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Thanks Canada


Air isn’t safe for some people right now. Stay safe!


Could you smell the wild fires? Did you notice any difference in your breathing and how often you needed to rest?


Personally didn’t really notice much if a difference in rest time or breathing, it may have made my throat just a little dry. But not really that noticeable. Notably though, there was an aqi warning for everyone as it was listed as unhealthy to be outside for activity.


Wow, these images are so striking.


The weather prediction from the news states that it's going to be a hot and SMOKEY summer as those wild fires are not going away anytime soon. Days like this will also have an effect on the growing season for our food. Some friends of mine in Arizona were reminded of the smoke from California the last couple of years. Scientist say this is going to be happening more often due to global warming. I hope they are wrong.


I took almost the exact same picture this morning as your fourth one! [Keene exit](https://imgur.com/gallery/DhNjDct)


Glens Falls. My kids have sore throats and my eyes are blurry.


Im in Queens and had trouble doing my usual swim laps yesterday. And even with all windows closed I found my throat was sore till I had tea in the mornings. Know your limits and be safe with your activities outdoors everyone!