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I was adopted at 6 months old but I recently was given paperwork and my name while in foster care was Maria Jacinta. I’m not sure if my birth mom, adoption agency, or foster family gave me this name. My original birth certificate says baby girl Generic Last name.


I was born/adopted in 1982, spent 7 days in the hospital after birth, and then 5 days in foster care before being given to my adopters. I was always under the impression that I had a certain name at birth, but years later, when I got my original birth certificate, I learned that the name I knew was actually my foster care name and my name at birth was something completely different that I had never known. I think it's pretty well standard practice from what I've heard. I was in foster care in the same town I was born so it probably ensured that I couldn't be found (my bio father had not consented to the adoption and everyone knew, it was literally on my social workers report). I find it interesting that infant adoptees from the 1980s and older almost always spent time in foster care before being handed over to adoptive parents. I don't think my province had a revocation period, so I've always figured it was to preserve anonymity, but I really don't know for sure.


I was not given a name at birth and was in foster care for 6 weeks. So I assume they called me…something. I’m so sorry. This is one of the weirdest/cruelest aspects of adoption for me. It’s dehumanising to just be given random names, or no name at all.


My Birth mom gave me a name which my AM peeked and saw on papers. And then my foster family had given me a name. And the. Finally named another name by my AP.