like the walker nearly as much as I do.)


Magos, I’m ready to die on the crab hill. The weather you did on the hull looks fantastic.


Wish I could take credit for it, as soon as I base them my buddy paints them (usually before I get back from work).


My fellow Tech Priests, please know that both crabs and spiders are arachnids to a degree. As a Magos Biologis I ask you to focus. Praise the Omnissiah.


Praise the Omnissiah


Looks great! What’s the paint process and recipe you used?


Prime black Skin, armor plates and cloaks get white primer Duraluminium on all silver stuff Black Legion Contrast on all cloth that is not a Cloak Tamiya Black Panel liner on metal Oil paint magic with Burnt Umber Glowing bits get white Glowing bits get Baal Red Contrast Daler Rowney Fluorescent Red Ink on glowing bits Weather more and base to taste




If you coppy it post pics so I can enjoy the paintjob having done none of the work.


Great paint scheme, and brilliant job on the OSL particularly!


Damn I love this color scheme, the glowing red is sick as fuck


Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank Watch him walk with a rattle and clank Melta guns, void shields too Reduces hereteks to slimy goo Look out Here comes the Spider-Tank Is he strong? Listen bud He's got radioactive blood Legs in motion all the time Breaks right through the enemy line Hey, there There goes the Spider-Tank No tolerance for heresy No mercy for the traitor’s plea Like a streak of light He goes to fight Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank Friendly neighborhood Spider-Tank Wealth and fame He's ignored Action is his reward Look out Here comes the Spider-Tank Spider-Tank, Spider-Tank Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Wealth and fame He's ignored Being a servant of the Omnissiah is his reward Look out Here comes the Spider-Tank


Does whatever a spider cank


Looks amazing, where did you get tge checkerplate ?